OS - Ishaan and Savi - A call of destiny called WEDDING - Page 25


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Posted: 15 days ago

Episode 62: Echoes of Destiny

With the rain pouring down relentlessly, Ishaan and Savi huddled close together as they worked to assess the car's condition. Despite their efforts, the problem remained elusive, obscured by the darkness and the roar of the storm.

Ishaan's brow furrowed in frustration as he tried to make sense of the engine's stubborn refusal to start.

Ishaan: "It's no use. I can't figure out what's wrong. We'll have to wait for the rain to let up before we can try anything else."

Savi nodded, her nerves on edge as she cast anxious glances into the surrounding darkness. 

But then, unexpectedly, her demeanor changed. Her eyes flashed with an unsettling intensity, and her voice took on a cold, menacing tone.

Savi: "Mr Ishaan Bhosle, you thought you could hide the truth from me, didn't you? But I know everything now. I know about Ramtek."

Ishaan's heart skipped a beat at the mention of the incident that had haunted him for years. He felt a surge of panic rise within him, knowing that his darkest secret was about to be exposed.

Ishaan: "Savi, please. I can explain, I mean I have already shared everything in that letter which you have read and then only we have taken our relationship seriously."

But Savi ignored his pleas, her gaze fixed on him with unwavering determination.

Savi: "You confessed everything in that letter, didn't you? How you accidentally caused the death of my family with Samrudh's bullet. Then why did you tear that letter and hide the first half in your father’s diary?”

Ishaan's confusion deepened, his mind racing to understand Savi's accusations.

Ishaan: "Savi, where did my father come into this? I don't understand what you're telling me right now and why."

Savi: "I discovered the torn letter while staying at your father's house, preparing for my exams. It hurt me deeply, Ishaan. I loved you, but the betrayal cut me to the core. I planned to make you pay for what you did, to make you suffer as I have. I will just KILL you.”

Savi's voice trembled with rage as tears streamed down her cheeks. She stood up abruptly, her hands clenched into fists, and struck Ishaan's chest before collapsing to the ground, overcome by emotion.

Ishaan, stunned by Savi's outburst, realized the depth of her pain. He recalled the moment where he had kept a truth and love confession letter in the books to be given to savi and handed it over to Shantanu. His father would have done it intentionally to save their relationship but he was unhappy with it and more upset seeing Savi’s state.

Kneeling beside her, Ishaan gently lifted Savi's tear-streaked face, cupped her cheeks, fixes her wet hair and says, "Savi, I never had any wrong intentions, not even now. Punish me if you must. I am your culprit. Throw me off the cliff if it eases your pain."

Savi's sobs grew louder, her anger giving way to sorrow.

Savi: "I will KILL you for sure but I cannot. Because despite everything, I still love you."

As Savi's voice wavered, tears welled up in her eyes, reflecting the turmoil raging within her. She struggled to reconcile her feelings of love with the pain of betrayal, torn between the desire for revenge and the longing for reconciliation.

He holds her in his embrace and says, “Savi, till today I always think instead of your family I should have died.” 


Savi comes out of the embrace and says, “I hate you but I love you, as I had said once, if anyone dares to harm you, they'll have to walk over my dead body first.”


Who knows what destiny has in store for them, or why and how?

Where these two souls were trying hard to cope up with their intense situation, as they sat in the darkness, a chill wind swept through the night, carrying with it a sense of foreboding.

One car took a U-turn and started heading towards them, the same shadows that had been following them emerging from the dark.

Where the threat was lurking upon ISHVI, somewhere far away, in a Vitthal Rukamni temple, the bells started ringing on their own due to the winds.

The screen splits on the car approaching IshVi and the pious murti of Vitthal Rukmani!

To be continued… (Fight on the hills)

Originally posted by: ssm97

Episode 61: Into the Night: A Journey of Shadows

After the happiness and celebrations of the graduation results, as the days passed, Savi immersed herself in rigorous preparation for the UPSC prelims, staying at Isha Mam’s home. With Ishaan's and her mother-in-law’s unwavering support and encouragement, she tackled each subject with determination, fueled by her dream of becoming an IAS officer. The month flew by in a blur of study sessions, mock exams, and last-minute revisions. Finally, the day of the prelims arrived. With a mix of nerves and excitement, Savi entered the examination hall, ready to give her best. The hours ticked by slowly as she navigated through the challenging questions, drawing on the knowledge and skills she had honed over months of preparation.

After the grueling exam, Savi emerged feeling both relieved and apprehensive. She knew that the road ahead would be tough, with the main exam and interview still looming on the horizon. But for now, she allowed herself a moment of quiet celebration, grateful for the opportunity to pursue her dreams.


One fine evening, while sitting on the balcony of ISHANU home, Savi surprised Ishaan with an unexpected request.

Savi: "Ishaan, I've been thinking. How about a spontaneous trip to Lonavala?"

Ishaan looked up from his work, surprised by her suggestion but intrigued by the idea.

Ishaan: "Lonavala? That sounds amazing! But what brought this on all of a sudden?"

Savi smiled, a playful glint in her eyes.

Savi: "Well, we've both been working so hard lately, and I thought we could use a little break. Plus, Lonavala is supposed to be absolutely beautiful this time of year."

Ishaan considered her proposal for a moment, then nodded with a smile of his own.

Ishaan: "You know what? I think you're right. Let's do it! A spontaneous trip sounds like just what we need."

Despite the fatigue from the day's workload, Ishaan eagerly agreed, craving a break from the hustle and bustle of routine life.

With their decision made, they quickly made arrangements for their trip, packing their bags and setting off in their car towards the tranquil hills of Lonavala.

They set off in their car, the gentle patter of rain against the windshield adding to the soothing ambiance. 

But as they ventured deeper into the winding roads of Lonavala, a sense of unease crept over Savi. She couldn't shake the feeling that they were being followed, a shadow lurking just beyond the reach of their headlights.

As they rounded a bend in the road, a sudden flash of lightning illuminated the sky, briefly casting the surrounding landscape in stark relief. In that split second, they caught a glimpse of headlights in the distance, trailing behind them like ominous eyes in the darkness.

Savi gasped in shock, her grip on the passenger seat tightening even further as Ishaan's car skidded on the wet pavement, lurching dangerously off course.

Savi: "Ishaan, look out!"

With a heart-stopping jolt, the car came to a sudden halt, teetering on the edge of a steep ravine. Savi and Ishaan sat in stunned silence, the echoes of their near-miss reverberating in the stillness of the night.

Ishaan: "That was close... Are you alright?"

Savi nodded, her breath coming in short, shaky gasps.

Savi: "Yeah... I think so. But what was that? Did you see that car following us?"

Ishaan shook his head, his expression grave.

Ishaan: "I didn't see anything. But whatever it was, it's gone now. Let's just focus on getting out of here."

Somehow, the car couldn't restart. Rain started pouring heavily as they navigated through the ghats, and the lack of streetlights only added to the darkness and sense of isolation. The ominous clouds and distant thunder rumbled, spreading chills and a sense of impending danger.

Feeling a sense of urgency, Ishaan turned to Savi.

Ishaan: “There’s no other option. I have to step out and check the car. With no lights and this rain, it's risky. Could you help me by holding the torch we have in the seat pocket?”

Savi nodded, her heart pounding with anxiety. She reached for the torch and held it tightly as they both stepped out of the car, their senses heightened by the eerie silence of the night.

As they opened the hood of the car, the sound of rain intensified, masking any other noises that might have been lurking in the darkness.

To be Continued… (Ganja style same precap: rains, dark night, hills, car collision, looming threat of goons, and much more!)

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Posted: 15 days ago

Episode 63: Darkness Unleashed: ISHVI's Conflict

One car took a U-turn and started heading towards them, the same shadows that had been following them emerging from the dark.

Where the threat was lurking upon ISHVI, somewhere far away, in a Vitthal Rukamni temple, the bells started ringing on their own due to the winds.


As the menacing figures approached, ISHVI exchanged a fearful glance, their hearts pounding with apprehension. The car screeched to a sudden halt, and two figures emerged from within, their faces obscured by black masks.

Under the cover of darkness, they launched into a physical altercation with Ishaan, catching him off guard with their swift and coordinated attack.

Savi's voice pierced the night, her anger palpable as she screamed, "How dare you? Who do you think you are? Let him go, do you even know he is a Director of BIE!"

One assailant seized Savi from behind, pinning her arms as she fell to the ground. With ruthless efficiency, he bound her hands and then her legs, rendering her helpless.

Meanwhile, Ishaan grappled with the other attacker, his fists flying as he demanded answers. "Who are you, and why are you after us?"

The assailant's response sent a chill down their spines, his voice dripping with malice. "I should have done this to you earlier," he sneered. "How dare you marry Savi?"

The familiarity of the voice sent a shiver of recognition through Ishaan, his mind racing to place it amidst the chaos of the confrontation.

With Savi immobilized on the ground, her struggles futile against the tight bindings, she locked eyes with Ishaan, her silent plea echoing in the darkness.

The assailants closed in, their masked faces betraying no hint of mercy. "You thought you could escape us, Ishaan Bhosle," one of them taunted, his voice dripping with contempt.

The other assailant, his voice a chilling echo of the first, chimed in, "But we've been watching you, waiting for the perfect moment to strike."

Ishaan's mind raced as he tried to place the voices, the pieces of a terrifying puzzle falling into place with sickening clarity. These were no ordinary thugs – they were connected to his past, to secrets buried deep and now clawing their way to the surface.

Desperation fueled his resolve as Ishaan fought back against his attackers, every blow driven by the need to protect Savi, to shield her from the darkness closing in around them.

He could successfully broke the leg of one attacker and he was unable to move then. He asks Savi to slide towards the car and help herself freed from ties. 

Savi does it intelligently, but the other attacker is strong. He was giving tough times to Ishaan, in the fight, Ishaan removes the mask and sees his face in a thunderstorm. 

He was none other than Kiran Sawant. Ishaan was shocked why was he behind him for marrying Savi?

Savi was equally shocked to see her Jiju (brother-in-law) among the attackers. Kiran's unexpected confession sent a chill down her spine.

Kiran's voice was filled with malice as he admitted, 'Harini was in a coma, and I had planned to take advantage of Savi's vulnerability. But then you, Ishaan, came along and ruined everything by marrying her. I won't let you live so I can claim your beautiful wife for myself.'

Ishaan's face flushed with anger at Kiran's menacing words. Without hesitation, he unleashed a barrage of punches, his fury driving each blow as he beat Kiran mercilessly. Meanwhile, Savi managed to unmask the other assailant, revealing him to be none other than Samrudh.

To be Continued…(ISHVI vs Kiran and Samrudh)

Originally posted by: ssm97

Episode 62: Echoes of Destiny

With the rain pouring down relentlessly, Ishaan and Savi huddled close together as they worked to assess the car's condition. Despite their efforts, the problem remained elusive, obscured by the darkness and the roar of the storm.

Ishaan's brow furrowed in frustration as he tried to make sense of the engine's stubborn refusal to start.

Ishaan: "It's no use. I can't figure out what's wrong. We'll have to wait for the rain to let up before we can try anything else."

Savi nodded, her nerves on edge as she cast anxious glances into the surrounding darkness. 

But then, unexpectedly, her demeanor changed. Her eyes flashed with an unsettling intensity, and her voice took on a cold, menacing tone.

Savi: "Mr Ishaan Bhosle, you thought you could hide the truth from me, didn't you? But I know everything now. I know about Ramtek."

Ishaan's heart skipped a beat at the mention of the incident that had haunted him for years. He felt a surge of panic rise within him, knowing that his darkest secret was about to be exposed.

Ishaan: "Savi, please. I can explain, I mean I have already shared everything in that letter which you have read and then only we have taken our relationship seriously."

But Savi ignored his pleas, her gaze fixed on him with unwavering determination.

Savi: "You confessed everything in that letter, didn't you? How you accidentally caused the death of my family with Samrudh's bullet. Then why did you tear that letter and hide the first half in your father’s diary?”

Ishaan's confusion deepened, his mind racing to understand Savi's accusations.

Ishaan: "Savi, where did my father come into this? I don't understand what you're telling me right now and why."

Savi: "I discovered the torn letter while staying at your father's house, preparing for my exams. It hurt me deeply, Ishaan. I loved you, but the betrayal cut me to the core. I planned to make you pay for what you did, to make you suffer as I have. I will just KILL you.”

Savi's voice trembled with rage as tears streamed down her cheeks. She stood up abruptly, her hands clenched into fists, and struck Ishaan's chest before collapsing to the ground, overcome by emotion.

Ishaan, stunned by Savi's outburst, realized the depth of her pain. He recalled the moment where he had kept a truth and love confession letter in the books to be given to savi and handed it over to Shantanu. His father would have done it intentionally to save their relationship but he was unhappy with it and more upset seeing Savi’s state.

Kneeling beside her, Ishaan gently lifted Savi's tear-streaked face, cupped her cheeks, fixes her wet hair and says, "Savi, I never had any wrong intentions, not even now. Punish me if you must. I am your culprit. Throw me off the cliff if it eases your pain."

Savi's sobs grew louder, her anger giving way to sorrow.

Savi: "I will KILL you for sure but I cannot. Because despite everything, I still love you."

As Savi's voice wavered, tears welled up in her eyes, reflecting the turmoil raging within her. She struggled to reconcile her feelings of love with the pain of betrayal, torn between the desire for revenge and the longing for reconciliation.

He holds her in his embrace and says, “Savi, till today I always think instead of your family I should have died.” 


Savi comes out of the embrace and says, “I hate you but I love you, as I had said once, if anyone dares to harm you, they'll have to walk over my dead body first.”


Who knows what destiny has in store for them, or why and how?

Where these two souls were trying hard to cope up with their intense situation, as they sat in the darkness, a chill wind swept through the night, carrying with it a sense of foreboding.

One car took a U-turn and started heading towards them, the same shadows that had been following them emerging from the dark.

Where the threat was lurking upon ISHVI, somewhere far away, in a Vitthal Rukamni temple, the bells started ringing on their own due to the winds.

The screen splits on the car approaching IshVi and the pious murti of Vitthal Rukmani!

To be continued… (Fight on the hills)

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Posted: 15 days ago

Episode 64: Shattered Illusions: The Tragic End of ISHVI or A New Start?

Samrudh's smirk dripped with malice as he taunted Savi, 'The hunter has become the hunted.' He lunged at her, attempting to overpower her.

Reacting swiftly, Savi delivered a swift kick to Samrudh's groin, causing him to recoil in pain. However, his retaliation was swift and brutal as he grabbed Savi and struck her across the face.

As Samrudh and Kiran retaliated against Savi and Ishaan, the confrontation reached a fever pitch. Kiran landed a heavy blow on Ishaan, while Samrudh seized Savi, his grip tightening around her throat.

Gasping for breath, Savi struggled against Samrudh’s vice-like hold. In a desperate bid for survival, she clawed at his hands, trying to break free.

Meanwhile, Ishaan, battered and bruised, fought against the onslaught of punches from Kiran. With each blow, his determination only seemed to grow stronger.

But amidst the chaos, tragedy struck. As the struggle intensified, Savi stumbled backward, losing her footing on the treacherous edge of the cliff. With a horrified cry, she plummeted downwards, her hands grasping desperately at the rocky ledge.

Ishaan's heart stopped as he watched his beloved wife teetering on the brink of oblivion. Without a second thought, he lunged forward, his instincts driving him to save her at any cost.

Racing against time, Ishaan reached out, his fingers brushing against Savi's trembling hands. With all his strength, he pulled her back from the edge, his heart pounding with fear and determination.

But in that fateful moment, the ground beneath them gave way, sending both Ishaan and Savi hurtling downwards into the abyss below.

Their screams echoed into the night, lost amidst the roar of the wind and the crashing waves below.

As they fell, their hands remained tightly clasped together, a symbol of their unwavering love and devotion in the face of unimaginable peril. And in that final, fleeting moment, they were united, bound together by fate as they descended into the unknown.

ISHVI fell off the cliff and could not be seen anymore from the place they fell off.

After throwing Ishaan and Savi off the cliff, the goons, Kiran and Samrudh, quickly realize the gravity of their actions and the potential consequences. With panic coursing through their veins, they hastily make their escape.

Frantically, they sprint back to their car, knowing that they must flee the scene before anyone discovers their involvement in the tragic incident.

With trembling hands, one of the goons, Samrudh, fumbles for the car keys, his heart racing as he struggles to unlock the vehicle. Finally, the engine roars to life, and they peel away from the cliff's edge with reckless abandon.

They made it look like an accident where the car was also thrown down.

When this horrible incident took place, the bells were still ringing in the Vithhal Rukmani temple. The priest was also surprised at what had happened that day. These rains are regular things but what is so special today which is not letting God sleep?



The Bhosles were shattered by the news of the car careening off the cliff, leaving behind a void that seemed impossible to fill. 

The hilly region was too dense that they could not catch hold of dead bodies in the perfect shape. They got two bodies but was almost impossible to identify them as they were half-eaten by animals.

After the last rites of those dead bodies, the garlands on Ishaan and Savi’s picture were screaming sadness and loneliness.

Uncle Yashwant and Aunt Surekha, usually pillars of strength, crumbled under the weight of grief, their eyes glazed with unshed tears as they struggled to comprehend the magnitude of their loss.

In the corner of the dimly lit room, Ishaan's parents sat huddled together, their stoic facades crumbling in the face of tragedy. Their anguished cries echoed through the silent halls, each wail a piercing reminder of the agony that gripped their hearts.

Meanwhile, Ishaan's sisters, Durva and Anvi, clung to each other in shared sorrow, their tears flowing freely as they recalled happier times spent celebrating Raksha Bandhan with their beloved brother. The vibrant threads of their rakhi bracelets now lay discarded, symbols of a bond severed too soon.


The lives of Bhosles have taken a U-turn. Mr Marathe had cunningly taken over the majority of stakes in BIE and had dethroned Rao Saheb and Nishikant from their positions. They were just employees and puppets of him.

All this was possible due to their son, Chinmay who had returned from the USA just to take revenge.

Chinmay and Shikha were divorced and Shikha was living and working at an NGO in a nearby village.

Durva was just doing timepass and Anvi had opted for master's degree studies.

Surekha was in grief at losing her both sons, one physically and one morally.

Nishikant and Asmita were living their lives as usual, under the orders of Surekha and Yashwant Rao.

Their house was also acquired by Chinmay and they had shifted to their old house where ISHANU used to live.

Harini had survived from the coma and was now living with Isha and Shantanu at Ramtek as their adopted daughter.

NOBODY knew about SAM and KIRAN and their involvement in that tragic incident!


In a serene, sun-drenched town nestled amidst the lush fields of Gujarat, a five-year-old girl with lively, bouncing curls runs across the sunlit meadows.

Her laughter echoes through the air as she races toward her father, who is diligently tending to the crops in the sprawling green fields.

She runs towards her father and excitedly exclaims, 'Papa, that person has regained consciousness. Please come and check.'

READERS' NOTE: This is an open-ended conclusion for now! As the story continues to unfold, feel free to drop your notes and thoughts in the comments box. Would you like to read the continuation, or would you love to cherish their journey spread across 64 episodes until now?

Originally posted by: ssm97

Episode 63: Darkness Unleashed: ISHVI's Conflict

One car took a U-turn and started heading towards them, the same shadows that had been following them emerging from the dark.

Where the threat was lurking upon ISHVI, somewhere far away, in a Vitthal Rukamni temple, the bells started ringing on their own due to the winds.


As the menacing figures approached, ISHVI exchanged a fearful glance, their hearts pounding with apprehension. The car screeched to a sudden halt, and two figures emerged from within, their faces obscured by black masks.

Under the cover of darkness, they launched into a physical altercation with Ishaan, catching him off guard with their swift and coordinated attack.

Savi's voice pierced the night, her anger palpable as she screamed, "How dare you? Who do you think you are? Let him go, do you even know he is a Director of BIE!"

One assailant seized Savi from behind, pinning her arms as she fell to the ground. With ruthless efficiency, he bound her hands and then her legs, rendering her helpless.

Meanwhile, Ishaan grappled with the other attacker, his fists flying as he demanded answers. "Who are you, and why are you after us?"

The assailant's response sent a chill down their spines, his voice dripping with malice. "I should have done this to you earlier," he sneered. "How dare you marry Savi?"

The familiarity of the voice sent a shiver of recognition through Ishaan, his mind racing to place it amidst the chaos of the confrontation.

With Savi immobilized on the ground, her struggles futile against the tight bindings, she locked eyes with Ishaan, her silent plea echoing in the darkness.

The assailants closed in, their masked faces betraying no hint of mercy. "You thought you could escape us, Ishaan Bhosle," one of them taunted, his voice dripping with contempt.

The other assailant, his voice a chilling echo of the first, chimed in, "But we've been watching you, waiting for the perfect moment to strike."

Ishaan's mind raced as he tried to place the voices, the pieces of a terrifying puzzle falling into place with sickening clarity. These were no ordinary thugs – they were connected to his past, to secrets buried deep and now clawing their way to the surface.

Desperation fueled his resolve as Ishaan fought back against his attackers, every blow driven by the need to protect Savi, to shield her from the darkness closing in around them.

He could successfully broke the leg of one attacker and he was unable to move then. He asks Savi to slide towards the car and help herself freed from ties. 

Savi does it intelligently, but the other attacker is strong. He was giving tough times to Ishaan, in the fight, Ishaan removes the mask and sees his face in a thunderstorm. 

He was none other than Kiran Sawant. Ishaan was shocked why was he behind him for marrying Savi?

Savi was equally shocked to see her Jiju (brother-in-law) among the attackers. Kiran's unexpected confession sent a chill down her spine.

Kiran's voice was filled with malice as he admitted, 'Harini was in a coma, and I had planned to take advantage of Savi's vulnerability. But then you, Ishaan, came along and ruined everything by marrying her. I won't let you live so I can claim your beautiful wife for myself.'

Ishaan's face flushed with anger at Kiran's menacing words. Without hesitation, he unleashed a barrage of punches, his fury driving each blow as he beat Kiran mercilessly. Meanwhile, Savi managed to unmask the other assailant, revealing him to be none other than Samrudh.

To be Continued…(ISHVI vs Kiran and Samrudh)

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Posted: 14 days ago

i would love for you to continue this story

SamiO05 thumbnail
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Posted: 14 days ago

Please continue