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Pinecone thumbnail
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Posted: 29 days ago

Glad Angad is ok and he spoke up to apologize. 

Reader17 thumbnail
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Team #SaHan

Posted: 29 days ago

Wow what a chapter, Saheba went crazy after seeing Angad in that condition...smiley9

And Angad had a gala time being the center of her attention now.smiley17

I am glad Saheba has crossed the threshold of her fears and now knows what Angad means to her.smiley27

Edited by Reader17 - 29 days ago
MansiP23 thumbnail
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Posted: 29 days ago

Originally posted by: Reader1419

Guys I wanted to ask - dobu guys think storybis moving slowly? Not the pace at which I write but the pace of the story. I am delaying their confession as there are so many scenarios I want to write on it getting boring?

I am really enjoying the pace of the story . Appreciate the little details in the story.  

Glad Sahiba is realizing her feelings for Angad. Would love to read Angad’s pov as she is taking care of him. 

Amanita09 thumbnail
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Team Critic

Posted: 24 days ago

hihi checking in on the next update

Reader17 thumbnail
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Team #SaHan

Posted: 22 days ago

Please update soon, its already been a week.smiley42

Reader1419 thumbnail
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Posted: 22 days ago

Chapter 36

Sahiba continuted to take care of Angad for the next few days. She felt completely at ease with him but there were times when his nearness would make her heart start hammering, specially when she was feeding him or helping him change. She loved taking care of him and his smiles when he would say thank you to her, their comfort levels with each other had gone to another level. 

Soon they went to the doctor and Angad was declared fit to resume work and he decided to join office immediately as he had taken too much leave anyway. 

Sahiba felt very odd that day, being away from him for one whole day, when she had so got used to being around him.....that day when she reached home, she eagerly waited for him to come, unlike anytime before. But, as he had joined office after a break and he got quiet late that day.

Angad walked into brar mansion, it was quiet late and everyone had gone to retire. He decided to go to his room and retire too and was walking towards his room, working on his phone simultaneously when he almost dashed into someone standing in his way! 

"What" he started and stopped when he realised it was Sahiba....looking at him a little sternly...

"Hi....I did not see you" he said

"Where are you going" She asked

"To our room" he was puzzled by the question

"No, you are not"


"You are first going to have dinner, Pam told me you have not eaten anything since lunch" 

"You spoke to Pam" he was surprised 

"Yes, I did." She steered him towards the dining table where Sukhdeep brought a plate for him, it was already set.

"Sit and eat" She instructed him. 

"But it's quiet late and I...."

"Angad, First and foremost you joined office today only and then you worked so late, you should be taking it easy. I am really upset with you, now don't make me more upset! Eat your food" She Scolded him.

Very few people ever Scolded him, including his parents, it was certainly rare. But being Scolded by Sahiba felt nice....and he did not want to upset her further....the Angad few months ago would have given her a blast had she tried to speak to him like this, but this Angad actually was enjoying being Scolded by her about his wellbeing.....

He quietly started eating....when Sukhdeep got a plate for Sahiba also "Mam you did not have your dinner na, so I set a plate for you too"

Angad raised surprised eyes towards her...."You were waiting for me"

Sahiba was flustered, she did not want to accept any such thing, "no, it's just that I was not very hungry before"

"But you must eat too, eat" Angad knew she was lying becuase she did not meet his eyes and was blushing.....he found it amazing that she waited for him....he felt warm all over. He started eating with a vigor, realising how hungry he was. They chatted about their day as they ate and it was surprisngly very pleasant. They spoke about the project and decided that Sahiba would work 3-4 days from Angad's office, set up a design team for the project and lead the designs for the first launch. 

Next day post breakfast Angad announced this to daarji and the rest of the family and everyone was extremely elated to hear this. Sahiba started going to Angad's office and they soon feel into a routine. It was not bad working together, there were moments when they had their arguments, with both being short tempered but now they got used to fighting and making up. But still they made a good team, they did not hesitate to criticize the other and learned to take the criticism positively and work on the feedback. Sahiba was amazing with her team and in one short month, they were ready with the first phase of the project. 

That day Sahiba was working at her shop, she worked at the shop for half the week, preparing her orders and all and remaining half at Angad's office. She had been to couple of business dinners with him in the last one month and time had just flown. They had progressed significantly in their working relationship but on a personal level they were stuck at friendship...she was wondering how and when they may move further in their relationship.....when she realised what she was thinking, her cheeks burned.....she blushed all over.....what was she thinking! 

Never, never into boys, she had never looked at them twice, not even at the semi clad hunks at Param's practice sessions....she was just not into that stuff.....on top of that what Amrinder had done had given her a strong fear and dislike of anything of that sort.

But over the last month she could not help steal glances at Angad when he was not looking, sometimes staring also....he was so good-looking. Had someone told her he was good looking one year ago, she would have questioned their choice, but now.......she remembered how she had hugged him at the hospital and another blush reddened her cheeks.....she had made no further attempts to hug him or anything and nor had he.....infact he treated her as nothing more than a friend......she knew she had asked this of him.....but .....

She broke out of her thoughts, chastising herself and finished the tasks at hand. That day at brar mansion, Angad was super excited as he came home. 

"You look very happy Angad, what's the news" asked Daarji

"Daarji, our partners in Canada approved the entire launch plan and it has been agreed that we will announce our joint venture and the website in Mumbai over the weekend, with a lot of press, in a big launch party. And will launch the website in the coming month!"

"That's amazing news, so you will need to goto Mumbai over the weekend" asked Inder

"Yes papa"

Sahiba was overjoyed for Angad but the thought of him going for few days gave her an unexpected sadness. She did not want to question the reason to much...

"But, they want not only me, but Sahiba to also join in for the launch as it was originally her idea and presentation" said Angad...."they want her to infact be pur lucky mascot and actually do the launch on the day of the launch too!" 

Everyone was stunned for a second and then the congratulations errrupted.....everyone was hugging her and was so happy.....

"This is great, so Sahiba and you would be going to Mumbai together....this is amazing. You did not go on your honeymoon till now also, so maybe you can extent the trip for a few days maybe" said Gurleen chachi, giving sahiba a naughty look

Sahiba blushed....not knowing where to look when chachi was teasing her like this in front of everyone.

"Chachi extending the trip will not be possible as we will have a lot of work over the next one month, in fact i think we will need to work very late everyday for the next one month, hence extending is not an option...." 

Sahiba would not have minded extending the trip, she had never been anywhere other than Manali and would have loved to explore Mumbai. But Angad was right, right now the launch and work was of utmost importance, she could explore maybe some other time. 

That day everyone was super happy and excited over dinner. Later as they retired to their room, Angad started working on his worktable.

"Angad you must be tierd, why don't you sleep" 

"I have a lot of work to do Sahiba, this is big, I need to ensure everything is going to be perfect" 

Sahiba decided to make a cup of coffee for him, he was anyway not going to sleep, maybe coffee may help him work better. She headed to the kitchen and as she was making coffee Seerat walked in. 

"What are you doing" She asked

"Making coffee for Angad, he is going to work late night, what about you di" 

"I could not sleep, so thought will get some milk...but you know what I will also have some coffee, why don't we both sit in the garden and have some coffee and's been so long since we just sat and chatted, like old times" 

"That's a perfect idea...let me give Angad his coffee and join u in the garden" 

Angad was working on his laptop and was surprised when a cup of coffee appeared next to him....he looked up questiongly at Sahiba...

"Well this will keep you fresh....I am going out to spend some time with Seerat Di" She said as she walked out

Angad enjoyed his coffee, thinking how things had changed in-between them. There was a time when she hated his guts and now, she understood his needs before even he realised he wanted something. He was very happy as he continued to work....

Seerat was waiting for Sahiba with their coffee in the gazebo. They sat and really chatted about a lot of things, work, Garry, their parents, param, etc and soon came the topic of Sahiba and Angad's trip to Mumbai and Seerat started teasing Sahiba....

"You know when Garry and I got married, I would have never believed that you and Angad would get married one being our sunshine and Angad being so grumpy.....but look at you guys today!" 

"Garry always thought you guys made a great couple but I never agreed" said Seerat, surprising Sahiba....

"What, Garry thought we would be a good couple, how and why"

"Well, he knew Angad way better than Me and said Angad reacted too strongly to you, so it was mostly becuase he liked you subconsciously.....and all that fighting you both did was just attraction looks like! See how much he did for you when you were flying off to Canada" 

"Even you, I never thought you would be romantically tangled with anyone ever....but I was wrong! Look how much you care about Angad" 

Sahiba realised that yes she cared about Angad, a lot. And Angad also cared about her.

"And now you guys are going on a mini are going to have loads of fun hmm....maybe you would have so much fun that I would soon become a maasi" Seerat teased Sahiba....

Sahiba understood what Seerat di was implying and turned red. Everyone was teasing them but they were all wrong....there was nothing like that between them right now and it felt so awkward when everyone teased her like this....

Something in Sahiba's expression must have alerted Seerat because she put down her cup and leaned towards Sahiba and asked "What....what is it" 


"Don't lie, I know you since you were born, I can make out when you are everything ok between you and Angad" 

"Ya....why are you asking....everything is fine....we are great friends now and really care for each other" She said avoiding Seerat's eyes

"What do you mean by guys are married, it's so odd to say you are friends...Sahiba....what is going on" Seerat said in a stern elder sister voice....

Sahiba was suddenly caught, one side she did not want to share the intimate details of her marriage with anyone else but on the other side, she wanted to share her thoughts and get a third perspective....she had been so confused off late and who better than Seerat Di to guide her nervousness, a tear slipped out of her eye....

"Sahiba, what is are scaring me now"

"No, no....everything is's just....Di promise me you will not discuss this with Garry also"

"I promise...."

"You know Angad and my marriage is not like a love marriage or something right, we got married because of the circumstances .....I was not fully ready when we got married......and then that incident happened with Amrinder......and .....and....."

Sahiba poured out her heart to Seerat. How she had developed a fear of intimacy, how she had rebuffed Angad's advances on their wedding night and how petrified she had been, how she had cried.....Seerat had scooted closer to Sahiba as she was speaking and now was hugging her as Sahiba spoke.....a tear slipped out of Sahiba's eyes as she remembered her fear that night...Sahiba spoke about how uncomfortable she used to be even holding Angad's hand initially, how scared she was that night when those two men accosted her, how she felt scared in Angad's room past her haldi, everything.....

Seerat was quiet, she felt horrible. Her sister had gone through such an ordeal and she had not realised that Sahiba may have developed an underlying fear of intimacy because of that instance. She had not done anything to speak to her about it. Just because Sahiba had agreed to marry Angad, she had thought everything was fine, she should have realised something and spoken to Sahiba sooner.....she pulled back to look at Sahiba's face....

"Maybe it's not you, maybe you don't like Angad that way, hence you rebuffed his advances" She said

Sahiba was quiet for a few seconds and then said quietly, with a blush....."'s not him.....I liked it when he kissed me before Amrinder's incident" Shocking Seerat

"What! He kissed you before that, you guys were not even engaged! When, in Manali, in the log hut?"

Sahiba shook her head, going redder in face 

"Before Manali also? How dare he" said Seerat angrily "when"

"on his birthday, when I fell into the pool"

"Whaaaat! How dare he. I knew something must have happened that night but I could have never imagined this" 

"How dare he" repeated Seerat, "I will give him a piece of my mind tomorrow" said an angry Seerat, thinking of Angad flirting with her younger sister....

"Di! He is my husband now!" Said Sahiba amused

Seerat and Sahiba looked at each other and burst into laughter at the absurdity of Seerat scolding Angad now!

" he kissed you even when he knew you were Garry's sister in-law and if anyone found out there would he'll to pay! Looks like he was as smitten as Garry always said" 

"I don't think he was smitten with me, I was just a challenge that time and why would Garry think like that" 

"Well Garry always thought Angad had very strong feelings for you hence used to push you guys together any opportunity he got later. I never agreed with him at that time though, i never thought our sunshine and Mr. Grumpy would make a good pair, but i was proved wrong" Seerat said, surprising Sahiab....

"So you dont dislike Angad in that way, now the question is, are you still scared of intimacy with him"

Sahiba went warm, she thought of how she could not stare enough at him when he was in the same room, how her hand tingles every time she touched him, how his smile makes her feel all fuzzy inside....."I don't think not sure" 

"So if you are not sure, find out, simple"


"Through obvious manner, how else....what?"

"He never tried again to get close" blurted Sahiba, embarrassed 

"What do you mean"

Sahiba was completely embarrassed having this conversation with Seerat, but maybe she needed a perspective on this...." I had got really upset that night and he calmed me down. He told me we would first focus on becoming friends and then once I am comfortable then we will move towards something more" 

"Ok, so....are you more comfortable now" 

"I don't know....I think so...."

"So what's the problem"

"Aaagghh....the problem is that he has not made any attempts to get close to me post our wedding night!" Said an exasperated Sahiba, embarrassed 


"Maybe he does not like me that way" 

Seerat thought about everything Angad had done over the months for Sahiba, "I don't think so. He likes you a lot....maybe he is giving you the space you wanted and you need to tell him that you are ready to take the relationship to the next level" 

"But am I? I like him....but does he like me that way, is it too early ....I don't know" 

"Sahiba, you both are married and care a lot for each other... talk to him about this"

"I can't talk to him about this....this is so embarrassing....and he is such a mandbuddhi.....we are married for months now.....should he not make any attempt to further our relationship"

" that case.....I have an idea"


" both will get some alone time....why dont you take this time to convey your thoughts and speak with him.....or give him opportunities to see you in a new way!" 

"He sees me every day!" 

"Well, we will go shopping and ensure that he sees you in a completely different light...I will show you how to do some makeup and he will not know what hit him" said Seerat, excited

Sahiba was excited but extremely nervous too....did she want to do this....entice Angad.....was she ready for the next step....she was completely distracted with her thoughts as she entered her room....

"Where were you...." asked Angad looking at her....

Sahiba went red....looking at Angad and thinking of her conversation with Seerat di...."umm...was with Seerat di...chatting" She said and hurried to her couch.....extremely aware of his presence. Now that she had acknowledged her feelings, whatever they were with Seerat Di, she felt even more aware of him .....sleep came after a long time to Sahiba that night. 

The week absolutely flew by, preparing for Mumbai, finalising designs and other things and then shopping with Seerat Di, They shopped for some western wear and other things.

The day of travel soon dawned. Everyone was super excited seeing them off and bhuas and chachi left no opportunity to tease Sahiba mercilessly. It was as if Sahiba was perpetually pink, from the constant blushing. Angad was completely oblivious to Sahiba's dilemma, he was extremely busy with the upcoming launch announcement and then the subsequent launch after a month or so. In addition his regular business, he had no time to talk also and worked late all nights. 

As they left for the airport, Sahiba got extremely nervous and agitated.....wondering what was to come. 

Reader1419 thumbnail
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Posted: 22 days ago

Posted chapter 36

Pinecone thumbnail
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Posted: 22 days ago

Great chapter. Its really nice Sahiba has someone to share with. 

Pinecone thumbnail
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Posted: 22 days ago


Edited by Pinecone - 22 days ago
Amanita09 thumbnail
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Team Critic

Posted: 22 days ago

Excellent Chapter. 

Sahiba and Seerat's talksmiley27 

Sahiba is ready for Intimacy smiley42

Can't wait to see how she is going to tell him in Mumbai,Maybe we can even get the scene from the show where Angad's towel falls downsmiley43smiley37