10 years of Arjun - Contests and Games Announcement! (Extension pg9)

lovereading14 thumbnail
Most Liked (July 2022) 1 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 1 years ago


Hello Lovelies! 

As you all must know 'Har Yug Mein Aayega Ek Arjun' will be hitting 10 years on 11th August! To celebrate this milestone I though about a contest to get everybody active and engaging! So along with the celebration thread underway we will have a contest and games thread ðŸ¥³

Following is a list of the contests and games I have thought of. There is also and FAQ post with clarifications regarding the same. The thread will be open for questions and suggestions so please please please contribute. Would love to hear your thoughts and ideas!


Post #1 Introduction 

Post #2 Contests 

Post #3 Games

Post #4 Game sign up list

Edited by lovereading14 - 1 years ago


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Frequent Posters

lovereading14 thumbnail
Most Liked (July 2022) 1 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 1 years ago


Contest #1 - OS Contest 

This one is dedicated to all the wonderful writers out there! 

1. Word limit is 3000 words. Your OS can have lesser words but not more.

2. Contains only text, no image/ gif allowed.

3. Submissions accepted by 8th August 2022, 23:59 hrs IST

4. Do not disclose your entries to anyone before winners are announced

5. Maximum 3 OS can be contributed by one member.

6. A voting will be held to choose the winner 

7. To be submitted by PM to @lovereading14

Contest #2 - VM Contest

This one is dedicated to all the talented editors out there! 

1. The video should not exceed 120 seconds.

2. No watermark/ identification mark to be present.

3.Submissions accepted by 8th August 2022, 23:59 hrs IST

4. Kindly do not disclose your entries to anyone as long as voting is open.

5. Maximum 3 VMs can be contributed by one member.

6. A voting will be held to choose the winner 

7. To be submitted by PM to @lovereading14

8. You can host VM on Google drive and share links in PM

Contest #3 - GIF inspired Drabble Contest

This one is dedicated to all the creative minds out there! 

1. 7 different stimulus gif's from the show - Find it on pg 7!

2. You will have to write an AU drabble not exceeding 500 words on any stimulus gif of your choice. 

3. Submissions accepted by 8th August 2022, 23:59 hrs IST

4. Kindly do not disclose your entries to anyone as long as voting is open.

5. Maximum 3 drabbles can be contributed by one member.

6. A voting will be held to choose the winner 

7. To be submitted by PM to @lovereading14

8. When submitting write the stimulus/ prompt number!

Edited by lovereading14 - 1 years ago
lovereading14 thumbnail
Most Liked (July 2022) 1 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 1 years ago


Game #1 - Hum bhi ETF

For all the sharp and the not so sharp minds smiley39

This game is very simple! I have prepared three cases/scenarios. Each case has a victim, suspects, eye witnesses and obviously the ETF team. I will introduce the generic scenario in a post. All you have to do is quote the post and say 'add me!'. You will be enrolled into the game and will be assigned a character (you can state a preference if you want, but I can't promise). I will PM you the character specific details and then on the day you will be playing out the game. If ETF team solves the case before the deadline they win. If not the criminal wins. 

There will be three different scenarios so people can all get a chance to play different characters. I will add/remove characters depending on the number of people interested. The next case will start only when the first one has been solved. 

To make this more clear I have written out a sample scenario with sample PM information as well. 

Example Scenario (this is not one of the three scenarios)

Famous businessman Akram Birla has been murdered in his mansion. He was last seen drinking by the pool side of his mansion when he dismissed all his staff for the day. The gardener found him this morning with a knife to the heart. 

Character List: 

@example as Arjun 

@username as Sameer Rathore

@DelusionsofNeha as Liza

@xxx as Gardener (Suspect #1) 

@yyyy as Neha (Suspect #2) 

PM example:

Assume @DelusionsofNeha is playing Liza. She will know what a forensic expert should. 

Hi Liza, 

From your examination of the body you have had 3 key findings: 

1. The knife was a chef knife, it is normally found in professional kitchens

2. The wound is in a downward fashion. That means someone with a height of at least 5'8 has stabbed Akram 

3. The last is an easter egg, which means a riddle: You walk into a room that contains a match, a kerosene lamp, a candle and a fireplace. What would you light first?

You can share this information with the rest of the ETF team as per your wish. When you solve the riddle, tagme with the answer. If it is right you will get the third key information. Best of luck! 

Assume @yyyy is playing Neha Suspect 2. She will get the information a suspect should 

Hi Neha,

Here is your bg story: 

1. You are Akram's ex wife. You were with him two years before you left him since he was a alcoholic and a serial cheater

2. You are indeed the murderer. You went to see him in a fit of rage after he threatened to expose a sex tape of yours after you publicly shamed him in his office. 

3. However, you do happen to have an alibi. A one sided lover Kumar that will say anything you want him to smiley2

Be wise, play smart. All the best! 

Game #2 - Kahaani Humari 

Yet another simple game! This will start off with a short prompt.

Example: ETF are returning from a case when they pass a dhaba. It is late at night and the team is hungry. So Sameer decides to stop at the dhaba for a short while. When suddenly Aisha's phone rings. She gets up to attend to the call when... 

The story can go anywhere from here. You can jump in and write a few lines carrying the story from where it was last left off. When the story is exhausted. I will put in a new prompt! 

Edited by lovereading14 - 1 years ago
lovereading14 thumbnail
Most Liked (July 2022) 1 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 1 years ago

Games Sign Up List

















Edited by lovereading14 - 1 years ago
lovereading14 thumbnail
Most Liked (July 2022) 1 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 1 years ago

Thread is now open for questions and suggestions. Kindly contribute. 💞

Edited by lovereading14 - 1 years ago
lovereading14 thumbnail
Most Liked (July 2022) 1 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 1 years ago

Tags 1.0

@Neha please tag others you know :) 

Satrangi_Curls thumbnail
Posted: 1 years ago

The signup date in post 3? 8th July to ho gayi 

Satrangi_Curls thumbnail
Posted: 1 years ago

Tags! Aajao!! ðŸ¥³ we're having 10 years anniversary celebration! ðŸ¥³

Check pg 1.

Edited by DelusionsOfNeha - 1 years ago
Satrangi_Curls thumbnail
Posted: 1 years ago

Tags! Aajao!! smiley40 we're having 10 years anniversary celebration! smiley40

Check pg 1. ðŸ˜³

Satrangi_Curls thumbnail
Posted: 1 years ago

Tags! Aajao!! smiley40 we're having 10 years anniversary celebration! smiley40 Games, OS, Drabbles, sab hai!🥳

Check pg 1.