that's real mature of you | AryLie OS {AU} - Page 2


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AmyChoco thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 2 years ago

 I do not know where to start. I am in awe! You have a talent in story weaving ❤️.  Normally,  I tend to keep a distance from AU's cuz I like the characters to keep some of their qualities intact even in another setting which many AUs fail to do so. But when I read this, the lines between the reel and the AU have blurred. It's as if your story version is the real Aryan & Imlie. Their mannerisms and dialogues have rendered a realistic feel. 6k !! Phew.. and I  read it at a go. You have gone into details with their actions, expressions and surroundings and yet you managed to give us different scenes. I would say Aryan is the most different from the show version..and yet I find commonality. The confrontation scene just took it to another level. When I got to that part, I was kinda prepares for the angst..well, I thought I was. How both of them were equally affected took me by surprise. Both going astray..and yet waiting for the other one to pull them back on track. After years of waiting, they are regretting that they didn't act on time. Wow! And still,  you didn't just stop there. The follow up scene was endearing that one would find it hard to believe that these friends just made up.

For some reason, I was being reminded of Rahul & Anjali (SRK & Kajol) from KKHH. I always had this complaint that more screen space should have been given for  their angst. Maybe I was getting it from your story ..of two friends finding each other again.. and hence I was reminded of them. 

Just got to know..that you are the one behind the Arylie drive. A big Thank you!! With no access to the app or the channel,  WU and the scenes you upload are a life saver❤️

Edited by _AmyChoco_ - 2 years ago
nikipuki thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 2 years ago

Lovely lovely OS. Very crisp writing you gave us an entire AU story with all the details and background and all the angst. Love the way you write angst......keep writing 

sourmisery thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: Krissy_07

This was beautiful! The entire write up took me on a ride, there were moments of pain, angst, disappointment, love and friendship. The ending was very heartwarming. Loved the part where they vent out their frustration and disappointment to each other. 

Please do keep writing more! 

Thank you so much! 

Originally posted by: Potterhead3009

I wish I could say more and I will, later. But for now, marvelous. Just marvelous

Thank you so much! Looking forward to what you have to say <3

Originally posted by: Anukrissh

Hey, this is awesome.

Though this is AU, I could see the same connection between Aryan and Imlie. Sometimes one wrong decision could affect our whole life but Imlie showed the courage to come out of the depth she was pushed into. Our egos so cost us a lot but nobody should be made to live a life like this. I enjoyed the happy ending. 

Thank you! I really wanted to focus on how young the two of them were when they made life altering decisions that unfortunately didn't work out in their favor. But I didn't want to focus on the doom and gloom of it all and show them being at a point where they could forgive themselves and each other. Life is long and mistakes are inevitable..we just have to keep living. One of these days I'll write a proper sad ending..this wasn't it xD

Originally posted by: Priti1610

Wow this was amazing... Plse do continue this part what happened next.... 

Thank you! But I won't be continuing this. Oneshots are oneshots for a reason xD

sourmisery thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: happiness1

This AU story is something fresh and refreshingly different from the"reel" world that we are currently watching!

Having almost a role reversal of Imlie (CEO) and Aryan (care free) is a unique touch.

Glad you have touched the use of therapy. She definitely needs it in the show as well.

And the confrontation......that felt real and raw! It was like watching it unfold in front of me.

All's well that ends well?!?!

Would love if you have a follow up story of how they ended up after returning home!

You are an amazing writer ☺️!

thank you! Oh, I am a BIG advocate of therapy! Imlie specially needs one. that girl has ISSUES™

I am glad you liked the confrontation..I had the most fun writing it. As I was just me venting. at a point I myself became emotional xD but that's what makes writing fun, right?

This is the ending of the story so I will not be continuing it. I feel like there's no need to? the loong night of their life has ended..the sun has risen. and they are dashing towards the new beginnings with happy faces and unburdened hearts <3

thank you

Originally posted by: chotoranii

SM THIS WAS GORGEOUS OMG please continue writing whatever your muse makes you write because wow, I felt that venting. I also almost burned my eggs reading this while they were cooking so i have learned that lesson. I LOVE AUs depending on the concept and this was SO GOOD gosh, the part where he's crying and they're both yelling and letting it all out, and his scene with Meethi, aaaah.

omg I am so sorry for the eggs xD but also I am flattered that you were so lost in this story that you almost sacrificed the eggs for it...thank you <3

oh, AUs are glorious. the possibilities are infinite! the venting scene is partly implied by hands down my most favorite AryLie scene in the rain. it always gives me the chills..always! so I guess this OS was like a tribute to that?

sourmisery thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: Ne19

That's so deep😍 and it's feel so amazing to read it

I am shocked  that I read it fully without being bored 🤣

And definitely you are an amazing writer dear ❤

thank you! Pat yourself on the back for me cuz i know this was a long read xD but I am glad it had you hooked enough to read it in one-go <3

Originally posted by: nikipuki

Lovely lovely OS. Very crisp writing you gave us an entire AU story with all the details and background and all the angst. Love the way you write angst......keep writing 

thank you so much! Yess..angst is kinda my forte. i just love to make everyone suffer :D

sourmisery thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: egle

I am so stunned by the AU that you have created. I am stunned and humbled by your talent in putting down words that create such a vivid picture of two characters completely turned around from what we have seen on TV.

I started reading it, realizing that my smile was widening with each sentence. I burst out laughing by the time Aryan says "Promise?" Cheeky little bugger.

I have a special fondness for Meethi so I thoroughly enjoyed your scenes with her, Imlie and then Aru. Such a beautifully crafted scene to hone in on their familial bonds.

Once you got to their confrontation though, my lord the emotions were tremendous. It was like I was *watching* the culmination of years of rage. The words were perfect, the feelings so exact. By the time they hugged, I was teary eyed and ready for a good long happy cry.

And then I did cry at 

 he thought to himself that when the final showreel of his life will flash by him during his last breaths, this sight would be one of the flashes.

Lady, your stories need a disclaimer each time- "bring popcorn and tissues because you're in for a hell of a ride."

ok, Imma go back and finish crying. kthxbye ❤️

(edited) tbh the tonal shifts added to the rawness of the story. The push and pull of it seemed to work for this OS.

thank you so much!!

the beginning convo was the original draft..the banter, the cheekiness; a self-made woman clashing with the scion of an obscenely huge business empire. very rom-com-y..very typical. so naturally it didn't end up like that xD

Meethi Maa and Aru Baba are love <3

I would apologize for making you cry but hey, I myself was teary eyed when writing the confrontation. the words poured from my heart to the keyboard. I was ready to be cancelled for all the sadness but I am actually glad that I am being appreciated instead xD

Thank you once again. You are too kind with your praise <3

sourmisery thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: _AmyChoco_

 I do not know where to start. I am in awe! You have a talent in story weaving ❤️.  Normally,  I tend to keep a distance from AU's cuz I like the characters to keep some of their qualities intact even in another setting which many AUs fail to do so. But when I read this, the lines between the reel and the AU have blurred. It's as if your story version is the real Aryan & Imlie. Their mannerisms and dialogues have rendered a realistic feel. 6k !! Phew.. and I  read it at a go. You have gone into details with their actions, expressions and surroundings and yet you managed to give us different scenes. I would say Aryan is the most different from the show version..and yet I find commonality. The confrontation scene just took it to another level. When I got to that part, I was kinda prepares for the angst..well, I thought I was. How both of them were equally affected took me by surprise. Both going astray..and yet waiting for the other one to pull them back on track. After years of waiting, they are regretting that they didn't act on time. Wow! And still,  you didn't just stop there. The follow up scene was endearing that one would find it hard to believe that these friends just made up.

For some reason, I was being reminded of Rahul & Anjali (SRK & Kajol) from KKHH. I always had this complaint that more screen space should have been given for  their angst. Maybe I was getting it from your story ..of two friends finding each other again.. and hence I was reminded of them. 

Just got to know..that you are the one behind the Arylie drive. A big Thank you!! With no access to the app or the channel,  WU and the scenes you upload are a life saver❤️

thank you sooooo much!!!!

I have a weird keeda when it comes to AUs and just fanfics in general and it's that I need the fanworks to be an extension of the canon instead of going in a completely new zone. so I always try to keep my works, even the AUs, have some semblance with the original source. like the Aryan here was my interpretation of the Aryan we have seen glimpses of in the show before Arvind's death. You know..irresponsible towards his duties, coddled by the family, being angry and impulsively lashing out when he felt misunderstood. Imlie toh is Imlie (goodness I do have a hatred for Aditya xD I made him into a total villain xD)

All credits for pushing me to write a conclusion that was happy goes to my best friend. the story was originally ending at the hug and reunion. but she told me it felt incomplete so I gave it a epilogue of sorts. something gentler to soften the after effects of the emotionally draining confrontation..

AAAH!! I am so flattered that this reminded you of KKHH! that's my childhood movie. everything I learned about chemistry was from the multiple rewatches of KKHH (my love for friends to lovers trope started there) and K3G (just the first half) because SRKajol are the perfect representation of what chemistry is all about.

Glad that you find the drive helpful! it's not easy to maintain it daily but I do it for the Aru love :')

AcquiredTaste thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 2 years ago

Their fight in the rain, I really felt that. There's magic in them words you write.

sourmisery thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: Bea1

Their fight in the rain, I really felt that. There's magic in them words you write.

thank you :)

CaffeineMuggle thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 2 years ago

I am literally typing and backspacing because I don't have the appropriate words or letters to convey how  gorgeous this piece was. No matter what I use, incredible or beautiful, I know for a fact that I will be understating it. This IS what I call a work of art. Seriously, how do you do it ?  The way you weave your words with those raw and real emotions, and at the same time provide us with a sublime imagery. The strength of your words hits SO hard, I can't even begin to tell you and the way you combine it with those visuals- my god, I wish I could publish it for the whole world to read. The sheer realness portrayed so authentically yet its quality of being absolutely heartwrenching remains intact. The rain scene will forever remain embedded in my heart. It made my heart hurt so much and I wanted to take their pains away, now that's what I call class writing at the risk of sounding elitist. But truly, CLASS APART. Not only did I empathize with your characters, dive deep into their world and dissolve into them, I also saw & felt the rains they were drenching in, saw the way Meethi was indulging Imlie and Aryan in her lap, saw how Aryan looked at Imlie - devoured her with his eyes and how Imlie felt intimidated yet vulnerable by his all- knowing gaze, how both of their dams broke open and the burdens in those shoulders lessened. I saw ALL that and I FELT all that. Every bit was so palpable, so beguiling that I couldn't look away for a second, look away from your words and the world you had created in it. It was playing on my mind like a film but more present and real. I might gush on and on- but can't possibly explain how much your writing touches me. This is the second piece that I am reading by you and I am awestruck by your writing skills, you feel like an superhero to me at this point and my mind is constantly saying "Ouff, I wish I could do that, write like THAT !" So glad to be a part of AryLie fandom, I get to read work like this. Any amount of "thank you's" would be less, but still thank you for the time you put into it, the efforts, the imagination, thank you for sharing your characters with us and thank you for putting your whole heart into it. It really shows, trust me. I have always felt that when a writer writes something they share a piece of their soul with us and I am grateful that you decided to do so here. There's this immense amount of appreciation and gratitude I don't know what to do with. But please, please, please keep writing (only if you find the time and no pressure, of course) I will be waiting to read another ingenious take on our favorite characters. Also 6k, wheww that must be A LOT of dedication, don't know how you managed as a writer because I can't seem to write 1k properly but as a reader, there's never too much and the heart truly always wants more. I know it is definitely greedy but I thoroughly enjoyed (and appreciated) the length.

This was AU but it also felt cannon to me in a way, with shades of pre-Arvind Arru and fiesty Imlie who got out of a toxic relationship with Aditya. Each core trait was bang on- starting with Imlie's resilience and grit, Aryan's stubbornness after giving her a choice and him following her around, Aditya's toxicity and Meethi being her daughter's biggest supporter. So many little nuances were peak story telling behavior like Imlie driving without her shoes and how her employees knew that she spends extra time at the office, Imlie getting irritated by Aryan because that's only how she knows to react after their fall-out, Aryan casually throwing in that he was back and unloading his pain only after Imlie accuses him [gave me major show Imlie vibes when Imlie breaks down in the middle of the road while it was raining- the key difference was in the show their burdens were seperate and here in your fic- there demons were shared and the longing was shared yet it was Imlie who exploded first in both, followed by Aryan] and the subsequent angst, tore my heart out. But so glad that you gave us the silver lining as well because as beautifully as you write and emote angst, I am a sucker for hope, if not complete happy endings. Hope is the one thing that keeps us all going at the end of the day, so it made my heart sing again when the old man saw them running towards their car- I choked a lilttle bit at that part, not gonna lie. So goddamn beautiful (ik i might overusing the word at this point) It felt like a fitting epilogue and I can't wait for another day to bloom for them.

Okay, I realize I might have overexceeded the courtesy/length of commenting and there are so many more things I want to appreciate about this piece that owns my heart. But, I will end it here as of today and keep coming back to it for a re-read.

Once again, thank you SO MUCH.

Please take a lot of love and good wishes from my side.