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Sunshine_nino thumbnail
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Posted: 3 years ago

I still think they won't mess with Angre's character arc..... I mean they already kinda did this to Sia(first they showed her wise and matured and OTT aate hi uska kachra banaa diya) but then Angre acting like a fool for that wife of his is quite indigestible. He is there by Vansh's side since the start. He knows him and family quite well. He was always his partner-in-crime, his confidante, his best friend and his BROTHER GODDAMMIT... THEY JUST SIMPLY CAN'T TURN HIM NEGATIVE MIDWAY🤔. If at all he was betraying Vansh, then it should have been like he is betraying him from the very beginning and not like this overnight....and that too due to his wife's emotional drama. Usse achhi tarah se maloom hai how ill-natured and self-centered his wife can get And he also knows if ever he would want to leave this dangerous business because of his "WIFE" then Vansh would happily let him go. Hasn't he already kinda took a backseat since Ishani got all cranky for Angre getting hurt all the time? There is just no valid reason enough to cheat his boss. 

It better be some plan to save Vansh and protect Ridhhima🤔 They just can't destroy every damn character in the name of thriller. 

HeytzMaaneet thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: phoenix27

this is exactly what I want to see. and in today's episode, it did felt that he knows that both Ishani and Vyom can be too overwhelming for Ridhima who is not at her best stage, and Ridhima will never give up on Vansh and rest. so this seems logical that he tries to manipulate Vansh's enemies into thinking that they have won. 

If you see the sequence 

Such a massive high point revealed in such a lame way 

Ridz already knows that he is betraying Vansh (or maybe Angre made sure Ridz witnesses the scene🤔)

In this whole game he teamed up with their opponents thereby guiding her to the diamond ... clearing Ridz path of hurdles ... n finally she got hold of the diamond!

I truly believe Angre will never betray Vansh!!😳

HeytzMaaneet thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: masked

I agree we all should not jump the gun but our Riddhu has certainly jumped the gun just bcoz she saw Vansh's most loyal confidante Angre's inter-mingling with Vyom.

Riddhu might be trying to ape Vansh's tactics like trapping Vyom in Sara/Gayu's fake murder case but her best abilities is that of a Sloppy Spy only.

Riddhu should have listened to these 2 golden lines--Jo Dikhta Hai Woh Hota Nahi Aur Jo Hota Hai Woh Dikhta Nahi.In short Reality is Fleeting.

Thats exactly the difference between Vansh n Ridz doubt both r smart but Vansh always plays calm n gauges his opponents ... then plans n executes his moves render them defeated!!
While Rids has most of the time is impulsive n emotional which makes her act in a haste thereby inviting a bigger trouble for her n Vansh.

Vansh/Vihaan both have cautioned her so many times yet ....

Yeah we can understand her mental state & she certainly deserves all our sympathies considering the current situation she's in but inspite of being pregnant with her Dottu the only thing her mind could conjure up at that point that she has to do some under-handed deals with Vyom by destroying her own husband's Mafia Empire like stealing the Family Heirlooms for example from the VR Mansion-Diamond/Gun & the infamous BB.

What was the guarantee that Vyom would have let Riansh live in peace even if Ridzi delivered on her part of the deal?Vyom knew that Vansh's existence would always be the biggest threat to his own criminal ambitions so whether Vansh left the Mafia world or not Vyom would have killed Vansh anyway.

Vansh himself n as Vihaan has many times warned her of dire consequences she realizes but repeats it again ...Vansh on the other hand has learnt his lesson from the revenge track n believes in her n holds on to her always!!

But one thing we need to understand here is that she doesn't belong to this world n is not much aware of its harsh realities!!

Even being a orphan we haven't yet known whether she had a painful childhood ofcourse except her parents not being with her .... But Vansh being in family too has experienced a lot!

After the poison episode she realized that Vyom can't trusted n the deal was her mistake as in trusting Vansh's enemies!!

So this is probably Ridz journey from a commoner to becoming the Mafia Queen!!

Her fear of losing the only love in her life-Vansh led her to make irrational decisions.The most astonishing part was that even though she clearly knew about Sara's intentions of killing Vansh she never disclosed the same to Vansh .Why?

Inspite of multiple betrayals by Kabir/Vyom or even by her husband Vansh Ridzi has still not learned her lesson fully.She has the symptoms of Arohi in her character.Ridzi's policy of being this Mahaan Soul has only bought troubles for her.

I think about Sara thingy somewhere their past maybe the reason she is soft on her cos she is guilty maybe due to her Gayu's life is ruined

I'm not  saying she did correct hiding about Sara... NO!! ...She is staking Vansh's life in her attempt to get her friend out of this crime world mess.

Ridz knows Vansh ... once he gets to know about Gayu being Sara will obviously deal with Sara his way so she is trying to balance both her relations.

When she entered Vansh's life she chose Kabir over Vansh-that time it was for her blind love for Kabir & later onwards she made another mind-blowing decision of choosing to go by Vyom's words.

Ridzi  should have learnt by now that a Leopard does not change its spots or a Lion does not give up his kingdom so easily-otherwise they both would be devoured by the Hyenas or a New King would usurp their authority & Vansh knows this fact instinctively.

Ridzi should have accepted this harsh truth of her life now-that even though Vansh might love her truly he's not gonna give up his Mafia Empire for her.

Riansh's survival is tied with being in the Mafia world-whether Riddhu likes it or not.

I mentioned that above Riddhu entered his life to get him arrested but fell in love with him ...She accepted him but now with his love she has also accept his lifestyle ..his business ... a constant fear on his life!! 

A girl who shivered seeing a gun ... shot down 2 people when it was about saving her Vansh!!

Therfore I say t his is her journey from a common girl with simple dreams of a happy family to becoming a true Mafia Queen RVRS!!

As far as Vansh is concerned he might have been kidnapped or he could have staged this himself-we all know that Aangre is like Vansh's shadow he would never betray his master cum brother-(this might change with Vangre if the writers change the script or shake up the things).

Aangre might have entered into his new alliance with Vyom as per Vansh's instructions.Vansh has always been this Last Hour Hero whose smart antics managed to always save the day.So to obtain that Tear of Laila Vansh instructed Aangre to be his Spy-sort of taking a page out of the book of his old Nemesis-Kabir who used Ridzi as the pawn for his nefarious schemes.

Angre can never betray Vansh!!! ...Thankfully makers didn't ruin this bond in the name of thrill!!

And my guess that Angre was doing this to keep Ridz out of danger came true!!

Though it was also Vansh's plan to keep Vyom out of picture too

Vansh is a man who knows that his Family is selfish yet he keeps them close bcoz he believes in the principle of Unity in Numbers & Bloodline-this enabled them to spoil Vyom's scheme of sending them to the gallows.

Also as I have said before that Vansh is playing for Bigger stakes here-First that BB & now the Tear of Laila.Vansh is on a mission to expand his criminal empire now just like the other Mafias.

Vyom/Ishani or Ridzi might try to take the reins of the Game but the Game is moving on the whims of the Grand-Master only-VRS.

I agree here!!

He has a lot planned ... And the RS's past ...present n future all r connected in all these upcoming deals.

Lets see what makers have planned n how🤔

Kabir tried to snatch everything yet he failed-Vansh smartly transferred the property in Daadi's name right before his fake death & later on as Vihaan he got all the things back in his name obviously Ridzi's smart mind was also an asset but Vansh did not care about the same at that time.

Vyom was Vansh's childhood buddy yet Vansh never knew about Vyom's wife or his intentions of starting some Rival Mafia in India.Quite Ingenious huh.

Vansh certainly knows some things about everybody whether they are his allies or enemies otherwise how is he still running his Mafia Empire?

Regarding Vyom past I think Dadi is the real culprit in hiding some facts can be during his juvenile term days or maybe something else 

Now the diamond also has Vyoms past connection ..something emotional maybe the baby girl maybe Vyom's daughter n diamond deal n this maybe connected.

Yes he's certainly over-confident about his abilities or perhaps its just a facade-underneath that veneer is an old wily Strategist.

Suddenly he has left Ridzi to fend for herself in her pregnant condition-Hasn't he been always been this purposefully oblivious to the multiple attacks on Ridzi when she was doing spying for Kabir in the Mansion?

This was not the track planned but to accommodate Rrahul's absence the makers have changed the track

So we need to support n accept it as currently due to pandemic they have a lot of issues lined up

Yes Vansh is not like Deep but he has his own mysterious ways of punishing those who are not a part of his family-Ragini & Ridzi both have been the victims.

Yes Vansh certainly loves Ridzi-I agree & perhaps he cares about the Dottu too agreed but its not that he never knew about Vyom's sinister intentions towards his Family or Empire.

Earlier he was unaware only after he witnessed Ridz giving Vyom the rifle he got to know about his betrayal

So I'm saying their past unfolding may give us a clear picture🤔

Ridzi might have made some under-handed 6 hours deal with Vyom but Vansh had to use the Truth-Serum weapon to get to the truth.What if Vansh already knew about the deal & chose to do nothing about the same?

When Vansh was initially introduced as the Mafia head he was doing some illegal Diamond deal with Chang-perhaps he might not have known about Vyom's secret partnership with Chang-Quite Convenient arrangement.

Chang angle is still unsolved cos they have never shown Chang's face the actor playing Chang said in his iv that he will come soon

so Vyom's past revelation will clear out a lot of things

I think makers just used Chang's back story to introduce Vyom that time

Vansh could not have survived multiple attacks always due to his Brain-Power-who knows he could have some inside sources within the Law or Rival Mafia Organizations?And as the man who has everything at his command he's got to have some inside info about his enemies.

In short Vansh could have cultivated some hidden assets like other mini-Aangres perhaps from Aangre's Detective Agency. 

He pretends to not know anything yet he always knows some things-that has always been the hallmark of our Vansh Rai Singhania.

True that ... and whenever tracks r introduced I do think about lot of possibilities 

U have read my earlier posts too but each time makers either end the track abruptly or just come out with a very ordinary reason or story

So now I just watch the show expectations low ...hoping that someday we will be surprised as ....


Though I'm really liking the OTT version of IMMJ2😳 

The way Vansh role has shaped up much more alert, smart, crafty then the TV Vansh.

Not to forget Angre n Aryan too have got a meatier role on OTT

HeytzMaaneet thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: Innocentlove96

I second that.

Even after seeing Angre with Vyom, I'm not ready to buy that betrayal until unless Angre himself confesses the very same in front of Vansh.

Vansh planning revenge on Riddhu..... again not gonna buy that....he might be angry.... wouldn't speak with her....but he loves her.... he won't hurt her like last time. Last time he doubted her love for him becz of betrayal but the situation and considerations aren't same as before.

So let's see what kind of secrets will be revealed.

Thanks so much 😃

Yes and our trust in both VANGRE is vindicated 

Neither Angre has betrayed Vansh ... Nor Vansh is planning revenge against his Riddhu

Truly their love has crossed that phase where they mistrust each other 

they hide facts in a bid to protect the each other😡

and create more mess

HeytzMaaneet thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: -Ayushi-

Nicely put up Heytal ⭐️

Thanks so much Ayu🤗

After calming down even I feel it is Angre-Sara's plan as he knows Vyom can help him get to Vansh because there's currently no other way to reach him.

It was VANGRE plan😎 🥳

And for the revenge, its a big no. Vansh won't do this to his pregnant wife. The guy who got angry when the breakfast was late for her won't give her pain.

Our trust in Vansh n VanGre bond is vindicated 

Yes Vansh can never stoop so low n torture his preggy wife😳

HeytzMaaneet thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: whitewitch

It had been long time since i read your posts...

Forum seriously miss its crazy theories....

Thanks so much Anu 

Where have u been yaara

missing u


Yeah I guess many have given up 😆

Ever since show is shifted to OTT every character got due....

From dadi to angre....

Angre doing work instead of yes boss....

Dadi manipulation shades...

Sia rebel....

Arayn finally began to fly....

Even Annoying vyom and sara....

True that I'm happy everyone is getting much deserved SS😊

Basically Angre is most trusted by vansh.

He saved Angre....

Can he betrsy his bai....

Deep in side i know he can't. They share close bond.

He knew well ridz can go any extend when it come to vansh....

During the ridz 2.0 track he had seen it.

His babhi totally nuts when it come to Vansh. She will plan anything. And execute without blink of eye...

But she is pregnant and against vyom....

Someone need to step in...

If they shoe Angre as negative then nothing left in show...

Riansh and full negatives...

Absolutely n gladly most of our guesses were proved right it was Vangre plan to keep Vyom out 

n also to ensure Ridz doesn't get in trouble 

but Riddhu being Riddhu 

Vansh ki planning pe paani fer diya🤣

HeytzMaaneet thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: Sunshine_nino

I still think they won't mess with Angre's character arc..... I mean they already kinda did this to Sia(first they showed her wise and matured and OTT aate hi uska kachra banaa diya) but then Angre acting like a fool for that wife of his is quite indigestible. He is there by Vansh's side since the start. He knows him and family quite well. He was always his partner-in-crime, his confidante, his best friend and his BROTHER GODDAMMIT... THEY JUST SIMPLY CAN'T TURN HIM NEGATIVE MIDWAY🤔. If at all he was betraying Vansh, then it should have been like he is betraying him from the very beginning and not like this overnight....and that too due to his wife's emotional drama. Usse achhi tarah se maloom hai how ill-natured and self-centered his wife can get And he also knows if ever he would want to leave this dangerous business because of his "WIFE" then Vansh would happily let him go. Hasn't he already kinda took a backseat since Ishani got all cranky for Angre getting hurt all the time? There is just no valid reason enough to cheat his boss. 

It better be some plan to save Vansh and protect Ridhhima🤔 They just can't destroy every damn character in the name of thriller. 

Hi Ellora 🤗

Thankfully our belief in VANGRE BOND is vindicated n it was indeed a VANGRE plan to keep Vyom out n Ridz away from danger 😳👍🏼

Ishani's nonsensical talks comments

But Riddhu babay always has her own plans n ruins Vansh plans🤣

Blueberry94 thumbnail
Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: HeytzMaaneet

Hi Ellora 🤗

Thankfully our belief in VANGRE BOND is vindicated n it was indeed a VANGRE plan to keep Vyom out n Ridz away from danger 😳👍🏼

Ishani's nonsensical talks comments

But Riddhu babay always has her own plans n ruins Vansh plans🤣

hethu whats ur take about today epi my head is spinning 🤪

HeytzMaaneet thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: Blueberry94

hethu whats ur take about today epi my head is spinning 🤪


Had a busy day yesterday so couldn't come for LU

Will post my take in sometime


Blueberry94 thumbnail
Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: HeytzMaaneet


Had a busy day yesterday so couldn't come for LU

Will post my take in sometime


ok dear