FF: PranBir/KrishDha - In Love With Devil CH17+Writer's Note Pg 37 - Page 19


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Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: Deepidj9

Really a nice update dear. Sry to reply late as I was little busy. As I thought ranbir childhood was very bad nd that's the reason why he doesn't let anyone near him.. Prachi liked her very much, the stand she took for herself nd that slap. Ranbir uncle is right, only prachi can bring light in ranbir dark life. These two need each other support, ranbir anger is just a show off, he doesn't want to show his emotions or is scared but prachi her care nd anger a reality check to raise birthday. Hate diva, how cruel mom she is. Just hoping she doesn't harm prachi. 

hey thank you so much it's okay for the late response đŸ˜ł... and as for Ranbir you're right he's a lot of layers... now it's upto Prachi how she deals with him... because Neha had already told her the pros and cons of being with Ranbir... we can only hope she manages to get him to open up

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Posted: 4 years ago

Chapter 12

Before Prachi could reach the doorknob, Ranbir had already pushed it open. As their conflicting gazes met she rushed to her bed and got hold of her cell phone, trying her to look normal. Annoyed by her sudden reaction; he walked in, instructing the domestic help to bring in the steaming hot food on the trolley;

"Kaka has sent the food for you; eat it." - Ignoring his usual commanding tone; Prachi was too busy scrolling through her WhatsApp chats for the 3rd time.

"Please get out…" - Ranbir's expressions stiffened as he stood by the door.

"You slapped me and I should be the one to leave; nice."

“Oh come on, you deserved every bit of it!”

“God, where did you get these curves from?” - Prachi glared at him in confusion then a sudden realization left her face crimson with shame - she quickly pulled her kurta down - fixing the crease of her jeans as he grinned.

“Thanks for the detailed x-ray!!”

“I don’t think anyone in the world would take that risk.”

“Nice to know that we agree on something!”

“I was talking about the fat.”

“Who the hell do you think you are??” - Sensing her downright anger and emotional vulnerability; Ranbir immediately turned sober.

“I was just trying to  - never mind… I hope your mother is okay...”

“Are you aware that listening to somebody else’s conversations is generally frowned upon?”

“I didn’t. Usually mothers worry for their children in such a state. Well, ... maybe not…” - With brief silence between the two, Ranbir held the doorknob, “I just came in to make up for - well, you know. 

Even after such horrific behavior, he can’t apologize upfront - bloody egoistic monster!

“Wrong timing I guess.”

“Stay here…”

“Don’t use these decorative phrases with me. I’m fine.”

“Do you want to earn more moods from my side?”

“I don’t think I really care about your mood swings.”

“Fine. Take this food on your way out.” - Ranbir closed the door and stood with his arms crossed.

“Are you seriously going to argue over this? What are you? a 4 years old?”

“If you’re stubborn enough not to comply with my request for once; even I’m not budging an inch!”

“I have got this nice and clear; you don’t have to bleed my ears again.”

“Alright then good luck with facing Raghu kaka yourself...”

“This is not inclusive of the pathetic care I should be giving you...”

“Now it is. Otherwise, I’m leaving the house.”

“Your choice. Talk it out with kaka!”

“If you’re genuinely sorry then sit down.” - After calculating the pros and cons of her weird behavior he let out an exhausted sigh and sat on the nearby sofa. On the other hand Prachi sat beside him feeling accomplished, carefully examining the open scars over his shoulder.

“What’s your darn problem? I told you I don’t need any frigging first aids!!”

“Start making exceptions from now on.”

“Would you please stop acting like a nanny to me?”

“You need to lower your tone with me or else it’s going to reverse your apology.” - Ranbir clenched his teeth, “Why do you hate being bandaged?”

“Fix your robot self first.”

“That’s not what I have asked you.”

“The material irritates me; just like you.” - Ranbir mumbled without looking at her, clearly uneasy with her touch.

“This wound looks terrible - I’d just get the -”

“Why are you doing this?”

“Well, it is common sense but still let me tell you, bandages are necessary to keep the wound from infections.”

“Sit down and answer my question, why do you want to help me?”

Prachi had been ignoring his apparent wrath and questions in different ways; the second she was discharged from the hospital. May it be arguing with him or slapping him for questioning her morality - she had valid reasons to do that. First, she wanted to take her newly developed emotions at a slower pace and second, Ranbir had thankfully become a bit responsive and tolerant towards her concerns - expressing her mind would lead him to shut himself completely. At the moment nothing was more important for her than to maintain the interactions and stay closer to him.

“Just what I told you… I am helping Raghu kaka in bringing your twisted mind back on track…” - Ranbir observed her body language with knitted eyebrows.

“You said all of this wasn’t for him but for me to believe you that - that you… actually care. What exactly were you referring to?”

“As a friend! Is it too complicated for you to understand a simple statement?” - Prachi snapped, “You know what? You’re right, let it be - I’ll just talk to Raghu kaka and get out of here!!!” - She stood up when held her wrist.

“Relax, it was just a question. Do your business so that I can leave.” 

“I don’t want to!! You’re too stupid to get the bandages on - you can leave me alone!”

“Your repeated irksome behavior with me, confirms my assumption that you’re not ready to spill the beans. But, I’ll figure that out! Eat the food or throw it out like I care!”


A huge group of students stood outside the dean’s office - whispering while peeking in through the door. Ranbir and Dr Dhanush sat for a meeting conversing with one another - their body language convinced the audience that the matter was grave;

“I am very disappointed Ranbir! How couldn’t you inform me about the attack! I would’ve definitely instructed the security in-charge to seal the campus and get a hold of the culprits!”

“I am sure this isn’t the first time you have faced disappointment in life.”

“I am not in a mood to crack jokes with you! Do you realize how worried Raghuveer ji was? What if -”

“What do you take me as? A 2 years old kid, who accidentally peed in his underpants? I am not sure why my beloved uncle hadn’t been assertive enough to tell you but, all of this royal treatment makes me sick to the stomach!! If you want me to feel comfortable, either treat me normally or leave me alone!”

“None of the other students have their names on the hit list but you do! Keeping in view the sensitivity of the matter; we’ve got to take care of you whether you like it or not!”

“Let me make things easier for you dean; you loosen this so-called security around me and I’d stay - you suffocate me like a possessive girlfriend, I’d leave this college! Take your pick.”

“I reject this nonsense! I can’t upset Raghuveer ji no matter what you say! Your well-being would remain the priority period!”

“So, let me get this straight, out of 4500 students you’re not just concerned about the well-being of one student but, okay with the idea of putting other students’ life and future at risk! Very impressive.”

“Come to the darn point.”

“There was a girl who’s life was at risk way more than mine! What do you have to say on her security? Isn’t that biasness?”

“There are hundreds of girls studying here; which one are you talking about?”

“Prachi Arora! She got hit by - forget it!”

“Listen Ranbir, I don’t have that much time to pay each and every student a special visit! I was informed that she was taken to the hospital and -”

“I took her to the hospital! If you can’t be impartial in these matters, I am sorry there’s absolutely no point for you to hold this position or for me to stay here!”

“I don’t appreciate your tone son…”

“That’s genetic, next?” 

“What do you want me to do?”

“That’s more I like it - yours most respected Raghuveer Singh ji would inform you so, you better keep your eyes and ears open.”

Ankit stopped in tracks observing the rush outside the dean’s office. With mixed thoughts, he moved ahead inquiring one of the students.

“You actually don’t know what has happened lately? Dr. Dhanush is already creating a havoc out of the attack!”

“Stop playing mind games and tell me everything!”

“This guy Ranbir Pratap, he got into an accident outside college gates day before - if rumors are to be believed it was a pre-planned assault and some girl was also rushed to the hospital…”


“Some fresher…” - At listening to the last bit of the statement, he could feel his temper rising abruptly.

“Tell me her God-damn name!!”

“Easy on the aggression bro, why don’t you ask the dean yourself!”

“I definitely would!” - As soon as Ranbir went out of the office all of the students quickly dispersed avoiding his death stare - however, Ankit stood firm making a fist. After a short eye-contact, Ranbir passed by him in disgust;

“Try as much as you can, but, showing off your built, dragging women into your heroic stunts and making frequent rounds of the dean’s office won’t earn you attention!” - Ranbir stopped at once to witness Ankit’s jealous face.

“Somebody’s ass just got burnt real bad!”

“Don’t you dare act smart; I know what dirty business you’ve been doing on campus…”

“That’s strange and interesting to hear at the same time. Someone who doesn’t have the time to take care of his personal hygiene, stinking the hostel washrooms all the way through has enough time to keep a check on my activities! Your orphan-looking face tells me, you just got a huge shock so let me sum up everything; I’m glad that I am dean’s favorite, a great stuntman and an excellent boyfriend material. At least I’m half-way there in a short span as compared to you; being the dean’s pet dog sniffing for every woman to grab attention!” - Ankit had just moved ahead to hit Ranbir when he felt his wrist being twisted.

“You keep on forgetting how I had thrashed the hostel boys in front of you! You don’t want the same fate, or do you? - Ankit stood there shaking underneath.

“You mess with - with Prachi and - you’d have it from me!!!”

“I’d have what, a d***? I’m really sorry man, but, I am against rainbows. Perhaps you should try your hand on Vikram and Uday - they’d love to have you in the sandwich!!” - He shoved off Ankit’s wrist, leaving pink traces on.

“Another thing, the girl you’re referring to - Prachi Arora; whether I take pleasure out of her or throw her onto the streets; I’d make sure she doesn’t escape; you know why? To keep her safe from a lustful ba***** like you!”

“Wait, till I reveal your truth in front of her!!”

“I’d wait till she gets blind enough to believe you!”


Raghuveer moved back and forth in the lobby constantly checking the time. The doctors’ team was supposed to arrive on the designated day and time. A part of him feared if at all he failed to fulfill his promise; Prachi would want to leave - and he wasn’t wanting it to happen anytime soon.

After another half an hour the doorbell rang - thanking all the lords Raghuveer went to the main door to let the doctors team in. However, what he saw next vexed him even more. A middle-aged man with a shabby appearance donning an over-sized coat, baggy pants, rusty dress shirt, and untidy beard stood with an old suitcase and a stethoscope in hand;

“Who the hell are you?”

“Is this the owner of the house? Raghuveer Singh?”

“Who else am I looking like? And - I had asked for a team of doctors!! Where are they!”

“Mister, for your information, I am the doctor! The team you had specifically asked for had to attend an emergency case, and so -”

“And so they sent a beggar look-alike quack to mess up with my child’s already deteriorating health!!!”

“Would you let me in already!”

“Not until you show me your medical license and papers!” 

“I take this as an insult to my profession!!!!”

“So, you won’t show me your documents, is that so?”


“Security! Take a look at this squeaky guy!”

“Hey! What’s the idea? Give my stuff back!! Is this a police station?”

“You’ve no idea!” - One of the security guards throw all the stuff out of the messy suitcase and handed over a file to Raghuveer. After scanning through each and every paper - Raghuveer gave him another suspicious look.

“MBBS - Visiting doctor - City Hospital…”


“I am surprised how come the management has started to hire stand-up comedians? - Raghuveer concluded, thrusting the file onto his lap, “this way...”

The doctor scanned the entire mansion with suspicious eyes, from the huge flooring; statues to the huge staircases - praying to the heavens he doesn’t get trapped into the den.

“Is there actually any patient waiting for me? Or I - I mean…”

“Keep moving!” - Raghuveer had just knocked on the half open door when the doctor immediately stood stunned for a second. His eyes fell on Prachi who were comfortably sitting on the bed, trying to unhook her bracelet;

“This is the patient?? She’s so young and beautiful!!!” - The sudden enthusiasm in his voice startled Prachi, and she gave a long nervous glance to Raghuveer - who were ready to murder him any minute. “Okay, so first I’ll have to -” - Before he could finish Raghuveer held his shoulder.

“Allow me… Prachi he’d just examine your injury for now; I hope it’s okay..” - Glancing at the wicked features of the apparent doctor - she showcased her discomfort.

“I am right here…” - While Raghuveer had maintained an eagle eye on the doctor as he took out his equipment; Prachi’s mind drifted off thinking about the devil who was nowhere to be seen.

“Kaka, where’s Ranbir?”

“Not sure, as of now; he left in such a hurry that I hadn’t seen him since morning.” 

Slightly disappointed, Prachi gave him a nod. As much as it sounded weird, even with his massive arrogance and sarcasm, she felt a sense of security with Ranbir around. Hoping for him to come back soon, she tried focusing on her check up.

Just then one of the servants came up running, informing the elderly man about the huge mess the gardener had caused in the backyard - Raghuveer instantly gave a quizzical look to Prachi;

“I’d be fine…” - Prachi smiled. As he stepped out, her eyes shifted to the weird human being in front of her, who were taking more than usual to check her prescriptions, “How much time is it going to take?”

“The fun has just begun…”

“Excuse me!”

“I meant in order to treat you better; I have got to have a look at your scar… maybe you could just… unbutton from the top…”

“What are you trying to do here???”

“Mam your injury is on the collar bone; so I would have to see it in depth…” - Unsure of what to do, she looked upon her shirt. 

“Wait, let me help…” - In a struggle to see the wound, the doctor had just torn a side of the fabric. And while she stared back at him in shock - she didn’t realize someone had just witnessed the creepy sequence standing in the door-way.

“R… Ranbir…” 

With the apparent stiffness in his posture and aggression on his handsome features, hell was about to break loose - Prachi dreaded.


Edited by manu9 - 4 years ago
Sociopath thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

I love this chapter. I am loving this bossy side of prachi. Eventhough i want ranbir to tone down his attitude but what he did with ankit was much needed. You go ranbir! Wow the doctor was a creep. At first i thought that creepy old man is ankit. Can't wait for next chapter when ranbir will punch that douchebag. Please this time update soon.

secular00 thumbnail
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Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: Sociopath

I love this chapter. I am loving this bossy side of prachi. Eventhough i want ranbir to tone down his attitude but what he did with ankit was much needed. You go ranbir! Wow the doctor was a creep. At first i thought that creepy old man is ankit. Can't wait for next chapter when ranbir will punch that douchebag. Please this time update soon.

Haha... you're right both of them have started power struggles with each other....😆while Prachi has become bossy to hide her insecurities... Ranbir has equally started acting differently around her.... we can hope that they get along with each other soon... however pertaining to his unpredictable nature I am not sure the friendship is happening soon... As far as the quick update is concerned... I've recently started working after a long break  So I'd try my best that the next update doesn't take a month... thank you so much for your feedback â¤ď¸

Chocolateygirl thumbnail
Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 5 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 4 years ago

really a wonderful update. loved prachi as boss nd both of them, slowly they r coming close. now its clear ranbir nd prachi has feeling for each other. nd that guy ankit what an answer ranbir gave him when he mentioned prachi, as if she was ranbir girl. indeed she is. loved his dangerous warning to ankit.loved kaka too, how protective nd concerned he is for prachi the way he took class of that old doctor was too funny  nd that doctor don't know why I think divya must have sent him. He torn prachi dress, before she could understand anything ranbir came. now god save him. poor soul. now its clear, prachi is ranbir's girl nd if anyone tries to harm her he is gone. next update soon dear want to know what ranbir will do to that guy nd how will he take care of prach

secular00 thumbnail
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Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: Deepidj9

really a wonderful update. loved prachi as boss nd both of them, slowly they r coming close. now its clear ranbir nd prachi has feeling for each other. nd that guy ankit what an answer ranbir gave him when he mentioned prachi, as if she was ranbir girl. indeed she is. loved his dangerous warning to ankit.loved kaka too, how protective nd concerned he is for prachi the way he took class of that old doctor was too funny  nd that doctor don't know why I think divya must have sent him. He torn prachi dress, before she could understand anything ranbir came. now god save him. poor soul. now its clear, prachi is ranbir's girl nd if anyone tries to harm her he is gone. next update soon dear want to know what ranbir will do to that guy nd how will he take care of prach

thank you so much for your encouraging feedback❤️... as much as I want to agree with the change in Ranbir I fear that... he's too stubborn to conform so early...

Miss-Behave thumbnail
Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 11 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 4 years ago

👏 Absolutely love your writing manu â¤ď¸

secular00 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: sammy17

👏 Absolutely love your writing manu â¤ď¸

Thank you so much for the appreciation as always😃

Sociopath thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: manu9

Haha... you're right both of them have started power struggles with each other....😆while Prachi has become bossy to hide her insecurities... Ranbir has equally started acting differently around her.... we can hope that they get along with each other soon... however pertaining to his unpredictable nature I am not sure the friendship is happening soon... As far as the quick update is concerned... I've recently started working after a long break  So I'd try my best that the next update doesn't take a month... thank you so much for your feedback â¤ď¸

You're welcome and it's ok take your time!

secular00 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: Sociopath

You're welcome and it's ok take your time!
