Bepannah My thoughts, Self-preservation or other's first?

Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago

Bepannah ~My Thoughts ep 35~4.5.18 Self- preservation or others first ?

All living organisms will fight to survive. It's the law of nature. Thus its natural to look out for self-interest. However with humans, that which sets them apart from other living things is the option or ability to make choices. Discerning the another aspect of a situation where the other takes preference over the self. For me, today's episode covers the dichotomy of preserving ones own needs and wants, or put others welfare and needs first. It goes without saying that the former is based on survival instinct, while the latter signifies branching out for the greater good. It's interesting to note how one's personal circumstances often have a bearing on why one is forced to see situations in a different, opposing, contrasting, perspective. How after which one's mindset under goes a change.

Take Zoya for instance, she is homeward bound. Whether she takes a knee jerk decision?  I feel is her prerogative. She faces a bitter truth, that proves how erroneous she stands today, in  a landmark decision of her life. Stoically she faces the back lash of her folly of falling in love with the wrong man. Now she needs respite which she believes her home ground and family can give. Aditya's words, though, follow her  everywhere. Put  her off in her homeward bound stride too. There's no getting away from them. They disturb, distract and interfere with her mindset to forget her bad experiences with Yash! All she is doing is trying to survive! but Aditya's shadow complete with his resounding taunts travel with her in her sojourn?  

The cab's engine malfunction, symbolises Zoya's present condition. She appears to be  road worthy, but not long before she ends up totally faulty and ends up like the ceased  cab! Right in the middle of the road, just like her life! The mysterious hand of providence gives her ominous signs, which she fails to fathom. Her recent grief is far greater, and blurs her ability to think straight about what life wants from her now? It appears , Zoya leaving Mumbai  may be yet another flawed  decision she takes. The cab symbolises Zoya's personal comfort and convenience. It also stands for Zoya loving a man like Yash. The cab like Yash ends up defective and flawed. Zoya has no option other than to disembark from  the cab! But the truth she pushes behind her, is that it was more like Yash who abandons her. It's Zoya now, who undergoes discomfort. End's up on the road!  But even now Zoya takes a common sense decision.. her sibling Noor arranges for another cab. As life goes on.

Where will this new cab take Zoya? where she was heading before?or elsewhere? Providence once more shows her the way to the destination chosen for her. In a new cab.  Oblivious and still in emotional pain. Unsure still, if returning home is the right route for her to take. It's providence once more that shows her the light. Her fallen handbag with  Mona's novena gifted bracelet pops out! reveals the symbol of the  crucified Christ! It's  the sign Zoya needs for her beaten, lack lustre  life! The image of the crucified Christ reminds her, how he surrendered his life for others! So that others may live life abundantly[Bible]  She gathers  her resolve for the future!

 Alongside Aditya's words, of terminating  services of Zosh staff! His deliberate strategy of using  their first names! Brings back for Zoya personal connections she had struck with the interns ! It hits Zoya with the reality. A mixed age range of staff, are at risk of losing their livelihoods due to no fault of theirs! She hears Aditya's accusations. How Zoya broke  promises she made to them! come back to haunt her! Gradually the truth lies before her. Zoya only lived a self centred existence . Now her personal gain will be to profit the deserving others! Steadily the self in Zoya  becomes secondary  and others interests become primary! The other side of the coin .. flips in Zoya. Quite a contrast to how she viewed things in her life before. Out of her personal tragedy she finds a fresh new way to plant, sustain, nurture and grow a new harvest! Bit by bit, the directions for a brand new journey in different cab that is  hopefully reliable! become evident. Hence let the past stay behind her. As  Zoya feels she has bigger, better, and more  meaningful matters to deal with!

Besides as Zoya confesses to Noor when she tells her sister she's back in the game of putting Zosh back in business. Zoya has learnt to differentiate between being loyal to herself and being faithful to those who are sincere. Life, along with Aditya's crude words  have taught her its worthy to back and reward  those with loyalty , rather than  those who smile yet  cheat blatantly. Yes she will resurrect Zosh! not out of love for Yash. But rather, for those sincere people whose efforts will make Zosh bring it alive ! it's work force who in reality  turn its wheels! Noor as a sister can sense her appi previously down. Now  gets  a new lease of life. The fallen angel begins to flap her feeble wings..

For me personally, the scene where Zoya opens her heart and soul before her office staff is  all about confessing about the golden chance that life  gives her  once more to redeem herself. To make amends for broken promises, a past misdeed, shortcoming, she did  done in an hour of weakness. Now she wants to do something positive. Pick up from where she left!

For Mahi she doesn't know what hit her. Looks like she celebrated too early. But true to her nature she will resort to seedy methods now, to scare Zoya into fleeing Mumbai so she can get her hands on Yash's property. Looks like the tug of war between virtue and vice is on. Mahi will discover, that Zoya despite her morose self is strong enough to dig her heels in! Zoya this time choses to stay and fight. For this time Zoya is not alone by backed by an army of   common well wishers headed by Aditya Hooda!

For Aditya the moment he sees her back! He knows that she bears herself.. well just about. His coarse, abrasive words, show results. He knows she always, thinks of him, and still does, of him as a law unto himself! One who breaks rules and regulations! But seeing  Zoya back on parade  tells him his brash attitude has paid off well!

But then, what would Adi be without his mask? On the face of it he plays nonchalant and indifferent to Zoya's sudden return to Zosh! Yet within, curiosity  kills him! Whatever brought her back? I suspect he wants to hear from her mouth that she returns due to his fierce words, and animated performances. But no such thing happens! although Zoya,as dead and phased out she looks ! Yet  she silently laps in how Adi bends over backwards to draw her attention! The scenes are amusing to watch. Harshad gives the best facial expressions that  are sure to make audiences laugh. I was reminded how he called Zoya a cartoon! But as Adi... now he becomes a caricature himself, of a crazy bob cat! one busy body! Dying,  desperate to know what's going on in that pretty little head of her! 

He labelled her a attention seeker, yet he is ready to stand on his head to draw her attention. She is aware of his childish antics. But keeps her head buried in pending work. Is she trying to give Adi a message ,yes she is back, its strictly business! But the more she maintains distance with her body language. The more Aditya is emotionally hauled towards her. perhaps a tad guilty for adopting the grumpy approach with her. Zoya ,still even in her fizzled out mute disposition, intrigues him! In fact he ,like Zoya does with Noor,  confesses  before  his brother Arjun, that Zoya is his pleasant  preoccupation..  without which life appears monotonous to him! and yes he is chuffed she  is back!   

Like Noor, Arjun too is relieved.. to note after ages his big bro returns the way he would like to see him..seems the past grief  quells.. Zoya perhaps is the harbinger of smooth sailing on the ocean of life, for Adi bro?  

 But for the erratic Aditya there is a thin line between funny antics and the concern on the return of near dead, without steam Zoya. His  confidence betrays him that all is well within her? she appears , work motivated, driven, mechanical on the outset. But her lifeless gaze caught  by his piercing eyes, tell him a differing tale that makes Adi anxious. Jokes apart! , he did desire her self assertion into play! But his eyes, by now can read her like a book. The title of which reads, I live..but Adi  picks on the silent inference ..but are you alive Zoya?     

The episode encapsulates Aditya's  heart warming efforts to  infuse her snuffed soul with the enthusiasm of his soul. In all his little actions he reminds her he too broke into a million pieces. But if a flippant guy like him can get his act together, partly with her help. Then a good soul like her too can  draw herself up! stand up straight and tall. For this time  she is not  weak, vulnerable  and alone. This time another who wants to give life another chance and live for others stands beside her. She just needs to sense his presence..adi will be there for her.. he will restore life back to Zoya! hamlet53 5.5.18  

pardon me,for very late post.. meanwhile enjoy the weekend.. much love hammie   



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swansong thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Ist seat.but will b back after watching.
Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago

Originally posted by: swansong

Ist seat.but will b back after watching.

so you are number 1!   ab comment bhi de dena.. being number one,,has its snags... and nus... is roasting... I am too its garme here!
 πŸ˜ƒ    ja sau ja... I know you..   πŸ˜›   hammie
Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago

Originally posted by: NusiSg

Will be bac after readingπŸ€“

Nusi... watch the episode.. that's where the real fun lies, my words fail to capture the pulse..
chillaz πŸ˜›  catch you kal.. πŸ˜ƒ hammie
NusiSg thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 6 years ago
Hello hammie again... im super late bt had to cmmnt fr ths epi mahn.. ir right the real fun was watching Aditya's antiquities to understands Zoya's state.. ur right AD doing those gimmicks has made him cartoon instead..he used to say ths to Zoya.. n yes harshad jst nailed it bro... je was beyond perfect..
I jst love ur indepth analysis n symbolosm abt car breaking.. n how Zoya reacted.. ur amazing as always..

Hammie jst like u im super happy im watching it with ur superb analysis.. u write brilliantly as always.. love n hugs to u fr being so fantastic..keep rocking..

shruthiravi thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 6 years ago
Hello dear.I was actually checking ur post. It is beautiful written. Adhi will infuse in the robot zoya.after all as per mythology we call aditya or Sun the source of life. Seeing whom the lotus blooms in the mud.
Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
helooo ice pop! ummm... Nusi! 
Hello hammie again... im super late bt had to cmmnt fr ths epi mahn.. ir right the real fun was watching Aditya's antiquities to understands Zoya's state.. ur right AD doing those gimmicks has made him cartoon instead..he used to say ths to Zoya.. n yes harshad jst nailed it bro... je was beyond perfect..
I jst love ur indepth analysis n symbolosm abt car breaking.. n how Zoya reacted.. ur amazing as always..
 so right you are.. the strength of the episode was in big time contrast  between Zoya and Adi's attitudes... he was  in his tongue in cheek comic elements.. underplaying her return... while she was telling him.. me sad ... two fine actors at their best
Hammie jst like u im super happy im watching it with ur superb analysis.. u write brilliantly as always.. love n hugs to u fr being so fantastic..keep rocking..
lovely to  hear your thoughts about the episode.. new entry is on the horizon... plus a sharp turn in the plot! so lets put our seat belts on and enjoy  the roller coaster  ride!  thanks  for  your ongoing support! much love yours hammie..

Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
helooo shruthiravi...πŸ˜ƒ great to see you.. was looking out for your comment too
Hello dear.I was actually checking ur post. It is beautiful written. Adhi will infuse in the robot zoya.after all as per mythology we call aditya or Sun the source of life. Seeing whom the lotus blooms in the mud.
so now I  know.. Aditya as.. surya../suraj.. and  a "robot Zoya".. how the sun with its rays, some times blazing,, other times warm and temperate.. help the Lotus to  bloom despite it's messy environment... great informative comment.. shruthriravi .. thanks for sharing with all on my post... much love hammie