vijisridhar thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 16 years ago

I shall try and give you highlights of today (friday) episode:

1. GJ and CT are waiting on Malaysia road to hear from that old man (who got money) to give back Aish. GJ is tensed and orey pulambal. CT get the call, directed to GJ and that guy says that Aishwarya has been put in thier car. They rush to thier parked car and open to see that indeed Aish is there unconsicious. They want to go back home and GJ asks CT to set up a meeting with NT.

Parallelly, in Chennai, Kalai is being taken to the mental hospital for evaluation alongwith MB, her bro and KK. She is afraid seeing all mentally retarted people loitering there. They go to the chief doc, show the court order. Kalai is taken alone to a separate room for evalauation, here a doc and a 'bearded' man, i think he is a psychiatrist, are asking questions to kalai - whats her name, where is she living, is she married, has children, did she kill anybody. etc. She does not answer any of the questions, just a normal shocked expression.

The evaluated doc comes out to waiting KK and others and say that she is is normal, she doesnt' answer any Qs, thats all. KK refutes saying she is nor normal, there are previous doc reports along these lines. But, the Doc gets angry saying that, he doenst' want to see any previous reports, presently, she is normal, thats the report, he will give the court and goes away.

2. Back in Malaysia, argument between NT and GJ, CT looking on in some car park. GJ says that they got back Aish and asks NT to take her immediately coz, he wants his 3.5 crores. NT asks whether he gave 50 lakhs to some kidnapper and why. GJ is pissed at CT for 'potuukuduthufying' to NT, saying that he had no other way. CT says to NT that yes, they had to give or else they wouldnt' have got Aish back and if they knew whats happeneing with Aishwarya they may demand even more, they had no other option. GJ again demands his money, NT says he will take aish and settle his money tomorrow. GJ asks for time and place, but, NT says i will call anytime and the place is ...oops i forgot the place name, some 'gaya' i think. NT also says that CT will take care about it, be ready and he will call anytime and goes away, GJ scorns and says to CT that he wants his money soon, and also says to CT to arrange Laila to send her along with him to Thailand and other exotic places, to which CT says, she already has a boyfriend. GJ is angry again, she has not told me, why did you lie, etc. CT says, its only 1 lie in front of somany lies that GJ has told so many people. 😆 😆

3. In Malaysia, Selvi is discussing with that businessman friend (i forgot his name), that, she doubts CT is double crossing her, she wants her daughter at any cost. Selvi wants to go to the house where GJ is staying. They go and park opp. to the house and wait. She recognises CT driving that van in the house garage, that friend says dismisses that, meanwhile, GJ comes out first, then CT follows, Selvi and that businessman friend are shocked and Selvi wants to go and confront them, but, the friend is saying its too dangerous, no to her. Laila also comes out, GJ asking when will NT call them, he is impatient. then, GJ. CT and Laila get into the car and drive away. Now, Selvi gets out of her car and says that Aish should be inside the house, she wants to rescue her now. Both of them try the door and windows on all sides of the house to enter it. but all seems locked, when they both are coming around, the car in which GJ, CT and laila went is returning, Selvi and friend are shocked and trying to hide....freeze ...

ok...this is my first attempt, sorry for any mistakes committed...i think, i have given all the scenes instead of highlights .... ha..haa...!!!




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Aahaana thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 16 years ago

February 4th update

(Don't miss out todays episode guys..after a long time…Arase was back on action)

Selvi and her friend want to search thorough the house to find Aish, but the gang returns and takes Aish with them. Selvi sees Aish and want to run after her, but her friends stops her cause she can't do much alone without backups. They follow the evil gang….this trace scene continues…they arrives to a place…nice buildings in background (Caryn/SC or Neths…what is that building?? Tell me na after u guys have seen this episode)

Evil gang waits for signal from NT who sits in his car and Selvi in her vehicles. NT comes out, so does CT and Gj…Selvi is stunned to see NT and can't believe what her eyes see. NT wants Aish, but GJ want his money first..NT asks wherever Gj doesn't trust him and gives him a small note..Gj refuse to take it, he want his money. NT replies that is the receipt for the money he transferred over to GJ's account last night. GJ is happy and gives an expression like it was diwali for him. 😆😆Selvi is pissed out to see Gj selling his own daughter to N, her friend hold her back, they should wait for the cops. NT tells GJ to handover Aish to him, GJ refuse. He won't do that..he is not that evil..if NT wants his daughter, then he can pick her up by himself. NT laughs and says he become evil that day he agreed to sell his daughter, lied to his family about taking Aish to London for treatment, but brought her to Malaysia instead and tells CT to bring her. He goes and brings her to NT…Selvi cant hold any longer and starts to run…we hear many police sirens….someone scream DON'T MOVE NALLATHAMBHI….a cool music is playing and we sees that person…….guess who it can be???……Its Arase😉….NT, CT and GJ are hell shocked over what they just saw😆…Arase and Malaysians police points gun at NT & co…(this was unexpected …never thought Arase will arrive to Malaysia after the Kalai saga,…..😆😆)

Arase order NT to let Aish go…finally her reason for coming from Mumbai to Chennai will be done today…as his game is over. 😉NT laughs and tell her to he always wanted to finish off her and Selvi and he finally will do that here in Malaysia..its not India..It's his place so she can't do anything. Arase just tell him to be quiet and let Aish go..he refuses…if she comes a step toward him..he wont hesitate to shoot her,,he tell her to remember her mothers fate…Selvi is confused/speechless…Arase stare at CT who takes out a gun from his pocket…he point the gun at NT👏👏, NT never expected that and call him for a betrayer.😆😆 CT order him to let that girl go, he is Arase man, has hanging around with him the past 3 year to catch him and waited for a chance like this…Arase and the others cops goes near NT who finally have realised his game is lost…. They arrest him and take away. (aww….I know it was something up with CT…but never that he was a cop…lol😆😆)

Selvi runs up to Aish and push away GJ in anger, he better stay away from her and her daughter. Arase inform that she come all the way cause of GJ..he was the one who gave her info about very moment of NT, Selvi is surprised and GJ is all-proud😆..Arase and CT arranged everything ready for Aish treatment, they shall come back when Aish is cured and tell CT to help them and leaves…FREEZE

Finally one action episode after so much of Kalai saga😉

Edited by meli - 16 years ago
Aahaana thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 16 years ago
February 5th update

Sorry guys…I lost my first had to rewrite it again…sigh…  Actually there were no action..Arase and NT scene want fun and Lion scenes😉

A jeep arrives to the mental hospital, its lion and his men. They talks with the doc, its seems the docs son is studying at the medical college owned by lion is happy since his work will be easy. He hand over a cover ( no prize for guessing what that could be😆 most grow up on his garden I guess or he most have a money three at home…!😕). He also wants to give back the money he paid for get that admission for his son…lion lost his son cause of Kalai and he want the doc to kill her…doc is shocked and sends away the warden from his office and refuse to do that. He cant stop lion from killing her, but he refuse to do that, he comes from a good family and wont accept something go wrong at his hospital, they better stay away. Lion is irritated and says so u is a honest man..then why do u pay for your sons admission? it's a criminal thing to demand money to do a favor..but its okay to give??    ( very true lion… as long as people is there to give…criminal ones will demand that😡) He threatens the doc, if his rapport to the court is not in favour for lion..he wont hesitate to kill the doc and his son.

At outside warden guy offer to do kill Kalai…lion want to know why he is doing that..warden guy says even the doc's need his advice. They don't know anything here (do he thinks he a doc or something?? 😕) and he has 3 kids so he is doing that for them. Lion is happy, warden want to slowly make Kalai mental and want a big amount to do that..lion replies..since u said slowly to turn Kalai mental..ur salary will also come slowly..(ha..ha..sometimes lion cracks me up😆😆)

Arase is back in Chennai with NT…while they drive..NT admits Arase rocks since she arrested him, but where will she hand him over? The Indian police? Army? CIB? Or Tamil nadu police??😆 Arase doesn't say anything…he will know that when they arrives there. NT blabs she cant do anything with him, he will be out soon😕…they come to an old bungalow. NT refuses to go there, she is supposed to hand him over to the government..not kill him in a old bungalow (what a chicken NT you are:...!😆😆.)Arase stare at him and reply…if she wanted to kill him, then she would have done that in Malaysia😆, she want to catch his whole gang, people who gives him orders etc. she take shim upstairs and lock in a dark room and tell him that very soon he will meet honest cops like her who lives only for their job…until now he has thought he can buy anyone with the money. She will keep him here until he speaks and if he decided to keep quiet…then he will be forced to live here until he dies😆…she will  tell a lie to DGP, cause even the Valuvar has said they can lie for a good case (hmm...u can lie..but not ur hubby to save his daughter??😕)….also kind of tease him..he used to talk like a non- stop radio..but since that day she arrested him,he is very very quiet…(haha..good one😆😆) they show a depressed NT and a Ganga who happily repeat one of her kuthu dance…(Lord…I wish we could get ride of Ganga🤢🤢..even NT is 1000 times better….😉)

At Boss house, he speaks with someone about some business. Doc wants to know when Selvi will return back, boss says she will soon…and wonder why doc doesn't talk with him anymore…doc sarcastically says she will when Selvi returns…doesn't she have that right to talk with her??? Where is Selvi anyway…? 😕

They show a worried Selvi and GJ waiting in hospital corridor…doc's gives treatment to Aish. Selvi call up Kaveri…who seems to have cried buckets of water (TN has water prob...and u all cries bucktes😆)…she apologies to her mother for having told the truth to grandpa & co. Selvi says Aish is fine and want to talk with grandpa..he is happy to hear they are save and wonder wherever they catch GJ…Selvi says she have misunderstood GJ…GJ hear that and is happy😕…FREEZE Edited by meli - 16 years ago
brinny_g thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago

Wednesday 6th Episode:

Selvi tells Daddy Bear that Aish is fine. The whole Bear family thank her. (Doesn't Arasi get a mention? It's not like she saved the girl!🤔) GJ says you could have told them properly about my role in this, they will still think I am bad. CT walks in and says Aish is fine, all the bad stuff in her blood has been removed (I'm not even gonna comment on the hows and whys of this😕). GJ asks him how he managed to outwit NT. He says it is all Arasi madam's doing. He holds her in high regard, and she has people all over the world like himself. Even Selvi's friend who was helping her, and Laila are all part of the police department. CT then asks GJ to give the 3 & 1/2 crores that NT gave him, plus the 50 lakhs thay took from GJ, to give back to the government. GJ's face changes slightly and after a slight pause he says yes, I'll give it all back. But isn't there a money reward for catching people like NT? CT says no, but they'll give you a small medal. 😆CT then tells Selvi to not look at GJ like a criminal as he has saved a lot of peoples' lives and that she is lucky to have a husband like him. With that, he walks off.

Selvi apologises to GJ. She never thought that he was doing all this to catch NT. Thank god she never stopped him at the airport, or told Daddy Bear, then all this would not have happened. She then asks why he didn't tell her. He says you would never have believed me. If a bad person changes, people never believe them. You say that now, but in a few days someone will say something against me and you won't trust me again. You made Kaveri turn against me (no mate, you managed that by yourself😡). Only God knows how much I love you, and only God knows how much I want everyone to admire our marriage. Selvi says then maybe it is the same God who sent me here to Malaysia, so I can understand you fully. Don't you think I also wanted a normal life with you? Every woman, no matter what her career/education wants to live peacefully with her husband. Now I can have that too. GJ says so do you believe that I am good now? Will you always trust me? Even if it looks like I'm doing something bad, will you still trust me? Selvi says yes to it all. GJ says he is the happiest man in the world and is about to hug her, when he nurse calls her in, and he gets annoyed.😆

When Selvi goes in, GJ talks to himself saying, do you think I came just for a measly 5 crores? I want 100 crores. Now everyone believes me, my daughter is cured, and my enemy has gone. I have no limits.😈

DGP marches angrily into Arasi's house. She welcomes him, but he demands why she went to Malaysia without permission. She says don't get me wrong, but I am not part of your department now. You have no right to question me, and I don't have to answer you. DGP says police can ask anyone anything. Arasi says I am not a criminal. You just think you can march into my house and demand like this? You didn't even bother to phone before you came, nor ask how I am. You just want to know about Malaysia? Well I can come and go whenever I want. DGP says did you arrest NT there? Arasi says so you know what I am doing and where I am going, but you can't even arrest NT? DGP asks again and she says no, I captured him. There is a difference. I didn't go as a cop, I went as Senthamizh Arasi, to rescue a relative. DGP says ok, so where have you kept him? Arasi says I don't have him in my custody any more. DGP threatens to arrest her. She says you couldn't even arrest the criminal, but you think you can arrest his capturer? I'm telling you again, I don't know where he is. I was alone, my mistake was not contacting you when I captured him. As soon as we landed in Chennai, he somehow escaped, as he has so many contacts here. DGP looks stressed, Arasi smiles secretly...THODARUM

Edited by brinny_g - 16 years ago
Aahaana thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 16 years ago
Feb 7th update

Arase continue to tell DGP that NT has more contacts here so he easily escaped from Chennai airport, and she has no backups from the departments side..she infact tried to call him, CM, Home minister etc..but sadly it didn't go through. (haha…Arase😆). DGP stills doesn't believe her, so she remind him that they still talks in friendly tone and she respect him as her senior officer and offer coffee to him, he refuse and leaves.

Selvi and Aish has some fun moments..GJ comes there and inform them that they can discharge Aish soon and he will book a room in a hotel before they leave so they can see sightseeing Malaysia. Selvi and Aish agrees, she will from now on listen to him. When he is gone, Aish says she is happy mother and father have reunited and understand her dad. Selvi calls back to grandpa and says Aish is fine and they will soon come back to India.

GJ comes again and says they can discharge Aish next day, Aish will go back to India, and come back with the whole family as she miss them. Gj agrees and plans to have more family holidays during the summer vacation. CT joins them, he have arranged tickets for them and whenever they need help, they can just ask him..he will be there and leaves..Gj follow him out side and want his number, CT says CT is not even his name, just a name he made up for his mission and whenever Gj needs help, he will be there…who knows..maybe they will meet in India and leaves a confused GJ stands there alone.

Grandma cant wait to see Aish..she is very hyper and grandpa tries to cool her down…finally GJ & co arrives. Everyone is so happy to see Aish back, there is a cute moment between the siblings (Aish n Sachin)😳. GJ wonder wherever they all were angry with him and cursed him😆…he can feel his MIL did that and jokes about it.😆 Grandpa and ma want to take Aish and Sachin back with them, but GJ stops them..he have missed many years with his kids, and want him, Selvi, Sachin, Aish and Kaveri to live as a big family and everyone agrees.

Udhay and Rani home come, they sees Arase and wonder where she has been…Arase ask the same back..Udhay wonder of she remember she has a daughter named Kalai and that she is in a mental hospital?? He and his dad faced a lots of trouble and he tried to call, but in vain. He ask where she went? It cant be a department job as she is no more in duty so he has the right to ask and know😕..Arase replies, when that time come..he will come to know that..but his tone is very rude and ask her lots of questions😡..she says she cares about her daughter a lot..but for that sakes..she cant go around and makes ads about how much she love and cares about Kalai😆, she handed over Kalai to the police to save her. She commit a murder and everyone single woman would have done the same to save their honour, and she believed the court will say the same..but everything went against her thoughts. Udhay is not satisfied and grill his own mother with rude questions like why she gave born to them, why she got married in the first place etc etc😡…he crossed Arase patience and a one big SLAP on his face👏👏…how dare he question his own mother?? Rani comes between and dare she slap her hubby? Her hubby asked didn't anything wrong🤢…you cant slap my hubby..he maybe was your son..but after marriage..he is my hubby! Arase remind her that she got married to him cos of her and when her hubby tried to divorve was her who tried to reunite her. Rani is pissed out and is about to shout more on..but gets cramps and falls dowm..Udhay and Arase is worried..FREEZE ( Udhay was very rude😡…he is good for nothing,.no work or anything..but still manage to talk rudely with his mum and Rani..this lady may have forgot past where her MIL stood up for her😡…but yh..can understand her hubby sentiments, her hubby being slaped in front her..…but that was a well deserved slap as they don't know why she went or where she went) Edited by meli - 16 years ago
Aahaana thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 16 years ago
February 8th update

Rani gets pains and falls down and screams in pains. Udhay doesn't not
know what to do, when Arase tries to help and tell him to call the doc as
she has got labour pain, he tells her to stay away. He knows how to get
his wife to the doc, her mother and SIL will come to help her, Arase
doesn't have to pretend like she care as she doesn't even cares about her
own daughter. 😡 Arase is devastated to hear this…(That was the limit
Udhay, I don't think Arase has to tell about where she goes and what she
does to her kids, they are adults and should take care of their life's. Arase
sometimes are very stubborn and can irritate us, but that does not mean
that her job is her first priority. she do cares about her family even
though she does not shows that openly…she is better off without her
kids who always makes troubles for her 😡 , I am sure that mental nut
Kalai would have escaped from the court if her dad didn't try to hide her,
they told all the facts like it was and Pandi and c.pillai did not lie and KK
tried to make it like Arase was wrong… )

Doc do some work at her room, Boss came there and inform her about
Selvi has come back from Malaysia. She is happy and relieved.

The kids get ready for the college, Selvi wonder if Aish want any special
class since she has got missed many classed..Aish refuse and says she
will manage it. Gj complains abut them not having car, so he wants to buy
two..Selvi tease him..why not 4 of him, one for her and two for
the kids. GJ would have done that but they don't have space at the
current house, so they should buy a new house, Selvi wonder if he has a
money copy machine to print money. ( no..why do he needs a
moneymaker machine…when he do have u..his fixed deposit for 100
crores) The phone rings and its Doc who want her to come there
ASAP..Selvi agrees to do that as soon as she has send the kids away to
college. Gj wants coffee, she goes to bring one..while Ganga calls up and
congrats him for getting ride of their common enemy, NT. Gj says he
send me to prison so I waited for a chance to take revenge. Ganga wants
to meet him ASAP, she feel like she want to give a big UMMA to GJ ( for
Gods sake Ganga..dont make me puke… 🤢 🤢 ) Gj hangs up when
he sees Selvi, she wonder who that was, he makes up his "friend" story
lies…Selvi fall for that again.

Doc and Boss talks, she is happy Selvi finally will come and want to tell
her the truth. Boss want to wait, he afraid Selvi will hate him if she learns
the truth, she has gone lots of pain cause of Arase. Doc agrees to wait,
she is sure Selvi will understand if she talk with her but will wait until she
get to know them better, but cant promise anything.

GJ and Ganga meets, she is extremely happy to see him. She wanted to
destroy Arase along with Nt, but now since GJ has turned good, they cant
harm Arase, Gj tell her to wait, Ganga want to take revenge on her brother
and sister and to do that, she needs Gjs help..she tell him something in a
muted scene and Gj is kind of shocked to do all of this but agrees and
promise to call Ganga. Ganga gives flying kisses to GJ 🤣 and a sweet
music plays on bgm…."senthoora pooove….senthoora poove..en mannan
enge"… 🤣

Selvi arrives to docs house, both of them look at each other and doc has
tears and hugs Selvi…Boss watch them…FREEZE

Edited by meli - 16 years ago
Aahaana thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 16 years ago

Feb 11th update

Selvi wants to know why doc cries and ask her boss what happened. He doesn't reply anything…Doc say she wants to talk a lot with her and takes her to her room and lock the door. Boss is outside and scared over what his wife will say or do.

Doc apologies for being so emotionally when Selvi entered the house, she has never seen her cry so she may wonder why? Well, its feel like a big stone has fall on her head or the earth wills soon explode, it's a big burden she has to face…Selvi replies she can tell her anything and wonder what's wrong. Doc sweeps away her tears and begins to tell about her best friend who has a big problem. They used to study on the same medical college and she got married and went aboard to London, but visit her occasionally or call her often. Recently she got to know a big secret her hubby have hided the past 25 years..he had an affair with a lady and as a result they got a baby. Her friend was shocked but decided to reunite the daughter with the father. Her friends dilemma is where she should tell the truth and importantly will the daughter accept them as parents, esp. the dad?? Selvi doesn't know what to day but says her friends story reassemble her own story😆..she too wonder who her father is or where he could be now…doc and boss is relived to hear that. Doc want to know what Selvi would have done if her father come right in front her now? Selvi wants to speak with her friend, since it's a emotional issue…doc doesn't want as her friend may scold her telling her story to others. (hmm...why will everyone try to use "my friend" more creatives people...dont use a 3rd person to make someone go through their own problem as somebody else problem😆)

Selvi looks at the doc and says if her own dad returned back..she will not accept him😲…doc and boss reacts like a thunder have hit them..Selvi starts to talk..why will he come back after 25 years? (😲😲what the heck….you are 25 years….Radhika..if you want to play a young lady😆..try to looks like one 25 years do..dont be wannabe youth🤢)Why didn't he try to search/find her?👏 👏Whatever happened between her mother and him is not her business, but he could have tried to at least take her and raise her up if he really loved her mom or her. Doc ask what if the people at her mothers house refused to let him speak with her mother or forbid him to get married with her mother? Selvi replies, he only cared about himself, not her mother or about her, he could have begged the people at her house to at least let him have the baby..but he didn't fight for her, he is probably now married and settled down with his own kids👏When she first come to know about her mother, she went there but her mother rejected her..she can understand that cause her mum being a woman was scared how her hubby and kids will take that and think of her (well..they all have accepted you na..its u now who doesnt understand ur mummy dearest😆)…but her father didn't have the same problem. Just cause of her parents, she went through a lots of pain. She have cried most than she ever have laugh at her life..the dad who raised her up, left her once she got to know the reason…if its was her real dad, he would never done that👏…even her marriage life was in a big rock, went through lots of problems. If her dad was with her..he could have made a happy life/path to her??👏 👏So for her, she doesn't her about her dads existence now after 25 years😭..doc agrees Selvis points..Selvi says she only said she wont accept her dad but that doesn't mean her friends step daughter will do the same (you dont know what you talks about lady...its all about you😉)....she may accept him and wish her all the best. Doc thanks her even thought she is speechless.😭 So is Boss ( I guess each of Selvis questions were like someone slapped him with chappals on his face 1000 times😆)…Selvi goes to him and says ammas friend have some problem..she will come back to the office from now on..she went to Malaysia in urgent, but now everything is fine..boss just repeatedly said that on our phone conversation😆 and realizes that😆..Sevli walks out…boss goes to doc and look at her while the song "nizhaalgal niyaam anathu" 😭 FREEZE

the song was an excellent choice for todays episode👏 and the lyrics are meaningfully for the track…don't miss to watch guys…everything Selvi said today was correct and I am on her side..but once she learns her dad is her own boss..I am sure she will have a change of heart cause she doesn't know all the facts…

Edited by meli - 16 years ago
mellisai thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago

sorry for the delay.

update - tuesday

boss tells his wife that he did look for
chelvi ma and he was told by arase's
mum that arase's baby died. doc asks
him why he didn't tell her this before,
so that could have asked chelvi ma.
boss replies that she's not going to
believe that, but doc tells him that she
will reveal the truth to chelvi ma now,
but she will do once chelvi is in an
able state to accept him as a father.

aish is thinking and sach comes in and
asks her why she is not talking to anyone
after coming back from malaysia. aish
reminds him of what happend to her in
malaysia and tells him that she is proud
to have a nice father like gj, but sachien
tells her to say chelvi ma as nice, but not
gj because chelvi ma married gj to look
after them.👏 he addds that he still does
not believe his father and that he's still
acting. gj comes in and tells sachien not
to believe him and slaps him. gj then
tells him not to belive and that he'll do 
everything for him even if he doesn't
believe him. he adds that he should not
have slapped him as he is older. sach
walks in and aish tells gj that he will 
believe him just like she did.

arase sees uday and asks him about
rani and whether she gave birth to a
boy or girl. uday replies that she gave
birth to a baby girl and he didn't tell
her the good news because she's very
buay and that she has come to see kalai
only now. she asks where kalai is and
uday tells her to follow him. kalai runs
and hugs arase.. kalai tells arase to get
her out of this place and arase tells her
to stay here for few more days as the
court ordered. kk comes in and tells
arase to leave because whenever she
sees arase she is always crying. arase
tells him that she is leaving now, but if
anything happens to her daugther, then
he'll be answering her questions. 


Edited by ~*Thamizhan*~ - 16 years ago
mellisai thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago

no update? i'll post the brief update and then
nishi can post the detailed update..

brief update
-uday is thinking about whether to bring rani home
home to keep her at her house. kannan advices him
to keep her at her home.
-arase calls her old police team back and tells
them to question NT. but NT only answers some
of the questions asked by the team.
some of the questions with answers are listed
1) your name? nallathamby.
2) did your father or mother named you that name? (-)
3) amma and appa name? you don't need to know that!
4) where are you from? kaasi.
5) sontha oora or the place in which grew up? both.
6) are you parents alive? yes.
7) where are they now? don't know.
8) do you see them or pay any money? no.
9) what did you study and where di you study? MA
and in kaasi.
10) did you study well? yes.
11) did you have interest in sport and what sport?
12) your best friend at school? saleem
13) where is he and what is he doing? sola mudiyathu.
14) college best friend and do you have contact with
him? bobby. no.
15) kalyanam ayidichcha? bobby kku ayidichchu.
16) why didn't you marry? pidikala.
17) do you have girlfriend? no.
18) love veraama irukkathey? varala.
19) do you smoke? adippen. drink? no.
20) when did you start smoking? at 16.
21) with who? with my friend saleem.
22) do you have relatives? neraja per irukaanga.
23) where are they? don't know.
24) do you have bank accounts? yes.
25) in which name? appa amma vacha perla.
26) did you work.. where did you work.. did you
attend an interview? (-)
and he didn't answer any of the questions asked at
the end by the police team about who he is working
for and where he got all this money from, etc.
-kalai is given some kind of electric shock..
-chelvi ma answers the phone and it's ganga -
what is she going to do.. believe GJ like she
promised, or..?



Edited by ~*Thamizhan*~ - 16 years ago
Vinuthasri thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
Thanks Thamizhan for the nice update.
So, Vasanthi, Imam, Pazhani, and the CBI, FBI trio assist arasi in enquiring NT now. NT selectively answers some personal questions.
Rest of the episode:
Udhay and Kannan are discussing whether to bring rani and the baby home. Selfish kanna blames that everyone in the house is not acting right. Udhay should get out of this house. Kanna's life is meaningless without kalai and he has no option but to stay here. Kanna, go and find your baby, get a job and see what you can do for kalai. Why does he have to stay here? He doesn't even go to see kalai. saappaadu kidaichchaa podhum polrukku.

Kalai is given electric shock by the compounder. He puts a scotch tape on kalai's mouth and gives the shock to her. As Sue said, I wish she should become a chandramukhi and strike this compunder and save herself. Compounder calls singamperumal and gives the horrible details about the torture he gave to kalai. Singam asks the compunder if she suffered and screamed and he should take pictures and video of her suffering. (May be, he is creating evidence against himself about this torture he is giving to kalai?) Singam is an animal as the name suggests. He is inhuman and so cruel.😕

Arasi and the police group discuss that NT is not co operating and arasi orders that they should start the next treatment with the latest equipment. She even praises NT to be a good criminal. 😆