Funny OS - "Exam Syndrome Or Hormones?"

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Posted: 6 years ago


This is my fiction, My imagination. So please don't copy it and post it somewhere else without My Permission.


Hey Friends 

Okay first of all I'm sure you'll must be wondering what is the reason for this Strange Title? Well you will get your answers when you read the OS πŸ˜†

Now coming to why I wrote this OS... 

Last Friday Tess told us that she passed her Math Exams. So I thought of gifting her something. But since I didn't had time I asked Bee and Sassy to write it.
Bee said she doesn't have time as she already have so many ongoing stories.
Sassy said she too had to go on a trip so she could only work on it after she returns. I even gave her couple of ideas to use. She even laughed at me and said why don't I write it? I said I don't have time 
Out of nowhere scenes started pouring in my mind and I told them that I'll write it. And guess what? I started working on it immediately. But then I had to go on a small trip and this OS got delayed. Finally I finished it last night . And I so happy with it as it's funny and lighthearted πŸ˜†

So Tess here is Your Special Gift from your Alien Di. πŸ€—
Congratulations we are Proud of You πŸ€—

P.s I have used your traits and some something else in this OS. Let's see if you can find them πŸ˜‰

             "OS  - Exam Syndrome Or Hormones?"

As soon as Aarti entered home, everybody ran helter-skelter and started doing... whatever they can. While Yash and Ansh ran and hid. One hid behind the huge cupboard in the corner, while other ran and hid under the bed. Little Palak saw her Papa hiding behind the cupboard, so she also went and hid next to him.

"MummyJi?", Aarti went to Gayatri. "I'm busy Aarti". She answered without even asking what Aarti wanted to say. 

Aarti went to Vidhi, who hurriedly pulled seven year old Vedika and made her sit on the study table. "Aarti I'm helping Vedika with her homework!" She also said too soon. Actually she wanted to go with Vedant, her son who was little over Eight Years old. But since Vedika was near, she had to use her as an excuse.

Next was Prateek, "Sorry Bhabhi, I'm busy with this new recipe". He said showing her an empty pot, making her turn to Paridhi, who was standing next to Prateek. She immediately picked up a knife, "I'm helping Prateek".

With a sad face Aarti left the kitchen. She didn't even notice the empty pot or that Paridhi didn't know how to cut vegetables, much less help with cooking. They all felt bad for making excuses. It was not as if they didn't want to help her. They were the kind of family who always helped each other, including Aarti. But this time the help that she wanted with was not their cup of tea. 

A dejected Aarti went to her room and sat on the bed. Sitting on the bed she started wailing, "No one loves me! No one wants to help me, especially in this condition!" She looked around the room to assess the surroundings. She cried again and this time her voice grew louder. "Not even my husband wants to help me. To avoid me he is hiding behind the cupboard with our sweet Palak!" 

Ansh came out from under the bed. "I love you Mumma but I'm only in first grade and I know only 1 + 1 = 2!" He said with  a sad face, which made Aarti hug him and kiss him on his cheek. 

Watching them, Palak too came running to her. "Momma, I love you". She got on the bed and kissed Aarti on her cheek. "But I cant help you as I don't know Maths". She too started crying but unlike her mother, her crying was genuine and tears were real.

"Your Papa is very smart and excels in Math. He will teach all of us". Aarti said a bit loudly. Making Yash curse Prateek for he was the one because of whom the whole family had to go through this. 

Rolling his eyes he came out of his hiding place. "Like mother, like daughter!" He muttered. "Both are Drama Queens!". 

"What did you say?" Aarti gave him a stern look. Ansh assessed the situation. He understood like always his father had landed himself in trouble and no one could save him now. Ansh gave Aarti one look and grabbing Palak's small hand, ran out to the room, leaving Yash to deal with... opps.. take care of Aarti who was, again, shedding fake tears. Well her eyes were dry. But she was still wailing more loudly then any other kids in the house did. 

Yash sat next to her and wrapped his arm around her which she pushed away. "No one loves me. Not even you".

"But I do love you". He cajoled her. Which, of course, didn't work, for she said, "You are lying. If you loved me then you would have come forward to help me and not went into hiding". 

"But I came out for you, didn't I?" He gave a cute smile, which he knew always soften her. Only this time it increased her anger. "You came out when I started crying". 

"Hmm, you mean fake crying, right?" He dared to correct her. She angrily got up but her condition compelled her to sit back which alerted him. "Honey why don't you rest and I'll go and make you some nice soup, which you love so much?" He got up and helped her to move back and lay her back on the pillows by the headboard of the bed. 

She wanted to protest but the concern on his face made her obey him. Besides she was tired. She rested her back and he handed her her laptop. "Chat with your friends while I go and make you your favorite soup". Kissing her on her head he left her alone to chat with her online friends.

He was alone in the kitchen as he made the soup. He loved that woman and was ready to do anything for her. Yes she drove him crazy sometimes, okay, well most of the times but that was one of the traits of her that he loved the most, amongst others...


They had been married for more then ten years now. She was only Twenty-one and he was Twenty-five when his grandparents had sort of forced him into marrying Aarti. He didn't want to marry as he felt they both were too young, especially Aarti. Not that he wasn't attracted to her at the first glimpse of her, but they were too young. His grandparents were adamant for them to get married before they breathed their last. 

Yash was the second son of Suraj and Gayatri Sindhia. His elder brother, Pankaj was getting married. That is where they saw Aarti for the first time. She was Vidhi, Pankaj's fiances, cousin sister. Vidhi was couple of years older to Aarti. Just like Pankaj to Yash. Theirs was the right age to get married but not Yash and Aarti's. 

Yash was already attracted to her and by looks he had received from Aarti, he was sure that the feeling was mutual. Since his grandmother emotionally blackmailed him, and he feared that if he said no then he would end up losing Aarti forever, as her parents might not wait for him for another couple of years, he said yes.

Aarti's parents were elated to get a proposal from Sindhia family so they also agreed. Plus from what they had heard about and seen Yash during Vidhi's marriage to Pankaj, they were impressed by him. The only problem was to convince Aarti to say yes to this marriage. And she was not ready.

Yash asked her parents to allow him to talk to her alone. When alone he asked her why she didn't want to get married. Was she not interested to get married to him or not to get married at such a tender age?

"It's not that I don't want to marry you". She had blushed at that time. "And it's not even about my age. It's...". She had hesitated for a second and then angrily looked at him. "Because of you I won't get to study further. Men can do whatever they want, but a girl is not allowed to make decisions of her own life. My grandparents say that it is up to you and your family whether I can study further or not. Why can't I take decisions of my own life, huh?".

"Whoa! Slow down!" He said taking a step back. She realized her mistake and apologized softly. He was taken aback by the sudden change in her demeanor. "Who said you can't study further? My parents and I are not conservative. If you want to study further we all will support you".

She was so happy hearing this that she hugged him. "Thank you. Now I'm ready to marry you". She only realized what she had done when she heard his soft laugh. "I think I have already fallen in love with you. One minute you are a soft spoken and well mannered girl, then you turn into Jhansi Ki Rani, and then into a small child. Life is going to be interesting with you in it".

She blushed and tried to move back when he hugged her to him. "Please let me go!" She requested. He shook his head, "Not in this lifetime. Not ever". 

And they were married in a month. On their wedding night, she had confessed that she too had been attracted to him the moment she had seen him. In her eyes he was the most handsome man she had ever seen. For the first few days she was like a typical bride, always shy and blushing. After they went on their honeymoon, she was transformed into a entirely different person. She was witty, she was funny, she was childlike. But mostly she was passionate and sometimes Wild in the privacy of their bedroom. Every day he saw a different side of her, learned something new about her and fell more and more in love with her. 

She had mingled well with his family members. She was obedient and respectful where elders were concerned and loving and caring for others. She and Vidhi were cousins so their bond only grew stronger after marriage and they became each other's best friends and confidant. Vidhi and Aarti both loved and adored Yash's younger brother Prateek. 

As soon as the honeymoon phase was over, Aarti had to return to her studies. Vidhi wasn't interested in studying further. She was happy to stay at home and help Gayatri in taking care of the family. She had become pregnant before they had celebrated their first wedding anniversary.

While aarti got immersed in her studies, Yash got busy with his work. Both Pankaj and Yash assisted their father, Suraj, in their family business. They were the Most sought after and most famous Events and Wedding Planners in the city. While Prateek was interested in becoming a Chef. He had joined a culinary institute. He was of Aarti's age.

Yash and Aarti had decided to not have children till Aarti finished her post graduation. She wanted to study further. She was good in all subjects, well except for Maths. Maths... this one word was enough to scare her. To make her lose her sleep. To go crazy and make others crazy. 

It was not that she failed in mathematics but she was an above average student. Yash had heard from Aarti's parents and her younger siblings, her sister Paridhi and her brother Karan, that whenever her Math exams approached she'd go nuts. She'd become cranky, would start to cry at the drop of a hat and would drive everyone crazy.

Thank Goodness! She had opted for Literature when she had decided to study further. In Literature there was no Maths. She was studying Linguistics. No wonder she was good in judging characteristics and human nature. 

She was around Twenty-Three and Yash around Twenty-Seven, when she was only few months away from her Exams. It was around that time when they discovered she was pregnant. Pregnancy during the time of her Exams... was The Deadliest Combination.

At first she was very elated with her pregnancy news. Vidhi's son Vedant was now over one year old. She had wanted a child ever since Vedant was born, but Yash wanted to wait a little longer. So her pregnancy was like a special gift for her. Well till the time she remembered that her Exams were approaching.

The day she remembered it, she cried. Cried and wailed like a small child who was afraid of Exams. She even blamed Yash for making her pregnant. Poor fellow took all the accusations with a smile. She had gone ballistics. 

Any member of the family, who went near her, got to hear only one thing, "Yash made me pregnant that also when my exams are approaching".

The whole family was left wondering whether it was her Fear of Exams or Pregnancy Hormones? Yash gave it a new title, it was Exams Hormones and she was suffering from Exams Syndrome

Yep that was all that was. 

As her Exam day neared no one was ready to go near her as either she would start to cry or to complain or to whine. Only person who could calm her down was Yash as he bore every blame, every mood swings of her with a smile. A smile that always soften and melted her heart. 

He stayed up late at night, took off few days from work and helped her in every possible way while she prepared and studied for her Exams. It was the last day of her exams, a day for which everyone were waiting. That day they all heaved a sigh of relief and slept peacefully at night. 

Yep... Finally her Exams were over.

A top secret is that Yash had secretly danced in the bathroom that night as he was free of his beloved wife's Exam Syndrome and Hormones 

It was all over now. And now was the time to concentrate on and enjoy her pregnancy. She loved being pampered by him. He took great care of her and fulfilled every desire of her. Even if she had midnight cravings and asked for silly things, he tried his best to give it to her. 

In few weeks her results were announced. That day she was too scared to look at them. She was too scared to allow anyone to look at them. Her parents and her siblings had come as knew how to handle her, while the Sindhias were new at this. 

Her mother, Shobha sat on one side of the sofa, her father, Satyendra on the other side while she sat in the middle, holding their hands tightly, eyes tightly shut. Paridhi and Vidhi stood in one corner laughing and rolling their eyes. 

Yash was also standing next to them. "Your sister is such a Drama Queen. She sure knows how to attract an Audience!" Exclaimed Yash.

Both sisters laughed, "Jiju, we also call her Drama Queen at home. Her code name is DQ".

"I can hear you". Aarti informed them. "It was not me". Said Yash as he came and stood next to her. Before the situation got heated, her brother, Karan opened the laptop and typed in her number and read her results loudly. There was a stunned silence in the room.

She had Aced her exams.

She opened her eyes and looked at everyone. Then screamed. "I passed. I passed..."

"I was right. She indeed is a DQ". Yash murmured to himself which Aarti had heard but since others had started to wish her, she soon forgot about it.

 That night Yash slept Peacefully...

Her due date was approaching. One night, at the dinning table, she started crying. "I'm such a bad woman. I should be taking care of my family and my husband and here all are taking care of me". 

Everyone looked at each other, all perplexed and confused as what had gotten into her now? "This time this is definitely Pregnancy Hormones as her Exams were over long back". Pankaj concluded.

"No Bhaiya" Yash shook his head. "She is only reminding everyone that she is a DQ, in case we have forgotten". He said with an innocent face.

"Yash!" Gayatri reprimanded him. "What do you know about a pregnant woman? What she has to go through?" This was all Gayatri could say as Aarti had started to cry. While Vidhi too joined Gayatri in reprimanding Yash. 

Now everyone rolled their eyes. "All women in this family are DQ". Said Suraj. 

"Prateek, please find yourself a slightly mature woman. We won't be able to handle so many DQ's in one home". Yash and Pankaj pleaded Prateek.

"Paridhi is not like them". Prateek blurted out. Hearing this Aarti stopped crying and everyone turned to Prateek who sat there cursing his big mouth. That was the day when everyone learned that Prateek and Paridhi loved each other. 

Aarti's baby shower was held. Same day Prateek and Paridhi got engaged. Few weeks later Aarti gave birth to Ansh. Couple of months later Prateek got married and that was the time when Vidhi announced that she was once again pregnant. 

When Vedika was two years old, Aarti gave birth to Palak. Vedant was now four and Ansh was three. As time went by, Paridhi also gave birth to two sons. Aarti's brother Karan also got married and had a son and a daughter. Everyone got busy with life. Aarti started to feel bore as she had lots of spare time on her hands which she wanted to utilize somewhere.

Every night she narrated stories to all kids. Stories that she made up. Everyone at home started telling her to pen down her stories as those were different and unique stories. At first she hesitated. She had made few virtual friends on some online portals where they discussed about movies and T.V serials. She loved those discussions and made few of her own analytical posts. 

Her friends also started coaxing her and encouraging her to write stories. With hesitation she wrote a small story and posted it and she immediately got a great response. Then she wrote another one and then another one and she started getting lots and lots of praises which motivated her and encouraged her. She became one of the favorite writers on that portal.

Yash too read all her stories and was proud of her. Life was going on smoothly till they hit a rough patch. Umm! Well one can't call it a rough patch but...

Okay it so happened that Aarti always helped all kids with their homework. She helped with all subjects but Maths. Whenever it came to helping with Maths, she made excuses and ran from there. She started feeling bad that she couldn't help children with Maths as she herself was not good in it.

One day, when the whole family was sitting together chatting, she said sadly, "If only I had tried harder in Maths while I was in school, today I would have been helping kids with Maths and not running away from them". 

"Bhabhi it's still not too late". Prateek said. "You can still learn Maths and then you can help the kids". 

"I'm above Thirty", She reminded Prateek. "Won't it look odd and won't people make fun of me if I go to college now?" 

"You don't have to go to college for it. You can do some online course or through Correspondence Programs from some college. On the day of the Exams you'll have to go and give them in person". Prateek explained.

Aarti loved the idea and looked at Yash who's face has turned white as if he had seen a Ghost.

Aarti... Studying... Then Preparing for Exams... Then going for it... Then the arrival of her results...

He shuddered as he was reminded of the last time when she had studied and given Exams. He can bear and tolerate Aarti in any form. But Aarti suffering from Exams Syndrome... it was the Worst form of Aarti.

The look on his face reminded others also of those days and everyone glared at Prateek for coming up with such an idea.

"Why does she have to go and do something that she hates and despise from her childhood?" Gayatri asked with a soft smile hiding her real fear. "Aarti had left that behind so why to go on that path? If she wants she can study some other subjects".

"Nope... I have decided I'll study Maths". Aarti said with determination. 

"And Yash Bhaiya will help you with it. After all he always topped in Maths" Prateek said with a malicious smile. Yash knew he was doing it deliberately but he dared not ask in front of Aarti.

"Let me go and search for such college and then Yash will give me tuitions". An elated Aarti fled from there. She asked Paridhi to join her. So she also went with her. 

As soon as she left Yash wrapped his arm around Prateek's neck and squeezed it tightly. "Why did you do this? What have I done to you?"

"Remember after I got married and one day I had decided to make a feast for everyone? You knew very well that Paridhi can't cook yet that day you encouraged her to join me in the kitchen to help me. The meal had turned into a disaster and we had to order from a restaurant. Not once but you did it several times. Since that day I had been waiting for such an opportunity. And today I got it. After so many years". He gave a vicious and victorious smile. 

Yash had no option but to do as his beloved wife wanted to do. She got enrolled in some Correspondence Program where she could study Maths at home. Poor Yash started teaching and tutoring her. 

It so happened that their Tenth Wedding Anniversary was approaching. Yash decided to take her on a one week trip. Just the two of them. Aarti was reluctant to go as Palak was only Three and Ansh was Six.

"Uff Oh Mumma!" Said Palak. "I'm three years old. I sleep with my brothers and sisters. I don't need you and Papa to tell me stories. Dadi and Dadu can do that".

It was when others assured her that she went on that trip. After so many years they got to rekindle their romance as they were all alone. They returned refreshed and rejuvenated. And...

And a month later it was discovered that Aarti was pregnant. Yash's world started spinning. It was like a Deja vu. Once again he was reminded of the phase when Aarti was preparing for her exams and she had got pregnant with Ansh.

The same thing happened again as Aarti started crying. "And it has started". He muttered to himself. Loudly he said, "But darling isn't it a good thing?"

"But I have to prepare for my studies". She wailed. "You can skip his year". Yash suggested and prayed that she listens and drops the idea of studying. To his chagrin she started wailing loudly. He hugged her. "I will help you with your studies. All you need to do is to take care of your health". He somehow managed to calm her down. Once she had calmed down, reality of her pregnancy hit her and she became happy.

Things had started to get on track when they learned that Aarti was going to have twins. Even God couldn't help Yash that day. "You did this!" She accused him and pointed at her tummy. 

"Yes Yash, this time you are responsible for this". Pankaj said with a straight and serious face. There was a moment of silence after which everyone broke into laughter. Except for Yash who was glaring at others and except for Aarti who was still crying. 

"Aarti, why are you worrying? We all are here to take care of you and your babies". It was Vidhi who assured her after which she had calmed down. 

That night she came and stood in front of Yash, who was busy doing some work on his laptop. When he looked up, he saw she was standing holding her ears with her hands. "I'm sorry for accusing you in front of everyone".

She was looking so cute standing there that he couldn't resist and pulled her on his lap. "Well technically I am responsible for this". He said placing his hand on her tummy. 

"Yes you are". She looked at him angrily. "We already have two kids and we didn't even plan for this pregnancy. And you...". She went on and on and on and he was lost in her glowing beauty.

He pulled her closer and kissed her. At first she was stunned and then she reciprocated as it got heated. When they pulled apart she got angry. "Yash why did you do it? This is exactly what I was complaining about and you had to go and do it again. Your kisses are the result of this pregnancy". She pointed at her tummy.

"Well my angry DQ and JKR is back. And she looks so hot and irresistible that I can't keep my hands away from her". He paused for a second. "Aren't you the one who had hugged me first and that also when we had just met? We weren't even engaged at that time and here I get accusations and blames for hugging and romancing and loving my own wife". He said with mock hurt at which Aarti blushed and hit him on his shoulder. 

"I'm the who is called DQ in the house when my darling husband is no less". She pulled his ear and then kissed him. Together then they joined their hands and placed on Aarti's tummy. "Together we created them and together we will love and cherish them like other kids". Yash said, which made her teary but happy at the same moment.

"Aarti, I was serious when I said that you can skip your course for couple of years". 

"No Yash, I want to do it now. Once the babies are born, I won't get time for anything else. By the time they are big enough to look after themselves, I'll be over Thrity-Five. With you by my side, I want to do it now". What she said made sense to Yash so he didn't stop her. Though he inwardly shivered thinking what would happen when her Exams will approach?

He took great care of her during her pregnancy and helped her with her studies also. The whole family supported them. Till the time her Exams neared.

"Oh no! Now her Exams Syndrome will start and the house won't be the same again". One day Gayatri had exclaimed and that is what had happened. 

Once again Aarti had become cranky and whiny and what not.

Vidhi had teased her that these were not her mood swings or Pregnancy Hormones but these were her Exams Hormones.

Today Aarti had gone to college to find out information about her upcoming Exams. Yash had some important meetings and others too had some things or the other to do, so it was Suraj who went with Aarti. It was late afternoon when they returned home. As soon as she had entered home, everyone had gone into hiding or became busy with.. well nothing. 

Once again Yash had become the scapegoat of her mood swings which were result of Exam Hormones, which was result of Exam Syndrome.


End of Flashback 

The soup was ready. Yash poured in into bowl and took it for his beloved wife. 

When Yash entered the room, she put the laptop on one side in frustration. "Ugh! Sometimes I hate my friends". She was referring to her virtual friends whom she had met on that website on Indian T.V serials and movies. She wrote stories in there and had made few good friends. Her nature was such that even her virtual friends loved her. Well she too loved them in return but not right now. Cause right now she was angry at them for some reason.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Even my online friends don't have time for me!" She complained.

"What have they done this time?" When he wanted to laugh he tried to stay calm.

"That Neelam, what does she thinks of herself? It seems she has vowed to point out something or the other whenever I show her my updates. She thinks like she is the best writer there is". 

"Then stop showing it to her". He suggested.

"Are you kidding me? She is like my elder sister and I love and respect her and her opinions that is why I show them to her. She points out mistakes or makes demands which I always take as a challenge. And when I make the changes she becomes so happy and so proud of me".

"In other words she helps you and encourages you". He said what she didn't want to say in her anger.

She nodded, "But she is not available when I need her. I'm sure she must be busy with her Teddy Bear". She saw a confused look on Yash's face and cleared it for him. "She calls her husband as her Teddy Bear so we all call him the same".

 "What about your other three friends?"

"Well Pooja, who is the youngest, is busy with her studies. She rarely comes to chat with us. Then there is Mansi, who is sweet like Honey-Bee, that is what I call her. She is so soft hearted and so very compassionate. She loves, loves, loves, Hot Coffee and warm Bath. And also to watch Hindi serials with her husband. Because of these three things, she suddenly disappears without saying Good Night to any of us. I'm sure right now also she must be busy doing one of these things or all of them together". Aarti made an angry face.

Yash wanted to roll his eyes as her friends sounded as crazy as she was. He waited for her to talk about one more friend. Yes he knew there was one more. 

"Then there is Aicha. She is another sweet woman. She is not haughty like Neelam nor does she disappear like Mansi".

"Then ask her for help". He gave another suggestion. She again shook her head. "Nope can't do that as she is not online right now. I'm sure she must be sitting near the kitchen counter and ogling at her Hot Sauce.. I mean her Hot Chef...". She again shook her head and hit it with her hand, "I mean at her Hot Husband, who loves to cook for her. When a husband does that for his wife, why would that wife come online. Isn't she lucky to have a husband who cooks for her?"

She was taunting him as if he never cooked for her. She even chose to ignore the hot soup which was right in front of her, made by her very own husband. Yep, he still loved her. 

Apparently no one loved her as she started her chant, "No one loves me".

"I love you My DQ". He said pulling her cheek. "What did you say?" She glared rubbing her cheek. "I'm not Drama Queen!".

"Who called you Drama Queen?" He feigned innocence. "With DQ, I'm calling you My Dear Queen". He said as he neared her. She pushed him away. "As if I don't know exactly how innocent and honest you are. I know very well about all the names that you have given me".

"But you look so cute and adorable when you cry and whine like a small child. Not even  Palak or Vedika looks this cute". 

She gave him a stern look. "Stop flattering me and start helping me with my Maths". Then her voice softened. "Please Yash. Don't you want your wife to succeed in life?" She made a puppy face which made him laugh. Well almost. She had again gone in her DQ mood.

He sighed, "Of course I'll help you my darling wife. That is the reason why I have taken a one weeks leave from my work". She squealed so loudly that he had to shut her up by kissing her.

He helped her with her studies. Not just him, others also tried to help them in whichever way they could. After all they were a close knit family where they loved every single member no matter how puerile they were... Hint... Aarti...

Two days were left for the D-Day... opps.. for her Exam. She was nervous, scared, overwhelmed, jumpy, cranky and what not. That night even Palak was scared to go near her. Aarti knew about this but she was helpless. Helpless of the way she was. At night she couldn't control herself and started crying. And this time those tears were real and genuine. 

Yash hugged her. By now Yash knew which tears were real and which were crocodile tears, meaning, fake tears. "I'm scared". She whispered.

"Why are you sacred? We have studied and practiced so well. You have put your heart and soul in it despite being pregnant with twins. You did everything you can". 

"What if I fail? You have invested so much time and energy in me. I don't want to disappoint you by not clearing the Exams! You always have faith in me and love me despite all my craziness. This time also you have been so patient with me and have helped me by putting your own work on the side. I don't want to let you down". She finally spoke what was on her mind that had been bothering her.

"You are the best wife a husband could ever ask for. You the the best mother to our kids. The best person this family could ask for. But no one can be perfect. So what if you are not that good in Maths? A slight imperfection is what makes us humans. Fail or pass, you will never disappoint me or let me down. My love for you won't change by your Maths results. I love you and will always love you". 

She was still upset. He lifted her chin with his finger. "Do you have any idea how crazily, madly and deeply I'm in love with my sightly imperfect wife? Her slight imperfections makes her more perfect for me and makes me fall in love with her all the more". 

The sincerity and honesty in his eyes and voice made her hug him tight. "And I'm crazily, madly in love with my handsome husband who is perfect in everything". She was proud to be his wife and she decided to do everything in her power to make him proud of her. She knew he already was. But still she wanted to do so much more for him.

She was very tensed when she had left for her exam. When she came out after it was over, she saw Yash waiting for her. He didn't ask her how was her paper as she herself replied to him before he could open his mouth. "It was fine. I will pass that's for sure". She said with a smile. As it is she had troubled him enough. She didn't want to trouble him further.

"You gave your best, now let's try to enjoy the rest of this pregnancy". He said placing a hand on her tummy. Precisely at that time, one of the babies kicked, the second one joined after a second. He smiled. "See even my kids wants their Mumma to relax and enjoy them". He then wiped her tears and made her sit in the car. 

When they reached home, he took her inside from the backdoor. "I have a surprise for you". Said Yash when they reached their bedroom. She noticed a huge box on their bed. He embraced her from behind. "Get dressed. It is now time to celebrate this pregnancy. This is our last pregnancy so I want to live and enjoy every moment of it". He then left her. "I'll be back in thirty minutes to take you for our surprise. So don't be late". He said over his shoulder and went out, closing the door behind him.

She was stunned to see a beautiful Lehanga with matching accessories in the box. She took them out and wore them. She applied a light makeup cause that is how he loved to see her. He opined that makeup conceals her real and natural beauty. He loved to see her glowing face while she was pregnant.

As promised, he entered the room after Thirty minutes. Aarti noticed that he too had changed his clothes and was now wearing a Sherwani that matched the color of her Lehanga. He was looking breathtakingly handsome. 

"Wow!" Was all he could say when he saw her all decked up. She blushed. Before either of them could say or compliment each other, door opened and all kids came running in. "They are calling you". They all announced in chorus and dragged them out of there. 

When she came out Aarti was stunned to see the whole house had been beautifully decorated. And all their family members and friends and relatives were there in the Living room of Sindhia Mansion. Yash leaned and whispered, "Its our baby shower". And she started crying. He had to hug her. "My DQ never disappoints me with her tears". He teased at which Gayatri reprimanded him, "Don't you dare make fun of her, especially when it is her special day". 

She then took Aarti and they were made to sit for the rituals. Yash didn't leave her side for a moment. She was happy as everyone around her were happy. 

She had completely forgotten all about her Exam Syndrome and Hormones, not just for that evening but for the next two months till her results were announced. She was due any day, so she was strictly advised not to leave the house. 

Once again the D-day had arrived.. the day when her results were to be announced. Like last time, her parents and brother, along with his wife and kids, had come to SM. Aarti was nervous like hell. Her brother Karan took out the laptop to see her results. She stopped him.

"No one will open it". She panicked. Then she turned to each member and made them all to promise her that none of them will check her results. 

"Why Di?" Asked Karan. "I am the one who always check your results. Why are you stopping me this time?"

"Because..", she stuttered and thought for a second, "Because I'll check my own results this time. So everyone promise me that you won't interfere". She took promises from everyone, except from Yash. She then turned to Palak. "You also promise me". 

"Uff oh, Mumma, you really are a DQ!" Said Palak rolling her eyes. "Don't you remember that couple of weeks back we celebrated my Fourth Birthday. I go to play school, not even to kindergarten. All I know is how to write my name. I don't even know how to start and use a laptop. How can you ask me to make a promise when I don't know anything?"

Yash, who was standing next to Satyendra, said, "What if we have two more daughters and they all turn out to be as Drama Queens as their mother and elder sister? If that happens then...". He shivered.

"I'm sorry son". Satyendra placed his hand on Yash's shoulder in assurance. "I emphasize with you. I blame my parents and Shobha's parents for this. Aarti was the first grandchild for both our parents, so they pampered her. Plus some traits she got from Shobha also. Shobha was also like Aarti till Karan was born. Only after having three kids did she became mature. I pray that after the twins are born, Aarti also gains some maturity".

"But I love her the way she is". Yash fondly looked at his wife, who, in her nervous state, was trying her best to enter her number to check her results. He went and sat next to her and typed her number with one hand, cause his other hand was grabbed and tightly held by Aarti.

"Hey, how come you get to check her results when she made all of us promise not to open it?" Prateek and Karan objected at the same time.

"She is my wife and we don't need to make any such promises from each other". Yash explained. "Also she never made me make any promises as she wanted me to check her results. Right Aarti?". He lovingly looked at her at which she gave a slight nod of her head. 

He checked her result and said, "You have got 86%!" 

There was a loud applause in the room while Aarti sat there staring at him dumbfounded, as if she couldn't believe what she had heard. He smiled and gave a small nod with his head, gesturing that she had heard him right.

Next second she screamed. Screamed loudly.

"Now why are you being DQ?" Yash asked at which she gave him an angry look. "I'm screaming because your kids wants to join us in this celebration".

It took a fraction of a second for Yash to understand that she was going into labor. That their new babies were ready to make an entry in this world and make this a more memorable day for them.

He sprang on his feet and picked up Aarti in his arms. "Bhaiya take out the car. Prateek you come with us. Rest of you can come in other cars". With his he ran.

"Yash you will sprain your back". Aarti got worried as she had gained lots of weight during her pregnancy with twins. He was least bothered about himself or his back. His main concern was Aarti and their unborn babies. After reaching hospital he didn't leave her side for a second till she was in labor and then gave birth to their Son and their Daughter.

He was the proud father and husband at that moment. He kissed Aarti when both babies were handed to them. Aarti saw tears in his eyes. They didn't speak a word, just sat there holding their babies.

Aarti was home in two days. Both babies were healthy and immediately became the center of attention and attraction for the whole family. Cause they were the last Sindhia babies of their generation. Unless Prateek and Paridhi decided to have more babies, which they didn't. 

So Aayu and Payal were the last grand-babies of Suraj and Gayatri Sindhia. Not just Sindhia family but they were last grand-babies of Satyendra and Shobha also as Karan and his wife too were happy and content with their children and didn't want to have more.

On their first night home all kids wanted to sleep with the new babies. With great difficulty, Vidhi and Paridhi took their kids with them. They were promised that they can sleep with them turn by turn.

Ansh and Palak played with their new siblings. Then they all went to sleep on their parents bed, while Aarti and Yash sat on the couch, looking at their Four kids. "1 + 1 = 6!" Aarti whispered.

"Huh?" Yash was confused. "Aarti didn't you just gave your Math Exams?" 

She smiled, "This time my Math calculations are not wrong". She placed her finger on his chest, "One Yash Plus One Aarti, created Four Beautiful Children. Together we became a Beautiful Family of Six. Thus 1 + 1 = 6". 

He was so overwhelmed that he hugged her tight. "Thank You for hugging me that day in our first meeting and entering my heart. Today you have made me the most contented and happiest man in the whole world". His voice cracked. 

Aarti leaned into him as she too felt like the most contented and happiest woman in the world. Their family was complete. They were whole and complete. 

Cherry on the top of the cake was now Aarti didn't have to go through any Exam Syndrome and Hormones as now she had perfected her Maths. 


Well friends if you liked or loved this Silly OS for my DQ friend Tess, please don't forget to Hit the Like Button. 

And also if you want to congratulate her then please do check the following post and don't forget to Hit the Like Button in there also. 

Thanks for reading this. See you soon in next update of one of my stories.

Till then take care and have fun.


Nikki :)


And once again this is my fiction, My imagination. So please don't copy it and post it somewhere else without My Permission.

Edited by lovely_nikki - 6 years ago



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Frequent Posters

lovely_nikki thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago




We are Proud Of You. β­οΈ
May You Achieve More and More Success and Reach New Heights πŸ€—


Edited by lovely_nikki - 6 years ago
B-onesie thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Drama queen, master of threats and πŸ˜‘ but we all know how capable you are.  Congrats.πŸ‘ Well done.
Comment reserved for later.

Tessaloni thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago

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Edited by Tessaloni - 6 years ago
Tessaloni thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Awww my sweet lovable Alien Didu! πŸ€— you put so much thought into this sweetest of gestures! 

Since you love bear hugs here is one just for you! 
Image result for hugging emoticon gif

You are an amazing β­οΈ  but why then not when you are an Alien, and my beloved Didu! πŸ€—

Image result for hugging emoticon gif

And for all the rest of the lazies for pulling off secret PMs! πŸ˜‘

Related image

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❀️ You all are the sweetest crazies ever! β€οΈ

Image result for I love you gif

Edited by Tessaloni - 6 years ago
Tessaloni thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
RES for comments about the OS πŸ˜›

Well, well, well! I am sure of one thing! I am no DQ, and especially not on the level of this crazy Aarti! πŸ˜² πŸ€£ the only commonalities I could find were her program of study, her writing and curiously having the exact same virtual friends as me πŸ€ͺ are you sure she is not in CCC? πŸ˜² And of course her HATRED for MATH! πŸ˜†  

I feel yah Aarti, even I was in the same boat. I never get worked up over exams for courses I love, but MATH now that's a different story. And poor Aarti had to deal with being pregnant and having to study for math! well it was Yash's FAULT she is pregnant, he had to suffer through her exam syndrome, poor guy! he has my greatest sympathy! πŸ˜†. But I love how he handles her moods and knows when to take her seriously. Her being a DQ is part of her charm for him and as much as he might "complain" about it he would not have her be any other way. He wants her to succeed in whatever she does, and goes out of his way to help her to so, and he gives her the reassurance she needs. So she knows that for him it does not matter if she fails in one thing, because she is perfect in what really matters. Being wife, mother, daughter, DIL, SIL and helping their family grow and be strong. She is his perfect match, and what do you know with his help she does succeed and passes the cursed MATH!  And finally, they make the perfect sum: 1+1 = 6  the perfect solution! 

hilarious, silly, and romantic all in one! LOVED my surprise gift, well, I was not so surprised as I did suspect because of the "prank"  πŸ˜† But still, thaaankuuu for putting so much thought into this my Alien Didu! πŸ€—
Edited by Tessaloni - 6 years ago
sass8 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago

RES for comment

πŸ˜†what do you mean not fooled by secret PMs . Oh well we tried. 
Well done NikkyπŸ‘ , knew you wanted to do it deep down
Themmy thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Lol, very very funny, this is so tess
Didi no mistakes made at all, she's the number one DQ of this forum, the math hater and the miss Cambridge dictionary

congratulations tess am so happy you passed my best subject πŸ˜†

thumb up nikki di
SheenGcian thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Aww love love love this OS πŸ˜ƒ
Don't tell me Tess suffered from Exam Syndrome πŸ˜†
Sorry I didn't know about her maths syndrome.. I'm suffering from this disease too πŸ˜† Maths is like a Horror movie , My worst nightmare πŸ˜†
Coming to the one shot.. love this crazy Aarti.. sab ko pagal kar dya and love this Yashu.. Apni DQ wife ka saath nhi chora.. πŸ˜‰
Totally love this light hearted content by You..
Keep writing πŸ˜ƒ
Lots of hugs πŸ€—
Edited by _SharmeenLuvsGC - 6 years ago
lovely_nikki thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago

Originally posted by: Themmy

Lol, very very funny, this is so tess
Didi no mistakes made at all, she's the number one DQ of this forum, the math hater and the miss Cambridge dictionary

congratulations tess am so happy you passed my best subject πŸ˜†

thumb up nikki di

Thanks so much Themmy for reading and commenting πŸ€—

That girl is still denying that she is the DQ of this forum πŸ˜†

But we all know the truth πŸ˜†