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missy6892 thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago


Originally posted by: cool_pooja

Set of question 3...

What is your real name? Im endless and nameless

- Why have u chosen for ur username? It came to me in a vision, a vision that could change the world!!

- Write one joke that you are sure will make me laugh? Hehe, i heard this one here somewhere. A lady was drinking coke when a fly fell into her drink. The fly said "Maa". So the lady asked "why did you call me maa?", the fly relpied "main teri coke mein se nikla hoon, maa"

πŸ˜† It's such a stupid joke, but thats what makes it funny πŸ˜†

- Whats the best dish you can make? and how is that dish made? I best dish i make has to be Nachos, everyone loves them, but dont tell anyone that i make them in the microwave!

- Your most embarrassing moment in life? When my friend downtrailed me in front of everyone! I could have died that day!!

- what came first: egg or chicken? support your answer! the egg, because a random dinosaur got raped by a chinchilla and the result was a chicken. Well, thats what my friend believes, lol, must have been strong genes from the chinchilla's side for a chicken to have emerged!!

- If you could change one thing about yourself then what would it be and why? I'd change my randomness, because people always think im being funny even when im not, so no one really takes me seriously, and i'd like to be taken seriously for once

- When are you planning to get married? love/arrange? Yep one day when im old and bitter, i plan to have an arranged love marriage

- Love or Money? I'd sell drops of love for money! lol, i think love is more important

- Do you wear glasses ? Sure!

- What comes down but never goes up? A parachutist!! Or maybe the answer is something deep and meaningful like your dignity, how would i know!

- What did you eat the last time you opened your fridge? Ice-cream, im sure i am addicted! 

- Have you ever slapped a girl? Yes i have, just today infact, my friends and i slap each other  on a daily basis

- is the first impression the last one in your opinion?  No because the last impression should be your first impression

- Do you drive? If so, how many speeding tickets have you got so far? I have driven only once, when i was 7, in my dads lap, and i slid on the steering wheel causing the car to zoom sideways, so no tickets for me yet!

- When was the last time you felt like slapping someone? I have never felt like slapping anyone seriously, but i have had thoughts about slapping people just because!

- If given a choice who would you like to ban on this forum? I'd ban Vijay, the site admin, just because!

- Are u getting tired of my questions? No, not really!

- If you see me, so how would you react ? I'd be like wow, she really is a skinny as she says she is, and then i'd recall random facts of you and tell you that i am psychic, and then finally tell you who i really am when you are about to pay me to tell you the future of your love life

- What ice creme flavor do you like the best? Cookies and Cream!!!!

- Which one country would you like to visit if you were given a chance? I'd visit bohemia, wait is that even a real place? Well i'd visit everywhere and anywhere! But if bohemia exisited, id visit it!

- Some easy ones for you here:

- pepsi or coke? coke!! πŸ˜› 
- basketball or football? basketball
- badminton or tennis? Badminton!!!!!!
- summer or winter? winter
- spring or fall? spring
- mercedes or bmw? BMW
- professional woman or housewife? a professional woman
- Rain or Sunshine- sunshine
- apple pie or berry pie? Apple Pie althought i have only eaten it once in my life and have no memory of doing so
- blonde or brunette? blonde........ and brunette!
- mounds or almond joy? I have mo idea what you are talking about!
- burger king or mcdonalds? I dont eat McDonalds or Burgerking, but i'll say McDonalds just coz i like the advert of it on TV
- fork or spoon? a spork!!

- Are you addicted to music? what kind of music do you listen to? yes!! i am addicted to music!! I mostly listen to my favourite band NIRVANA!!! (😭😭 R.I.P Kurt 😭😭)

- What movie did you watch last? Napoleon Dynamite! YEAH!!

- What is one thing a girl has ever given to you or did something for you that you found very sweet? I cant remeber, but i think when i was 9 I consloed a girl i didnt know and then she kissed me on the cheek randomly and thanked me for being there for her, i never saw her ever again. I found it weirdly random.

- What do you do when you are depressed? I eat, and sleep and listen to music!

- Is there someone with whom u share everything ... nothing hiding from that person? No, there is not a single person out there that i share everything with, and i dont plan to.

- Are you good at keeping secrets? Yep! sure i am, everyones told me their secrets at least once but i have forgotten around a day or two day later, so yeah i guess you can say i am a good secret keeper πŸ˜†

- Do u cry in front of people? No not really.... unless you count the time when this fat guy fell on my leg and broke it!

-What do you do if you are mad at someone? Nothing, i dont really get mad, i just get annoyed alot!

- Do u prefer wearing dark colors or light... Why? A mixture of both, lifes too boring to stick to one thing

- When did you have your last fight? With whom? last week..... i wouldnt really call it a fight, but i called my friend a hypocrite in one of my out of it phases and we debated about it all day!

- What is your favorite candy? CHOCOLATE!!!!!! Cant live without chocolate can you!

Will be back wid more soon!

Great Q's Pooja, sorry for avoiding your second set of Q's, they were too hard to answer!! πŸ˜†

Edited by missy6892 - 16 years ago
cool_pooja thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
Set 4:

Who inspires you and why?

Are you a family or friends person?

Do you have any pets?

Who do you know tells the best jokes?

In your opinion, what has been the best invention?

What is the dumbest invention?

Is your room messy?

What is the worst injury you ever had?

What movie do you know all the lines to?

What is the last movie you saw?

How many times a month do you go to the movies?

What is your favorite animal?

What color are your bed sheets?

Is your hair naturally straight or curly?

What is the video game that you love the most?

If you could punch one person who would it be?

Do you watch cartoons?

Do you like Star bucksβ€”or do you think it's just overpriced?

What is your favorite smell?

What would you do if a random person offered you candy?

Do you drive?

Have you ever had braces?

Favorite Ninja Turtle?

Do you own a pair of big sunglasses?

What is one thing you actually remember from kindergarten?

Have the cops ever taken you home?

Have you ever hit a deer?

Have you ever gone to class drunk?

What color is your room?

Are you taller than your mom?

What is the ugliest color to wear in your opinion?

What kind of cell phone do you have?

Is their any animal that creeps you out?

Do you own an iPod? How many songs are on it?

Ever been in a car accident?

Would you be a ninja or a pirate?

What is your most overused word/statement?

What is the funniest word you have ever heard?

Do you hate it when people call you 'dear'?

What cartoon character are you most like?

Whats the first most noticeable thing about you?

somethng dat u wud change in ur life?

ur inspiration?

ur fav one word?

ur fav one liner?

ur fav music?

ur fav singer?

How did you come across this forum? And what made you like it?

Which member u would like to thank 4 bein suppostive?

thing u hate the most-

wat would u like to be-

do u have ne siblings-

wat is ur fav. book??

which book did u read most recently?

name 5 ppl dat cums in ur mind whn 2 hear de word "friend"

If you could take only one object with you on a secluded island what would you take?

What is an ideal day like for you?

Which other shows do you watch?

Write at least 5 sentences describing your relationship with this forum (be honest!)

What is your motto in life ?

choose 10 members frm PRC forum..and compare dem wid any of actor..actress

How are you today?       
What pants are you wearing?       

What shirt are you wearing?       

What song are you listening to right now?       

What was the last thing you ate?       

How is the weather right now?       

What time is it?

What are the last four digits of your phone?       

If you were a crayon what color would you be?       

What makes you happy?       

What's the best advice ever given to you?        &a mp;n bsp;

What sport do you hate the most?       
What sport do you love the most?       
How many TVs do you have in your house?
Do you sleep with stuffed animals?       

Have you ever broken a bone?       

Who do you tell your dreams to?

when was the last time u received a gift?

when was the last time u gave a gift?

From ur friends on IF, who is..

~drama queen/king
~fun to talk to
~always listens to songs
~is always busy
~has nice hair
~has nice eyes
~is in love

Do u like vegetables?

Do u like skating?

Do u like chocolates?

Do u like basket ball?

Do u like ice creams?

Do u have ur own computer?

Do u hve ur own tv?

Do u hve a cell?

Do u like playing games online?

Do u like hanging out?

Do u like bowling?

Do u like watching movies?

What do you speak at home ?

If you had the power to change US what will you change and why?

why do we always sniff when we know something is smelling bad???

why do you think toasters have a setting that burns the toast to a char

which nobody can eat???

when you invite trouble....and trouble turns up, do you send it a "thank you" card for showing up???

what irritates you about other people and how do you handle that???

what is the one thing you never want to be caught doing??? remember the root word here is caught!!!if karan johar asked you to act in a whacky movie, who from IF will you want to act as your side-kick???

one fine day god gives you a chance to bring one person from the dead just for you....but there is just one have to send another person to the grave to its place...who would you bring back from the dead and who will you send back??? please choose from one amongst IF frnds and one from elsewhere...who you assign life and who you assign death does not matter..

if they ever made a movie of your life...who would you want to play you???

you must pick somebody from IF for this...and why have you chosen the person???

Your favoutrite subject in studies?

What's your Zodiac sign?

Do you beleve in Love?

Have you ever had a boyfriend that you regret dating?

Who is the boss in your house?

Do you buy lottery or powerball tickets?

What is your own personal bedtime routine?

What is your favorite animal?

What is something fun you are going to do today?

Would you rather be in a really cold place or a really hot place?

whats your future career plans?

Choose one:
Hollywood or Bollywood

Chocolate or Vanilla

Tea or Coffee

Urban or Rural

Blue ink or Black ink

Winter or Summer

Love Marriage or Arranged

Sugar or Spice

Left or Right

Sunrise or Sunset

Waking up early or Staying up Late

Sun or Moon

Soccer or Hockey

Your favourtite songs?

your favourite shops?

Your favourite emoticon on IF?

what would u like to change abt yourself:

wat if u become a millionare 1 day..??...wat will u do?

Your fav junk food?

best place to hang out?

Who send u the 1st pm on IF?

What was your first post and in which forum?

Your worst punishment you ever got?

one thing u wish u could go back in time to change?

what advise would u give to your younger self if u could go back in time?

The funniest movie?

saddest movie?

sweetest movie?

best lesson-teaching movie?

best movie?

secret wish/desire?

favourite occasion?

in your family u are closest to?

Do you have any bad habits?

Your favourite grade?

your favouritest day of the week? Why?

How many laguages can you speak?

What's your lucky number?

Would you be rather blind or rather deaf? and Why?

Do you prefer love marraige or Arranged marraige?

Do you like to wake up early or stay up late at night?

Would you prefer soccer or hockey?

Where were you born?

How many kids do you want in your married life?

Do you make decisions/ or think with your mind or your heart?

What ice creme flavor do you like the best?

What hobbies do you have?

Who is your closest mundane friend? Describe them and how you relate to them.

Who is your worst mundane enemy? Describe them and why you don't get along.

What bands do you like? Do you even pay attention?

What tape or CD hasn't left your player since your purchased it? Why?

What song is "your song?" Why?

What's been your favorite movie of all time?

Read any good books? What were they?

What do you watch on the Television?

When it comes to mundane politics, do you care? If so, which way do you tend to vote? If not, why don't you care?

What type of places do you hang out in with your mundane friends?

What type of places do you hang out in with your normal friends?

What annoys you more than anything else?

What would be the perfect gift for you?

What's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?

What time of day is your favorite?

What kind of weather is your favorite?

What is your favorite food? What is your least favorite food?

What is your favorite drink? (Coffee, Coke, Juice, Beer, Wine, etc.)

What's your favorite animal? Why?

Do you have any pets? Do you want any pets? What kind?

What do you find most relaxing? (Not as in stress relief, but as something that actually calms you down.)

What habit that others have annoys you most?

What kind of things embarrass you? Why?

What don't you like about yourself?

How would you like to look?

What is the thing that has frightened you most? Do you think there is anything out there that's scarier than that? What do you think that would be?

Has anyone or anything you've ever cared about died? How did you feel about it? What happened?

What was the worst injury you've ever received? How did it happen?

How ticklish are you? Where are you ticklish?

What is your current long term goal?

What is your current short term goal?

Do you have any bad habits? If so, what are they, and do you plan to get rid of them?

If you were a mundane person, what would you do with your life? What occupation would you want, and how would you spend all your time?

What time period do you wish you had lived in? Why? (Looking at this as an attempt to change history doesn't count.) What appeals to you about this era?

How private of a person are you? Why?

If you won the lottery, what would you do with the money?

What would you wish for if you found a genie?

What do you do when you are bored?

Hope it aint too short!
Will post the set 5 soon! πŸ˜†
cool_pooja thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
Set 5:

a) your room
b) your ideal date
c) your ideal man

What is/ are/was...
the word or phrase you use the most?
Your greatest accomplishment

Favorite color?
Radio Station?
Pepsi/ Coke
McDonald's or Burger Kings
Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera
Chocolate or vanilla
Black or white
John Abraham or Shah Rukh Khan

Do you..
Sing well?
Sing in the shower?
Play an instrument?
Like answering these questions?

In the past month have you...
Gone out of the country?
Stolen anything?
Dumped anyone?
Been on stage?
Won anything?

A friend that comes to your mind with the following words...
Most shy?
Best singer?
Drama Queen or King?
Funniest ::
Agony Aunt/Uncle:
Person you've known the longest

Complete the sentence
Let's walk on the
Lets look at the
What a nice
If i could fly
I wish
I am
Why can't we

The last...
Dream you had
time you cried
ate something
Phone call
time you laughed
Song you listened to
person you hugged
person you yelled at
time you fought with your parents?
time you played truth or dare?

Do you believe in..
Do you believe there is life on other planets?
Do you believe in miracles?

Random questions :
Ever been so hungry you felt like you could eat the person next to you?
What do you think of George Bush?
How many languages do you speak?
Ever egged someone's house?
Have you even fell asleep when you were on the phone with someone
What's worse, mosquito bites or finding hair in your food?
If you could eliminate one color from the world, what would it be?
What's your favorite commercial?
The perfect Pizza?
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:
Your Best Physical Feature
Did you play with Barbies as a child?
What is something scientists need to invent?
How many pillows do you sleep with?
What is the worst weather?

What do you think about me??

Your first crush ever?

Favourite serial?

Favourite forum?

Your best friends?

Define friendship in just one word

Who is a friend according to you

What is the difference between a friend and a best friend

name 3-5 things you think should be improved in this forum

if u could change ur name to any name u wanted:what would be the name

whats ur favourite chocolate

what shampoo.. do u use?

what is your favourite sport

In your opinion, what is your best feature?

Why did you choose the ID you have?

Are you a gud Student?

Your Hobbies?

Do you like reading?

Are You Lazy?

Which song makes you want to cry every time you hear it?

Which song makes you to break into a dance everytime you hear it?

sallu or upen who has the better body?

priyanka or amrita arora who has the better acting skills?

katrina or aish who is more beautiful?

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

What is your favorite time of day?

Name one of your physical traits that you would change if you could:

Name one of your physical traits that you really like:

Name something you'd like to do before you die:

If you could back in time to any point of history, where would you go and why?

Have you ever experienced anything supernatural?

Are you close to your family members?

Any non-family member adults stick out in your mind? Who were they, and how did you know them? Why do they stick out?

What's been your favorite movie of all time?

Read any good books? What were they?

What do you watch on Television?

when it comes to politics, do you care? If so, which way do you tend to vote? If not, why don't you care?

What type of places do you hang out in with your friends?

What type of places do you hang out in with your family?

What annoys you more than anything else?

What would be the perfect gift for you?

What's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?

What time of day is your favorite?

What kind of weather is your favorite? .

What is your favorite food?

What is your least favorite food?

What is your favorite drink?

If there was no internet growing up what would have been your thing to do for fun ?

- Which is the best advice you have given and received?

- Which you feel is your best aspect ?

- Can you cook, if yes, what will it be?

- Name five people you would love to meet from I-F

- What's the one thing youw would want to change about yourself?

- Favourite ice cream flavour?

- What's more romantic, candle light dinner or a walk near the beach?

- what's ur Citizenship?

- What language do u speak at home?

- Your dream date?

- A forum on IF which you have never visited?

- Your favourite piece of jewellery?

- Who do you think is the sexiest man in India?

- 'Dosti ki khatir pyar ki qurbani' , What's your take on this quote?

- Do you like to take photographs or do you like appearing
in them?

- What's the best and the worst quality of yours

- What do you think is the most beautiful thing in the world?

- Have you ever envied anyone?

- ON average, how many PMs do u get per day?

- What's the best complimet you have received from others about yourself?

- If a pack of gum says that each piece is 10 calories, is that amount just chewing the gum, or also for swallowing it?

- Which is taller, Eiffel tower or Baby towers?

- what gift would you like your boyfriend to get for you on your first date ?

- A quote that you believe in?

- One person you can die for ? (Name 1 only)

- Count the number of questions I 've asked you

- Your first impression when you read my questions?

- What do you look in for a partner?

- Which is your favourite pastime?

- Who is your most fav. member on IF? (you can't say all)

- Your biggest strenght and weakness?

- Do you believe in love at first sight?

- What do you treasre the most?

- Put in order of significance : money , happiness, health and friendship.

- What is the first think you do when you log in at IF?

- What do you think about me?

- What do you think about yourself? .

- Who is your inspiration in your life?

- IF friends or real life friends?

- What would you do if SRK knocked on your door, and wanted a room for the night?

- If you were to remake Kabhi kushi kabhi gham who would you cast from the Telly world in Srk's, Hrithik's, Kajol's and Kareena's place?

- Current desktop pic on your PC?

Must choose only ONE!

Coffee or tea?

SRK or Rani?

Makeup or jewellery?

Book or Magazine?

Indian Idol or Sa Re Ga Ma Pa?

Ipod or cell?

Chinese food or Paki Food?

Serials or Movies?

Donkeys or monkeys?

Physics or Chemistry?

Msn or Yahoo ?

Canada or London?

Sunidhi or Alka?

Kittens or cats?

Day or night?

Trainers or heels?

Hi or hello?

Mirrors or reflections?

*Honestly, whats on your mind?

*Honestly, have you done something bad today? If you don't mind sharing what it is?

are you jealous of someone right now?

*Honestly, who do you want to see right now?

*Honestly, are you keeping a big secret right now? If you don't mind, you could share with us?

*Honestly, do you have a friend you don't actually like?

*Honestly, does anyone like you?

*What do you do when you're mad? .

*What's the worst thing you've done when you were mad?

*Ever made anyone cry when you were mad?

*Do you swear when you're mad?

*When was the last time you really cried?

Ever cried yourself to sleep?

*What usually makes you cry?

*Are you usually a happy person?

*What makes you the happiest?

*Does being with your friends make you happy?

*Do you believe in yourself?

*Did you ever get into a fist fight in school?

*Did you ever run away from home?

*Did you ever lose a friend because of your attitude?

*Do you know how to swim?

*Do you like roller coasters?

*Does your family have family picnics?

Have you ever been on a plane?

*Have you ever been to the Ocean?

*Have you ever painted your nails?

*How tall are you?

*How much money do you have on you right now?

*What are you listening to?

*What is the weather outside?

*What was the last food you ate?

*What was the last thing you bought?

*What was the last thing you had to drink?

*What was the last tv show you watched?

now count all the q's and write how many are they all together?
missy6892 thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago

πŸ˜†Having an Angina attack...... Cluctching chest......dieing a slow painful death.......

Ahhh... who am i kidding! i as fit a a horse! you wont break me down that easily! πŸ˜‰

Originally posted by: cool_pooja

Set 4:

Who inspires you and why? Everyone inspires me!!! KC, my parents, random people on the street.... YOU!

Are you a family or friends person? Hmmm..... im a bit of both, cant live without either one of them!

Do you have any pets? Sadly no! But i want a seahorse or a turtle!!!

Who do you know tells the best jokes? My friend, she is an all round comedian, you cant spend 5 mins with her without bursting into fits of laughter!

In your opinion, what has been the best invention?

What is the dumbest invention?

Is your room messy? definately!!! im a very messy tidy person! πŸ˜†

What is the worst injury you ever had? i have never been seriously injured, but the worst would have to be spraining my middle finger πŸ˜†!!!

What movie do you know all the lines to? None! Im not that skilled !!!

What is the last movie you saw? I saw Napoleon Dynamite last!! YEAH!!

How many times a month do you go to the movies? Not that often.... none to one times a month!

What is your favorite animal? Seahorses and turltes!!!

What color are your bed sheets? Weird coloured!

Is your hair naturally straight or curly? Is naturally straight!

What is the video game that you love the most? I dont play video games, but i played Guitar Hero once! It was pretty mean!

If you could punch one person who would it be? I would punch CL.... on second thought.... naw! No ones worth my punches

Do you watch cartoons? ofcourse!! where would i be with out the Simpsons!

Do you like Star bucksβ€”or do you think it's just overpriced? I've been there but i can remember, our town is too rugged to have a starbucks cafe

What is your favorite smell? The smell of petrol!! I just love that smell!!!!

What would you do if a random person offered you candy? Random people offer me candy quite often, but i wouldnt call them random, i accept and then give it to my friend to eat!

Do you drive? sadly no!

Have you ever had braces? No! 

Favorite Ninja Turtle? Ninja turtles??? the dumb one!

Do you own a pair of big sunglasses? Naw!! unless you count those stupid ones you get from party stores, then yes!

What is one thing you actually remember from kindergarten? It was my birthday everyday! Ahhh, those were the days!

Have the cops ever taken you home? No, but they took me somewhere else, but i hadnt committed any crimes!

Have you ever hit a deer? Nope!!

Have you ever gone to class drunk? I went to class and people thought i was drunk, but i dont drink!

What color is your room? Weird creamy colour!

Are you taller than your mom? Yep! everyones taller then their moms!

What is the ugliest color to wear in your opinion? i dont know! colours arent ugly they are just weird!

What kind of cell phone do you have? Telecom

Is their any animal that creeps you out? hmmm... no..... but there probaby are, i just dont knoe it yet!

Do you own an iPod? How many songs are on it? Sadly no! But i reallly reallly want one!!! 

Ever been in a car accident? Yep! I was asleep though!

Would you be a ninja or a pirate? A NINJA!! *climbs up tree*

What is your most overused word/statement? "Stupid and contagious" and " your mom..."

What is the funniest word you have ever heard? Fingu! What kind of a work is that!!

Do you hate it when people call you 'dear'? Sort of... but its not as annoying as when people call you lady!!

What cartoon character are you most like? If i was a cartoon, i would look like myself!

Whats the first most noticeable thing about you? my dazed look they say

somethng dat u wud change in ur life? Nothing at the moment, but if i figure it out, i'll tell you!

ur inspiration? You already asked this question!

ur fav one word? Sure

ur fav one liner? its better to burn out then to fade away, but its always better to burn away the to ever have burnt out in the first place!

Half of the quote in my own!

ur fav music? Nirvana

ur fav singer? Kurt cobain

How did you come across this forum? And what made you like it? Well, i saw the button, decided to click on it and BAM! i was here! I really like the environment of the form, its really friendly!

Which member u would like to thank 4 bein suppostive? Mohimalikfan! Thankyou! havent talked to her in months though!! 

thing u hate the most- when people expect things out of you!

wat would u like to be- everything!

do u have ne siblings- No, i dont!

wat is ur fav. book?? I dont have a favourite, but many likes!

which book did u read most recently? The memoirs of a geisha

name 5 ppl dat cums in ur mind whn 2 hear de word "friend"

zsa, kirsten, a song, music, number 40.

If you could take only one object with you on a secluded island what would you take? I would take my computer and buy food off the internet!!!!

What is an ideal day like for you? When you just sit around and think!

Which other shows do you watch? What evers on TV most of the time! what every soaps my mom watches!

Write at least 5 sentences describing your relationship with this forum (be honest!)?

I get to be myself and someone else all at one! Not 5 sentences but thats my relationship summed up in one sentence

What is your motto in life ? Dream

choose 10 members frm PRC forum..and compare dem wid any of actor..actress? I will once you tell me what the PCR forum is!

How are you today? ok i guess      
What pants are you wearing? jeans      

What shirt are you wearing? a t-shirt that says Elmo      

What song are you listening to right now? how did you know i was listening to a song! anyways its "you know you're right"  

What was the last thing you ate?  I drank coke if that counts! 

How is the weather right now? Its a dry night!

What time is it? 10:22 pm

What are the last four digits of your phone? # 0 * 9 ..... what else?    

If you were a crayon what color would you be? Id be a weird colour!      

What makes you happy? I dont know!        

What's the best advice ever given to you? Eat chocolate! 

What sport do you hate the most? Tackle Rugby! It hurts!   
What sport do you love the most? Badminton!!
How many TVs do you have in your house? Just the one!
Do you sleep with stuffed animals? No, i used to when i was younger!       

Have you ever broken a bone? never!     

Who do you tell your dreams to? who ever want to listen

when was the last time u received a gift? On my birthday!

when was the last time u gave a gift? On someone elses birthday!

From ur friends on IF, who is.. I dont know any one that well enought to say!

Do u like vegetables? I am vegetarian so...

Do u like skating? i canr skate

Do u like chocolates? YES!!!!!!!!

Do u like basket ball? sure!

Do u like ice creams? OFCOURSE!

Do u have ur own computer? yep!

Do u hve ur own tv? Naw

Do u hve a cell? Yeah!

Do u like playing games online? not really, but when im really bored i do!

Do u like hanging out? who doesnt!

Do u like bowling? yeah! its fun!

Do u like watching movies? again, who doesnt!

What do you speak at home ? gujrati!

If you had the power to change US what will you change and why? I would make it compulsory for everone carry water pistols at all time!!!!!!

why do we always sniff when we know something is smelling bad??? Because we are stupid and contagious and because we want to discover the source of the smell!

why do you think toasters have a setting that burns the toast to a char? Because some people like ti like that and the company likes taking the piss out of people!

which nobody can eat??? Like i said somepeople like it like that!

when you invite trouble....and trouble turns up, do you send it a "thank you" card for showing up??? sure i do..... im my mind!

what irritates you about other people and how do you handle that??? bossy people, i handle them by annoying them!

what is the one thing you never want to be caught doing??? remember the root word here is caught!!! running away and getting lost! but i wanna do it one day!

if karan johar asked you to act in a whacky movie, who from IF will you want to act as your side-kick???
dex! and sum!

one fine day god gives you a chance to bring one person from the dead just for you....but there is just one have to send another person to the grave to its place...who would you bring back from the dead and who will you send back??? please choose from one amongst IF frnds and one from elsewhere...who you assign life and who you assign death does not matter.. I would  sacrifce my own life to bring the other back to life, but im sure that the person would never want to come back anyways!

if they ever made a movie of your life...who would you want to play you??? A seahorse! lol, my body bouble who lives across the world somewhere!

you must pick somebody from IF for this...and why have you chosen the person??? whats the question?

Your favoutrite subject in studies? Art and english

What's your Zodiac sign? Cancer 

Do you beleve in Love? Who knows!

Have you ever had a boyfriend that you regret dating? Nope! lol, never had one!

Who is the boss in your house? My mother!

Do you buy lottery or powerball tickets? No, but my parents do!

What is your own personal bedtime routine? Go to bed, perpare myself and dream!

What is your favorite animal? havent you asked this already?

What is something fun you are going to do today? Im sleeping now!

Would you rather be in a really cold place or a really hot place? A really cold place!

whats your future career plans? I dont know yet, but i tell people that im going to become a plastic surgeon, you should see their faces everytime!

Choose one:
Hollywood or Bollywood

Chocolate or Vanilla

Tea or Coffee

Urban or Rural

Blue ink or Black ink

Winter or Summer

Love Marriage or Arranged

Sugar or Spice

Left or Right - Ambidextrous!

Sunrise or Sunset

Waking up early or Staying up Late

Sun or Moon

Soccer or Hockey

Your favourtite songs? Most Nirvana songs!

your favourite shops? the $2 shop!!! JOKES!

Your favourite emoticon on IF? πŸ˜›

what would u like to change abt yourself: i havent decided yet!

wat if u become a millionare 1 day..??...wat will u do? everything and nothing!

Your fav junk food? Coke!

best place to hang out? at school and around town!

Who send u the 1st pm on IF? coolniyu i think!

What was your first post and in which forum? I honestly can remember!

Your worst punishment you ever got? I cant remember, i havent really been severely punished, but i almost burnt the house down (Twice!) and i got it pretty bad!!

one thing u wish u could go back in time to change? The time in which i was born, i wish i had been born earlier!

what advise would u give to your younger self if u could go back in time? STAY AWAY FROM FIRE!

The funniest movie? Napoleon Dynamite!! 

saddest movie? The Lion King (lol!)

sweetest movie? hmm..... i dont know! Probably all the bollywood ones!

best lesson-teaching movie? I honestly do not know! 

best movie? There are too many good movies to chose a best movie from! 

secret wish/desire? Now... thats a secret isnt it?? πŸ˜‰

in your family u are closest to? My mother!

Do you have any bad habits? I go crazy at times, and i sleep for too long!!

Your favourite grade? Pre School was the best!!!

your favouritest day of the week? Why? Saturday! because you get a break from school!

How many laguages can you speak? I speak english, gujrati and hindi! so three i guess!

What's your lucky number? i dont have a lucky number, but 1994 is an unlucky one!

Would you be rather blind or rather deaf? and Why? I would rather be blind, because i wouldnt be able to stand not being able to listening..... but then i wouldnt be able so see what i am listening to, so it goes equally!

Do you prefer love marraige or Arranged marraige? An aranged love marriage!

Do you like to wake up early or stay up late at night? Stay up late!

Would you prefer soccer or hockey? Hockey!!

Where were you born? Sadly, in a hospital of all places!

How many kids do you want in your married life? I havent thought that far in hy life!

Do you make decisions/ or think with your mind or your heart? Both, you need a good balance of both to stay on top of things!

What ice creme flavor do you like the best? Cookies and cream!

What hobbies do you have? art, music and sleeping to name a few!

Who is your closest mundane friend? Describe them and how you relate to them? I dont think i have a mundane firend, everyone seems to fit in everywhere!

Who is your worst mundane enemy? Describe them and why you don't get along? I dont have an enemy!!

What bands do you like? Do you even pay attention? I like NIRVANA, Greenday, Altas! what do you mean by pay attention??

What song is "your song?" Why? My song is my song! You probably wound never have heard it before!

What's been your favorite movie of all time? I dont have a favourite movie of all time!!!!!

Read any good books? What were they? Memoirs of a Geisha, it is a really good read!!

When it comes to mundane politics, do you care? If so, which way do you tend to vote? If not, why don't you care? Im not a political person, so i dont really fall into that kind of stuff!

What type of places do you hang out in with your mundane friends? Where ever i would hang out with my normal friends!

What type of places do you hang out in with your normal friends? Where ever i would hang out with my mundane friends!

What annoys you more than anything else? People in general, lol im only kidding, people would say i am pretty annoying, i guess i would get it from my father!

What would be the perfect gift for you? recieving a gift!

What time of day is your favorite? night time!

What kind of weather is your favorite? Warm and sunny!

What is your favorite food? What is your least favorite food? My favourit food is spaghetti! my least favourite is something i may have mentioned earlier, but i cant remember at the moment!

What is your favorite drink? (Coffee, Coke, Juice, Beer, Wine, etc.) I am a coke and energy drink addict!

What's your favorite animal? Why? A seahorse and turtles!! they are so cool!

Do you have any pets? Do you want any pets? What kind? No i dont have any pets but i guess it would be nice to have some!

What do you find most relaxing? (Not as in stress relief, but as something that actually calms you down.) Sleeping calms me down!!!!

What habit that others have annoys you most? My mom sneezes a lot, and it is really annoying when you have to hear someone sneeze every 10 second!!

What kind of things embarrass you? Why? I dont embarrass easily, but being down trailed is pretty embarrassing!!!!!

What don't you like about yourself? I dont know, or cant remember!

How would you like to look?  ???????, like michael jackson???

What is the thing that has frightened you most? Do you think there is anything out there that's scarier than that? What do you think that would be?  i remember being frightened of marilyn masons appearance when i was younger, i dont know what can surpass that!

How ticklish are you? Where are you ticklish? im not really thats ticklidh, however i find that i am most ticklish in my sleep!

What is your current long term goal? I havent set any long term goals yetm but i feel i may need to soon! 

What is your current short term goal? To do well in my Exams!

If you were a mundane person, what would you do with your life? What occupation would you want, and how would you spend all your time? If i was mundane, then i would probably be a floater, moving from one place to another, one job to another, never really belonging or settling anywhere.

What time period do you wish you had lived in? Why? (Looking at this as an attempt to change history doesn't count.) What appeals to you about this era? I wish i had lived in Generation X, the period around the late 80's and early 90's!

How private of a person are you? Why? I am a very private person, i just dont feel that it is neccesary to share everthing with everybody!

If you won the lottery, what would you do with the money? I dont know, but i can guarantee you that it would be something really stupid!

What would you wish for if you found a genie? Everything and nothing!!!!

What do you do when you are bored? I get off my backside and do something useful!

Hope it aint too short!
Will post the set 5 soon! πŸ˜†


I'll come back and edit!!

Edited by missy6892 - 16 years ago
cool_pooja thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
Hey Missy

Your week is coming to an end. Please answer the pending sets, and give ur final words for this week of urs.

Book.Talk. Dev Team
missy6892 thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago

Originally posted by: cool_pooja

Set 5:

a) your room messy and plain
b) your ideal date relaxing
c) your ideal man ????

What is/ are/was...
the word or phrase you use the most? ??? huh?

Your greatest accomplishment I am yet to achieve my greatest achievement!

Favorite color? Every colour
Food? Spaghetti
Sport Badminton
Animal? Seahorse!
Store? ???
Letter? k, m, r, s, c
Number? I dont have a lucky number but 1994 is an unlucky one!
Holiday? Every holiday!
Radio Station? the Edge!
Perfume Ghost!

Pepsi/ Coke
McDonald's or Burger Kings I dont eat from those places!
Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera ummm.........  But i think christina is better, right?????
Chocolate or vanilla
Black or white
John Abraham or Shah Rukh Khan hmmm......... πŸ˜›

Do you..
Smoke? No
Sing well? Hell no!
Sing in the shower? Doesnt everybody??
Play an instrument? I used to!
Like answering these questions? Sure i do 😊

In the past month have you...
Gone out of the country? No
Stolen anything? No
Dumped anyone? No
Been on stage? yes
Won anything? yes

A friend that comes to your mind with the following words...
Craziest? zsa
Loudest? zsa
Most shy? kus
Smartest? Rosa
Best singer? jaymi
Drama Queen or King? Kirsten!
Funniest :: Zsa
Agony Aunt/Uncle: Louise
Dependable Radha
Trustworthy Radha
Person you've known the longest Radha!

Complete the sentence
Let's walk on the air
Lets look at the monkeys!!
What a nice drawing
If i could fly i would never come down
I wish i could fly
I am me
Why can't we run away

The last...
Dream you had last night, a lucid one
time you cried i cant remember
ate something 3 seconds ago!
Nightmare I dont have nightmares
Phone call from my friend
time you laughed while on the phone
Song you listened to Aneuyrsm
person you hugged Mom
time you fought with your parents? yesterday, it was one sided fighing on my parents side
time you played truth or dare? months ago!

Do you believe in..
Do you believe there is life on other planets? Could be?
Do you believe in miracles? Sure
God? Why not
Magic? who knows
Santa? big fat no!
Satan/Devil maybe!

Random questions :
Ever been so hungry you felt like you could eat the person next to you? once
What do you think of George Bush? Personification of a monkey!
How many languages do you speak? 3
Ever egged someone's house? nope!
Have you even fell asleep when you were on the phone with someone i was talking to my grandparent just when i had woken up and i fell asleep again!
What's worse, mosquito bites or finding hair in your food? Hair in food 🀒
If you could eliminate one color from the world, what would it be? no colours, but i would like to find out what colour trabsperancy is!
What's your favorite commercial? the coca cola and fly buys ad!
The perfect Pizza? made by my mom!
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Well i passed all my exams, so to take on no tension at all!
Your Best Physical Feature it used to be my hair but now its cut!
Did you play with Barbies as a child? Yes i did, and then cut all of its hair off!
What is something scientists need to invent? a thing that makes you relive your experiences, i dont mean a time machine, althought a time machine would be pretty nice!
How many pillows do you sleep with? just the one
What is the worst weather? flooding rains!

What do you think about me?? you are a great and cool person, and you are very popular on IF (especially with the guys πŸ˜‰)

Your first crush ever? id rather not say!

Favourite serial? All of them are great!

Favourite forum? The general forums!

Your best friends? Radha and Zsa

Define friendship in just one word understanding

Who is a friend according to you who ever understands you!

What is the difference between a friend and a best friend There isnt a really big difference, expect you can trust one more then the other!

name 3-5 things you think should be improved in this forum

It needs nore activity, contests and interaction!

if u could change ur name to any name u wanted:what would be the name? I would change it to Sponge Bob square Pants

whats ur favourite chocolate Cadbury Rolo

what shampoo.. do u use? tresome

Why did you choose the ID you have? It was an old nickname which died over time

Are you a gud Student? sadly... yes!

Your Hobbies? art, music and sleeping!

Do you like reading? yeah

Are You Lazy? defininately!

Which song makes you want to cry every time you hear it? No song makes me want to cry everytime i hear it!

Which song makes you to break into a dance everytime you hear it? hehehehe...... it a private joke!

sallu or upen who has the better body? i dont know upen so sallu

priyanka or amrita arora who has the better acting skills? I dont know amrita so priyanka! 

katrina or aish who is more beautiful? Aish

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? I think i wanted to be a guitar! πŸ˜† I dont know why!

Name one of your physical traits that you would change if you could: My shortness!

Name one of your physical traits that you really like: My hair! 

Name something you'd like to do before you die: I want to find out what happens when you die before i die! 

If you could back in time to any point of history, where would you go and why? I think i have said when and why before in one of the q's!

Have you ever experienced anything supernatural? Not yet!  

Are you close to your family members? yeah!

Any non-family member adults stick out in your mind? Who were they, and how did you know them? Why do they stick out? one of my yeachers, she is the best!

What's been your favorite movie of all time? I dont have a favourite movie of all time!

Read any good books? What were they? Memoirs of a geisha!! really good read!

What do you watch on Television? Anthing really!

when it comes to politics, do you care? If so, which way do you tend to vote? If not, why don't you care? i dont like to fall into political stuff, it a bit too over rated for me!!

What type of places do you hang out in with your friends? Everywhere and anywhere!

What type of places do you hang out in with your family? At home and about!

What annoys you more than anything else? People who sneeze every 5 seconds!!

What would be the perfect gift for you? To recive a gift!

What's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen? I cant remember!

What time of day is your favorite? night time!

What kind of weather is your favorite? sunny and warm!

What is your favorite food? Spaghetti! (i think i am experienceing de ja voo πŸ˜•)

What is your favorite drink? Coke!

If there was no internet growing up what would have been your thing to do for fun ? running around outside or sitting around all day doing not much at all!

- Which is the best advice you have given and received? Live like you will die tommorrow, dream like you will live forever!  

- Which you feel is your best aspect ? The typical answer my "personality"

- Can you cook, if yes, what will it be? I can cook, but not very well!! 

- Name five people you would love to meet from I-F? I would like to meat you!, and Vijay, the HP mods, dex and all my friends!!

- What's the one thing youw would want to change about yourself? I havent decide yet!!!

- Favourite ice cream flavour? Cookies and Cream

- What's more romantic, candle light dinner or a walk near the beach?

- what's ur Citizenship? NZ!

- What language do u speak at home? gujrati

- Your dream date? ???????

- A forum on IF which you have never visited? The Star One channels!

- Your favourite piece of jewellery? Watches are the best!!!

- Who do you think is the sexiest man in India?

- 'Dosti ki khatir pyar ki qurbani' , What's your take on this quote? I really dont know, i dont really agree with it!

- Do you like to take photographs or do you like appearing in them? I like to take them!!

- Have you ever envied anyone? yeah!

- ON average, how many PMs do u get per day? at the moment a couple a day, on average a couple a week!

- What's the best complimet you have received from others about yourself? You are too smart to live

- If a pack of gum says that each piece is 10 calories, is that amount just chewing the gum, or also for swallowing it? I guess it would mostly be the flavouring that we swallow!

- Which is taller, Eiffel tower or Baby towers? Whats a baby tower?

- what gift would you like your boyfriend to get for you on your first date ? I wouldnt  expect anything really, but chocolate is good for all occasions!

- A quote that you believe in? It better to burn out then to fade away, but its alway better to burn away then to have ever burnt out in the first place.

Not many people can understand this!

- One person you can die for ? (Name 1 only) The one person i can die for is the person who i am willing to live for!

- Count the number of questions I 've asked you? NO!! Dont make me!!!

- Your first impression when you read my questions? Wow! this is gonna take a long time now isnt it!!

- What do you look in for a partner? ???????

- Which is your favourite pastime? relaxing!

- Who is your most fav. member on IF? (you can't say all)! if i had to choose one then i would choose......

- Your biggest strenght and weakness? Strength, im a broad thinker, weakness, i dont know where im going!

- Do you believe in love at first sight? I dont know!

- What do you treasre the most? Every moment!

- Put in order of significance : money , happiness, health and friendship.

happiness, health/friendship, money!

- What is the first think you do when you log in at IF? read PM's if i have any!

- What do you think about me? you are a great and cool person, and you are very popular on IF (especially with the guys πŸ˜‰)

- What do you think about yourself? I dont really think about myself really! 

- Who is your inspiration in your life? Everone and no one!

- IF friends or real life friends? Real friends!

- What would you do if SRK knocked on your door, and wanted a room for the night? i'd sleep out on the street and give him my room!! lol, i would probably let him stay seeing as he is SRK

- Current desktop pic on your PC? A windows one!

Must choose only ONE!

Coffee or tea? 🀒

SRK or Rani?

Makeup or jewellery?

Book or Magazine?

Indian Idol or Sa Re Ga Ma Pa? I havent seen either!

Ipod or cell?

Serials or Movies?

Donkeys or monkeys?

Physics or Chemistry?

Msn or Yahoo ?

Canada or London?

Sunidhi or Alka?

Kittens or cats?

Day or night?

Trainers or heels?

Hey or hello?

Mirrors or reflections?

*Honestly, whats on your mind? Honestly, i dont have a clue what goes on in my mind half the time!

*Honestly, have you done something bad today? If you don't mind sharing what it is? Not that i can really think of!

are you jealous of someone right now? Not at the moment!

*Honestly, who do you want to see right now? i can think of no one in particular, but there are many people i want to see!

*Honestly, are you keeping a big secret right now? If you don't mind, you could share with us? No, no big secrets around here!

*Honestly, do you have a friend you don't actually like? No, i think i can homestly say i like everyone of my friends! 

*Honestly, does anyone like you? Someone is bound to, you know my friends, parents etc.

*What do you do when you're mad? I do nothing about it!

*What's the worst thing you've done when you were mad? I dont get out of controll when i am mad!

*Ever made anyone cry when you were mad? Nup

*Do you swear when you're mad? If you mean, i mutter swear words under my breath, then yes!

*When was the last time you really cried? I dont know!

Ever cried yourself to sleep? Probably in my youth!

*What usually makes you cry? I dont have any fixed thing that is sure to make me cry!

*Are you usually a happy person? I would say i am!

*What makes you the happiest? everything!

*Does being with your friends make you happy? ofcourse!

*Do you believe in yourself? sure!!

*Did you ever get into a fist fight in school? πŸ˜† Not yet!

*Did you ever run away from home? I wouldnt call it running away, my friend and i ran away somewhere and we got lost in the forrest, it took then hours to find us!

*Did you ever lose a friend because of your attitude?Never

*Do you know how to swim? I used to when i was younger, but not any more!

*Do you like roller coasters? Hmm.... depends on how i am feeling at the time!

*Does your family have family picnics? We used to!

Have you ever been on a plane? Yep!

*Have you ever been to the Ocean? I think i have... or was that the sea?

*Have you ever painted your nails? Yup

*How tall are you? Not very, aroung 5"5

*How much money do you have on you right now? I am as rich as a hobo!

*What are you listening to? Music!

*What is the weather outside? Sunny!

*What was the last food you ate? Fruit!

*What was the last thing you bought? Coke!!

*What was the last thing you had to drink? Water

*What was the last tv show you watched? Nache Baliye!

now count all the q's and write how many are they all together?