Arakshi Mini-FF: Don't Fall.Rise in Love! (Completed) - Page 4


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greensakthi thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago


There are things that

We don't want to happen

But have to accept,

Things we don't want to know

But have to learn,

And people we can't live without

But have to let go.



The First Crack:

It occurred at the end of their first month in Goa.

He stopped the car before the shop and she got out.

He locked the car as she moved toward the shop.

As he crossed a car, heard someone calling him from behind.

"Arjun," and before he could turn something touched his back. "Don't move," the man laughed.

"Watch your back-"

"Is the first rule of defense," Arjun finished it for him.

He turned and saw Mario standing there.

"Hey, what a surprise man!" Arjun exclaimed as Mario extended a hand.

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

They shook hands.

"I'm working here, now. It's a long story. Come to our house we'll talk."

"Ah, how is Roshini? Last seen-"Mario stopped and said, "That girl is calling you."

He pointed Sakshi, who was standing at the entrance of the departmental stores. She had forgotten her list and returned back. She waved toward him but he turned to a man and shook his hand.

Arjun turned and looked at her.

She conveyed the message in sign and went back in.

"Who is she?" Mario asked as a man appeared and informed him, "Sir, it's getting late," in a polite voice.

"Arjun stared behind her and said, numbly, "A- A friend."

"Right, see I'm in a rush. I'm in china now. Same job," he winked at Arjun and went on, "Came here on duty. Now I'm going back, but next time I'll come to your house surely, okay? Remember me to Roshini, bye Arjun."

He went away with his companion.

It all happened too fast that he couldn't get a chance to react, even to do a double take.

'That girl is calling you, who is she?'

He could have forgotten her face and she could have forgotten- and how long are you going to believe these cock and bull stories, Arjun?


When he entered the shop with the list she was watching something on the display case.

"Who is he?" she asked and moved in.

"A friend," he replied.

"I thought you'd introduce him, but when you-" he was staring at her, "Are you okay?" she asked and reached him at once.

"Oh, yes- just a headache," he said quickly. He was not ready for a scene then.

"Come, we'll go home."

"No," he wasn't ready to drive now either.

"Ok, wait here I'll buy a coffee."

"I'm waiting in the car. No - I need nothing. You finish here and come." He insisted.

"Are you sure?"


"Come, I'll walk you to the car."

Once she went back in, he took his mobile out.

"Suji, how is Mumbai?"

"Sir, Good to talk to you. How are you sir?"

"Scratching my head,"


He grinned at once."They ask everything to be filled online now. See I'm now filling the form for Insurance Fund Nominee and I've filled most of the things. Thought, you could help."

He talked fast.

"Sure sir," she agreed at once, or she hesitated a little?

"Address, identity marks, Hmm... yes, I need Roshini's blood group. Can you see it in the files and tell me?"

Before he could decide between hesitation and delay she replied back, "It's O- positive sir,"

"O+, Suji, do one thing. Send me her picture to my mail- see she is smiling at herself for not even knowing her blood group."

This time without hesitation the reply came, "Sir, I've to ask Shree sir once-"

"Oh, it's ok. It seems she has one in her mobile. Thanks Suji."

He cut the call and confirmed that ETF Mumbai was doing something here. They were in this with Uncle.

Sakshi returned quickly and when he asked she said she would buy the other things in the list later.

But he said, "You said to go to some glassware?"

"Yes, second house aunty told me a shop, but we can go home now."

"Where is it?"


"I'm all right now, tell me."

"It's a shop named, 'Cling Cling' and it's-"

He smiled at the name.

"Good," she looked at him smiling, "You know it's dedicated to glassware and clay articles. Aunty said you can get nearly anything there and the shop's history goes back to Portuguese times."

They entered the shop and a small chandelier jingled once the door was opened. It sounded, "Cling, Cling", and made them smile.

"Now I agree," he said and they moved in.

She was seeing some cups.

He wanted her to relax, first.

"What's your blood group?" he made that question sound casual.

He knew it would not prove his point if she said-

"Show me a smaller one," She turned to him, "AB+,"

"I take this one."

Then who is she?

"Who are you?"

"Roshini. I need two pieces in that."



Suji came to me, "Sir, Arjun sir called."


"He asked what Roshini madam's blood group was."

Seeing my face she got tense, "I told him that," she swallowed, "Then asked her picture and told him I'd to check with you."

She said and looked at me, but was surprised as I smiled and said, "Good."



Ayesha was on a mission.

She got the confidential file and sat at her desk.

It was the file of the accident-which caused this chaos.

The pair Veer and Preeti who informed the police about the accident claimed they were tourists and for sightseeing they went to the view point at the top of the hill. A visit they thought would be memorable had turned as an unforgettable.

The couple returned from the view point. They started down hand in hand.

Suddenly, an alarmed Veer said, "Pree!", he stopped short and looked the scene before them. Preeti followed his gaze and whispered, "Dear, God!"

He ran to Sakshi and kneeled down beside her. Preeti started crying at the heart wrenching scene. Sakshi was lying near the edge of the road and a few feet from there she would have ended in to the wide valley below. She stared at the unconscious girl smeared with her own blood all over.

"God, she is alive," Veer turned to Preeti. She ran to them and stood near him.

"Pree, call the police!"



Preeti was still crying as the ambulance moved away. Veer was at her side and talking to her in a lower voice.

The inspector turned toward them once he checked the car standing there without a clue.

They suspected at first, it was a hit and run, but why should leave the vehicle there. They found the owner and were informed that an ACP from Mumbai took the car to the hill.

The idea changed then. The forensic team had found foot prints near the edge of the road and now they started suspecting the valley.


Preeti and Veer informed the police what they had witnessed and pointed out that Sakshi cried as seeing a paper, that seemed as a letter. They told them she was holding a hand bag.

The police did not find a bag, anywhere near the scene, but they found a small pouch behind the rock covered with mud where Sakshi was sitting.

The pouch found its way there, while Sakshi tore the letter vigorously and didn't attract her attention then.

It had some money and a train ticket from Shirdi to Pune.

They had tried a lot to locate where Sakshi had come from, Ayesha could see.

The commissioner of Mumbai had arrived the next morning along with ETF team.

Everyone was silently mourning and taking in the progresses of the case, she remembered.

When Sakshi opened her eyes two days later, they had found father in Shirdi.

Father informed them that Sakshi went there for an interview and he could not tell them why she went to the hill. And when he was informed that they had a suspicion that perhaps, she could have ended as a victim of suicide, according to the couple who called the police from the spot, he was appalled, tremendously.

Father visited her, but she could not recognize him.



Uncle's Story!


Once started it took hours for them to find Arjun under the hollow.

They informed uncle about the accident and he was hard from inside as he reached the spot.

First Roshini went away, without a trace, now this!

She had called him actually and told him that she was coming, but she never did...

The ambulance went straight to the hospital where he was one of the board directors.

Once heard about Sakshi, he rushed to the General hospital where she was admitted.

He looked at her through the glass opening of the ICU as a nurse approached him. When he was asked to tell the name of the patience, he said on impulse, as 'Roshini', and theyd change once the police found her relatives.

When father appeared at the hospital, Sakshi was named/ informed as her name was Roshini, by a nurse.

He went with father to visit Sakshi and she just stared at them. He said that father was there for praying for the patients, at once, to console the patient.

Then he talked with father about the accident and the compensation he was ready to give.

But father needed nothing.

The next morning when he started to Shirdi, uncle expressed his wish to adopt Sakshi and took her responsibility, he was somewhat relieved, he had to return to his place, but leaving her there was excruciating him.

Soon, once she was ready to move she was transferred to uncle's hospital, still with the name Roshini, which was first intended to keep for file maintenance.

And when father signed the document for adoption he was informed duly that as she was a major without her consent he could not sign her adoption and as she was not mentally fit-there was a line in the document which gave her full authority to cancel the document in the court, if she did not agree when she got back her memory.

Uncle again suggested giving him money for the sake of the home, but his conscience did not agree to accept it. But when uncle gave him a check in Sakshi's name as a donation for the home, he could not deny it.

From that day, he got a check every month in Sakshi's name.

greensakthi thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago



Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind

And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.



When the police inquired the company where father said Sakshi was going for her interview, they denied in a straight line that they did not conduct an interview on that date.

Ayesha had finished reading the file.

She leaned against her chair and thought about the conversation she had with the commissioner.

She was trying to influence him to get permission to handle the case for a long time now, but she could not persuade him still.

When she tried once again that day, she did not think she could at last win.

The commissioner sighed and asked the same as before.

"Did you get any lead, now?"

"If we try, I hope we would get some, now, sir."

He looked at her.

"See, Ayesha, if you saw the file you could see yourself that they've been thorough and you could not suspect the ability of your fellow officers. After this long, how can you think you can get something there?"

"I'll see the file sir," she said as though the commissioner had given her permission to see the file, "But before that I want permission to give the case a once over, that's all I'm asking sir. I think, after this long we can get something, since something may come out, now."

She was not sure if she had made it, but looked at him hopefully.

She had persuaded him successfully, at last.

But the commissioner asserted that, "Promise me you'll inform me before making a decision."

She got his point and said, "Trust me, sir. I won't disappoint you both."

The commissioner smiled at that.

She went on, "Though you both are our bosses," he raised an eyebrow at her questioningly. "He is a friend for us too, sir," she smiled and stopped.

The commissioner laughed out now.

She knew the commissioner and uncle were in constant contact.

She sighed.

She closed the file and stood up.

She was doing this for Sakshi.

She came out of her room and was stopped by us.

She looked embarrassed at not informing about her mission to us.

"If you are going, we are coming."

We announced her and moved toward the car.

Once settled in the car, Ayesha said, "I could get three days off including a holiday."

She wanted us to know the situation.

"Same here," I turned to her from the passenger seat. Chottu just shrugged and started the ignition.

"I'm just going to give it a once over and in three days-"

"All the same, you need us."

Chottu said over his shoulder, "If you can trust us, that is," Ayesha sighed and leaned back in her seat throwing her hand in air.



"What do you want us to do?" I waited and once heard from Ayesha, "See, I've already told you I don't want you to come," I went on as if she didn't interrupt me, "First," I turned back to her to her annoyance, "Once we reached there?"

Her attitudes were too much.

She looked me in the eye and said, "I want to go to Shirdi to meet father," she said in a calm voice.

"Right, we are going to the police station in Pune and see what we can get."

Once reached Pune Chottu turned to me, "Shall we inform uncle about our arrival here? You know I miss his house."

I shook my head, "I think it should be she and soon she will, I hope."



Arjun was in confusion rather than in anger.


For the first time in his life he did not know, as a detective, where to start in a given case.

'She can't be false.'

He argued with himself.

She was too pure to smudge.

Whenever the detective in him suspected the husband in him the later suppressed the other.

There must be some other explanation.

His eyes shrank as his gaze fell on her. She looked up at him from the book she was reading with a smile, but her face changed seeing his eyes.

'One can't fake this.'

She was reacting even to his simple gesture in no time.

He changed his gaze at once and said, "I've to make a call."

He went to the front room.

'But she is not Roshini.'

At last the detective won.

Uncle asked him back in the hospital if he remembered Roshini, when he came out of coma.

He asked if he still remembered her.

From that moment itself he was acting against him.

Now, whenever the husband peered out the detective in him started suppressing the other.

Something had happened amid and they are playing something, including the one he believes most now.

The woman in his house!


He opened the internet and with the code number only the grade officers in the department knew, sent a mail to the Peep Hole Private Eye. It was a confidential concern worked often for the department this way.

He asked them to find a Roshini from Mumbai. After filling various columns they had asked to fill, he sent the mail and got the acknowledgement that they had checked the authenticity of the message and were accepting to work on it.



Ayesha knew what she could ask and what not, well.

Father said, "She came to me when she was five years old. Some neighbor took her to me as her grandmother had passed away, who was her only support. She told me that her name was Sakshi.

She was very jovial and everyone in the home liked her. She liked to write poems, in the evenings you could see her there in the steps of the stage staring at the sky with a note book in hand. She was happy and I was proud of her. She would make anyone laugh around her and it made us worry when she went away for that interview.

She was working here and maintaining the records, after completing her degree. She wanted to help the children here. There was nothing in her mind except that. And I had to press her to go to the job when Goel informed that he could arrange a job for her in Pune."

"Goel?" Ayesha inquired.

"He was working in that company. He came here to donate on behalf of the company. They opened a branch here in Shirdi and for income tax issues they started donating our home. He came here a couple of times and when he told me about the job opportunity I thought it was a chance for her. She could live in a city and find a life instead of coiling herself here and see to the children.

But she did not accept it. She said she was well satisfied in living here. And I had to compel her to go. But now I feel guilty. If I did not send her away she could be now-"

He looked away.

After a moment's silence, she said, "Where is this Goel now?"

"I don't know. He had stopped coming here after giving her a letter for the interview."

"Do you have a copy of that letter?"

She asked hopefully, but he shook his head.

"I did not know the company would deny about the interview."

With hesitation he went on, "He called me that evening," she looked up at him. "And asked me if she had called me and when I said she didn't, he said she didn't meet him as we planned once she reached there. He said he was searching for her and would inquire in the company before calling me back the next day.

And when I tried to contact him once I heard about the accident for a support I could not reach him. The number was no longer in use. I didn't talk about this before."

"Can you give me that number, father?"

The card he gave her did nothing. She could not move further in the case with that.

"She was vexed and when she reached there, she went to the hill to-" he stopped talking and looked at her, "You know I could not know her better even though I've brought her up this long. And when Arjun's uncle asked me to continue the lie, I was not sure. I hesitated for I could never do her anything wrong, again and admitted it after all he was doing it for her as her father."

As the talk came about Arjun he asked, "How is your boss?"

"Fine, father."

"And I hope he gets his memory back, soon."

"Me too,"

'We miss him in Mumbai.'



Back in the hospital, once-

Ayesha approached Sakshi and took her to a corner.

She wanted to talk her out to take her to Shirdi. If it was true that she was in shock and if she could relax she could remember the past, she wanted to help.

"Can we go to the Shirdi festival, Roshini? It'll give you peace and you can relax."

"Shirdi festival?"

"Yes, this time they are celebrating the birthday of Shirdi Baba as a festival. I can arrange the tickets and will come to pick you up."

"But Ayesha-"

"It won't take long. Just two days. I'll take you back here, if you wish."

She had planned to take her to the home too.

If she could remember everything, that would be fantastic. But the poor girl said, "They won't allow him now to travel, Ayesha."

"We can take him the next time, now we can go. See, you've stayed here long than you deserved. Come and relax a bit."

She smiled at her, "Then who'll stay with him? Don't you see I can't leave him here alone and come with you?"

Ayesha's face fell, 'I tried,' she thought grimly.

"Even if I can come with you," Ayesha looked up at her hopefully, "I can't relax a bit. I'll be an annoyance to you there. Sorry Ayesha, you go and enjoy."

"Right, as you wish."



He wanted to know her moves.

He had arranged to record her calls in his mobile. He needed to hear what she and his uncle were talking about their plan.

And every time his mobile buzzed in that tone, it reminded him that someone out there was doing something against him, to betray him.

greensakthi thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago


You have witchcraft in your lips.



Arjun had returned from office that evening.

Sakshi came out with his tea.

She saw that the bedroom door was closed still. She saw that his face was not normal as he entered in and guessed it was work tension.

After a shower he'd wake and shine. She smiled and waited.

She thought to knock the door to say the tea was ready and when she approached the room she noticed that there was no sound from inside. The room was quiet - not even his moving sound could be heard.

'What's he doing inside?'

Maybe he's in the shower, still.

But as moments passed and still there was no sound from him she got panic.

She slightly knocked the door and said, "Arjun,"

No reply, still silence.

She started talking to him, "Arjun, can you hear me? I know you are upset. But just tell me you are all right."

She had started banging the door and shouted, "I'm going to break the door," but her voice was airy.

He was sitting on the cot, still in his office shirt, fuming.

'It seems everyone can break the law if they have the influence.'

He heard her calling.

'What a discovery- he is upset!'

She was knocking the door.

'Who cares? Everybody wants what they want.'

He was not going to open it.

When the knocks turned to bangs, he wanted to shout, 'Go away!'

He came to the door and opened it, "What do you-"

He did not expect that she would be leaning against the door and as she was silent he thought she had gone away.

But she was not.

Once he pulled the door to him, she leaned back at the sudden occurrence and started falling backward.

"Oh!" he left the door as it was and bent forward to hold her from falling before her head hit the floor. Once straightened, she started talking- she was startled at the sudden incident but she said, "Uh-'m sorry. I didn't want to disturb you. But when you didn't reply I- I wanted to know if you were all right. That's all."

She turned to go.

He took her hand and pulled her to him. "Uh - I-" he had covered her lips with his.

When they parted, he grinned sheepishly, "Can you see now I'm all right?"

He asked teasingly.

She nodded at him. To his surprise she didn't go away.

His eyes were gazing at her.

She turned and went to the sofa as he followed.

She sat on the sofa as he said his story.

Once finished, they agreed to each other whatever happened he should tell that he was all right and it was not a health issue.

"See, because of you the tea is now cold and you've to prepare tea today for your cheap drama."

She looked up at him.

"My what?"

"What about the tea?"

She wasn't going to budge in.

"Going ma'am," he took the cold tea to the kitchen as she followed.

As he put the pot on the stove, she inquired, "Supper too?"

"Supper too,"

She widened her eyes, "How sweet! Promise me you'll come home daily in the same mood."

"And the same..." he approached her as she ran out of the kitchen playfully.

That day the supper was his magic.

Though salt was a little problem she didn't comment.

His thoughts were ruffled by the sudden buzzing sound of his mobile.

He came to present.

He opened the message and it was from the private eye.

He checked his mail and got that they had reported back about their inquiry.

He opened it and his eyes caught the word 'dead'.

His eyes narrowed then sharpened.

He read the report to the end of line and looked up. A lone tear escaped his eyes.

It was a story of cheating. For which he was not yet ready.

When he asked them to inquire he didn't expect a report like this.

The extract of the report-

He was married to her once. They lived in Mumbai.

She died of a flight crash.

To cover her death uncle had staged the drama for him and this woman was part of it.

She knew everything about him and he knew nothing about her. How could she make a fool out of him?

If uncle thought he would be fooled that easily, he was wrong. He would prove it to him.

He was thinking the detective agency would come up with this woman's identity, if not they would announce the person did not exist, but not a death certificate of his wife.

If he had expected anything, it was definitely not this.

The report had a picture of Roshini. To see the birth and death dates under it, it was crushing him. And what sickened him most was the fact that it seemed not new to him. As if he knew it- part of him knew it well before he read the report.

How a Deja vu thing could work in a matter like this?

He noticed that the accident didn't happen immediately after his wife's death. Uncle had told him he was with his wife at the time of the accident.

'They are, God, trying to make him believe this woman is Roshini.'

Did they really believe he could live with a stranger? Didn't they think a moment he would find it out? Hah, what if I-

Uncle had made him promise that he would not touch her until she was ready.

Did they expect he would accept her? While he can't forgive her how can he?

How could they think a false relationship could last? How could they think a relationship made out of lies would ever survive?

And whenever he approached her- he felt ashamed about that now- she laughed away or changed the subject.

She was not ready for a relationship, but was doing her job well as a wife otherwise.

He was silent most of the day. And he went home late and didn't have to see her face to his composure.

He had decided to let them play their game and wait to watch and he had asked to dig her back ground to the private eye.

He would decide what he was going to do about her once the report came.

If his uncle had thought to do him any good, it could have been telling him the truth once his condition was good enough to hear it, back in the hospital itself.

'She'll see you once she can.'

His uncle told him the first day, as though he was going to prepare someone. In his state of mind he believed whatever he told him then.

'But I can never see her as my wife,'

He would scream it out in time.

How fast he prepared everything to send them to Goa! He even stopped him from going to Mumbai to collect their things.

Truths can't be hidden for ever uncle!

And if it was true what he had found out, then he should admit that she was a wonderful actress.

Now he could see that she was hesitating as she entered the hospital room. When he extended a hand toward her she thrust herself forward to take it.

He thought she was trying to control her sobs at seeing him for the first time after the accident. God, those moments too were false?

Her first smile.

'I too was waiting for a long time.'

Couldn't it be true, after all?

How safe he felt when he held her hands!

How could she, for God's sake, how could she?..

Arakshi 1-S:

 Arjun-Shree 5-S:

Edited by greensakthi - 8 years ago
sisodia_shefali thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
so arjun finally found that she is not roshani and uncle has made her his wife
but sakshi still has no memory of who she is
will aisha be able to know the reason for sakhsi's accident
thanks for pm
Areesha566 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Part 8-11

Amazing dear
Your wrote so well
Sakshi-Arrjun and Hasi
Arjun getting suspecious
Glimpse of past
Arjun knowing the truth
It was all so well
Love it
Update soon
Thanks for pm
greensakthi thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago

Very sorry for the delay dears..


Love me or hate me. Both are in my favor. If you love me, I'll always be in your heart. If you hate me, I'll always be in your mind.


As silence prevailed between them thickened more and more he had started coming late with office files and once he entered in to his office room he'd shut himself in files. And without instructions she had started leaving him alone to work quietly.

She was preparing tea as she heard Hasi say, "Aunty, uncle came," and ran out.

She smiled and took the cups out and arranged.

When she came out of the kitchen with the tray the hall was empty.

"Hasi," she called and put the tray on the teapoy.

She peered in to the bedroom and found it empty.

Where did they go?

When she went to the front, she came to know that they both were in his office room.

Why did he enter in to this room this early? And Hasi-

She had told her that if she found her uncle was in that room not to disturb him that he would not like it, but now she was in that room with him.

She reached the room as was thinking how she could call Hasi out, before he was getting upset.

But what she saw in that room made her smile.

Hasi was sitting on his desk with a leg resting on one arm of his chair and was writing busily in her homework note book as telling aloud what she was writing and her note book was on a stack of his files as a small desk for her. And what made her smirk was he, who was standing near the window and was reading a file. Giving Hasi his desk and chair he was...

She left the room quietly.

Arjun knew Sakshi was going to come there, after hearing her calling Hasi.

He opened the file and stared at it as she entered in.

Once she went out he closed the file and stared through the window.

The tea was getting cold. She decided to give him his tea in his office room and took the tray to that room.

But once she entered her eyes widened in shock. Arjun was not there and Hasi was standing on the edge of the desk and was moving on it as if trying to get down. When she tried to pull the chair toward her, Sakshi shouted, "Hasi," she rushed in. "Stop there, I'm coming,"

The kid turned in terror and missed her note book.

"Ouch," Arjun's voice heard from under the desk.

Sakshi was shocked to hear his voice and looked over the desk.

Then he came into view. He was kneeling beside the chair and was holding the note book in one hand and raised his eyebrows at her.

"Oh, sorry," she muttered.

"Uncle, my eraser," Hasi reminded him.

"Oh, yes," he resumed searching.

Sakshi smiled and pushed the chair aside. As she bent down toward the desk to help, they dashed into each other and muttered a sorry.

Hasi started giggling at them.

After a second dash they decided to allot themselves their portions and he searched the left side of the desk and she took the right side.

Sakshi took the files lying on the floor and handed them to Hasi above.

The search extended up to the cupboard standing behind the desk. But he went out with empty hands from under it.

They straightened themselves and looked at Hasi then looked at each other and smiled.

Seeing them smiling, Hasi too smiled without knowing the reason. Their smile panned out in to laughter.

Sakshi was extending a pencil toward Hasi, he was holding Hasi's note book and Hasi was holding his files.

They exchanged the things as Hasi said in a complaining voice, "My eraser."

Sakshi chuckled and looked at him.

He was saying, "Don't worry, I'll buy you a new one, tomorrow."

"Hasi, call your uncle to drink tea, he seems tired," she took the tray and went out.


She missed his undertones.

She loved his whispers as he moved closer and uttered in her ears- a gesture of intimacy, a personal feeling, a token of possession- she thought them as gifts from him solely for her. They were precious to her.

 One evening, Hasi came running in after her fancy dress competition. She was still in the 'Nehru costume'. She was very cute in it.

And Arjun suggested they would take some pictures of her in that dress.

Thus, started the riot.

He placed her near a table for a snap, then on the table for another. They ran to the garden and after taking one with every tree and flower they took one as Hasi jingling the small bell.

Sakshi was standing in the doorway seeing them with a smile. Once saw her Hasi asked him to click them both.

After two snaps Sakshi suggested to include her uncle too.

They returned to the hall and set the camera in auto-mode and smiled for it. Then hasi took the camera and moved back. Arjun started telling his ideas to take different positions with different backgrounds.

When they stood before a wall paper, Sakshi moved aside a bit to give room for the scenery in the frame.

Hasi said, "Aunty, come close to uncle. Some more, some more to the right."

She was correcting as if a professional photographer.

The picture was taken eventually and Sakshi started to turn away as he reached her and whispered, "She knows, but you don't."

She knew she got what she wanted. He was ready.

She was going to tell uncle that they were going to start their life then. But without a clue, everything had changed. She had lost something and she knew what it was- his concern.


When they were in the hospital and when he was trying to walk for the first time after removing his bandages, he denied her support to prove his fitness to the doctor. And he said to her, "If you say a wound doesn't hurt, I've to believe, but when I say so, you-" he stopped and she smiled mirthlessly.

Then she stood in one corner of the room and watched him trying to walk with pain in her heart.

In private he explained, "Roshini, we've to get out of here. Don't you see they won't allow us to, if I couldn't walk? If I walk, we can go out. If I can walk, we spend more time alone. No pain no gain. If you are still supporting me to walk how can I walk toward you?"

He asked beautifully. "In a way it's more time less pain." He winked.

She was truly touched. Then he started walking, without her interruption, soon.


Now that concern, love, affection toward her had gone.

Even his sharp words gave her pleasure then. But now his silence is causing her pain.



Uncle called her.

"Forgotten me, dear? How is he? He didn't call me lately."

"He is fine and busy uncle. He's no time even to talk me." She smiled.

"I thought you were busy and forgotten to call me for the last two days."

He said casually.

"It seems he's forgotten me, uncle."

"I don't think he can," he said, "After witnessing you two here in the hospital-"

"You are right. He was always holding my hand then. Now-"

"See Roshini, he was a patient then and needed you to tell him his past. Perhaps he thinks to forget the past now and wants to move on, you just wait and see soon-"

"Yes, I was a stick then and now he doesn't need a stick to remind him that he was once a patient, every time he looks at it."

Her voice showed her anger and self-pity.

"But you are not past. You misunderstood what I said. I'll talk to him."

"Oh, I'm sorry uncle. You asked something and I've started complaining about your son to you. Tell me, how are you?"

Her voice changed yet again cheerfully.

"I'm fine. Actually I called to tell you about the doctor's conference in Italy. But I think I've to think about going. As I thought everything was fine I thought to attend it."

"No uncle. As I said, he is just busy and I can manage here. Don't you believe me?"

"Certainly I do. Then why did I send him there alone? He is all yours. Do whatever you wish."

"When are you departing uncle?" she asked and changed the subject.

He smiled and said, "Next Wednesday night. And I hope everything will be fine soon."

"I know."



Sakshi was the source of information for him lately.

He got that Arjun had started investigating and soon would submit his reports properly.

He started waiting patiently.

But when the news came at last it had ruined his plans altogether.



Arjun entered the house that evening and once saw Hasi standing near the portico he smiled and waved his hand. She returned both as he approached her.

They walked in as he asked, "Guess what I got for you," he extended a closed hand toward her.

"Chocolate," she widened her eyes.

"Poor guess," he shook his head. "I didn't forget today to buy you a new eraser," he opened his palm.

She hesitated but took it from him.

"Uncle, you know aunty found my eraser today," she opened her other palm to reveal it, "From a file."

"Uh-huh, what can we do with this new one?"

He thought aloud and squinted at her.

"Don't worry, I'll use one here and one in school."

She solved the problem for him.

He laughed out at that.

She stopped and motioned him to sit and once he knelt down she kissed him and as though she remembered something suddenly, she whispered, "Uncle, aunty cried today for dust."

Edited by greensakthi - 8 years ago
greensakthi thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago



His unkindness may defeat my life, but never taint my love.



Sakshi said, "Uncle is going to Italy for a conference. He worried that you did not call him for-"

"He called," he replied and went away.

'So you didn't think to tell me about his trip. What happened to you Arjun?'

Maybe uncle talked to him about her?



"It's getting late," Ayesha complained as looking at her watch.

"Coming," I said and came out of the room, "I don't know what you can get in that hospital."

"Who knows?" she replied, "As it's the first hospital where she was admitted after the accident I want to see if anyone, why even that Goel could have visited her and after all, it's a once over. I want to go."

Her reasons were highly remote.

"Chottu has gone to inquire right?"

"But what are you going to do sitting here idly? Let's go out there."

I rolled my eyes and opened the car door.


The Pune police informed us that the office manager of the company informed them about the false information about the interview. He had told them that the company had a personal assistant to the MD for five years, and she was appointed by Mrs. Sudhir, the wife of the managing director personally. And without the manager's knowledge there would not be an interview for that post, he asserted.

Ayesha called us that morning on her way to Pune.

"Shree, I need the company's number."

The number I gave her was picked up by a secretary, "I need to make an appointment with the MD."

The reply came at once, "Who do you need to meet, the MD or the chairman?"


"I mean to Mrs. Sudhir or Mr. Sudhir,"

She went on, "I'm working for Mrs. Sudhir, our new MD. To avoid confusion I'm asking ma'am."

"Let me call you back."

Ayesha cut the call and informed us about Goel. She thought as the post was for the PA to the MD, she could inquire the MD. She informed us about her call she had with the MD's secretary.


I went to receive Ayesha as Chottu went to the company.

The inspector said, "When we first inquired them, they were preparing for the celebration of welcoming their new MD, Mrs. Sudhir."

I stopped the car at the parking lot entrance as Ayesha entered in to the hospital.

"Excuse me,"

The receptionist turned, "Yes, what can I do for you, ma'am?"

"I'm here to inquire about a Roshini, who was admitted here some-"

"It seems everyone wants to know about her lately."

Ayesha was alarmed.

"Who else wanted to know about her?"

"Someone came yesterday, if he is not working with you. I told him to come today," she looked at the clock and said, "And he'll be here in minutes."

"Thank you,"

Ayesha moved away and trying to calm herself.

Was it Goel? How could he now? Why did he now? How did he know-

"Ma'am ,"

Someone called her.

She stopped and turned toward the voice.

A man in dark outfit was standing there. He removed his sun glasses and approached her.

"Excuse me, ma'am. They said you were asking about me."

"Not you, but about Roshini, yes."

She said and measured him as he did.

"Oh, yes. They've mistaken. And may I know why you are interested?"

He asked cautiously.

"Perhaps, you may not."

She turned to go.

'Now what?'

"Oh, sorry. I didn't introduce myself," he talked fast, "I'm an operative," he offered in a lower voice.

She turned to him again and now knew what could be the answer. She said, "Me too, from Mumbai."

"From Goa," he said and relaxed.

'Arjun sir has already started out inquiring.'

It made her feel lifted.

"Interesting," she said, "What did you get from them?" she asked casually, "I could not get much. It seems they are too busy for this sort of inquiry."

Her whimpering made him say, "Not much. But I'm trying to get some nurse or ward boy talk."

"Good luck!" she wished him and nodded a good bye.

He said, "Perhaps we can meet tonight for dinner?"

For his suggestion she didn't reply directly.

After a moment's hesitation, she said, "As I can't make it tomorrow and I'm going back the next day, I think I'm free tonight."

"That means a yes'?" he asked with a smile.

"I think so."

"Then meet you in 'Flora' at 07:00."

I ran up the hospital steps but stopped when I saw Ayesha coming out fast.

"Got something?" I raised my eyebrows.

She nodded, "A dinner date,"

She crossed me and moved to the parking lot.



That morning as he entered the office Balsdhar encountered him. The inspector wished him with a smile and went away.

Arjun entered his office room and closed the door behind.

A smile crept on his lips in the thought of that morning.

Sakshi placed the spoon in the vessel and put the lid on it.

She crossed the table and sat on a chair.

She smiled at him and picked up the news paper he put down on the table.

He took his glass and poured the juice.

When he sipped his morning juice, she laughed aloud, suddenly.

He raised his eyes to her over the glass.

She looked at his inquiring eyes and answered, "Ha..ha.. See," she started reading from the paper for him, "The lover asks, 'Give me a cup of hot tears, dear," and she says, "If you ask I'll give a bucket of hot tears-" she lowered the paper and started laughing again uncontrollably.

"I don't see what is there to laugh," he said dryly.

She stared at him.

"God, don't you see, tears are precious?"

She lowered her head and muttered, "I didn't mean it."

She didn't expect him to explode in emotion suddenly.

She shook the paper. She started reading again, "Hey, here is what-"she smiled, "Today the gold's price-"

He put the glass down and moved the chair behind.

She looked up from the paper. He started moving away and she put the paper aside.

"To say the coffee is worse-" she muttered.

He stopped and looked at her over his shoulder, "Haan?"

"I said to pay the bill and go."

Now he turned to her, "What?"

"Or come and get Balsdhar's parcel,"

She gave him a choice then.

He took a step toward her in confusion and was staring at her.

But she did not move from her place.

"What parcel?" he inquired at last.

She showed him the items she prepared for him.

"What can I do with these alone?" she started counting with her fingers, "Putting the alarm, rose earlier in the morning, cut the vegetables God the merciless onions, washed the vessels, prepared tea, juice, then stood in the stove, put the pot on the stove, poured the water, then-" she stopped as extending all her fingers and looked at him.

Arjun slowly returned to his place. He extended his hand for her to continue her counting and they both laughed at that.

He sat down.

"Can't you see I'm going out angrily?"He said but was smiling.

He resumed sipping his juice as she filled his plate fast.

"Oh, for the rate of the precious gold? But I didn't even ask you to buy it for me," she slyly looked at him.

He started eating silently.

Roshini or not she is a devil,'

He thought and it made him smile once again as he opened the file before busing himself in work.



On our way back Ayesha started thinking aloud.

"Interview letter then absconded. Called back that evening. Discarded the SIM card. He is our man, Shree," she started talking to me, "He lied about everything."


"Yes. He must have met her that day as in plan. Police have inquired the nearby hotels at the station and the company," she had started thinking aloud again, "What did she do from got down from the train to started walking up the hill?"

"That's the exact question we are still trying to get an answer."

She turned and looked at me as though I'd gone mad just then.

"I'm talking about I've an answer."

"I'm listening."

"See she went to the hill that late afternoon. In a new place what she could do to pass the time? If she had decided to commit suicide even before she started from Shirdi, then why should she wait that long to go to the hill?"

"You've answered that question yourself. It was a new place. So to think, to plan, to jump-"

"Exactly, to think, to plan and then execute it's not a murder. It's just an emotional urge. As time passes it'd draw in itself, and you'd start thinking sane again. Don't you think? Tell me can you commit suicide for hours?"

"Why should I?"

"Because if I did it for you then it's called murder. So stop playing and try to reason with it."

"And I'd say, to commit suicide you don't need a hill."

She was delighted, "Now you are talking. Exactly! Father told me she wanted to help the children in the home. Moreover, if she decided to jump from a hill, that was remote to the company, what if the interview might have conducted in a place near the hill?"

I turned to her in shock, "Ayesha, you didn't- I-, after all, I weren't aware of you were able to think lately."

"What are you talking about?"

She said irritably.

"Something has happened in between."

"And she walked up the hill."

"In frustration,"

"She didn't have to know about the hill to commit suicide."

"She came out of somewhere and went up."

"In anger,"

"In depression caused by something enough to make her decide,"

"Goel had to be behind this."

"We've to see what is near the hill that has a link to the company."

"What if we made a sketch of Goel and inquire around."

"It's a bit late to do it now, I think."

"His last mobile number?"

"What if it was the same number he gave father?"I shook my head, "Anyway we'd see what we can get."

"I call Chottu."

"Right, I call the inspector and ask him to link the company to the hill."

greensakthi thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago

Time is very slow for those who wait

Very fast for those who are scared

Very long for those who lament

Very short for those who celebrate

But those who love

Time is eternal.





Chottu returned from his investigation.

"Enlighten us,"

"The manager is still iterating the same. There was no interview conducted. And when I asked about Goel he said he was working for the old MD and now chairman Mr. Sudhir. He was a photographer and would come to the office to meet Mr. MD. And once the company got a Mrs. MD he was missing from the scene. That was all he could say. One employee told me they were close and could meet outside if not in the office."

"Now we got two targets."

"Right and our next move is?"

"Following Mr. Chairman."

"Well, I do the tracking,"

"I'll follow him in person."

"I'm going to the dinner and see-"


"You are busy."

"But we've to eat anyway."

"What about Goel's movements that day?"

"It was a Saturday. As he was not a regular employee, none knew about it."

"Except Mr. Chairman,"

"He was Mr. MD then and the post was for the PA to MD."

"It doesn't mean he was in this with Goel. They were not inseparable."

"We've to ask around about his movements that day where Goel was staying."

"I'll do it. Where is this place?"

"I've done that for you. He has vacated his rented room without giving a forwarded address."

"What about chairman's movements that day?"

"He was in a family function, the manager said."

"The whole time?"

"We'll see."



Sakshi was seeing the photo album took at Arjun's Birthday party.

She had wanted to celebrate it specially, for it was the first celebration after the accident and after they settled in Goa.

She had invited everyone in his office, neighbors and his friends from ETF Mumbai.

She thought it'd be nice if uncle could visit them in this occasion, for he had not visited the house yet. But uncle told her, "I'm busy dear, and I think it's better if you celebrate this day without me. Just forget this old man but my wishes are there always for you both."

The ETF Mumbai could not make it that day and the trio said various reasons for their absent. They wished him in phone that morning and a parcel came to him from them.

And Arjun got many gifts, cards, and wishes that day.

They had arranged a candid photographer for the occasion.

The casual, extemporary pictures did the trick perfectly.

Balsdhar came with his wife and children. And once got company hasi was delighted and the kids were the centre of attraction. They were all laughing and giggling that whole evening.

As Hasi's mother was a doctor she had to leave early.

And when she tried to approach Hasi and convince her that it was getting late and they'd to return to their house it was quite a struggle.

Sakshi thumbed the pages.

She was happy to see many people in the house. As his colleagues called her Babi, and her happiness had no bounds.

Once finished dinner, the unavoidable guests who had to work early the next day bid them a good bye. The remaining guests crowed in the hall and were talking generally. They were not allowed to talk about office then.

Slowly, the talk had turned to husband and wife. And when who started it was unknown, it came to the talk about what the husbands would do when they had to confess to their wives about something over a dinner table.

Every one though some hesitated at first, started enjoying the talk.

When someone said, "I'd start with a white lily. And I know she'd forgive me then." He looked the wife and she smiled shyly. They were newly wedded.

Someone said, "Well, I'd say the news first then she'll get what she wants from me. It'd be her choice always," he grinned as his wife glared at him.

Then AJ turned to Balsdhar, "What about you, Mr. Serious Look?"

"Mr. Serious Look? I thought he could laugh sometimes," someone commented.

AJ replied him, "It's just a name that he tries to pose sincerely. But no one tells him it doesn't suit him much."

Everybody laughed.

"And let our man answer the question," Arjun reminded, "After all he is an experienced guy," he looked playfully at the kids sleeping on the sofa in their mother's lap.

Another laughter erupted.

Balsdhar cleared his throat once and his wife looked at him.

"Ohh!!" some chorused at this.

He said slowly, "I'd just say PC." His voice turned hard.



"Personal Confession?"

"No, it's Plan Cancelled. If I say it she'd automatically make me confess. Easy deal."

Mrs. Balsdhar laughed but went silent, just was looking at her husband.

After a chorus their looks parted.

Kosal Ram, the eldest in the group said, "Let's hear from the birthday boy."

Everybody looked at Arjun.

He looked surprised at first. Then he shook his head. As he stared at the ceiling, AJ said, "Sir, we don't want you to confess now. That can wait till we depart. Just tell how?" AJ winked at him.

"Right, if you insist," with a preamble, he started, "I'd call the waiter and ask him to clear the glasses away, first."

Sakshi looked at him askance.

"Then, any brittle things in her reach."


"Then I'd excuse myself and stand in a reasonable distance from her depends on the matter I was going to confess about."


"Really?", "I didn't think-"

"How many glasses so far?"

Sakshi could feel that every eye in the room was staring at her. She didn't raise her eyes from her salad bowl.

Arjun said at last, "As I have no prior experience I'm just precautious in this. All I know is she likes glasses much."

When his eyes settled on her, she was real busy chewing a grape fruit.

"My hunch is you don't have to wait long to witness it," Kosal Ram chuckled.

Arjun stopped at the doorway seeing her sitting on the floor leaning against the cot's leg with the album on her lap, staring at nothing. He stood there a long moment, before leaving the place without a trace.



The dinner date:


They sat down and he said, "I think it's time we introduce ourselves." He smiled at Ayesha, "I'm Sylash."

She said with a smile, "It's Ayesha."

They ordered.

"Any luck today?"

"Hardly, but I got that some father visited her once. I'm here for two days and still trying to get something out of the staff there. It seems they are sealed. Then I approached the receptionist finally."

"That's unfortunate. But I've to return back tomorrow. Orders," she sighed. "Sorry I can't help you, even if I wish to."

She apologized.

"That's really unfortunate. But it's ok, I can manage. Tell me didn't they want to know the bottom in this?"

Their order arrived.

"To say the truth, she is not directly my assignment. As I wondered she could help me in my assignment I came here. Well, do you know how she did come to the hospital in the first place?  What's her problem anyway?"

She was scaling him.

"They say some accident, perhaps a hit and run, but I think it must be a case settled out of the court, for there was no other victim in her case. And I heard a Big man' also visited her often and as she was an amnesia patient I think-"

"I must say, every coin they are paying you is worth. Within two days you could manage this much." She appreciated him openly.

"But this much is not enough."

"And let me tell you something," she looked him in the eye, "Perhaps it's a hit and run," she suggested.

"How did you know?"

"Didn't I say you are worth?" she flattered.

He smiled slightly, but stared at her for an explanation.

"I know this big man," she said shortly.

"Your assignment?"

She nodded slowly and her eyes went behind him and her face changed abruptly.

"Are you okay?"

She looked down at her plate. "I wish it were a candle light dinner."

"Why, we can-"

"No, I didn't mean it. I just- the corner table people," she whispered.

He turned abruptly to see them.

"God, what are you doing? Don't you know operatives don't stare, but they just glance over?" she snarled.

"What about them?" he demanded.

"They've come here too. I've to-" his eyes met hers. "Well, the one with a fork in hand is my brother's friend," Sylash glanced at me and I waved him a Hi', with a smile.

Ayesha went on, "He prefers guns when it comes to a friend's sister."


"And the one facing the other side is my brother."

He looked at Chottu.

"I hope you've to type your reports," she asked him suddenly.

"Yes, but-"

"And I think you'll have to type your reports with four fingers," she stopped and said looking at him, "He prefers thumbs."

"I see, what for?"

"Thumb collection."

greensakthi thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago


One guy can make you Hate all the other guys but one Man can teach you that Not all guys are the same.


The Villain!

J.P.Goel was still doing what he was doing once for his boss back in Pune.

He left Pune when things collapsed and turned against him. To console his boss he was now in Goa searching for someone suitable for his boss.

He was with the ad agency who was working for the company. They were shooting for the company's calendar. He was trying to approach the models posing for the calendar.

His boss was angry at him for his wrong choice, months before.

After his boss become chairman of the company, he could not see him as before. Finally, when he decided to go to Goa to join this agency people, his boss was still upset. Now his only chance to cool him was these girls. He had to talk them out into accepting his offer. He was going to meet with one of them that evening.

Basically he was a photographer. And when he met his boss he got this opportunity as a side business. Everything was going perfectly till he one day met Sakshi.

His boss handed him a cover with details of the deed. He was going to hand over the cover in the home before meeting the in charge of the Shirdi branch office.

Then he met Sakshi in the home and he automatically saw the opportunity and told her about the job offer, which seemed perfect in her case.

But she seemed not interested. He approached father then.

When he presented the interview letter he said excitedly that he had managed to get a letter for her, for the post of PA to the MD instead of the receptionist post he had informed them before.

He had taken a picture of her to show the picture in the company for the receptionist post and once saw the picture his boss was impressed. He promised him to offer her that weekend and got a letter from him.

But when she attacked his boss and went away, he had to face the consequences.

After the hotel employees found him in the room unconscious and had to be hospitalized the situation had turned against him.

When he returned to the hotel that evening, his boss's wife was involved in the scene.

And when his boss was discharged from the hospital Goel had lost his power in the company and with his boss altogether.

Their meetings became scarce.

He had to do something fast to retain his position with his boss. He left Pune, at last.

He was wandering after a lunch-meet one afternoon and to his surprise he saw Sakshi in Goa near a book shop.

She was with a man. They were happily purchasing something and when they came out of the shop he was about to run in to her and excused himself. She looked up at him and smiled and turned away.

He stood there wondering if she had forgotten him. He couldn't think so.

He turned and called the man, "Sir, excuse me. If you please, can you tell me where the nearby ATM center is?"

They stood and turned.

"It's over there, around the corner."

The man said and took her to the next shop.

She did not show any recognition of him still.

Goel had no particular job that evening. He started following the couple to their house that day.

He had started inquiring about them and when he came to know that they were happily married for more than a year now and the man was an ACP, with good back grounds, the later attracted him most.

Two different plans started forming in the back of his mind.

And when the plans came to a complete form he was more than delighted.

He was going to get whatever he could from this man, a husband who loved his wife and his boss was always there for him if he could make him happy, which was now really easy than ever.

That evening he went to their house.

He knew the husband would not be home already.

He knocked the gate and Sakshi who was standing in the garden with Hasi, turned to see him.

There was still no recognition in her eyes.

It triggered his anger further. They were alone there and what for she should act now?

Well, the kid was there witnessing them, all right.

He said softly, "Excuse me Ma'am, we sell seeds and we give samples for our new clients. If you are interested you can try our samples."

When he got that the husband was involved in an accident in Pune around the time when he arranged the meeting of his boss with Sakshi, he confirmed that once she escaped from them and got the job here and settled.

He looked at the house behind her, 'Settled well,'

"Oh, I see. What do you have?"

"Ma'am, we have flower seeds. Now we offer pink Dahlia seeds for this season. You can try this. He extended a small bag, "If I can I'd suggest you to plant them near those white roses. When they grow it'd be fantastic to see the pink flowers with white background."

He wished her a good evening and bid Hasi a good bye before left the place.

Sakshi sighed in relief once he faded away. She didn't like the man right away. She didn't know if it was his staring or the searching eyes as if he was trying to get something from her as she answered him.



Sakshi was sleeping. Arjun hadn't yet come when she leaned on the sofa. She felt tired and desperate. She didn't think she could sleep that night.

Finally when she closed her eyes it was a troublesome sleep. The dreams woke her up a couple of times before midnight.

They were not leaving her alone when she heard a key. She knew someone was at the door, but the dream didn't let her awake. The next moment she heard footsteps approaching. She couldn't move.

The figure leaned over her and reached out. She could hear someone's heartbeats clearly.

When she felt the first touch, she woke up suddenly, choking in fear she started screaming.

But the hand had the sound.

"Shh... it's me," with that she quieted and her chest heaved in sigh.

She looked up at him, "Go back to sleep."

Arjun said and went in to the bed room.

When he came out of the shower he noticed that she was not in the bed. He went to the hall and there she was still on the sofa, curled up like a child, sleeping.

'Very well!'

He picked her up and her forehead creased.

"It's okay," the creases were gone.

He moved to the bedroom and placed her on the bed. When he covered her with a sheet he thought about the incident occurred in Pune, near the riverside. He thought how he felt then.

His first kiss in the hospital room after she opened her eyes...

He was tired and leaned on the bed. He looked at her and corrected her head on the pillow and stopped.

What are you doing Arjun? You are assigning men to inquire about her one side and you are worrying for her comfortable sleep on the other. Which one of you is true?'

He leaned against the bed and stared at the ceiling.

'Both are true.'

How can he forget the moment she fainted in his arms?

It was not faked. She was weak then. After all it was true in his story.

If uncle didn't do this he wouldn't have seen her-

'You wouldn't have to too.'

Perhaps, it's right. He did it for me. But why should she?

The detectives would come up with a reason soon.


He was assigning men, for she was not trustworthy- is it so? You are leaving the house in the morning leaving everything in her responsibility. It seems you've habituated her company.

Yes I do, uncle sent her to-

Then why do you doubt your uncle?

I don't, I doubt the woman he sent-

His gaze fell on her again.

She tried to open her eyes and said in a drowsy voice, "Arjun put off the light and sleep."

"Sure," the room went dark.

There were no shadowy figures he could see now to interrupt him.

And he was worrying for her comfort, for-


The next morning he instructed to drop the inquiry before started jogging.

He could forgive his uncle for what he had done, but her. And he was going to do what he had to do for her.



I traced Mr. Chairman's mobile and we didn't get if he was in contact with Goel.

He went home direct from the office that evening. Thus our hope was minced.

We had returned to Mumbai. I was still tracing his no.

That weekend Chottu got a day off and went to Pune. The plan was- as we could not get off the duty off often- to try to cover the case separately.

This time Chottu volunteered to go.

There was no connection between the company and the hill that the inspector could reveal. We got that there were shopping malls, star hotels and a famous boarding school in the area, but not office buildings to relate.

When I tried to convince Ayesha that we could not involve a chairman of a company when we could not approach him directly easily, she denied admitting.

"Not if we can pin something on him."

"Of course and be patience till we pin this something on him."

But that changed when Chottu returned and said, "Could not get much about our chairman, but I got something interesting. Our chairman is a playboy or was. Goel was helping the man in getting the right dolls. Now he is not with him. He is not in the city either.

He is not entitled in the pay roll. If he shows his loyalty he gets money to survive."

We were listening to him in silence.

Ayesha said suddenly, "How could you manage to get this?"

"Don't underestimate the power of a common man, Ayesha."

I reminded her emotionally.

She shrugged.

"I think we've to move fast."

"But not without evidence."

"We've to know the whereabouts of Goel to nab this man."

"I hope he didn't go into thin air."

"A little patience."

Areesha566 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
All the arts were written beautifully
You transported me to your Arakshi land
It was good
Thanks for pm dear
Soo sorry for short reply
Update soon

P.S. sorry for late reply