Kumkum Bhagya: The Dissection of episode 276

x-Ri-Ri-x thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

So here we are again, frustration city here or Should we say Earth?? Given that most of us in our respect parts of the planet are raging regarding the latest instalment of our beloved couple, let's take a moment to try and understand and make sense of all this madness

What did we get so far?

The episode starts with Pragya again sitting strewn across lawn sobbing her poor heart out. I simply do not know how the girl has not needed medical attention for her tear ducts!! But the scene was quite moving really, you can really tell how hurtful that must have been for her. But then she sees Abhi and starts her charade again.

Their exchange conveys a lot. She's trying to show indifference, and Abhi is doing the only thing he knows what to do in this situation and that is to be hating towards whatever the problem is.

When he married her he hated her because she was a gold digging, hypnotic professor.

Now that he has finally figured out he "loves" her, he hates her for supposedly cheating him,because he can't deal with the fact she played a practical joke on him.

I use "figured out" loosely really, in my mind Abhi is just as clueless about his feelings as he was 2 weeks ago. Right now his ego has been badly damaged and his anger clouds his ability to actually sit down and THINK about the situation.

Pragya goes on to try and justify her reasons for doing what she is doing. It is quite clear here her only concerns is that damn imaginary child! It's infuriating to watch really, on one hand you feel sorry for the girl, she's a simple honest girl whose been caught up in a pit of snakes and hyenas. But then on the other you want stand her up and shake her furiously!!! COME on girl you're clearly smarter than all of these air heads around you, apply this to your LIFE!! In one way the CVs have really turned her character into somewhat of a paradox. She's supposed to be kind, compassionate and understanding but she is also meant to be intelligent, practical and analytical.

"I can't tell him, that right belongs to the mother of the child"

What?!? Are you serious, this woman is trying to snatch your very livelihood and she's done it multiple times before. It is quite clear to see from this that Pragya is NOT going to tell Abhi about this pregnancy. Which begs the question will Tanu? And perhaps an even bigger one, did she ever plan too?

Abhi: The Phase 1

So Abhis response has been quite typical really. In true filmy style, pass me the "sharab ki bottle" and I'm
Going to sit here and lul on that one moment. At this point Abhi is going through soo much pain, becharo and it's completely un justified!!!! (arghh) I read a post yesterday by a member on this forum (@-mina-) that summarised this beautifully. He does not recognise any of the things that she has had to deal with because of him. At this point I believe we are dealing Abhi the Rockstar and not Abhi Mehra. How could a girl like her do something to a guy like him. He is loathing in self pity and angry at the world. The good news is this can't last forever. I hope soon (very soon) he starts to use that brain of his and start moving us forward into phase two - some much needed analyse from The big guy himself. In all honesty the cvs are doing a great job of making his character fall from grace, he slapped Pragya, now he hates her, instead of fighting for his love and understanding her, he's drunk himself silly. The obvious dramatic irony here is that Abhi doesn't know how shameful he has actually been and the day he finds out, well that will be an episode worth watching.

All eyes on Tanu...

So the lady of the hour finally makes an appearance and for me, Tanu's character is definitely the one to scrutinise. She comes bursting in on Aliyah needing to find Abhi. I imagine to find out whether he knows about the pregnancy. The first thing that struck me was that she did not tell Aliyah her news of pregnancy, nor the fact that she had seen Pragya. Her behaviour could be justified in one of two ways

1) if she's lying, Aliyah would probably not agree with faking pregnancy for two reasons dadi and Abhis reputation.

2) if she's telling the truth, she cannot tell Aliyah anything until she has spoken to Abhi. That would be the right thing to do.

But then this is Tanu we are dealing with and underhanded is something she excels in. If reason two were at all possible, it does not explain why she told Pragya first. Tanu is calculated and cold. I like that the CVs have created suspense with her character because at this stage we don't know if she is telling the truth. It will be interesting to see how she continues this charade and indeed how she will justify this to Abhi once he finds out. It's not clear as to whether she's done this in the heat of the moment or if the lie was planned. Right now she has played a very dangerous card. This situation will literally make or break her relationship with Abhi which is a big deal for the plot of this show. She is the main antagonistic and she's put forward her best hand. Tanu seems impulsive and rash. It is hard to believe she has sat down and worked this out down to the letter making her story viable. Off course there is always the possibility that in a few months a junior rockstar appears, but then judging how long it's taken Rachna to give birth I think we could be talking years!

Favourite scene

When the servant asks Abhi if he's sure he wants alcohol, as he normally drinks coffee in the morning. Laugh out loud. This scene was precious because even the servants are able to understand and know the people around them. Something Abhi clearly lacks in. It also shows us again how far Abhis character has to go still...

Other points to Note

- Purab oh my friend, how wrong you are. I almost felt sorry for him as he skipped around the house making all kinds of blissful assumptions. The poor guy is going to have his work cut out for him. He and Bulbul have been on at this match making for weeks. At this point it's fair to say you probably shouldn't give up your day jobs.

- Aliyah! 2 kilos? Really? Yet again there she goes again off in her own little world. Where there is no Bulbul and her and Purab follows her about like lost puppy. If she wasn't so infuriating you would almost feel
Sorry for her, in the real world she would have warranted some medical help by now as her actions are just not normal. She doesn't understand Purab at the most basic level. She also doesn't get the fact that he is STILL with bulbul and this should still be a problem for her but, Aliyah conveniently forgets this everytime they are close and this is going to get her into trouble. But still as ever she always has an interesting part to play    And her time will come too...

Setting the Stage

So the first major step forward was the scene with Akaash and the family. He argues and dismisses his mothers attempts at talks of marriage. His demeanour towards his parents he is still unforgiving of the situation with Rachna. Dadi steps in and without too much effort convinces him that living in repentance is not going to help him in life. It is quite heart warming to see his love and respect for dadi. And as a character I think Akaash has grown well. He started as this unlikeable brat, but as the show goes on his character has evolved into a considerate guy. I can't wait to see how this is going to be integrated into the story. Pragya is
About to defile her character where as Abhi needs to start building and strengthening his. These talks off a wedding seem to be the catalyst for the next part of the story let's see how it unfolds shall we?

Progress points (if any)

- I think the biggest leap is Akaash's agreement for a wedding. How this is important we don't know yet but at least it's out and hopefully next week we will move forward. Anyone care to hazard a guess?

- Abhi and Pragya have hit rock bottom in their relationship. Short term this is not good but in the long run it means that things can only get better from here on (we desperately hope)

- Aliyah and Pragyas conversation. At this point in time only Abhi and Pragya know about what has transpired between them. Because Aliyah has been the one to find Abhi she has questions and boy does she require answers. If one thing can be said about Aliyah, she has at least got a sense of love for her brother, and she will want to know what has caused him to act in the way he has. She's always seen red where Pragya is concerned and Aliyah will not take this lying down. The reason I think this is because the servant should have called Pragya, Abhis wife in this situation but instead be called Aliyah... Maybe I'm reading into it... But as I've said before, she will have some part to play in this mess.

It seems we have only begun to scratch the surface of this track and all in all this episode has served as a bit of a filler. No real light has been shed on the situation and at the moment we are dealing with the feelings and turmoil. Hopefully after this we should be starting to deal with facts and logic.

What id like to see VS what we are probably going to get...

- Abhi, will talk to Purab and bulbul. First things first clear up the April
Fool. One swift question would clear up that ridiculous lie within seconds. It doesn't have to be that - but there needs to be a doubt raised in his mind as to Pragyas motives and preferably id like him to work this one out for himself, to show us all he does understand out heroine. Off course in reality we are likely to get a coincidence or a RaBul intervention.

- Pragya eventually confronting Abhi and telling him about Tanu's news. The best person this can come from is her, it means she has some control of the situation and has a dignified reason to be a jerk. But off course we all know we are in for a the exact opposite. No dignity. No telling. Just Pragya acting in her new found fashion :-(

- Tanu I would like you to just grow a conscious tell Abhi the truth and gracefully back out, but the day that happens I'll probably win the lottery twice and see a pig fly over the moon. Not hopeful.

Who knows? The CVs may surprise us. But one thing I have to say, they certainly keep it interesting...

Thank you for reading - please do let me know your thoughts. And also Mina if you read this I hope you don't mind that I referenced your post.



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ash k thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago
Such a lovely post!
Love your thorough analysis over the episodes!!!

-mina- thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago
RiRi omg you are the best thing to happen to this forum in a long time <3

I LOVE and cannot express how awesome it is to find you conveying exactly what I'm thinking but cannot articulate, both in your fiction and these analysis posts. It's like hearing an echo in a deep well and feeling life-illuminating joy that I'm not alone.

Ok I'm being hyperbolic 😆

And I don't necessarily agree with everything you say or how you say it...but SO MUCH OF it feels pulled from my own confused mind. Thank you for putting it into words and sharing with us!!

I use "figured out" loosely really, in my mind Abhi is just as clueless about his feelings as he was 2 weeks ago. Right now his ego has been badly damaged and his anger clouds his ability to actually sit down and THINK about the situation.

YES. Bro is still clueless and anger outswamps everything for him right now. And loved what you said about Rockstar Abhi being hurt. Where the hell is Abhi Mehra in all this? Wake uppp babe your alter ego is blowing up your life and your wife is in a tailspin wake uppp!!!

Love your take on Aaliya and your approach to Tanu.

And Pragya. Oh. If only she used her intelligence indeed. 

And lord why would I mind - thank you for the shout out :)
Edited by -mina- - 9 years ago
deefan thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago
I agree with Mina, Lord, it's like we've just discovered treasure with you!!!

I love you pick the bits and pieces from every angle and write your piece, you know the show well...just fabulous!

"I can't tell him, that right belongs to the mother of the child"

What?!? Are you serious, this woman is trying to snatch your very livelihood and she's done it multiple times before. It is quite clear to see from this that Pragya is NOT going to tell Abhi about this pregnancy. Which begs the question will Tanu? And perhaps an even bigger one, did she ever plan too?

This has irked me the most, her scarred logic in deciding for him. She has every right to question him at this point, especially when he says he is in love. She is his wife and according to her, he respects the institution., why isn't she asking him anything?!

I love your analysis on Tanu and Aliyah as well.

My guess about Aakash is that he agrees for the wedding and things may get finalized, Rachna may have suddenly agreed for the wedding and so Pragya supports them. She also questions Dadi on what if Abhi had an illegitimate child and get slapped. Abhi may support her because of Aakash and not because he knows it's his story in a few days.

LOVE LOVE LOVE your take on this episode 👏
Edited by deefan - 9 years ago
x-Ri-Ri-x thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: -mina-

RiRiomg you are the best thing to happen to this forum in a long time <3

I LOVE and cannot express how awesome it is to find you conveying exactly what I'm thinking but cannot articulate, both in your fiction and these analysis posts. It's like hearing an echo in a deep well and feeling life-illuminating joy that I'm not alone.

Ok I'm being hyperbolic 😆

And I don't necessarily agree with everythingyou say or how you say it...but SO MUCH OF it feels pulled from my own confused mind. Thank you for putting it into words and sharing with us!!

I use "figured out" loosely really, in my mind Abhi is just as clueless about his feelings as he was 2 weeks ago. Right now his ego has been badly damaged and his anger clouds his ability to actually sit down and THINK about the situation.

<font color="#333333" face="Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif">YES. Bro is still clueless and anger outswamps everything for him right now. And loved what you said about Rockstar Abhi being hurt. Where the hell is Abhi Mehra in all this? Wake uppp babe your alter ego is blowing up your life and your wife is in a tailspin wake uppp!!!</font>
<font color="#333333" face="Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif">
<font color="#333333" face="Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif">Love your take on Aaliya and your approach to Tanu.</font>

<font color="#333333" face="Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif">And Pragya. Oh. If only she used her intelligence indeed.</font>

<font color="#333333" face="Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif">And lord why would I mind - thank you for the shout out :)</font>

Thank you so much! That is sooo kind and lovely off you to say! I really love shows like this because they give so much room for discussion and analysis, even if we do get it wrong it's always fun to write posts like this. I like that you don't agree on everything. Where do your opinions differ? I always like to hear others points of views and perspectives of what they think is happening and how they interpret the behaviour of each character and importantly what it means!

It is annoying Abhi is behaving like this. I feel he is being pig headed. You can't claim to love someone and then shoot them down in the next instance!

How do you think this is going to pan out??


MsTiara thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago
PERFECT POST! (no more words needed.)
x-Ri-Ri-x thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: deefan

I agree with Mina, Lord, it's like we've just discovered treasure with you!!!

I love you pick the bits and pieces from every angle and write your piece, you know the show well...just fabulous!

<font color="#0000CC">"I can't tell him, that right belongs to the mother of the child"

Are you serious, this woman is trying to snatch your very livelihood
and she's done it multiple times before. It is quite clear to see from
this that Pragya is NOT going to tell Abhi about this pregnancy. Which
begs the question will Tanu? And perhaps an even bigger one, did she
ever plan too?

This has irked me the most, her scarred logic in deciding for him. She has every right to question him at this point, especially when he says he is in love. She is his wife and according to her, he respects the institution., why isn't she asking him anything?!

I love your analysis on Tanu and Aliyah as well.

My guess about Aakash is that he agrees for the wedding and things may get finalized, Rachna may have suddenly agreed for the wedding and so Pragya supports them. She also questions Dadi on what if Abhi had an illegitimate child and get slapped. Abhi may support her because of Aakash and not because he knows it's his story in a few days.

LOVE LOVE LOVE your take on this episode 👏

Thank you so much! I very much enjoy picking apart and scrutinising!

What Pragya said annoyed me too! You know what there's is selfless but then there is letting wrong win every time. She needs to play Tanu at her own game. She's needs to realise that in this world she can't play fair, she needs to adapt to the playing field and sometimes that means putting compassion aside.

Akaash I think will be a catalyst - whatever argument / drama is caused, it will be another step in the relationship.

The biggest question is what is Tanu's plan??? I hate her character but love her it definitely keeps it interesting.

x-Ri-Ri-x thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: MsTiara


PERFECT POST! (no more words needed.)

Thank you! So what do you think Will happen?? X
x-Ri-Ri-x thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: ash k

Such a lovely post!

Love your thorough analysis over the episodes!!!

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it - what do you think will happen??
ash k thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: x-Ri-Ri-x

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it - what do you think will happen??

Ri Ri.. It is hard to say... After all it is an Ekta drama... but in this serial there is quite a bit of humour so Im guessing slightly different to her previous serials.

I think this will be frustrating...

Abhi won't know about the pregnancy for atleast another 2-3 weeks... There will be plenty of Abhigya misunderstandings...

Also Akash Rachna track has been brought back in- now whether Pragya will try and use this as an opportunity to leave MM...I do not know... but whether this paves the way for 'Tabhi' so called baby to be introduced to the family... again I do not know😆

There is that slight chance of Tanu blackmailing Abhi and scares him about tarnishing his image... but then Abhi's character isn't so weak that he will just give in to Tanu...

I wonder we will get the same old Abhigya divorce for Tabhi marriage only to have it stopped last minute.. and we end up with Abhigya remarriage... 

Hmmm I do not know...

What do you think will happen next?