Blabbering of a Bibliophile - Participants Entries - Page 2


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Posted: 9 years ago
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"Gerry's Last letter to Holly"

Dear Holly ,

There is still something  wonderful about feeling the love from far . Like you stand alone , fighting , but from far the ones who love you give you some kind of strength. It's inexplicable but you know it's real and it's going to hold you up.  I am a part of that love which you so deserve it. You know what's the best part about it? You can stand in any corner of this world and watch me and maybe that's why the sun and moon and the stars always shine. Because someone out there will look up to it and ask for that streak of light. And you will be that someone for me for whom I shall wait to catch a  glimpse of her lovely face.

What if I say this was the last letter ? I know you will be staining this paper with last tear drop you have got for the day. You won't keep it a safe place like the rest of the letters but place it below your pillow before going to sleep every night. You will be scared to lose it , afraid it might be torn , talk to it when you feel lonely . And I will only smile watching you do that.

I wish I had enough time to plant letters in different places , maybe another country? Well , I never had the chance so now  I want you to travel  the world , find a great love in an unexpected place , smile with your heart again and have insignificant fights . How am I lost to you if you will always find me in little ways?

These might be my last words on a piece of paper but we will be talking in ways you never imagined. Thanks for making my stay up there  and down with you ,a beautiful and a memorable one. 

P.S. I will always love you.

Edited by somergasm. - 9 years ago