Why is it considered to bad to have a child before marriage in India?

Seventh thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Someone please explain this whole idea to me and why it's considered so awful. Why is Swara being called illegitimate constantly? That's so degrading and insulting, she's human and has emotions too. I don't care someone is married or unmarried a child can never be illegitimate how can something so precious be seen as something so evil? Is it the religious boundaries around India? If so I don't think at the end of the day any God (If He/She/It) exists would regard this behaviour as ok. All other species have offspring without getting married we don't go and get on their case. So why is it so humiliating if two people have a child together in India? I've tried to ask my parents they didn't understand why it was humiliating either my grandparents however just said it was humiliating (they were born and raised in India, everyone is born here in Canada). Because the treatment Swara is getting is just so wrong 😑😑😑😑😑 It makes me want to break my T.V screen and scream. What her parents did shouldn't affect her! It's none of anyone's business. NO GUY should have a problem with this if she's a nice, educated girl.


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loveleen12 thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Actually though I completely agree with the fact that the child should not suffer, the matter itself is the boundaries of marriage. I personally believe that sex should not occur outside of marriage because it sets a person up for much emotional and physical trauma. God intended for the union of man and woman in marriage so it is a defilement of the sanctity of marriage. It is never the child's fault, but it must be understood that if humans begin to define their own boundaries and ethics, there will be no scope for right or wrong.
angelpureness thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 9 years ago
It is a religious belief. There are several religions that state the heavy consequences of illetigimate children. It is a sin.
Regarding the attitude in the show, it is showing us one of the reactions one faces. Because it is a show it is much louder... Usually such reactions take place in closed door... All hush hush. What Swaragini is facing is reality, but slightly louder. 

Several communities do not accept illegitimate children in their fold, they are quietly discriminated against.

Illetigimacy is unfortunately something where the consequence falls onto the child, through no mistake of their own. One could say, sins of the parents are passed on to the child.

This is why religion is not in favour of premarital sex... Because of the possible consequence of having a child out of wedlock. There are several reasons for this... A logical one that I can think of is not all illetigimate children know who their fathers are... And due to that lack of knowledge... A brother and sister (sharing the same father, but different mothers) can end up getting married unknowingly. 

In God's eyes this would be an incestous relationship for God is well aware who the parents are. 

I hope I have been able to give a small insight. It is a deep issue, where society can face much deeper issues.
Edited by angelpureness - 9 years ago
Posted: 9 years ago
Well, all religions were created by mankind. Therefore, religious beliefs reflect the attitude of the society's elders/society in general towards various moral and ethical issues.
Its all about the perspective of a society. Asian societies (specially the Middle Eastern and South-Asian ones) are yet to adopt a matured outlook on this issue and choose to stick to outdated notions.
soapbubble thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: krystal_watz

Well, all religions were created by mankind. Therefore, religious beliefs reflect the attitude of the society's elders/society in general towards various moral and ethical issues.
Its all about the perspective of a society. Asian societies (specially the Middle Eastern and South-Asian ones) are yet to adopt a matured outlook on this issue and choose to stick to outdated notions.

Yes, it is harsh on illegitimate children but each society has its own norms and it works for them. 
Please don't pass judgements on what is mature and isn't, what is outdated and what isn't. Many eastern societies frown on promiscuity, some gently, some harshly. There are very good reasons for this - it causes a lot of trauma for everyone concerned. Just because the West is at a particular point in the 'liberated outlook' arc doesn't mean everyone has to be there. 
_innocent_ thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 9 years ago
It is not a sin to breed outside of marriage nor is it bad. 
However, the whole breeding a child outside of marriage has always been frowned upon, not just in India but everywhere else too. A child born outside wedlock used to be referred to as a 'bas***d.' That in itself speaks volume.

I personally find it utterly ridiculous to make a woman or a child's life hell just because one was brave enough to conceive outside marriage and the other had no say in it but enjoys being in this world, an innocent soul made to suffer through no fault of theirs.

Sex outside marriage is frowned upon, but we all know it happens. To stone someone to death for this (some countries do), to torture a woman for this, to humiliate a child for this are all idiotic actions of those who themselves embark on behaviors such as sexual intercourse outside of marriage or adultery and yet go around preaching BS! GOD (of all religion) did not personally prohibit this (not trying to offend anyone hereπŸ˜†), its all man-made rules and they take it to the extreme to satisfy their own idiotic self behavior. BAS! All kuch nahiπŸ˜†

To each their own. Each person's perspective ought to be respected. I personally have no issues with it. I find it irrational when things such as this are taken to the extremist.πŸ₯±
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: soapbubble


Yes, it is harsh on illegitimate children but each society has its own norms and it works for them.
Please don't pass judgements on what is mature and isn't, what is outdated and what isn't. Many eastern societies frown on promiscuity, some gently, some harshly. There are very good reasons for this - it causes a lot of trauma for everyone concerned. Just because the West is at a particular point in the 'liberated outlook' arc doesn't mean everyone has to be there.

That's a sweeping judgment-- "it causes everybody involved a lot of trauma". Trauma resulting from broken relationships has nothing to do with having had/not having had sex in that relationship. And that trauma has different degrees for different people. Some move on after a brief period of heartburn, some become depressed and have to seek therapy. Its all about the personality type of the people involved. No uniform rule here.

And btw, nobody was talking about promiscuity here. That's a different issue.
Seventh thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Thanks for Info guys. But nor do I ever, nor will I ever believe this is a sin πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†