OS: Baat Ek Raat Ki.... NOTE - Page 36

aardhan thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Hello Friends! 
Back here after a long time! ðŸ˜³

The story behind this OS is a long one, but the short version is that I decided to take part in the OS competition rather late and with all my work and personal deadlines I missed the OS deadline. So... with Suvika's encouragement and contribution this was converted to a longer OS which will be handled by both Suvika and me. Hope you will like it! ðŸ˜ƒðŸ¤—

Baat Ek Raat Ki...

Chapter 1: Page 1
Edited by aardhan - 9 years ago


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aardhan thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
This OS starts on the night Nidhi leaves Mathur Mansion. It's mid-night and she was accused of attacking Mallika with a knife... So for a moment let's all imagine she didn't return... 
😳 ðŸ˜ƒ


Chapter 1

"Dr. Ashutosh!" With his name on her lips she bolted upright. Her night shirt was wet. Sweat poured down her forehead and mingled with the wetness on her cheek? A look around the room told her she was still in her little dorm room, on her narrow single bed with her book lying on her lap. It was only 8 o'clock! She was reading and the next thing she knew she had drifted off to a disturbed and fretful sleep! She wiped her face, but was far from relaxed. Peace eluded her. Did she cry in her sleep? When was the last time she did that?  She had not had those bad dreams for months now. "If you think it's my fault, if I am capable of committing such an act, I will leave right away?" That was what she had asked Him, her husband Dr. Ashutosh on that fateful night 18 months ago, the night when Dr. Mallika had viciously slashed her neck and pretended it was Nidhi who did it, who hated Mallika so much she resorted to violence. He had angrily berated her act, refused to listen to her side. Dr. Mallika's words were stoking his rage and her own desperate words acted like poison spreading venom through his veins. Her eyes had beseeched Ashutosh to say something, anything in her support, but he turned a blind eye and deaf ear, showing her what he thought of her. GUILTY! In utter dejection she had left, taking nothing but the clothes on her back, a boatload of misery and plenty of what ifs'. He was quiet, maintained a resolute silence even when she crossed the threshold hoping against hope that he would call her back, just one more time!


With a tired sigh she got up, drank a cup of water, and picked up her book to read though concentration was hard to come. Why am I thinking of that night? Why today, after so many months? Is this a premonition? Earlier that afternoon when she walked to her class she thought she heard him talking, felt his deep baritone voice enveloped her. But a quick look around proved it was false! There was No One, least of all Dr. Ashutosh! Suddenly a thud interrupted her thoughts; her book lay on the floor. She stooped to pick it up kicking herself for her vulnerability where He was concerned. Stop Nidhi! You are hallucinating; go back to your work. Don't waste your time and hopes over Him! There's no Dr. Ashutosh in your life, and certainly not in Mumbai! "He will never come for you!" Over the last year this was DB's favorite line and she was slowly accepting the truth in it. As if on cue her phone rang!

"Hello Nidhi, how are you meri bachhi? When is your last test? Can you come for Diwali? We can book last minute. There's still 10 days..."

Nidhi sighed unwilling to answer this barrage of questions. "DB, please... you know I don't.. can't... "

"Nidhi, how long? How long will you avoid coming home? Beta, I've kept quiet since you left him, left Lucknow, but now... now it's time. You have to make a choice. How long will you hide behind your studies, ignoring all the facts?" DB stopped her torrent for a second, weighing her words. "Beta... you should think about the future also, start considering... er... divorce!""

"DB! Please! What are you saying?" She was shocked! Okay... To be honest, she had expected her Baba to raise this issue one day. But DB?

"Nidhi, you got married to him much against my wishes, even if Yog consented. And then that witch came back! Look what happened after that? Meri bachhi, that was 18 months ago. That's a long time considering you lived together for a measly 2 months. Now you have to start thinking about your own life, what to do after your studies. And I feel you should ask him for a divorce very soon.. He is not coming back Nidhi."

"DB, please! I cannot even think or talk about it right now... please!" She quickly terminated the call.


Once again her mind went back to that afternoon. Did I hear his voice in college today? Is he in Mumbai? For  what? Me? Can it be?.. No! Get real Nidhi! How is it possible? He doesn't even know you are here! For the last time, stop dreaming! With this strict lecture she tried to regain a semblance of normalcy. Half an hour later she lost that battle, her thoughts were confused. It wandered back to that night. Anji had picked her up from the market at midnight indignant that Dr. Ashutosh could be so heartless. Both had decided against waking up her Baba in the middle of the night. So she waited, that long, lonely night, waited in the arms of Shyama aunty, but ...  Her wait continued next day too. Finally she heard from him! The next evening! He had cooled down enough to give her a thought, to pick up his phone and call her. After almost a full day of silence, he had deemed it fit to call her! But she was both distraught and furious by then. What tipped the balance was the condescending tone he had used, still assuming she was wrong, still not giving her a chance, still treating his dear friend as the innocent, helpless victim. And she had lashed out before slamming the phone down. "Why did you call now Dr. Ashutosh when you hardly cared the whole day? To make sure I'm alive? Did your friend grant you permission to talk?" She had forgiven one too many of his digressions pertaining his 'friend' and was adamant she would not return till Dr. Mallika left or confessed the truth. That was the last time she heard his voice, they had reached a stalemate ... that was 18 months ago! Even today it hurt just as much but the latest conversation with DB also raised a suspicion in her mind.  Is DB right? Should she move on? Was there no hope for a future with her husband? Ironically today was her second Karwachauth, and as per tradition she was fasting, in secret, unknown to her family! Why was she still doing this? Where would it lead her to? For now only the forces above had an answer!




A few streets away Dr. Ashutosh was sitting in his plush hotel room idly surfing the channels on TV. Any and every channel was focused upon the festival season and it irritated him. 18 months... 18 long months! That's how long it had been since he saw Nidhi... the woman he professed to love, his wife! And it had taken a good 15 of them to even get Anji to spill the beans about Nidhi's whereabouts. First time he heard he was slightly surprised, then proud and elated to hear Nidhi was studying, doing her PG. But that was it! Try as he might, though Anji gave him the name of the college she refused to divulge any further information and had sworn him to full secrecy about this. She didn't want to be the family's black sheep!  As he digested this fact he shared it with Armaan, who had suggested he should come to Mumbai and locate her. And for the last 3 months he was working on setting up this series of guest lectures in the same college with the hope of running into her. Only problem was he did not know what department she was in, so all this could result in nothing! Ten days until Diwali. Ten lectures, ten opportunities to locate Nidhi. Day One was up, there were no signs of her today. The news anchor was talking about Karwachauth. Was Nidhi fasting for him today? What did I do to deserve that kind of loyalty? Though he secretly hoped she was! The thought warmed him, he tilted his head back and rested on the sofa, closed his eyes and imagined his Nidhi in her bridal wear with her dazzling smile.


He was jerked out of his reverie by the buzz at the door. Frowning, he went and peeked through the hole before hastily adjusting his glasses and opening the door. He didn't have to pretend surprise. When he told Armaan that he was going to be in Mumbai for the lectures, Armaan suggested him to book himself into a hotel, closer to the college and farther away from his Mom. His mom, Saroj aunty, was just back from the US and she didn't know about the separation. Knowing his mom, Armaan wanted to keep it that way. And Ashutosh agreed, eager to get any reprieve he could get. Seeing both of them at his door he had an inkling that was not to be! Armaan looked awkward and anxious as he darted worried glances at his seemingly serene mother. Realizing that he was standing there gawking, Ashutosh hastily ushered them in.

"Hello aunty. Hi Armaan. Please, come. Come inside." He waited until both of them sat on the small couch before taking the chair himself.

"How are you Ashutosh?"

"I'm fine aunty. How are you? Armaan told me you just got back from the US."

"So you are here in search of Nidhi." That was so like her. No beating around the bush. Straight to the point.

So she knew! "Yes Aunty!"

"Armaan told me what happened. How could you Ashutosh?"


His tired hand rubbed over his beard. Growing it back hadn't been a conscious decision on his part. He had just..lost interest after she left. "I don't know aunty. All I can say in my defence is.."

"There is no defence for what you did beta."

"Mallika had been my friend for twelve years aunty. I never thought.."

"And Nidhi? What was she?" She looked at him sadly. "You don't even know what a marriage means, do you? A girl leaves her whole family behind and comes to your house. Can you imagine the amount of trust it takes to do that?"

"Aunty I didn't mean.."

But she continued as if Ashutosh had not spoken at all. "You actually kicked her out in the middle of the night. Even a monster wouldn't do something like that. What if something had happened to her on the streets that night? Would you have said that it was an apt punishment for her and dusted off your hands?"

Each word lashed Ashutosh like a whip. Aunty's words had awakened another buried memory. "Let her go Baba. Good Riddance!" He cringed and closed his eyes to tune out his own words but Aunty was still talking. "I'm so disappointed in you Ashutosh. Are you the same guy who wept for her when her father refused your marriage, who followed her all the way to Kerala to convince her father, who ran to the airport to stop her from leaving to Europe? What happened to all that love Ashutosh? I thought you will be different. But you are just like all men. You take the woman in your life for granted. You think she should be at your feet like an obedient dog no matter how many times you kick her."


"I loved Nidhi aunty. I still love her."

She scoffed at that! "There is no love without trust. And no matter what anyone says, I'm happy Nidhi left you that night. Trust, respect and unconditional love are the basic foundations of any relationship. Maybe she realized that your love doesn't have any of those things." On that note, she got up to leave. "When you find her I'm going to do whatever I can to support and help her, whatever be her decision. Just wanted you to know that."

Ashutosh and Armaan followed suit.  Armaan had a panicked look on his face. "Amma, listen.."

But Ashutosh got there first and blocked her path to the door. "I know what I did was wrong... unforgivable. I sure am not going to forgive myself in this lifetime but I want her back. She can punish me however she wants after that. I'll prove to her that I trust and respect her and our relationship." His eyes looked like black pools of misery and guilt. Desperation ate at his insides but determination stiffened his spine. "I will win her back."

Saroj casted a long, scrutinizing look as if trying to see the truth behind those words. Her glance fell on her son. "And if you are anything like your friend here, I'm really, really glad that you are not married." On that note she walked out, leaving behind the two silent men.

Armaan was the first one to break the silence. "I'm sorry meri jaan. I didn't want to tell her. But..."  He shrugged and then hugged his lifelong friend. "Good luck. And let me know if you need anything. Bye."


Ashutosh ran a tired hand through his hair and sat on the bed, took out his wallet and looked at Nidhi's photo. A smiling, chirpy Nidhi on their honeymoon looked back at him. In the last 18 months this had become his daily ritual. Where are you Nidhi? Please... one chance is all I want and I will prove I have changed. Aunty's words had rankled him but he understood her POV as a woman's POV. Too bad he did not understand Nidhi's, neither on that night or the next day when she had slammed the phone on him. TRUST! That word bit him now. Of course he trusted, only it was the wrong woman! He placed Nidhi's photo on his heart and closed his eyes. Only if you knew Nidhi... It was exactly a week after he last spoke to Nidhi. Both him and Mallika had gone to KGH for their check ups. By that time he had started walking around the house. Later that night when the whole house was quiet, he was on his way to the kitchen when he heard Mallika. The content of her speech amazed him and stopped him in his tracks and 18 months later each word was still fresh in his mind. "Mr. Bagchi. So you found me! Well, you are too late. What did you think? I would risk keeping that pile of bricks in my name for so long. I went through all that trouble to procure it from a helpless Nidhi and she could not do a thing. I have played my cards well. I gifted it to Ashutosh at a perfect moment and guess what; he thinks I'm great! And nothing you say can change that opinion. You can try!" She sniggered! "If I can make him disbelieve his wife, the woman he claimed to love, then what are you? If I can succeed in throwing her out of his life I can just as easily prove you wrong. Mark my words! Ashutosh trusts only me!"

"So Nidhi was right! You lied to me!"

Mallika turned, speechless when she saw him appear out of nowhere but had quickly recovered and tried to cover up. "Ashutosh.. no. The truth is..."

"What is the truth Mallika? Why did you want to separate us?"

"Why? How can you ask that Ashutosh? I loved you for so long and you refused to even acknowledge that. She comes along and you end up marrying her... 18 years, 18 years younger than you. That won't last Ashutosh. I had to do something to make you see it, but still you did not. So I saved your future by sending her away!"

He had subjected her to his famous Hardstone' temper. "Mallika! You are disgusting! How did I even think you are my friend? Get out and get out now! Out of my home and my life."




Ashutosh got dressed the next day and as he left his room he sent a silent prayed upwards to make this day lucky for him. And 5 hours later his prayers were granted! He finally saw her, his Nidhi! As he got out of his class one of the wardboys rushed up to him. The HOD of Psychiatry department was requesting his advice on a special case. So he went to the Psychiatric Ward where Dr. Sharma welcomed him.

"Please come Dr. Ashutosh! We are fortunate to have you in our campus at this time. I believe this patient can be helped with your knowledge." But Ashutosh's eyes were transfixed on the young woman who had jerked to attention when she heard his name, for standing transfixed behind Dr. Sharma was Nidhi. And he knew he was in no better state barely registering Dr. Sharma's words.

"Nidhi... you, you are here in Psychiatry? How are you? You look so different.. thinner!"

"Dr. Ashutosh... how?You look so... different. Are you well? How is your friend?"

Dr. Sharma who was oblivious to the undercurrents continued. "This is Dr. Nidhi Verma. She's a PG student at our college and is working with me on this case. All the reports are with her. In fact she's the one who requested a meeting with a senior Neurologist for this particular case... And since you were here for the guest lecture series I thought of you. Hope you don't mind this short notice? ... Er, Dr. Ashutosh?"


Chapter 2... It's all yours Suvika ðŸ˜ƒ

P.S: Please comment generously and please don't forget to hit the 'LIKE' button too. Thank you  ðŸ˜ƒðŸ¤—

Edited by aardhan - 9 years ago
aardhan thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
My reaction ðŸ˜†
aardhan thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Bye.. GN
rayafan17 thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Nautanki ki rani kahan gayi 
Suvika. thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Me here.. net was down ðŸ˜¡
Suvika. thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Aarti... siggy looks beautiful...  whoever selected the pictures did an awesome job I tell you... ðŸ˜†
Suvika. thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: -deepali17-

Nautanki ki rani kahan gayi 

It was ridiculous... I clicked the refresh button and net got disconnected. This katara old laptop is not able to take my load I think ðŸ˜‰ðŸ˜†
rayafan17 thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: Suvika.

Aarti... siggy looks beautiful... whoever selected the pictures did an awesome job I tell you...😆

Uff I tell you this siggy cum writers I cannot handle 😆
rayafan17 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

Hello Vidi .. Itni be sabri

Subh din apko 😉