Priyasi Sweetheart

Priyasi Sweetheart Completed G

Chapter 22 Members Only Matured

Published On Sunday,Apr 26, 2020 15:00 PM GMT-06:00

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Taahir @taahir004 4 years ago A Vibrant Chapter . Why is Maan drinking again , he seems to be weak when it comes to love . seeing Gina enter Maan was mesmerized and he goes close to her while she is trying to be away from him as its an office function but Maan been tipsy now tells Gina that he is been nice to her she should listen to him otherwise he will use force as she is only his . probably this has to be the very first time Maan is feeling this type of love for his Anjali . Maan takes her to the dance floor and here Geet is herself as she dances with her husband her love
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