Chapter 2

2 months ago

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Chapter 2

Geet was jogging and lost in her thoughts. She has peacefully been able to focus on her work and company after giving her weird list to her Dad for finding a boy for her. She was very sure that she had assigned an impossible list to her Dad and thus got a good time to enjoy her career without the marriage topic being popped in her head every now and then. Six months have passed and she has not heard this topic from her Mom and Dad. Even the relatives were mum as she has spread the news that her Dad wants to look for the best one for her and finding a gem takes time. Geet had no idea her words to relatives were actually in action by her parents.

But then knowing her Mom and Dad, she was a bit doubtful that they were sitting silent. They will definitely come up with something or say, someone, checking all her checklists and that scares her. Will they really come up with someone middle class or say poor and needy, who was brainy, intellectual and handsome. She will not be able to say No. But then how would they find the one in this huge pool of poor and middle class population, that they themself will approve for her. No, she was safe. As she herself cannot imagine spending day and night with that needy and poor man, however intelligent or handsome he was. There is class and style that comes to one as one grows up in money. But in her circle, all those who have proposed her, had not agreed to her long list of conditions, which also hit their ego. The thing was, none in her circle clicked to her. There was always something missing.

So that kind of man was her need of time. She definitely needed a husband as her faraway relatives have started eyeing their empire, due to the weird will of her granddad. And why would a rich man with great wealth marry her, agree to stay in her house, leaving his family. Even if he comes, he will expect things in return from her. 

It was Sunday morning and everyone had a lazy day in Maan’s home, of course except him. He was busy making calculations of money and his life plan.

He looked around as he was seated in the small balcony. Kitchen was busy with his mother making  Sunday special breakfast. Anwesha is busy filling forms and also talking with her friends. Vikrant is probably busy flirting and Dadima is busy with a new show that his sister has recommended. She makes sure she is up to date and her age and middle class does not show up on her talks. His father is just back from the society ground, after talks in his circle. His dad tried to keep himself independent as much as possible. Vikrant had taken him on ground, while anyone would help him settle in a wheelchair in the elevator and he would come through it.

His mother came with a plate of Aloo Paratha with butter on top of it and a bowl filled with fresh curd

“Come one, leave all the files and laptop. At least have a relaxing breakfast on Sunday, Maan.”

He looked at the tempting plate “Aloo Paratha?”

“Eat. Two Aloo Paratha in gap of two weeks time will not do any harm to you gyming body”

He shook his head and took the plate with a smile on his face.

“Bhai, why are you even crazy about gyming and your body when you are not even interested in flirting.”

“You don’t have to do everything or anything to impress girls or anyone, Vikrant. Do it for yourself and enjoy your life for yourself.”

“Thanks for your theory and advice Bhai. I am enjoying my life impressing girls.”

Sunday, a comparatively relaxing day passed. After one day of hot discussion, they even forgot about the proposal that Maan had talked about.

Monday, 3pm, Maan was in his research center, validating the report prepared by his juniors.

At the same time, in Thane, the bell rang in his two bedroom apartment. Anwesha opened the door to find a very finely dressed Man and woman, who did not look to be belonging to their society, standing there.

“Is this house of Maan Khurana”

“Y-e-s” she said hesitatingly 

“Who’s there Anwesha?” Shoutded Sandhya from the kitchen. She came to door wiping her hand with the towel

“We are Mohinder and Rano Handa. Did Maan mention about us” Annie looked at them with her jaws dropped. Means Bhai was not boasting, these guys really brought a proposal for him.

“Yes, he did mention. Come in please” Sandhya brought them in while Annie ran to call Vikrant

“Vicky Bhai, if you don’t want to miss a lifetime opportunity, be at home in fifteen to thirty minutes. Mohinder and Rano Handa are actually at our place.

“What? Really? Coming” and Vikrant applied for a family emergency and immediately left the office.

Snacks and tea were served and everyone except Maan from the Khurana’s  and Geet from Handa’s were seated.

“Tell us Mrs and Mr. Khurana, any reason you think of declining this offer”

“It’s a vast status difference. Our son will feel out of place and why would he leave his house to live with your daughter as you are suggesting”  countered Sandhya

“Is there any problem with our daughter? Is there any problem you find with us?” They countered her with question

“Why do you want your such capable and famous daughter to be bound by my son?” Sukhwinder asked. .

“We have been looking all around for six months and observed men from various sectors and classes. Out of all we zero down to your son. We strongly feel he is the one for our daughter. He has integrity and confidence within himself that he can withstand anyone and any situation without being shaken. On top, his looks and intellect is something that my daughter cannot deny even if she tries hard. I am not looking for a wealthy but a solid personality man. My daughter needs someone tough like him. Any other would be crushed by her personality.”

He did not tell them that their son fulfilled all criteria that she was looking for, other than her one wish that such a man can also be bought and be a slave. And Maan being opposite in that matter had made them determined to zero on him. Opposite to her wish in that matter, they knew their daughter needed exactly opposite, the person with less or more wealth but strong personality was a must for them. And they knew deep down, Geet will never fall for a man with weak personality.

Vikrant and Anwesha smiled with their lips closed, out of the whole world they really zeroed down to their elder brother, the most boring person in the whole universe? Is that their criteria for dynamic Geet Handa?

Mohinder looked at Maan’s sibling “Have you both watched recent seminar of your brother on recent BioChemical research?” asked Mohinder.

“No, we are not part of his heavy knowledge world.” laughed Vikrant

“That is why you are laughing on why we have zero down on your brother. You are faraway to reach a level to understand the capability and worth of your brother.”

He turned to Maan’s parents. “We want your son for our daughter as he is the person who remains unfazed by anyone. He knows what and why he is doing. Our daughter is a strong headed girl and we think irrespective of status difference they will make a great pair. Initially it will be a hurdle but we as parents will work and they will eventually fall for each other’s strong personality” He paused. 

Knowing her daughter well, Rano thought of bringing other important points.

 “I want to add one more thing. Geet will not be able to adjust here at start. Later when they fall for each other, if the two families know each other, then these things will not matter much. Also, only Maan and Geet will share that Villa. We will just visit just as you can also visit they abode. He won’t stay with his in-laws. Both of them will stay in her Penthouse”

“But, why would we marry our son to your daughter, who you already know will not adjust with us”

Rano came to Sandhya “Sandhya Ji, trust me Geet will turn out to be a wonderful daughter in law once she realizes the worth of Maan and your golden heart. We could have even found a very wealthy boy from our circle who would agree to whatever weird list my immature daughter has given. But the integrity of character that we have seen in Maan, makes him best. We think so. We want the best for our  daughter. Geet is owner of enough wealth, we are looking for a man with the richest character. So please accept”

Sandhya and Sukhwinder fell in love with the respect given and someone thinking so highly of their son. Such high society people are requesting marriage for their very capable daughter.  Simple person like them could not deny it. Their son was getting such highly thought of and thus they decided to say yes. Vikrant and Anwesha were excited and so was Dadima for their own status ladder up reason. 

“And we could have offered financial help to your family in any matter. Like we know your daughter wants to go abroad but we are holding on to that. We had mentioned that to Maan and he without listening further declined our proposal thinking we are buying him. We don't want to hurt his self respect nor will he allow anyone to hurt his self respect.”

So the 'Yes' was said. Everyone was happy. Dadima, Anwesha and Vikrant due to excitement and his parents for the love and respect that such a big personality showed to them and their son.

Maan came home and his parents told him their decision. He was shocked and clearly denied. 

"This is not possible by any means" he declared .

Sandhya and Sukhwinder had said their yes and they had already thought of Geet as their daughter in law. Sandhya did not say anything to Maan but Sandhya's not speaking to him at all and the angry face of his mother she not talking with him for two days, Maan knew his parents have made their mind. He at last gave up. Whatever makes his parents happy. He said ‘YES’.

All other family members jumped in excitement with his ‘yes’. 

“And you all are happy that I go and stay in her place?” he questioned

“This house is not able to accommodate six people and you think Geet will adjust here. Don’t think unfair Maan”  Dadima said straight

Maan looked at Dadima in surprise. The way she spoke ‘Geet’ with confidence, as if she knew Geet Handa from her childhood. He was still confused as to why Geet Handa’s parents wanted their daughter to marry him.

“Bhai, at least I will get a full hall for me to sleep. Imagine, Geet Handa would have come with you in this house, who would you throw out of the room, Dadima and Annie or Maa-Papaji.”

He came and patted Maan’s shoulder

“Dream of enjoying a big villa Bhai and let me enjoy this hall, all to myself” he stretched, imagining to be the king of the apartment hall after Maan goes away.

Maan shook his head. He felt so stuck in the situation. His parents said yes for marriage. What must have shrewd businessman Mohinder Handa done and exploited his innocent parents that they forced him to say yes. And now, he cannot bring that rich girl to this two bedroom apartment. Dadima may be sour in her words, but in reality, where would they accommodate her? And why would he take out any of his family members out of the room to accommodate her. Also, he cannot ask her to stay in the hall. That does not make sense and would be impractical.

To his misery, Vikrant switched on the news and it was featuring Geet Handa, who received the Youth Female icon, a leading example of Female Empowerment. Everyone in the family got focused on TV and felt proud as if they had contributed to her achievement. He turned his back on the sofa, covered his face with a sheet and closed his eyes, trying to ignore their excitement.

Geet was shocked and surprised that her Parents actually found a boy fulfilling all the criteria she had mentioned. She had nothing in her advocacy to deny. With a strong heart she has to accept their decision.

P.S - As I am bringing this story of IF, I invite few people who have not read it. Enjoy!! I would love to hear your views.smiley31


Could not hold myself longer from not posting and here you go:

This is new story, a different take and a pure love story with twist. Your review is badly needed.

Anu ❤️

tellyme2024-04-11 14:04:51

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Comments (3)

Lovely story. Very different from usual stories.
Waiting for next part

1 months ago

so happy that other peoples are find Maan is worth but earlier his own family find him not worth.....waiting for their love story started....when will you update others ff specially life partner....

1 months ago

Mr and Mrs Handa actually came to Maan's home
for Geet's proposal
while his family is all excited , Maan is not much bothered
on the other hand Geet is shocked her parents did find a man
according to her criteria

1 months ago