Chapter 3

1 months ago

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Chapter 3


Marriage happened in a family affair with close relatives of both families participating. Handa’s had made all arrangements as it was not in capability of Khurana’s to do any investment. They were already struggling with their day to day needs and saving money for important stuff already in their list.

Maan, anyways, was not very interested and did not wish to spend any of his earnings for the marriage which was completely an unmatched match. He was still bewildered as to why Mohinder Handa wanted him to be his son in law, to his only daughter, who was super talented and way above him in position and society. He felt there definitely was a trap but his family was so excited, he had to agree.

Maan and Geet saw each other for the first time during the marriage rituals. Geet looked ravishing. Though he knew she was very pretty, who didn’t know Geet Handa? But now getting such a closer look of her, he could not believe this out of world beauty will be his wife.

But the shock was even greater for Geet. 

Geet  had heard from her Dad that her would-be husband had a well built physique, was very good looking and extremely handsome. She had also seen the picture. But then, she could not imagine or say could accept that a middle class man could be exceptional enough to be any match to her. The pic must be one of his best pics, shown to her, to impress her.

His Charismatic look that she got when he stood in front of her during the garland exchange, gave her a surprise for a moment. Her eyes could not leave the confident square shaped jawline, perfect M shaped lips, his dark brown eyes were so deep. He stood so tall and broad in front of her. It cannot be just the perfectly carved look but his whole clam yet confident persona that shook her for a moment. 

But Geet soon managed to ignore his personality, ‘Just a middle class man, made presentable by Dad’s money’

Marriage rituals happened in the grand palatial resort of Rajasthan, having unlimited rooms for guests and family members even though it was a very close and private affair. They took the vows, Maan made her wear vermillion and Mangalsutra but both had denial in their mind for their own reason. Maan didn't know how the high class wife would be. Not only high class, she was way successful in her career. Leading the top most company of the country from front. 

Geet didn’t know till date, how the middle class people were and now one of them was her husband.

Marriage rituals concluded and Rano took Geet with her. 

“Geet now the bidai will happen. You just have to go to the next part of the palace where they are staying. It is just a formal process before Maan and you leave for your place in Bangalore. For those few hours, you have to forget that you are business woman ‘The Geet Handa’ but think of being their new Daughter in law. Be respectful ”

“Mom, I am not the one to disrespect anyone and can do it for once. But don’t expect me to be a typical daughter  in law. I have my life and that I have made clear beforehand. Or else why would I marry this middle class man.”

“Geet, your Dad selected him not because he fulfill your silly criteria but because he is special”

“Mom please. I don’t want to go into that argument. I have married this middle class man just so that I don’t want them to expect any DIL duty from Geet Handa”

“Geet, they themself are ot expecting anything from you. But for this one ritual, for few hours be respectful”

“Mom, I will this time. Okay.”

Bidai happened and Geet went with Maan to the other part of the palace as part of Bidai. Only Maan and his family were there. Everyone in his  family was super excited except Maan, who went to the room setup especially for him and closed his eyes to take a nap. Everyone gathered around Geet. Sandhya took her aarti, blessed her. Anwesha and Vicky were too nervous to be near Geet Handa and Geet could feel her effect on them. She liked it and took no effort to make them feel comfortable around her. Middle class people can’t get to her level with just a few marriage rituals.. Sandhya took her to her Father in Law . Seeing the man in a wheelchair, she felt conscious and gave a smile. He lifted his hand and blessed her. Savitri Devi felt very proud giving blessings to The Geet Handa. “I am your Dadima,” she said with pride. Geet gave a small smile in answer.

Other than Maan’s parent’s who saw her as daughter in law, everyone was overwhelmed with her presence.

Though Geet was sitting patiently, Sandhya could feel she was clearly not comfortable. She quietly moved everyone out. She offered Geet some sweets and drinks which Geet politely denied. 

“Just have a little. I know you are not comfortable but had you not come here for these few hours, people would have made talks. Thus we requested.”

Somehow Geet could not deny the lady, who happened to be her mother in law. Though she had decided that she will not get stuck in all this in laws drama but as Sandhya forwarded her the plate she could not deny her and took one hand made sweet and a packaged bottle of water.

Anwesha and Vikrant, many times came to find an excuse to talk to her. Geet Handa in their house as their Bhabhi, their excitement had no limit. But her grand persona and name, could not gather courage to speak. Nor did Geet paid any attention to them. She was busy with her phone.

After an hour Sandhya woke Maan up

“Maan wake up. There are few rituals that you both need to do”

Maan sat down rubbing his eyes “What is this drama Maa. Is she even interested? Frankly I am not”

“Maan, you both agreed for marriage, so you like it or not, you have to do basic after ‘marriage rituals’ and then we won’t interfere”

“I did not agree, you emotionally blackmailed me to do this ‘bina mail ka shadi’. ” he cribbed

“Now forget, why and what. She is your wife and is very patient. She is not comfortable, I can see. Get done with rituals and take her”

“Take her?” he laughed “Not Take her, go with her”

Maan and Geet did a few rituals that were to happen in the groom's place after marriage.

One of them was finding the ring in the big bowl filled with milk water. All seemed excited to see who wins except the bride and groom. But to finish it up, both dipped their hands inside the bowl. They moved their hand as one of them had to find the ring to get done with it. Their hands touched and their eyes met. For a moment, their eyes were locked when Maan’s trance broke with the feel of the ring. He turned his gaze and Geet turned hers, chiding herself for getting lost in this man. What has happened to her class? Has the word marriage taken over her, No.

Maan got the ring but swiftly passed it to Geet. That act made her look at him in surprise. He turned to the other side, moving his hand away from the ring.

Geet took out the ring and everyone applauded. “This has to happen, she will obviously rule the relationship” said Annie.

Later, Rano and Mohinder left for the airport in Delhi. They will directly head to “The Handa Manor” Delhi.

Khurana’s took the train to Mumbai for their apartment in Thane.

Geet and Maan took a flight to  Banguluru, to head to Geet’s pent house in the Posh area of Basavanagudi. Maan got the job transfer to another research center in Bangalore.

Both were seated as strangers all through the flight.One not able to believe that she actually married a middle class 8-5 job person in real life.And other could not believe the obvious for exactly opposite reason. Such a high class wife, what could he expect from this marriage.

What did he actually gain from this marriage? Ok marriage is not for gaining but for a life partner. But did they have any match as life partners? He was still curious as to why she agreed to marry him.

Geet had no confusion in that case. She was clear that her Dad had bought this boy by filling his mouth with immense money. Though her Dad had clearly told her, the boy is full of self respect and he declined the proposal when he offered financial help. But as per Geet, Dad said all this so she can respect her middle class husband.

They entered Geet’s pent house on the top floor of sky touching extremely posh apartment. 

Handa’s have extremely elegant and grand villas and Manor at different locations in the country and prime abroad locations. But Geet has selected this penthouse in the gated society for her. It was a Handa Group gated society . Along with high standard Security for the society, There was separate Security for Geet’s penthouse.

Maan roamed his head 360 degrees. Okay he expected everything to be elegant but he did not know how ‘the elegant’ actually looked. The large glass windows running through the wall, elegant sitting area and dining area, there was an exercise area at one end. That was something that he could use. The walls have paintings, obviously they must be very high priced. Maan felt completely out of place in this elegant and highly modern setup. He was a perfect example of a simplistic man by nature and by dressing. Somehow God has graced him with a great physique and looks that made girls sometimes flirt with him and his brains and knowledge that his colleagues and bosses praised him of. Other than that, he knew he was a perfect example of a boring personality.

His wife has disappeared. Not knowing what to do next, he placed his small bag on the side and settled on the sofa and threw his head back. Tiredness took a toll on him and he went into a deep sleep. Maan is used to sleeping on the sofa, the only difference was, this was way more comfortable  than the one he has been sleeping till date.

Geet, after freshening and changing, came out in the lobby area of the first floor and looked  down to find her husband sleeping on the sofa.

Geet was a perfectionist and things stayed in perfect places and everything was extremely well maintained. Someone sleeping on her exclusive sofa was not a pleasant sight for her.

She signaled a lady worker, “Mina, why is he sleeping on the sofa? You know I don’t like manhandling the furnitures”

“Ma’am, what do I do?” 

“Wake him up and direct him to his room. Has all arrangements been done properly for him?” She enquired

“Yes Ma’am”

“Go wake him up and don’t disturb me. I have important things line up in the morning so need a good sleep”

Mina kept looking at her Boss. She had no guts to speak.

She went to wake up the Maan, who dressed in even cheaper clothing than servants of this place. Maan earned good but he thought his money could be used in more worthwhile ways than spending on clothes. 

“What is special about this man that Geet ma’am married him” Okay, that even their Geet ma’am did not know. They will all learn by time.

“Sir, wake up. Sir, wake up” Maan shook his head and it took him some while to realize where he was.

“Hmm. I am sorry” he rubbed his eyes. He was dreaming of the lab research he had been working on.

“Sir, I will lead you to your room”

Maan is taken to the guest room on the ground floor, which has all the facilities and is well done for his living. Other than this guest room on the ground floor, there are four bedrooms on the first floor. One is Geet’s bedroom, one she has turned to her Mini Office and study and third room is for her parent’s whenever they arrive, and fourth is extra for her personal stuff or her friends.

Maan looks around the room and clearly understands that this is not the room where his wife is staying. Okay, he is in no hurry or say, he himself is not comfortable to share a room with Geet Handa. The difference is so huge that he doesn't even want to consider the fact that she is Geet Khurana now. But her assigning him a room separately on the ground floor, even without considering letting him know that she wanted to go this way, was not acceptable to Maan. 

“Where is my wife?” he demanded. The simple confidence of his commanding voice placed the lady in her place.

“Sir, she is in her room. Has asked not to be disturbed.”

“Show me her room” The lady bowed her head “Sir”

“Fine, I will find on my own” he  turned to move out “Sir, I will show you the room”

Mina showed him her room and left, not wanting to be repermaided later.

Geet was just laying down to find some peace. The sleep was nowhere near. She was a married woman. And married to a man who had no existence in her world. These kinds of people worked in many of her several factories and she didn't even bother to know them personally. It was not practically possible. But here, one of those men was her husband. And the kind of synthetic shirt that he wore, it looked so old. At least he could have got a new one for his new life. He doesn’t even have that much sense.

What she didn’t know was her husband considered himself the last person to spend money on. He had a long list of expenditure and money always fell short when it came to him.

She got alerted by the  knock on the door. Who dares to knock her at this hour of night?

 There was a knock again and she has to get up to give a good lecture to whoever is doing this.

But as she opened the door, she found that man she had been thinking about, in front of her.

She hesitated and straightened “Do you need something? I assigned Mina to assist you with whatever you need” Geet didn’t feel comfortable talking to him. He was nowhere a man she would consider discussing. He was standing quietly looking at her. Ohh yes, he must not have guts to talk to her, just like his siblings didn’t have.

Maan had been lost in her raw beauty after makeup was removed. But then remembered why he was here

And she was soon surprised by his next set of words, which were owned by a deep silky sensual voice. 

“Are you sure Mina can assist your husband with all his needs on our first night?” His voice directly hit the center of her heart. No one have she encountered till date with such deep and confident voice

“What do you mean?”

“Can I come in, we need to talk” Geet hesitated. She had expected the man to be hesitant in front of her Mega Personality. But he was unmoved.

“Listen, it's pretty late. We can talk tomorrow.” 

“No, we need to talk  now and here. What made you think of giving a separate room to me and that too on the ground floor without considering consulting me?”

Geet was surprised to see his allegations. No one questions her like this, not this class of man and not in her own house. 

This man has been bought by her father, still he is showing her attitude

“Listen, I am being polite does not mean you show me an attitude. You should be happy you got to stay in this elegant penthouse and a room with great arrangements

“Why do you think I should be happy to be here? I didn’t ask for it. Your father requested my parents to place parental pressure on me. Anyways, I am not here to discuss that. We are married and I don’t want to go in that detail”

Of course, why would he go in detail? The detail that he went pricy on a proposal to raise his price. But see his guts

“And deciding on where I should stay and how, without consulting me, you think it is a very polite attitude.”

This man has guts. But he was her husband and by that she somehow has to answer him

“Okay. So to be frank, I am not comfortable to proceed to the next step with this marriage as of now. I need time. For now we can co-exist in this house like strangers. I have enough in my plate to even try on experimenting on this relation as of now”

“That goes with me as well” 

Wow, now he is trying to equal me, she thought. What else can be on his plate, he got enough money for life to be here.

“I would have appreciated if you would have considered to talk to me on this rather than decide things like this”

“Okay, got it. So now you are fine to stay there. No issues” she wanted to close the topic

“No issues. We can co-exist in this house as strangers” he smiled and forwarded his hand. When she did not forward her hand and just gave a smile, he smiled and left.

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tellyme2024-04-11 13:31:34

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Comments (1)

they both have different thinking about each other and they are going to clash with each other all the time....hope they will be able to understand each other waiting for the update soon.....

1 months ago