Chapter 1

Taira Thumbnail

Taira Rai



She was startled when she opened her eyes.........finding herself in a strange room but then she saw his face next to hers and realized where she was. She moved closer to him and placed a kiss on his bare chest.........she stared at his handsome face for sometime and blushed when images from the previous night flashed in front of her eyes. She was in the arms of the man she loved.............she felt complete and happy.

She saw him open his eyes and stare at her and then suddenly he sat up realizing where he was or rather with whom he was. She placed a hand on his shoulder and he came back to reality............he moved towards the side table and opening a drawer he took out a pill and gave it to her................firstly she stared at it not knowing what it was but then she was shocked when she heard him speak "Eat it if you don't want to get pregnant or else the world will know what you were up to." he chuckled but stopped when she placed her head on his shoulder and said "I don't care what the world thinks about me. I don't think I have done anything wrong..................I love you and now I can proudly say that I belong to you.........mind, body and soul." she had a dreamy smile on her face which faded when he stood up with a jerk…...standing naked in front of her and then he spoke with a lot of confusion, shock and attitude all mixed into one "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? Belonging…………..mind, body and soul……………….have you gone mad…………hellooooo snap out of it………...what are you thinking? I don't think I ever said that I was in love with you nor did you say that last night…… was plain sex……...that's it." He looked at her with disbelief but smacked his head when he saw tears coming out of her eyes………..finally she spoke "You are joking right…… do love me. You won't leave me right?" She looked at him with hope in her eyes but was shocked when he started laughing like a maniac "Are you crazy? Have you ever checked yourself in the mirror? I have never seen anyone uglier then you are. You really think that I can ever be in love with you? I have supermodels hanging at my doorstep everyday but you think that I'll fall in love with a creature like you. I have slept with 9 out of 10 girls and I am not in love with them………....we did the same last night. I was drunk alright or else I wouldn't have even slept with you. You women I tell you." She got up from the bed wrapping the sheets around herself and went closer to him and said in a pleading voice "Please don't do this. I'll die without you." he looked at her as if she was from another world and then his expressions changed to that of hatred and menace and he said in a cold voice "You need money don't you?" She couldn't believe her ears. She felt weak and before she knew she fell on the bed and saw him walk towards his closet. He threw a blank cheque on her face and left the room.

She looked at the blank cheque and saw his signatures ARMAAN MALIK.


She was wearing a one shoulder tunic with a jewel strap with wide slit sleeve with Metallic flowers and swirls decorating the front. Her hair were flying around her head. She was changing her pose every now and then for the camera to capture it. She looked like a stunning goddess but actually she was modeling for an international garment brand located in New york. She is one of the most beautiful, sexy and successful model the industry ever had.

"Done. Pack up." The photographer shouted. The photo shoot was over for the day so she went back to her green room. The moment she stepped inside her cell rang…...she sat on the chair in front of the mirror and took the call.

"Hey priya……....whats up?………...hmmmm….well I am done with the assignment I was working on so I think I can come and see you guys……,…..oh sure…………okay then I'll see you soon…………bye babe." she hung up and started removing her make up when she heard the knock on the door.

"Come in" Her friend cum photographer Andy walked in with his laptop in his hands. Placing it on her dressing table he proudly said "Look babe…….your photos are absolutely smashing and I am sure you are gonna rock once again." She looked at the photographs indifferently and then went back to removing her make up when Andy interrupted her and said "Don't you like them? Don't you think they are smashing?"

She got up from her chair and faced Andy with an arrogant smirk and said "Oh common Andy grow up. Of course the photographs are smashing after all they are MY photographs."

Andy shook his head with a smile and said "Give at least some credit to the photographer…….I added my magic to your photograph. But I still have to admit you really are the best………here read this………..the press and the public are all crazy about you." He smiled and left after handing over the newspaper to her.

She opened it and read the headlines 'RIDDHIMA CARTER the Indian beauty once again rocked the show'


He opened the door and went inside his room and immediately plopped down on his bed and rewinded all that had happened a few minutes ago. The girl was a handful………...she had refused to take the cheque and repeated the same thing again and again "I love you Armaan. Please don't leave me like this"

God the girl was crazy or maybe a really nice actress…….Maybe she really does love me? Nah what are you thinking Armaan……...these girls just need money and that's it. She is smart………..she wants more money……..she thinks I'll marry her or something and then she'll have all my money instead of just a cheque.

Armaan smirked and said "Too bad honey…… are not going to get anything more then that."


He heard his father calling him so he quickly rushed to his room.

"Ya dad." Armaan went inside his room and sat next to his father on his bed. His father smiled and said "Look son day after tomorrow Mr.Gupta is going to be here. I want you to handle this project and meet him and remember he is one of the most important personality in the business world so behave like a professional around him. I want to merge one of our companies which will only be possible if he likes the way we work and finds the deal profitable so I want you to work hard on this and work your charm on him so that he agrees to my proposal." Armaan frowned and with humor in his voice said "DAD!!! You are asking me to work my charm on a man and that too an old one. Is he gay by any chance?" Armaan's father gave him a disapproving look and said "Armaan be serious because this is really important and I want no mistakes. Have I made myself clear?" Armaan replied seriously "Yes sir."

Armaan's father Abhimanyu Malik was one of the most successful business man in
India. He owned numerous hotels, cosmetic companies, advertisement agencies and now a fashion house called "ENIGMA"

His wife had passed away 10 years back and since then he had tried to give his son all the love and care that he needed but that had really spoilt his son but Abhimanyu Malik didn't care as long as his son was happy. Now he wanted his son to start paying attention to their business and that was why he was handing over the responsibility of the prestigious project to him. He knew his son was brilliant and he did every thing with perfection so he knew he could trust him. He smiled and patted his son's back.


"Ya dad I know and that is exactly why I am coming to India." Riddhima replied to her dad on phone which was on speaker right now.

"Child I want you to join my business and you can always continue modeling in India but as my daughter and owner of my company. You can model for our company." Riddhima frowned and replied "Dad relax alright and don't you think it will be a little weird if I'll be modeling along with running such a prestigious company besides I have a very well established carrier here so I am not sure I want to leave this behind."

"Riddhima just come and see if you like the place and if you don't like working here then I won't insist and you can continue your carrier there. But you won't be Riddhima CARTER here because you are going to be my daughter Riddhima GUPTA. Now I want to see you here by tomorrow evening. I have a meeting so now we'll talk when you'll be here. Good bye." He hung and Riddhima groaned. She loved New york but now she'll have to leave this place and go to India. She had not visited India for almost 3 years now. His father would come and visit her. Her parents were divorced……...her mom Mollie Carter was an acclaimed actress and after marriage, according to the press had a burning affair with one of her co-stars due to which her father divorced her but her mum never accepted the charges……..Riddhima too refused to believe the charges because being a part of the industry herself she knew how press can exaggerate and mould things to their liking and can turn an absolutely normal and harmless friendship into a burning affair just to make money………oh how she hated them. She was now going to spend some time with her dad and help him in his huge business.

Riddhima sighed and went to pack her bags and checked her flight tickets.


Armaan entered the conference room and saw his father sitting with an elderly gentleman who he concluded must be Shashank gupta. He entered inside and heard his dad say "Here son, meet Mr.Shashank gupta. Mr.Gupta, this is my son Armaan." Armaan shook hands with Shashank gupta and sat down across him. They started discussing their plans for their new project but stopped when Shashank's cell rang……… "Excuse me please." Shashank excused himself and attended the call after which he came inside with an apologetic expression and told them "I am sorry……..I'll have to leave. My daughter's flight will be landing anytime and I have to go receive her so we will have to continue this discussion some other day."

Armaan's father interjected "Shashank why don't you sit and discuss the project with me and let Armaan go and receive your daughter?" Armaan was shocked to hear his father's suggestion…… I some kind of a low employee whom he is sending to receive his client's daughter? Why should I go to receive some girl…..girl hmmmm………well maybe I can have some fun…….fine dad bring it on……..

Armaan's thoughts were interrupted by his father's voice "So Armaan can you go and receive Riddhima?"

Hmmmmm Riddhima not bad…. "Sure dad. I'll go." Armaan left for the airport when it hit him that he didn't know what she looked like. He smacked his head and dialed his dad's number who didn't take the call probably because he was busy with the discussion so Armaan stopped his car at a shop and bought a Chart paper and sketch pen and wrote down the name RIDDHIMA GUPTA on it and left for the airport.

"Hey babe……..ya I have arrived here………..But what's wrong with her and why the hell is she not receiving my call…………….WHAT…....SHE IS ADMITTED IN A HOSPITAL………..and you are telling me now……I am coming…….but why can't I see her?………So when will the visiting hours open……….okay fine I'll go see her in the evening…….ya will see you there……bye" Riddhima hung up the call and massaged her forehead which was now aching badly because of worry which was for one of her friend who was admitted in the hospital and now she wasn't able to locate her father amidst the crowd.

"I am not going to talk to him if he has forgotten to pick me up." She muttered to herself and then she saw a tall and broad guy holding a card which said her name.

Whose this guy? He can't be some driver…….no ways he is too handsome to be that……….Man he looks pretty hot………..Well lucky for him Riddhima has a weakness for Indian men……….

She smiled to herself and walked towards Armaan who was busy on phone with someone. She went and stood in front of him and saw Armaan's cell slip from his hand.

Armaan stopped breathing when he saw the exotic beauty approach him and suddenly coming to the airport became the best thing ever.

Dude whose this chic……..she looks bloody hot………look at those curves in her black spaghetti and white capris…… she is a killer and the beautiful face……….hmmmmm what lips? I wanna kiss them and whats with the eyes………..why is she wearing those stupid shades……...I wanna remove them………...hey hold on……… I know her………...OH MY GOD SHE IS RIDDHIMA CARTER……….THE SUPER MODEL.

And Armaan's cell slipped from his hand. Riddhima saw the change of expressions on his face from amazement to hunger to disappointment and then to shock. Riddhima smirked to herself when she realized that the guy was already besotted by her. She picked his cell and handed it to him………..Armaan took the cell………still in a daze but snapped out of it when he heard Riddhima say "Are you here to pick me up?" Armaan frowned and wished that he was but then he shook his head and said "Nope, I am here to pick Riddhima but unfortunately not Riddhima Carter but Riddhima Gupta."

Riddhima smirked and extending her hand towards him spoke in an arrogant voice "Hi! I am Riddhima gupta." Armaan stood expressionless but the very next moment he burst out laughing "Dude…you really want to come with me don't you? Well not your fault…...I have that effect on women and you are no exception."

Riddhima was offended now…..she clearly knew that this handsome hunk was smitten but was trying to act smart so she retorted in a haughty voice "I AM RIDDHIMA GUPTA, DAUGHTER OF SHASHANK GUPTA. Here you can see this yourself." she opened her handbag and took out a photograph of her dad and herself with her mom and handed it to Armaan who was shocked to see it.

The amazingly and stunningly sexy supermodel Riddhima Carter is SHASHANK GUPTA'S DAUGHTER……dude the lucky b******.

Riddhima snapped her fingers in front of Armaan's face who came out of his thoughts and returning the photograph quickly said "I am really sorry Ms.Gupta but I knew you as Riddhima Carter and your being Mr.Gupta's daughter didn't exactly click……...Oh okay now I got it. I read in an interview of yours about that your parents actually got divorced and hence the confusion……."

Armaan bit his tongue when he saw the hurt expression on her face and realized that mentioning her parent's divorce like that wasn't such a good idea. He immediately spoke "I am so sorry. I am such a jerk…...please forgive me. I had no intention of hurting you. I am really very sorry."

He relaxed when Riddhima gave him a short smile and they both went and sat in his car. When they were both comfortably seated he extended his hand towards her and spoke "Hi I am Armaan Malik…..the jerk who has absolutely no sense as to how to talk to a pretty lady like you." Riddhima chuckled hearing that and giving him a sweet smile placed her hand in his. Armaan felt her soft skin in his hand and resisted the urge to kiss it. He looked ahead and started the car and informed her "We'll be going to my office where your dad is waiting for you. He wanted to come but my dad wanted to discuss something so he sent me instead."

Riddhima nodded. Armaan was about to hit the road when his cell rang and he saw his friend Atul's name flashing on the screen. He smiled and picked it up "Hey champ……What's up?"

"Arre kya wats up? I am getting damn bored and where the hell are you?"

Armaan turned towards Riddhima and asked her "Can you speak Hindi?"

Riddhima shook her head and spoke in a very apologetic and sad tone "I wish I could. I have spent my entire life in USA. I used to come here occasionally but was never able to pick the language." He nodded his head and continued his chat with Atul "Kya baataoin yaar……..pehli baar dad ne koi acha kaam diya hai. Unhone mujhe kisi ko lene bheja tha airport aur tujhe yakeen nahi hoga lekin main jab yahan aaya tu mujhe pata chala ki dad ne kisi aam insan ko lene nahee balki ek bahut he khoobsurat aur ek dam pari jaisi ladki ko lene bheja hai. Yaar is ladki ko dekh ke to mere hosh ud gae. Soch raha hoin ki ye muaka khona nahi chahiye." Armaan finished with a sigh and heard Atul say "Dude seriously are you falling in love? You are speaking in Hindi for a change………..I mean since the day you came back from London you never spoke in Hindi much and I had actually started wondering if you have forgotten the language totally but here you are speaking in shudh 'Hindi' Is she some kind of bhartiya nari and you are trying to adopt her culture and language?"

Armaan chuckled and spoke "Abe champ………vo ladki mere saath baithi hai aur use Hindi nahi aati isliye main hindi bol raha hoin……chal ab main rakhta hoin mujhe use drop karna hai……....shyam ko tujhse milne aaoinga."

Before Atul could ask anymore questions Armaan ended the call and turning towards Riddhima spoke in an apologetic tone "I am sorry about that and it was one of your biggest fans but unfortunately couldn't speak English so I was just consoling her."

Armaan knew that speaking in Hindi especially after knowing that she couldn't understand Hindi is rude so he gave the excuse which he knew was one of the lamest excuse ever.

They drove towards their destination and chatted a little in between.

Finally they reached the office and Armaan took her to the conference room and opened the door for her. Riddhima saw her dad and ran towards him, giving him a tight hug and then she spoke in a loud voice "Oh papa aapko pata hai maine aapko kitna miss kiya. Mujhe aapki bahut yaad aati thi aur aaj yahan aake acha lag raha hai." Then turning towards Armaan she spoke "Mujhe yahan laane ke liye aapka bahut shukriya." She finished in her broken accent. While a shocked Armaan stood with his mouth open.


Shashank's cell rang and he excused himself and Abhimanyu too left the room so now it was Riddhima and Armaan alone in the room.

Riddhima walked up to Armaan who still had his mouth open in shock……….placing her finger under his chin she closed his mouth and finally she did what she was avoiding to do from a long time……...she burst out laughing seeing which Armaan turned red, visibly embarrassed and then he remembered the words he had said in the car and he was even more embarrassed but then when he looked at her he forgot everything about his embarrassment……….he stared at Riddhima with a tender and dreamy expression on his face.

Man she looks like an angel……oh god she is adorable…...wish I could cuddle her but today I know that looks can be soooo deceptive………..she looks so innocent but she is so clever……….dude she fooled ME………ARMAAN MALIK……..I mean how could she……..I should hate her but she is looking like an angel right now and I am getting that sweet feeling of kissing and cuddling her all over again…… Armaan you can't have that feeling for her…… have to show her that you are the boss and that nobody messes with Armaan Malik.

Armaan folded his arms across his chest and pouted at her. Riddhima looked at his baby like cute face and melted……..She held both her ears and mumbled very cutely "Sorry Armaan but that's what I always do with people who think I can't understand Hindi and then I always come to know what they think about me." still holding her ears she added with a devilish tone "What are you worried for? You only said good things about me. So I have nothing against you." She started chuckling again……………..She looked at Armaan who was now frowning at her" she quickly held her ears once again and spoke in the cutest voice she could make "Please Armaan I am sorry. Won't you forgive me Armaan? Please." Armaan finally smiled and Riddhima returned his smile. He was about to say something when Shashank entered the room and asked Riddhima "Riddhima are you ready to go home?" Riddhima smiled at him and waving goodbye to Armaan she left the place.

"Dad I have to go to the hospital and I'll come back home with Rahul so please drop me at the City hospital." Shashank frowned and asked her "Why do you want to go to the hospital?" Riddhima could sense the worry in his voice……….so smiling she told him "Dad don't worry…… of my friends is admitted there so I have to be there and meet her as soon as I can. Don't worry……I'll be home on time." Shashank nodded and dropped her at the hospital and told her before leaving "Riddhima come home on time okay. We have to go for dinner to Armaan's place." He drove off leaving a confused Riddhima behind. She wasn't confused because of his words but because of the expression that she saw on his face and then her eyes widened and her hand went to her mouth.

Oh no dad is once again trying to hook me up with an Indian…...ARMAAN MALIK……...hmmmm he is not bad…… fact I think he is really really hot and sweet as well but that doesn't mean I'll get married to him……...Dad really needs to grow up……..but I have to say this time dad's choice isn't bad unlike other times…....humph well let's see what happens today?

Riddhima turned around and entered the hospital.

"MUSKAAN" Riddhima yelled angrily on the top of her lungs the moment she entered the ward. Three heads turned towards her.

"Riddhima…...when did you come? You should have called me. I would have come to pick you up." Rahul walked towards Riddhima and was about to hug her but stopped when he saw the angry expression on her face. Riddhima walked towards Muskaan, who was lying on the bed with a tube inserted inside her wrist and there was blood flowing through it…….She looked straight into her eyes and spoke "HOW DARE YOU? I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU TRIED TO COMMIT SUICIDE……..YOU DIDN'T THINK ABOUT US EVEN ONCE? WE HAVE SOME RIGHTS OVER YOUR LIFE AND YOUR LIFE DOESN'T BELONG TO YOU ALONE…….IT BELONGS TO YOUR PARENTS……….HOW COULD YOU BE SO HEARTLESS?" Riddhima stopped when she saw the tears in Muskaan's eyes and a few nurses staring at her….probably because of her yelling....but she wasn't done yet and she was still mad at Muskaan. She sat down opposite Muskaan and then spoke in a soft but firm voice "Why Muskaan? Why did you do this? Don't you care about us? Is he the only one you care about? Just because Vivek betrayed you, you were ready to leave all of us. Do you have any idea how much we all love you and your parents…...they would have died without you Muskaan." Muskaan covered her face with her fingers and remembered how Vivek had betrayed and hurt her……..he had promised to love and cherish her all his life and they were going to get married next month but one day she got a phone call from some guy who told her that Vivek was cheating on her and she decided to follow Vivek and found him in a room with some girls……..he had cheated her……..he had broken her heart into a million pieces. She had tried to kill herself but Rahul had brought her to the hospital. She cried harder after remembering everything once again. She felt someone's hand on her shoulder…….she opened her eyes and saw Riddhima sitting next to her with her eyes filled with tears……

"I am sorry Muskaan. I was rude but I couldn't help it. When I came to know about all this I was angry on you for even trying this. Muskaan I can't even imagine my life without you……….you mean a lot to me Muskaan. You can't leave me……..I won't let you leave me……I will never let you go…..

Riddhima continued murmuring the same thing again and again till she broke down and her tears started to flow……....she was shaking with fear of loosing Muskaan, the only person who she trusted more then anyone in the whole world. Muskaan was the one who had helped Riddhima in every tough situation and had been there when her parents had gotten divorced and now to imagine her also leaving her……she couldn't bear it.

Rahul walked towards Riddhima and consoled her. Finally she stopped crying and hugged Muskaan who hugged her back.

"Promise me you won't ever do any such thing again?" Riddhima asked Muskaan with her hand extended in front of her. Muskaan placed her hand in Riddhima's hand and replied "I won't I promise. I am sorry for hurting all of you so much." Both the girls smiled and then Riddhima turned towards another girl sitting at the foot of the bed and spoke in a reproachful tone "Priya why didn't you inform me? I didn't even know about this till I reached here and the doctor told me all this."

"I am sorry Riddhima. We didn't want to worry you. Muskaan is fine and she just promised you that she would never do such a thing again. So now relax and go home. You need to rest and you landed this morning and here you are fussing over Muskaan already." Riddhima agreed to leave after some time. All four friends sat down and chatted till Riddhima left and Muskaan dozed off. Rahul dropped Riddhima home.

"Hmmm……what do I wear? I think I should wear something traditional or maybe something casual so that Armaan doesn't think that I dressed specially for him."

Riddhima debated for some time and then decided to wear a red suit with very little work on it. It was well-fitting and enhanced Riddhima's beauty and curves.

Riddhima left her hair open and checked herself in the mirror……..She didn't look like the supermodel and the super glamorous Riddhima Carter…...she was the sweet and charming Riddhima gupta once again.

Armaan might not be impressed seeing me in this red salwaar kameez…..but this is what I truly am…… Indian at heart...I might be a supermodel but this is what I like to wear the most and anyways who cares whether Armaan Malik likes this or not.

Riddhima smiled and went outside to her dad who was waiting for her in their car. Her father smiled and said "Riddhima gupta you look stunning."

Riddhima smiled shyly at her father and they drove off to Armaan's place.



Riddhima got out of the car along with her father and her eyes fell on the beautiful mansion in front of her. It seemed like a king's palace. It was huge and beautiful and now she knew that Armaan Malik was not just handsome and sweet but rich as well……….just what her father needed.

"So you like the house?" Riddhima heard her father asking to which she replied with a simple nod. They went inside and a butler opened the gate. They went inside the living room which was beautifully done with French furniture and glass chandeliers hanging from the ceiling reflecting the multicolor light onto the floor. Riddhima was impressed…………..while she was busy appreciating the beauty of the house, Armaan was busy appreciating her beauty.

He saw her when he walked down the huge open staircase, located in the middle of the living room. His eyes fell on her and his mouth fell open………He knew her more as Riddhima Carter, the international model who added beauty to the western garments with her stunning figure and seductive and sensuous looks but the girl that he was seeing was somebody entirely different……………..she was wearing a plain red salwaar kameez with the soft dupatta suspended around her neck…………she looked nothing like the international model instead she looked like a beautiful, innocent angel…….

Okay…………now this is seriously not possible. How can any women look good in anything she wears……….she is wearing an absolutely plain salwaar kameez but she still looks stunning to me. And those strands falling on her face………I want to touch her………feel her soft skin and nestle in her long, beautiful hair…… she even for real? Or am I just dreaming? Hey is she walking towards me………wow man she walks so well and that smile on her yummy lips Is totally driving me crazy……

"Hi Armaan" Riddhima greeted Armaan who was standing on the top of the stairs with a dazed expression staring at her. When he didn't reply Riddhima felt really uncomfortable so she moved her hand in front of his eyes but she got no response. She waited for a couple of seconds and then she stepped onto his feat with force and he yelped in pain. The heel of her sandal had actually pierced his bare skin in the slipper slightly. He looked at her with confusion. She shrugged and said "I am sorry I did that but you weren't saying anything and was lost somewhere. I have been standing here for last 5 minutes and now your dad is calling us downstairs so if u don't mind shall we?" He looked confused and then he spoke in a barely audible voice "But I thought you weren't for real."

"What?" Riddhima asked him with her eyebrows raised and then placing her hand on his arm she spoke "Armaan are you on drugs?" Now it was Armaan's turn to be all shocked and he replied in pretty much the same way "What? What are you talking about? Why would I take drugs?" Riddhima shrugged and spoke "Its just that you look so dazed and lost and that's exactly how druggies behave. I have seen quite a few of them………..its quiet common in our profession."

Now everything registered in Armaan's brain and he decided that it was time to take control before the super model Riddhima Carter takes THE ARMAAN MALIK as a fool or a druggie or any other such thing.

He moved closer to her and bending near her ear whispered "Drugs are not always needed to get high or dazed……there are things that work better then drugs like someone's absolutely breathtaking beauty." Armaan gave a suggestive smile and for the first time Riddhima blushed and stuttered "Armaaaannnnnn……..I….I…….I think we should go sit with others. They are waiting for us to join them." She was about to leave when Armaan grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards himself………she came crashing on his chest. Her head was against his chest and she smelled his intoxicating cologne and didn't raise her head for sometime…she wanted to snuggle in his chest but knew that that wouldn't be appropriate.

"You look beautiful enough to kill Riddhima." Armaan whispered in her ear, his breath tingling her neck. Her head jerked up and she saw the million dollar smile on his handsome face and then she saw him disappear downstairs. She was confused with the sudden change in her body by his touch………….she blushed because of his compliment and she shivered when his breath touched her neck. She shook her head to clear all the thoughts and went downstairs.

"Armaan son why don't you show Riddhima around the house?" Abhimanyu Malik suggested to his son……….noticing the way both the kids were stealing glances at each other………..he was thrilled and decided to give them some lone time. Armaan nodded and left the living room with Riddhima following him closely.

He took her to all the rooms till only two rooms were left………..he took her to the pooja room that they had on the 1st floor in their house which his mom had built with great devotion and care. Armaan suddenly felt nostalgic as he remembered how his mom used to get up early in the morning and do her everyday rituals here………..singing in her beautiful, melodious voice. He controlled his tears and saw Riddhima standing behind him gazing at the room as if under some spell. Armaan suddenly thought that Riddhima might be alien to all this and might not be a very religious person or worse didn't know anything about Indian religion since she had spent most of her life in England but Armaan was proved wrong the very next moment……………Riddhima had removed her sandals, washed her hands and had covered her head with her dupatta. She stepped inside the room with her hands folded and eyes closed. She stood in front of the idols and said a little prayer in her mind.

Armaan stood there transfixed………he suddenly had a vision of his mom standing next to Riddhima with his father and he standing next to Riddhima……….a smile lit up his face as he imagined his whole family along with Riddhima as HIS WIFE………he suddenly frowned and rebuked himself for loosing grip on his imaginations…………

Dude relax…………..just because she is praying exactly the way mom used to doesn't mean that you'll get married to her………….she is just another girl……..fine she is a super model but there are girls prettier then her also then why are you going all bonkers over her……….crazy enough to imagine yourself being married to her……….she can never be like mom…… girl can be like mom…………just chill or else she'll have you under her thumb in no time instead of the other way round……….remember LOVE ONLY BREAKS IT NEVER MAKES and the only thing you get in love is defeat so now no getting lost in her and keep your guards up.

Riddhima came out of the room and had a magical glow on her face when she told him that she loved the room………there next destination was Armaan's room.

Riddhima was highly impressed when she went inside Armaan's room which was done neatly but certain things caught her attention………..right above Armaan's king size bed was a huge family potrait in which Armaan was standing behind his parents who were sitting on a couch………they looked like royalty. She smiled at it and then her eyes shifted to a corner where a number of musical instruments were kept………..there were drums in the front…….a guitar along with other instruments.

Riddhima's eyes widened in surprise…….she turned around and asked Armaan "YOU can SING?" Armaan chuckled at the way she had asked him the question…he moved closer and spoke in his deep sensuous voice "I can if I have some inspiration around me." Riddhima knew that he was referring to her as his inspiration…..she knew at that moment what Armaan was trying to do………..the way he spoke with her standing on the stairs, his dazed look and his indirect flirting…..Riddhima blushed and smiled to herself.

She spoke in an excited tone "Oh please Armaan you have to sing today. I want to hear you singing please." Armaan's heart melted at her cute expression and tone and he nodded his head positively. She clapped her hands and jumped slightly just the way a kid would at the sight of a candy……….her little kiddish gestures filled him with warmth. She hardly ever behaved like a hot shot super model instead she looked like an innocent, inexperienced shy teenage girl and this excited Armaan.

He went to his instruments and tuned his guitar and got ready to sing……….



Armaan chuckled hearing the kiddish tone and picking up his guitar he spoke in a sensuous voice "Just make sure Ms.Riddhima Carter that you don't fall in love with me after this." Riddhima raised an eyebrow at him challenging to continue and he did……he suddenly changed his mind and went to the drums and spoke "Riddhima this is one of my favorite songs" he started singing hitting the drums……his passion for music clearly visible and soon he was lost in the song and his drum…

Don't, don't want you back

You hit me faster than a shark attack
And you were more than just a pretty face
But how you fooled me, I'm still amazed babe
But I should have known that I would be
Another victim of your sexuality
But now we're done and over with
Don't, don't want you back

Don't want you back
Cuz you're no good for me, I know
That's all I can say
Don't want you back
Forgive my honesty but you gotta go
I don't want you back

You started going out with so-called friends
But I was blind and so I lost all common sense
But there were things that made me realize, realize
Like all the hundred no, thousand lies

Baby, don't bother telling me your reasons why
Just let us sing this story 'bout you and I
Don't want you back
That's all I know (don't want you back, don't want you back)
All I can say
Don't want you back
You know you gotta go

Riddhima was surprised with the song he chose…..even after finishing the song he didn't look up at her but she spoke anyways "You think that THIS song can make a girl fall in love with you……hey it was a nasty choice for such a pretty night. You disappointed me." Riddhima ended in a grumpy tone and then she heard Armaan say "Hey backstreets are my favorite and so is the song and this is the kind of music I like…….why don't you sing and tell what kind of music you like…..oh no I am sorry you definitely can't sing after all you just know how to flaunt your body and walk on a ramp armed with tons of make up……" he ended with loads of sarcasm in his voice.

Riddhima was clearly offended but Armaan felt more offended then she did after all he was accustomed to loads of applause and compliments from girls whenever he sang so he got up to leave the room but stopped in his tracks……….

Riddhima too was highly offended with Armaan's remark and decided it was time that someone taught the spoilt brat a lesson…..she moved towards his instruments and picking up his guitar she sang in not so perfect but sweet and melodious voice and saw Armaan stop on his tracks and turn around……as he heard her singing…


bahut pyaar karate hain, tumako sanam (2)
qasam chaahe le lo (2)
khudaa kii qasam

hamaarii Gazal hai, tassavur tumhaaraa (2)
tumhaare binaa ab, naa jiinaa gavaaraa
tumhe yuun hii chaahenge (2)
jab tak hai dam
bahut pyaar ...

saagar kii baahoin mein, maujein hain jitanii (2)
hamako bhii tumase, muhabbat hai utanii
ke ye beqaraarii naa (2)
ab hogii kam
bahut pyaar karte hain tumko sanam…

Riddhima chuckled when she saw Armaan standing at the threshold of his room with his jaw hanging open….she walked up to him arrogantly…

"So you see……that's the kind of music I like and maybe I am not as good a singer as you are but I sing what I fee……anyways I guess we should go and join our parents." she brushed past him and left his room smiling to himself as he still had his mouth open.


Armaan was stunned when he heard Riddhima singing………that was totally unexpected and out of the blue…….she was as she said not as good as he was but she had a very sweet and touching voice which was still ringing in his ears….she sang a hindi song but her words weren't perfect as she didn't pronounce them correctly and they all had an English touch to it and the accent was also broken but that instead of making her sound silly made her song even more cute……..the song that she chose was beautiful but Armaan didn't hear such songs they always spoiled his mood but he loved the song she sang maybe because of the passion in her voice….……Armaan knew that her song had a number of flaws but he still wanted to hear her sing but one thing was sure that she was quite an expert with the instruments……Armaan smiled at the number of qualities Ms.supermodel had….


Riddhima saw Armaan sitting across her on the dinner table with a foolish grin plastered on his lips…….she was getting irritated by the way he had been looking at her ever since the dinner started……she heaved a sigh of relief when she was done with her dinner and excused herself and went in the direction of the washroom but to her utter dismay she heard Armaan also excusing himself in the pretext of having to make a call and as expected he followed he followed her……..

"Riddhima wait….." Riddhima stopped but she didn't turn around…..she felt Armaan standing right beside her "I am sorry about my rude comment but I am not really used to people criticizing my singing or my taste in music…….you see music is my passion…….my escape…… love……..and……I can go on with the list but I have to tell you that I loved your song though it was a little tainted with your English accent but still I loved it and would love to hear you sing once again……please…" Riddhima smiled to herself but turned around with a solemn expression on her face and she spoke "Don't you believe in love Armaan? The choice of your song was kinda………..rude….ya it was so not sweet…….." Armaan's expression hardened and he spoke bitterly "I don't know what love is Riddhima……I guess I'll start believing in it when I fall in love with someone myself………but I don't know if its ever gonna happen….." Armaan trailed off and Riddhima noticed the change in him and desperately wanted to change the topic and exactly then her cell rang breaking the sullen moment……she quickly took the call without even looking at the caller's name….

"Hello!!" Riddhima spoke into her cell and then she suddenly jumped in joy attracting Armaan's attention who looked at her with curiosity and amusement and then he heard her say "Oh Andy I am so happy and I love you so much for that……………….absolutely Andy……I can never say no to you…….bye."

Riddhima had a dreamy expression on her face but then she realized that Armaan was looking at her and then she spoke to him "Oh that was my photographer. I had done a shoot for this new brand and he called to tell me that it was a superb hit and the public loved it and so did the organizers and I am getting a number of offers…." then she added a little arrogantly "Not that there ever has been shortage of them. I have always been flooded with modeling and acting offers. I think I'll try acting someday." Riddhima had a thoughtful expression on her face but she was snapped out of it when Armaan suddenly extended his hand towards her and spoke in a happy voice "Congratulations Riddhima. I am really happy for you and I have no doubt that you are best model the industry can ever have." Riddhima shook his hand and was touched by his compliment because she had understood till now that Armaan Malik was not a generous man when it came to complimenting people. They both interacted for sometime and then they went back to where their parents were and soon it was time for Riddhima and her father to leave.

"Thank you so much Mr.Malik for inviting us. I had a great time." Riddhima told Abhimanyu Malik in a grateful voice to which he replied "You don't have to be so formal Riddhima and the pleasure is all mine. You made our evening special by your beautiful and pleasant company and I hope to see you here again very soon." Abhimanyu ended with a hint of something that was totally lost on Armaan but not on Riddhima as she was completely aware of the plan cooking between the two fathers.

She saw her father engrossed in a conversation with Armaan's father standing next to his car. She saw Armaan standing in front of her with his hands in his pocket looking very debonair…..she moved towards him and placing a kiss on his cheek she spoke in her same old kiddish tone "Thanks a lot for making the evening so memorable. I had a great time. Hope to see you soon. Goodnight." She gave him a heart-melting smile and moved towards her car.

Armaan gazed at her back and then involuntarily his hand went to the cheek where she had kissed him and he felt her lips……he was about to smile when he suddenly shook his head violently and slapped himself hard and spoke in a low voice to himself

"Dude get a grip…….you are loosing it. You can't let her control your senses like that………I mean common she is not the first girl who has kissed you…………but she is so sweet and adorable… no no dude….this is exactly what she wants……her magic all over you but that's so not gonna happen. I am the boss and very soon she'll realise that" Armaan shook his head violently but then he saw Riddhima and her father leaving in their car and his hand lifted in the air and he waved to Riddhima with a dreamy expression again and a smile……


"Dad please drop me at Priya's house. I am going to stay with her for the night." Riddhima told her father happily and he dropped her at her friend's place.


Riddhima went inside Priya's house and met her parents who told her that Priya was waiting for Riddhima in her room. Riddhima went inside her room and saw her friend standing near the window with a photograph in her hand………Riddhima instantly knew that this was the very guy Priya had been telling her all the time and finally she would get to see him……she rubbed her hands in glee and without making any noise she creeped towards Priya and snatched the photograph from her hands and ran in the opposite direction but she suddenly stopped when her eyes fell on the photograph and she was speechless as she saw that the face in the photograph belonged to none other than…………………….ARMAAN MALIK……


Riddhima stood frozen to her spot then she turned to Priya who was standing right behind her visibly embarrassed on being caught red-handed…..but much to Priya's amazement instead of shooting a tornado of questions Riddhima just burst out laughing and then she spoke after a couple of minutes….

"Oh my god Priya this is your major crush? Armaan Malik….I can't believe that this is the guy that you have been crushing on for like almost a year." Riddhima laughed harder and fell on the floor and then Priya spoke up "What's wrong with it? You make it sound so funny and weird……do you even know that Armaan is the most eligible bachelor in India? Here see this." Priya handed over a magazine to Riddhima and Riddhima saw Armaan's photograph on the front page and their was a lengthy article on how he is a talented and hardworking guy and has won a number of awards in the young achievers category and is also every girls dream with his killer looks…….all in all Armaan Malik is a complete package…. the most eligible bachelor of the nation.

Riddhima was impressed and then she thought… wonder pa is trying to hook me up with him….Riddhima turned to Priya and asked her "So have you told him? Are you two going around?" Priya looked down and then she moved towards the window and Riddhima heard her speak in a very low voice "Ridzie……I and Armaan…..I mean we did……u know we kinda….

Riddhima stood up abruptly cutting of Priya she spoke in a shocked voice "You two slept together?" Priya nodded her head while Riddhima was too shocked to respond.

Man this guy has slept with my friend and here he was flirting with me the whole time…..oh no wait a minute….Priya says she is in love with him but he told me that he is not in love with anyone and doesn't think that he can ever fall in love with anyone….Priya won't do it just for fun. Is Armaan playing some sort of game with her. Oh my god I have to know or maybe she too did It just for fun………I won't spare him if he hurts her in any way.

"Priya are you guys committed to each other? Did he say he will……….."

Riddhima stopped when she saw a tear roll down Priya's eyes. Riddhima quickly walked towards her and before she knew it Priya hugged her and started sobbing in her arms. Riddhima hugged her back and waited for Priya to explain and then she heard her say "Riddhima you remember I told you that I will confess my feelings to him? I had gone to the club to do exactly that when…….


Priya walked into the club and saw Armaan sitting near the bar sipping on a drink. Priya walked towards him and she waited for him to notice her but Armaan didn't. He was busy drinking. Priya moved closer and placing an arm on his hand she spoke "Armaan!!" Armaan finally turned towards her and Priya noticed that he was a little wobbly because of the drinks. "Hi Armaan…..I wanted to talk to you."

"Heyyyyy…..but you are……Riya or nisha or tanya……..hey do I even know you?"

Priya shifted uncomfortably and then she told him "Ya Armaan I work in your office. I am the chief editor. Priya sahni." Armaan nodded his head and gave her a million dollar smile and Priya's face brightened. He suddenly got up and took her to the dance floor where they danced for a long time and Priya told him a nuber of things to which Armaan kept nodding his head and all this time Armaan kept picking up drinks from the waiters around him and kept drinking due to which after some time he felt dizzy and he handed over a key to Priya "This is the key to my room. Room no. 201. I hope you don't mind taking me there?" Priya smiled at him and placing his one arm around her shoulder she took him to the room.

She placed him on to the bed and was about to leave when he grabbed her wrist and pulled her on to him and slurred "Don't go please. Don't leave me alone? I don't want to be alone." He moved a little on the bed and pulled Priya next to him on the bed and placed his head on her shoulder and closed his eyes trying to go to sleep. Priya was all shaken up but happy to be in the arms of the man she loved and then as if on an impulse she faced him and cupping his face she placed her lips against his. Armaan opened his eyes with a jerk but didn't react for a long time but after sometime he grabbed her waist and pulling her close he kissed her back. The kiss was rough and hard and before Priya knew Armaan was kissing her neck and shoulders. Things soon got heated up and Priya lost herself in her passion.

Flashback ends

Riddhima was shocked. Then she heard Priya speak "And next morning….I………… I told him that I love him but he told me that he could never love a girl like me………that am ugly and just because he slept with me doesn't mean that he loves me…..and when I pleaded with him to not leave me he threw a blank cheque in my face and walked out. Ridzie I don't know what to do. He gave me a birth control pill and he was all cool about whatever happened between us." Riddhima was stunned and then she remembered all that had transpired between her and Armaan.

And here I was thinking that he is a really nice guy. He is such a monster. How could he do this to Priya. I know its Priya's fault as well but to humiliate her like that and he gave her a cheque. Who the f****** hell does he think he is? The audacity of that man….I am not going to spare him. He has no respect for women. I hate him so much……I wish I could kill him with my bare hands.

Then Riddhima's eyes fell on Priya who had slumped to the ground crying….Riddhima's eyes filled up. The two people that Riddhima can never see in pain are Muskaan and Priya but at the moment they both were hurting because of the men they LOVED. Riddhima swore that she will teach both the men a lesson .

Coming out of her thoughts she went to Priya and gathered her in her arms. The whole night she sat with Priya in her arms and consoled her promising her that everything will be fine. She moved Priya to the bed and then rummaged her cupboard and as expected she found the blank cheque in the box where Priya used to place all the articles and photographs of Armaan……Priya had told her this once. Riddhima could see how much Priya liked the guy though Riddhima felt somewhere that what Priya felt for Armaan wasn't actually love but still didn't give that guy the right to insult her friend. She placed the cheque in her handbag and taking out a black dress she took a shower and changed and then she went closer to a sleeping Priya and holding her hand she spoke slowly "Priya I promise everything will be fine . I am going to teach both the guys a good lesson. First its Armaan's turn."

Riddhima took Priya's car and drove to Armaan's house. She found the door was open…she didn't knock. She stepped inside and walked into the living room and was shocked when she saw a group of guys sitting inside with VIVEK one of them.

Riddhima felt like she was hit by a boulder as the realization struck her that Armaan and Vivek were actually friends. Her lips curved into a cold smile and then she thought that both friends are the same and maybe that is why they get along so well……..planning strategies for hurting and using girls around them. When Riddhima saw the two men patting each others back every inkling of doubt about Armaan not being fully responsible left her and she clapped her hands loudly.

Armaan heard the applauding and turned towards the door and saw Riddhima standing there. He quickly got up and walked towards her while all his friends were shocked to see the super model Riddhima Carter but then they thought that anything was possibly for the CASANOVA Armaan malik. They all exchanged knowing smiles. Armaan was about to hug her when she moved back and lifted her hand to stop him and then brushing past him she moved towards where Vivek was sitting and then turning around she asked Armaan "YOU both are friends?" Armaan was confused with her behavior but he answered her nonetheless "Ya we are…… in fact we are the best of friends." Riddhima now gave him a bitter and cold smile and then she hissed "Why am I not surprised? People like YOU could be BEST FRIENDS with people like HIM only." Armaan stared at Riddhima totally confused now. But before he could do anything Riddhima walked towards Vivek and grabbed his collar "How dare you hurt Muskaan? You B****** do you even know how much she loved you? You ruined the poor girls life. What did you do that for? Punishing her for falling in love with you when being in love with a scumbag like you is a punishment in itself." Vivek stood up with Riddhima still holding his collar. He could see murder in her eyes but he didn't know how she knew Muskaan. He glanced towards Armaan who understood and removing Riddhima's hand from Vivek's collar turned her around. "Riddhima what are you doing? I don't know what relationship you have with Muskaan but its not Vivek who has hurt her in fact its Muskaan who broke the engagement saying that she didn't want to get married and was more interested in her career." Riddhima lashed out "Oh really……so she broke the engagement but then what did she cut her wrist for? You are such a nice liar Armaan. Trying to defend your friend huh? Muskaan loved this guy with all her might but he cheated on her and she was so hurt that she tried to kill herself." Armaan was shocked he turned towards Vivek and looked questioningly at him but Vivek just shrugged and then Armaan spoke "Vivek why did you lie to me? Why didn't you tell me….." but he was cut off by a furious Riddhima who barked at him "Oh for heavens sake Mr.Malik drop the act. Don't pretend as if you are an angel and had no knowledge about your friends character……..but I am pretty sure that you must be having another convincing and innocent story to tell about your own crimes." Armaan whipped around and then facing Riddhima he spoke "What are you talking about? What crime have I committed?" Riddhima laughed sarcastically and then she took out the cheque and threw it on Armaan's face who looked at the cheque and looking up he spoke in a low confused voice "This is my signature but what is it doing with you?"

"Priya Sahni. Do you even remember her?" Armaan smiled and sat down on the chair and spoke "Of course I remember that s***. How can I forget what a pain she was to handle. I had a one night stand with her and let me tell you she was the worst I had ever been with and the next mor…..

But before Armaan could say anything further Riddhima slapped him hard across his face. Armaan held his warm cheek and stood up with his blood boiling and raging eyes while his friends gasped……no one had ever dared to mess with Armaan Malik and they knew at that moment that the girl will be paying a good price for what she did.


A furious Armaan advanced towards Riddhima and raised his hand to hit her but he stopped mid-way realizing just on time that it was a girl he was dealing with and hitting a girl was so not cool. He balled his fist and then he looked into Riddhima's eyes and last night, their songs, her kiss and her angelic face flashed in front of his eyes and his face hardened…….he lowered his eyes and then he barked into Riddhima's face "Get out"

Riddhima was also burning with anger. She picked up her handbag and was about to leave when she turned around…… "Its not over Mr.Malik."

Armaan just gave her a sarcastic smile. All his friends were shocked that the high and mighty Armaan Malik had done nothing on being SLAPPED and that too by a GIRL. Armaan gave them a look which clearly implied that it would be better if they will leave. They all took the hint and left but Armaan stopped Vivek…… "Dude that girl Muskaan loved you. Why did you cheat on her?"

"Oh common Armaan. I had thought that she'll be satisfied with an engagement and then I'll be able to do whatever I want but no ……. once the engagement was done she wanted to get married so I decided to just forget her for sometime but she caught me with Ana in the Pub and its not my fault that she took it so bad." Vivek ended with a shrug but was shocked when he heard Armaan say "You shouldn't have done that Vivek. That girl really loved you…… were so lucky to have found true love… should have treasured that girl for the rest of your life." Vivek couldn't believe that it was Armaan talking to him………he stared at him…….open-mouthed and eyes widened in shock while Armaan returned his intense gaze and after 5 long minutes they both burst out laughing and Vivek spoke "You had me there for a moment………I mean seriously Armaan Malik talking about true love……oh dude that was hilarious." They both laughed for sometime and Vivek continued "But its really sad that Muskaan and what was her name…….oh ya Priya……came out to be Riddhima Carter's best buds……..I mean now we don't stand a chance with her…..and she was smoking hot…….what a babe dude but you are lucky that you got to spend at least spend sometime with her…..did you guys???/ummmm you know what I mean???" but when he got no reply from a suddenly sullen Armaan he spoke in a disappointed voice "Man if I would have been in your place I would have already s****** her and with her I won't mind doing it again and again……."

But he was cut off by a pissed Armaan "Vivek you can leave now." Vivek looked at Armaan and thought that maybe mentioning Riddhima brought back the fact to his mind that she had just slapped him. He shrugged and left after saying a short goodbye to Armaan.

Armaan paced the living room for a long time……he couldn't help but feel really hurt on being accused by Riddhima. He didn't know why but it suddenly mattered to him that she understand him……….he once again rewinded all the things that had happened between him and Priya and he still didn't get what his fault was……he spoke to himself

"She was the one who had come to me in the club and she was the one who had kissed me. I was just feeling a little down so wanted somebody to be with me and anyways I would have gone to sleep had she not started all that and having sex doesn't make you fall in love with someone……..and with her that sex too wasn't much fun and just because of that b**** I lost Riddhima……I mean not that I care but still….she blames me for everything. I mean fine I insulted her but how am a supposed to treat a girl who just came and did all that with me knowing fully well that I wasn't even in my senses… decent girl would ever do something like that. I have to explain this to Riddhima…… why should I explain all this to her……..she slapped me………called me a liar. One thing that I never do is lie……no matter how major my mistake is……Armaan Malik never lies. Mom hated liars……I love her way too much to lie. Why don't you understand Riddhima and now what am I supposed to do?" Armaan slumped down on the couch and then he ran his hand through his hair. He got up and went to his room and stood before his mom's portrait and spoke "Mom I don't know why but I am not angry at Riddhima when I should be really mad at her……..and I don't understand why but I feel so hurt by her accusations just the way I felt when my teacher had complained to you about me cheating in my exam and you had believed her without even listening to me….but mom that was because I love you….but I don't love Riddhima mom or do I? How can I just fall in love with her. I met her just a day back……..nobody can fall in love in such a short period of time and I had promised to myself never to fall in love again and that is why I made this Casanova image my shield and I had no problems till now……..I know I used all those girls for having a good time but they too had fun on my expenses……I gave them expensive gifts, took them to fancy restaurants and when I dumped them they never really complained……they were always pissed but nothing more then that.

What do I do mom? You are the only one who can help me now. Please show me some way mom." Armaan sat down on his bed and covered his face with his hands in helplessness and defeat.


Riddhima sat in her car reading the papers that contained all the information about Vivek. Riddhima already had a plan cooking in her mind to teach the b****** Vivek a lesson that he will remember for his whole life. Riddhima had an evil grin on her face. She was going to make sure that Vivek never again played with any girl's life but Riddhima didn't know why but she wasn't fully convinced about Armaan being completely responsible for Priya's condition. She banged her fist on the steering wheel of her car in frustration and leaning back on the chair she sighed.

"Why are you so stupid Priya? What were you thinking when you kissed him? That guy was drunk……I know she loves him but still didn't she realize even once where it would lead to? Priya why are u so nave? And I don't even think she loves him……I don't know why but it seems that she is just crushing on him and interpreting it as love. He sure is the kind of a guy any girl would want so what if Priya too is just one of them. I don't understand why girls are so dumb…..whats so special about Armaan Malik. I liked that simple sweet Armaan who I have been with so far and not this rude, arrogant Casanova but I think that's what he is……..a rich and spoilt playboy. Why did he pretend being a good boy with me? Was he trying to trap me as well?" Riddhima smirked and then she spoke a little loudly "Well Well Mr.Malik fooling Riddhima Carter isn't that easy. But should I give him a chance to plead his case?" Riddhima was totally lost when her cell rang and seeing her father's name flashing on it…..she drove home.


Armaan called up his assistant riya..

"Hey Riya this is Armaan here." Riya was about to faint when she brought herself back to reality and remembered that he was her boss and even though he had called her on her personal number it still must be something business related… she finally found her voice and spoke "Good afternoon sir."

"A very good afternoon to you too. Riya I was wondering if you could do me a favour?"

"Of course sir anything."

"Good. There is this Priya sahni working in our office on the post of chief editor. I want you to e-mail me every information about her……her telephone no., her address, her hobbies, her favorite food, her likes and dislikes and every other thing that you can manage. I need it within an hour so you better make it fast. Thanks a lot hun."

Armaan closed his cell and then turning towards his mom's photograph he spoke "You are right mom its time to make amends and show Riddhima Carter how wrong she is about your son. Love you mom. You always help me out of all troubles." He kissed his mom's photograph and switched on his laptop.



Riddhima wore a silver sexy halter tie neck crop top with open split bodice wrapped around her midriff and rest of the back left bare with a sexy low rider shirred black Capri pants and high heels. She wore smoky eye-makeup and a pink lip gloss and tied her hair a little above her shoulders with a few strands touching her neck and her black danglers.

She stood in front of the mirror and looking at her reflection she blew herself a kiss.

"Ridzie darling you look like a killer…..awesomely seductive. Wonder how that guy is going to resist you?" She smiled and then she suddenly dialed a number on her cell

"Hey dude ready to have some fun? Sure be there on time."

Then she made another call…….. "Hey Raj are you ready? Cool be there on time please otherwise you'll loose everything and will also miss out on all the fun."

After ending the call she smirked to herself and moved out of her room only to be face to face with her father. She groaned inwardly and then heard her father's voice "Ridddhimaaaaaa how many times do I have to tell you that don't dress up like this. This is India and here you are not Riddhima Carter but Riddhima gupta. I don't like it when you wear such………"

An impatient Riddhima cut off her father and spoke in a deeply apologetic tone "Dad am really sorry but I am going to a disco and I can't wear salwaar kameez there. Please dad." She hugged her father and placing a kiss on his face she was about to leave when her father spoke up again "Riddhima wait. I won't allow you to go alone. Ask Armaan to accompany you……..I am sure he will love to come with you." Shashank ended with a smirk but was disappointed when Riddhima spoke "Sorry dad but I am not alone Rahul is going to be there with me and as for Armaan……..he is busy with some work. Bye dad I am getting late." She quickly ran out of the house before her father could start with anything new.


Riddhima stepped inside the chic discotheque…….the music loud and the lights blazing……everyone was busy on the dance floor including the guy she was here for. She smiled and moved towards him.


She moved past Vivek who was dancing with his arm around some girl. Riddhima brushed past him and knew Vivek had noticed her but she pretended to not notice that he was there. Riddhima knew that a lot of eyes were on her…….some because she was Riddima Carter while most because she was obviously the sexiest girl in the disco at the moment.

Vivek looked at Riddhima sitting on the bar with a vodka in her hand. He looked at her and was bowled over by her beauty. He was hit sharply by a sense of arousal looking at her bare back…..Vivek's throat went dry. He went to the bar and sat a little away from Riddhima making sure that she doesn't see him. He ordered a shot of Vodka for himself and was drinking it when he saw that Riddhima had already finished 6 shots of Vodka and was now really tipsy. She staggered to the dance floor and started dancing with some random guy who was excited at having her in his arms. Vivek narrowed his eyes at them and thought that it wasn't so bad an idea to try his luck with Riddhima knowing that she wasn't completely in her senses.

He moved towards her and shoved the guy away and spinning Riddhima around he brought her into his arms and started swaying to the music. Riddhima suddenly stopped making Vivek nervous and fearful……….she narrowed her eyes at him and slurred "Hey you are??? Oh I know you are Sam right?" Vivek heaved a sigh of relief delighted that the vodkas were having quite an effect on Riddhima's senses. He quickly nodded his head in agreement and spinned her around……Riddhima gabbed another shot of the vodka and she gulped that down too…..

After some time when Vivek was sure that Riddhima was not in her senses he placed his arm slightly over her hips and brought her close to himself and he drawled "Hey Riddhima you seem to be a little tired…. how about if we go somewhere more peaceful and less crowded?" Riddhima looked at Vivek and grinned wickedly at him and then she spoke seductively "I know what you mean…….take this. This is the key to room no. 111." She leaned closer to Vivek and whispered in a very secretive tone "Its booked in my name……we can do it there." Vivek couldn't believe his luck and the bad luck of whoever that Sam guy was………..he was thrilled that he was going to f*** RIDDHIMA CARTER. He'll flaunt this achievement to all his friends.

They reached the hotel room and Vivek locked the door behind him. The room was spacious and was nicely decorated. There was a bottle of champagne and ice-bucket placed on a table next to the bed. Vivek was delighted and now he realized that Riddhima was not as innocent as she looked.

He saw Riddhima standing next to the music system…….he heard a light sensuous music coming out of the system and then he saw Riddhima dancing lightly to the music……swaying her hips seductively. Vivek was aroused completely and his mouth was watering looking at the sexy figure in front of him. He stopped breathing when Riddhima moved her body closer to his and her hand started unbuttoning his shirt. He was totally paralyzed and couldn't dare to move. He kept staring at Riddhima's luscious lips and waited for her next move.

He was standing bare chested when she pushed him onto the bed with force. She herself moved onto him and heard Vivek gasp as her hands reached to his pant button…….she slid his pant off and then his inner wear and there was Vivek lying totally naked on the bed.

Vivek was now waiting for Riddhima to strip but she just jumped over him with her face near his. She moved her hand from his chest to his shoulder and before Vivek could register anything she moved away like a bolt of lightening and Vivek felt a sharp pain in between his legs. He looked at his crotch and saw the sharp ice lying there and Riddhima grinning wickedly at him. He was writhing in pain and was totally confused when he saw Riddhima open the door of the room……he saw two men entering inside the room. One of the men stripped and was naked the very next moment. That guy walked up to Vivek and laid down over Vivek while the other man started clicking photographs……….

The pain was too much to bear but Vivek was just looking at the man on top of him……….. confused and didn't know what was happening and then it all started registering when he felt the man on him kissing him.

The next moment Riddhima and the other man left the room leaving Vivek with the other guy who was obviously enjoying himself………and then Vivek realized that the guy was a big time gay and with shock and pain Vivek collapsed on the bed.


"Thanks a lot Raj. You guys did me a great favor." Riddhima was standing with that guy outside the hotel room in the corridor while the other guy was with Vivek. Raj was the one who had been serving her plain soda and making it look like Vodka at the bar.

"You don't have to thank me because we didn't do any favor to you. Sam is enjoying himself in there and I have an extremely juicy story for my newspaper." They both hi-fived and left the hotel.


Armaan walked out of his gym room and walked into his bedroom and saw the juice and newspaper lying on the table like everyday. He took the glass of juice in his hand and read the newspaper but the very next moment the glass of juice fell from his hand and crashed onto the floor soiling the expensive rug. Armaan was stunned……he read the headlines again and again in the page3 part


Armaan read the whole article about how Vivek was found in a hotel naked with his gay friend and the two were having a ball when a reporter caught their live performance in his camera as well as recorded a video.

Armaan was number with shock but the next moment he burst out laughing as he remembered Riddhima saying "Its not over Mr.Malik"

She had played a nasty trick but it was a good one. Armaan looked at the photographs in the newspaper and imagined Vivek's reaction and he burst out laughing again. Though Vivek was his friend but the punishment was well deserved.

Riddhima Gupta was not just beautiful and sexy but an unusually smart woman as well and Armaan was in awe of her…….he saluted her courage to do something like this for her friend…..his respect for her grew manifold.



Riddhima came out of her room and saw Rahul and Priya running towards her with the newspaper in their hands and Riddhima instantly knew what the matter was but before she could say anything Riddhima was on the floor with priya over her hugging her tightly.

Rahul pulled Riddhima up, shaking his head at a crazily laughing Priya.

"Oh Riddhima you are too good. The guy is totally finished…..his maid told me that he has been getting calls from so many people and a lot of them well were……ahem….u know gay." with that Priya burst out laughing while Rahul too couldn't help himself and laughed along with priya but they both stopped when they heard a different yet familiar sound of laughter and in no time they knew that the weird laughter belonged to Muskaan and there she was laughing her head off.

Riddhima walked up to her and spoke in a concerned tone "You fine with what I did?"

To which Muskaan replied "Fine…………abey mujhe to mazaa aagaya………kya chalta hai tera dimag. Vivek a gay and may be that's why he turned me down varnaa Muskaan chadha ko to koi reject kar he nahee sakta." Riddhima and Muskaan hi-fived and once again everyone was laughing heartily.

They all went inside Riddhima's room and plopped down on her bed. Riddhima left to freshen up and went inside her dressing room where she stood in front of the mirror…..looking at her reflection. She had a habit of taking all her major decisions standing in front of the mirror and was she was going to take another one today.

"Hmmm…….Vivek is totally gone but what about Armaan Malik? I don't understand what should I do with him and how am I supposed to take Priya's revenge……..and I am not even sure if its completely his fault. Muskaan's case was entirely different but Priya she was…….."

Riddhima suddenly stopped when she heard Priya shouting "What Armaan sent it and he invited me there?"



"Priya you are not going to meet him. Have I made myself clear. That guy insulted you and you still want to give him a chance what's wrong with you women. Maybe he is just going to insult in front of those gazillions of people who are going to be there in that party and here I am planning to teach him a lesson for misbehaving with you like that" Riddhima was really mad at Priya who was planning to accept Armaan's invitation to a party……..

"Riddhimaaaa…..common please let me go……maybe he really wants to say sorry and maybe he realized just how much I love him…." Priya replied in a dreamy tone.

Riddhima sighed in frustration when she realized that it was absolutely no use arguing with her so she spoke with a tone mixed with concern and irritation "Fine…….but I am not letting you go alone. I'll come along but whose your date for the party?"

Priya blushed and looking down she replied "Armaan" Riddhima's eyes popped out when she heard that and now she was even more worried as to what Armaan was planning……….

"Are you sure you want to go?" Riddhima asked Priya who nodded her head vigorously her excitement spilling out. Riddhima's brows furrowed in thought and then her face lit up and she spoke "Fine since you are so eager to go….lets make this event special and make sure that that extremely mean and stupid Armaan realizes just how wrong he was when he called you ugly." Riddhima grabbed Priya's hand and dragged her to her car and drove towards one of the best beauty parlors in the town.

After 2 long hours Priya stood in front of a full length mirror gaping at her own reflection…….She couldn't believe the change that Riddhima had brought in her….her specs were gone replaced by lenses, her eyes underlined with kohl…..and the mascara along with the eye make-up gave her eyes a pretty look…..her lips were covered with a pale pinkish shiny lip gloss and her hands and legs were waxed………they were manicured and pedicure and the navy blue halter neck gown gave her a really sexy look emphasizing her curves in just the right way. She had worn the gown with great reluctance since she was not used to wearing clothes like that but now she was glad she wore it………she wanted Armaan to like her though she didn't look anything extraordinary but at least she looked decent.

She turned around when she heard the clatter of heels and smiled indulgently when she saw Riddhima emerge out of the changing room of the parlor looking stunningly gorgeous and out of the world wearing a very daring and revealing red halter neck mini dress with deep plunging cowl neckline and open strapped with strings giving her a very seductive look.

She suddenly frowned at Riddhima and spoke "Are you planning to seduce someone at the party?" Riddhima chuckled and spoke "Ya I am. I am going to be seducing your precious Armaan tonight." Riddhima laughed harder saying that but stopped when she saw Priya's suddenly upset face. She kicked herself mentally and spoke "Oh Priya I was just kidding. He's all yours babe and Riddhima Carter never eyes what belongs to her friends. This is how I always dress up when going to a party although dad hates it but thats how I am……Remember I am a model." Priya smiled relieved. She had actually started wondering what would happen if Armaan lost his heart to Riddhima who was way better then her and always had men eating out of her hands but she knew that Riddhima would never do such a thing with her because she was a wonderful human being and the world's best friend.

Riddhima snapped her fingers in front of Priya's face and spoke "Stop dreaming about that d*** Armaan and pick up your stuff. Samay will be here any moment."

Priya frowned at Riddhima "Whose Samay?"

Riddhima looked at Priya irately and spoke "Gosh why do you ask so many questions anyways Samay Kapoor is my date." Riddhima gave Priya 'you are so dumb' look and with that she walked out of the door of the parlor after making her payment at the reception desk. Priya who was frozen on her spot quickly ran after Riddhima and then grabbing her elbow she turned her around and spoke rapidly "Samay Kapoor as in the superbly sexy model Samay Kapoor?" Riddhima rolled her eyes and at the moment she really wanted to strangle Priya but she replied in a calm voice "Yes Samay Kapoor and before you ask me anything else let me give you the details…….Samay and I have done modeling together and that's how we know each other besides he is the only guy I know here who has the face and personality to stand next to me though he too is not my equal in anyway but I guess I'll do with him for this event at least. He is a nice guy."

Priya was awestruck. She suddenly realized just how lucky Riddhima was with the perfect looks, connection and a really sharp brain and though she acted arrogant at times Priya knew she had a heart of gold. She was proud to be Riddhima's friend.

Priya snapped out of her thoughts when she heard a car horn and turning around she saw a smashingly handsome Samay Kapoor sitting behind the wheel in his Mercedes with Riddhima already in the passenger seat. Priya too quickly sat down in the back seat after saying a hi to the handsome guy.

Samay drove them to the event and handed the car keys to the guard and opened the car doors for the elegant ladies. He stood between them and stopped outside the hall where Armaan was supposed to receive his date.

Armaan stepped out of the hall and stopped in his tracks with his mouth hanging open when he saw Riddhima in that beautiful and bold red dress and he instantly knew that she'll steal the show the moment she'll step inside.

Gosh man this woman is a killer……….the way she looks can drive anyone totally crazy and now how am a supposed to focus on that girl…..whats her name……..ya Riya no dude it was Siya……..nah it just doesn't click oh just forget it she'll be way too happy to notice anything else……dumb girl…..I wonder how she is friends with this extremely smart beauty with brains Riddhima Carter……but hey whose that guy with her…….dude its Samay Kapoor…….guess he is her date……man Samay your Samay will surely come to an end if you don't get your damn hand off her shoulder……..good you did or else I would have spoiled your oh-so-perfect face…….

Armaan composed himself and walked towards them……

Taira2008-09-15 04:16:49

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