Chapter 2

Taira Thumbnail

Taira Rai


"Hey babe" Armaan hugged Priya making sure that he did not say the wrong name and then he turned towards Riddhima and acted surprised "Hey Riddhima I didn't expect you to be here but good that you came. You look neat and babe you look gorgeous." he gave the last compliment to Priya noticing Riddhima's shocked expression. "Come on in guys." Armaan walked inside with his arm loosely around Priya's waist who was delighted with Armaan's compliment while Riddhima was too shocked to react.

'NEAT' huh what's that supposed to mean? Riddhima Carter always looks the best and he called me just plain NEAT but I am glad he noticed how pretty Priya is looking and he was actually really sweet with her or is it just a faade… he playing some sort of game with her. Guess I'll have to wait and see.

Riddhima walked inside the hall along with Samay only to see Armaan introducing Priya to his friends as if she was his most important guest there. He summoned them to where he was standing and when they were there he spoke "I would like you guys to meet my friends here. This is Atul……….his girlfriend Anjali and this is one of my best buddies Amar…………….and guys this is Samay kapoor- and I know you all know him already and this is Riddhima Carter my dad's business partner's daughter."

Riddhima was surprised at the way Armaan introduced her- he could have called her his friend and anyways people knew who she was pretty well and just then Anjali spoke up "Riddhima you have to know just how great fan I am of yours. I have seen all your works and have even attended a couple of fashion show of yours and I have to say that you always do a commendable job………."

"okay that's it Anjie we are here to enjoy alright so how about if we do just that. You can talk to Riddhima later." With that Armaan walked to the bar with Priya along with him and his other friends following him. Riddhima was mighty pissed at Armaan's rude behavior towards her and she unknowingly missed the cute and caring Armaan she had spent a whole day with…….Riddhima suddenly got alarmed at the direction her thoughts were taking and so in order to escape them she quickly reached the bar and saw that Priya was about to take a drink……..Riddhima quickly stopped her and spoke "Priya I don't think your drinking here is a very good idea coz you know you don't handle drinks very well."

"Oh common Riddhima……I am here to take care of her and you don't have to babysit her. Why don't you just relax and enjoy the party." Armaan spoke with an amused and sarcastic look on his face and Priya just in order to please Armaan drank the contents of the glass in her hand and then they heard the music change and on came a blasting party number. Samay grabbed Riddhima's hand seeing which Armaan did the same with Priya and soon they all were on the dance floor………….

Priya and Armaan were dancing right behind Samay and Riddhima when suddenly a girl came on the dance floor and stood between Priya and Armaan and spoke with her finger outlining Armaan's jaw "Hey handsome………glad u came. Last night was a treat so lets make tonight special as well." Saying that she stepped closer to Armaan and placing her arms around his neck she swayed to the music and took Armaan a little away from Priya who was shocked with what just happened. She saw Armaan dancing with that girl with his arms tightly around her waist….Priya felt her tears threatening to spill out. She looked around for Riddhima but she was talking to somebody on her cell in a corner. Priya was about to get off the dance floor when a hand gripped her elbow and before she could register anything she was spinned around and was in the arms of a tall and handsome guy. She looked up and saw Amar smiling at her upturned face………he bent down near her ear and whispered "I know how you feel. Armaan is in great demand around here and he is just being polite….. I am sure he'll be back soon and till then you can enjoy my company. So I have heard you are working in Armaan's company what post…………….

Soon Amar was busy chatting with Priya who was now comfortable with him but still hoping that Armaan would come back. She didn't like the fact that he just left her like that but soon her attention was on Amar and she was thoroughly enjoying his dumb but funny jokes.

Riddhima saw Armaan dancing with another girl and was really pissed at him….but then she saw Priya dancing with Amar.

I am pretty sure that this jerk must have sent that Amar guy to keep Priya company while he had fun with these dumb girls here………….I don't get why Priya likes him so much………I liked him way better when we had met for the first time……he was so sweet and nice and look at him now behaving like a total playboy with no respect for women……I hate guys like him.

Samay pulled Riddhima on the dance floor and started spinning her around when her hand suddenly slipped out of his and she tripped and banged right into Armaan's chest who quickly moved his arms around her to balance her……She looked up at him looking intensely at her with slight irritation in his eyes…….Riddhima was caught unaware and didn't realize when she started staring at him. She was standing straight but he still had his arms around her and Riddhima could smell the intoxicating cologne of his…….she saw his lips curve into a sardonic grin and heard him say "So Ms.Carter are you going to move back to your partner or you plan to stay here in my arms looking into my eyes for the rest of the night? I know you must want the latter actually every girl does and you are no exception." Armaan chuckled at his own joke while Riddhima looked angrily at him comparing her with other girls and was about to answer back when she was suddenly pushed by a dancing couple back into Armaan's arms……….she was pushed with such force that she banged into him and her lips brushed his bare chest and she gasped…….Armaan too had felt her lips against his chest and had a sharp intake of breath but luckily Riddhima did not notice that. She raised her face and saw Armaan looking behind her and before she even knew it she was pushed away with a slight force and she saw Armaan walking towards a tall brunette ignoring her completely as if nothing had happened between them a moment back…….Riddhima suddenly narrowed her eyes when she saw Armaan hugging the brunette tightly and all of a sudden Riddhima gasped and her hand went straight to her open mouth when she realized that the brunnete was none other then her arch rival Claire Colin.

Claire and Riddhima didn't get along very well - to say the least. Their rivalry had started when Claire was thrown out of an ad campaign and Riddhima was taken instead and after the launch of that very ad Riddhima became the best new face of all brands and was flooded with offers while Claire was out of work for a long time. She held Riddhima responsible for all that and hated her.

She saw Claire walking towards her along with Armaan.

"Riddhima carter am I right?" Claire spoke in a mocking voice and extended her hand towards Riddhima who gave her a cold smile but accepted her extended hand with grace and retorted back "Nice to see you Claire. I see you are friends with Armaan?"

Claire looped her arm around Armaan's arm and spoke in a cheerful voice "Oh I and Armaan are really close friends. I did some modeling for his cosmetic company and we became really good friends at that time and Armaan was THE perfect host."

Riddhima understood that Claire was clearly smitten by Armaan who was enjoying the attention totally. Riddhima was totally disgusted with him and wanted to excuse herself when Samay walked towards them and placing his arm around Riddhima's shoulder spoke "Where have you been? I have been waiti…….." He trailed off when he saw Claire standing in front of them and he quickly stepped towards her and spoke "Claire how are you?" Claire and Samay knew each other and were soon engrossed into a chat session when Riddhima noticed that Armaan was nowhere in sight. She slipped out quietly and walked out and saw Armaan standing on the terrace leaning against the railing. His head was bent…Riddhima had come there to warn him regarding Priya but she noticed that he looked really upset…..She walked towards him and involuntarily placed her hand on his shoulder and was shocked when she noticed him wiping a lone tear from hic cheek. She quickly grabbed his shoulder and turned him around. "Armaan is everything okay?" Riddhima didn't know why she was suddenly so concerned but she just felt the need to know the reason for this sudden change in him and then she heard him say "Its my mom's birthday today." Riddhima's breath stopped for a moment and she quickly looked at Armaan who had tears rolling down his eyes. Riddhima knew that Armaan really loved his mom and was really close to her and before she could even move she saw Armaan walking out of the terrace wiping his tears and she noticed he was holding a beer bottle in his hand.


Riddhima saw the beer bottle in his hand and decided to not leave him alone in that condition.. She saw him walking back into the party hall. He walked towards the bar and was drinking shot after shot of Vodka……..Riddhima was really worried but before she could do anything she saw him walk on the stage and taking a mike from the DJ he spoke into it….

"Ladies and gentlemen………this day means a lot to me…….its my dead mom's birthday today. She is dead but very much alive in my heart while I am alive but as good as dead without her." he stopped and chuckled while Riddhima knew that he was about to do something terrible and she looked around for Priya to stop him but she wasn't there…..Riddhima knew Priya didn't like parties much and so she might have left. Riddhima looked back at Armaan as she heard him speak…

"Exactly 5 years back on this day something happened in my life which I never shared with anyone but I am going to tell………hey who switched off the lights??"

Armaan stopped when the room suddenly went dark and there was no light anywhere. Suddenly somebody grabbed his shirt collar and he felt himself being dragged and was shocked and so he didn't protest nor was he in a condition to…..

After 5 minutes the lights were back in the hall but there was no Armaan and so the DJ shrugged and switched on the music again…bringing the party back to life while Riddhima was still dragging Armaan in the corridor when he suddenly grabbed her elbow and turned her around bringing her close to himself. He looked into her eyes and Riddhima noticed his eyes flickering…..he was probably trying to make out something and suddenly he cupped Riddhima's face and slurred "Why did you leave me Sameera?" Riddhima's head jerked up and she looked at Armaan surprised and all of a sudden she heard some voices from the other corner of the corridor and she instantly recognized them to be of Samay and Claire's and she smirked knowing fully well what they were up to…..but then she realized that she was standing with a drunk Armaan who was still mumbling something. She dragged him with great effort into a darkened passage and was relieved when Samay and Claire walked through the corridor without noticing them.

Riddhima froze suddenly when Armaan's body collapsed onto hers. She pushed him away and placed his body onto a chair and rushed out of the passage and ran to the reception and taking a room key she went back to where Armaan was and placing his arm around her shoulder she took him to the room she had booked.

She went inside the room and closed the door with her leg and staggered with Armaan to the bed who collapsed on the bed immediately dragging Riddhima down with himself. Riddhima was lying beneath him when he opened his eyes and smiled slightly and moved Riddhima's hair behind her ear and again she heard him repeat the same name 'Sameera' Riddhima was really puzzled and intrigued as to who this Sameera chic was? Armaan's voice got lower and lower and his head fell onto Riddhima's shoulder and before Riddhima knew anything he was fast asleep. Riddhima was crushed under his heavy frame…with great effort she pushed him onto the bed and was about to get up from the bed when she felt being pulled back and turning around she saw Armaan holding her wrist tightly. She sighed and dragging a chair she sat down on it next to the bed with Armaan holding her wrist.

She called up her dad informing him that she was staying with Priya and then she just hoped that Armaan's father wouldn't panic about not finding him at home the whole night. She cursed Priya for leaving just like that and that too without informing her and then she claims to be in love with this guy.

Why am I surrounded with weirdos…..Priya says she loves this guy but where is she now when he need her so much….and what's with this guy? One moment he is the sweetest guy and the very next moment he turns into a disgusting playboy……..anyways why do I care….he was so rude to me? And treating me like I was some uninvited and unwanted guest there. But the next moment I see him all broken missing his mom…..gosh its so hard to understand this guy……….and now who is this Sameera? Probably another one of those girls he goes around with…..another entertainment…..and I was actually thinking of him as a sweet and a sensitive guy when I had met him…….humph well this is what he is whether I like it or not….

Riddhima smiled sarcastically and tried her best to get comfortable in the chair and after 30 minutes she fell asleep with her legs on the bed and wrist still in Armaan's grip.


Armaan moaned with pain and tried opening his eyes……he had a pounding headache and was finding it really hard to even open his eyes but somehow he managed to open them and his eyes fell on the girl in front of him sleeping in a chair…..frowning due to the uncomfortable position she was in with her hair covering her face partially. Armaan's eyes widened when he realized that the girl was actually Riddhima and he sat up trying to remember exactly what had happened last night. He felt his hand still gripping her wrist and he immediately let go of it and saw the marks that his tight grip had left. He took her hand into his and rubbed his thumb over the marks and she moved a little in her sleep……he looked at her face and his hand moved on its own accord and removed the hair covering her face feeling her soft skin under his fingers…..he smiled and seeing how uncomfortable she was he stood up and picked her up in his arms and was placing her on the bed when his foot banged into the chair and he fell on the bed with his arms still around her but luckily she just moaned a little and shifted….he slowly freed his arms and covered her with a sheet and again looked at her beautiful face….but then he frowned…. again trying to remember what had happened last night…he just hoped that he had not done something wrong or worse spilled his feelings for her….

Armaan had admitted to himself that he was smitten by her big time but he still could not bring himself to believe that he was in love with her…. He had planned to give her some attitude and stay away from her but he didn't like that one bit….he didn't like seeing her with another guy nor was he very comfortable with mistreating her….the way he pushed her on the dance floor and that too for her arch rival was way too rude…..he always gave a party on his mom's birthday….so that he would not break down but last night he had felt even more lonely…..seeing Riddhima there he had wanted to be with her….talk to her and tell her just what exactly the day meant to him but he decided he would stick to his plan…..he had always mocked the whole concept of love but when he thought of being in love with Riddhima the very thought gave him satisfaction and filled him with happiness but he wanted to be sure of his feelings…..

And even if I am in love with her I don't think she is even attracted to me….she hates me for what I did with her friend but can't she see that it wasn't completely my fault……oh god what am I supposed to do and what if she is already seeing someone????? If only mom was here….she would have given all the answers *sigh* I will have to do something but before anything else I have to find out where exactly I stand in her life and till then I will continue to treat her the same way…..

Armaan got up from the bed and ordered coffee for himself and Riddhima. He took off his shirt and went into the washroom to take a shower.

Riddhima rubbed her eyes and got up only to see herself comfortably on bed and Armaan nowhere in sight…. She heard a knock on the door and getting up she saw a waiter with two cups of coffee…she took them from him and placed them on the table when she saw Armaan come out of the washroom looking all fresh and alert…..

"Good morning" Armaan greeted Riddhima nonchalantly and picking up his coffee he sat down on the chair across her….Riddhima raised her eyebrows at his behavior and when she felt she couldn't take it she erupted "Who the bloody hell do you think you are?"


Armaan raised his eye brows at her probing her to continue and so she did…….

"When we had met for the first time you treated me like I was somebody really special to you and we actually became good friends then I come to know that you have been playing around with my best friend…humiliated her like she is some call girl meant for use and throw purposes……..and then when I confront you about it you act as if it was all Priya's fault and then you throw a party, invite her and when I come along you treat me like filth and make me feel like am some intruder and just when I am happy that you are actually realizing your mistake and treating Priya in the right way….the way she deserves to be treated…..then you leave her in the middle of the dance floor for some clingy s***……then you get my RIVAL in the party. I mean seriously how can you do that to me? You finished our friendship in no time and then you are all over that b**** Claire who is here just to piss me off……you know what I don't care if you are friends with her or you love her….the only one thing I care about is my self-respect and dignity…. And you have been ignoring and insulting me all this time and I was so not in a mood to even talk to you ever but when I saw you on the terrace I felt bad for you and do you have any idea what you did last night at the party? You were so d*** drunk that you went on the stage blabbering about some nonsense and just to save you from all the embarrassment I switched off the power supply and dragged you out of the party before anybody noticed and brought you here when you were murmuring some Sameera chic's name….and then now that you are completely sober and in your senses you don't even have the courtesy to thank me or if not that then at least behave decently to me but no what do you do……again ignore me like I am a big 'nobody'." Riddhima finally paused trying to gauge Armaan's expression but his face was completely expressionless. She sure did see some flicker of emotions but before she could read them they were gone.

While Armaan was shocked when she told him what he was about to do last night at the party and was really grateful to Riddhima for saving him from the disgrace or else all the hard work of showing off as a playboy would have come crumbling down. He then wiped off his face of all the emotions that might have come on his face and heard Riddhima still lecturing him.

Riddhima wiggled her finger at him and spoke angrily standing close to his chair…..

"Mr.Armaan Malik if there is something that I don't appreciate are people who always play around with other's feelings just so that they can have some fun….and…

Riddhima was about to continue when Armaan stood up suddenly standing face to face with Riddhima with her finger touching his chest…..she quickly removed her finger and took a few step backwards in order to create some more space between them but Armaan walked towards her and kept doing it till she hit the wall……he went closer to her and there was barely any space between them while Riddhima was pushing herself into the wall hoping that it would slide back and she would have a chance to escape from all the weird feelings taking over due to the sudden nearness she was sharing with this devil called Armaan…She tried moving out but Armaan placed his hands on both her sides and blocked all her escape routes and for the first time he saw the invincible Riddhima Carter getting NERVOUS and he sure was enjoying this…

Armaan moved his face closer to hers and his nose was touching hers and then he spoke "I am sorry Riddhima…"

Riddhima's head jerked up and due to the sudden movement their lips brushed and Riddhima gasped while Armaan's muscles tightened…..he could not afford to loose himself and so he spoke "That's exactly what you want me to say….sorry…..right but that's something you are so not getting and you know why because its you who should be apologizing to me for being rude to me and shouting on me like that and as for what I did to Priya….well I am making up for that and I did invite her to the party and just because I left her alone for a moment on the dance floor doesn't give you the right to yell at me like that….and ya Clair Colin. Well she is my upcoming model and also a great friend so she is bound to be present at my celebrations……and what else did you blame me of………….ah! Yes ignoring you….." Armaan moved his finger on Riddhima's face and came down to her chin and lifting her face he looked into her eyes and spoke in a deep voice looking into her eyes "Did my ignoring you hurt you so much Riddhima? Did you want me to come and talk to you and be with you the whole time knowing fully about the accusations that you had whirled at me in my own house and the slap that you gave me…….it wasn't just a physical injury but a blow to my ego as well but I had no idea that you'll be so hurt because I thought that you didn't care and the only thing that you care about is your friend's happiness and that's exactly what I was working on. And you brought me here…..well thanks a lot for that but why did you do that you should have just left me like others did….the way your friend did…..she should have been here but she is not….tell me Riddhima why do you care?" Riddhima was frozen at her spot not knowing what to do.

Armaan released Riddhima's chin and starting moving his lips closer to hers…..Riddhima closed her eyes in anticipation but after a couple of seconds had lapsed she opened her eyes to see no one in sight. She looked around for Armaan but did not find him and then her eyes fell on the open door and she realized that he has left…….leaving her there knowing fully well what Riddhima was expecting him… wanting him to do……..

Riddhima covered her face with her hands….she felt mortified and more than that she felt guilty about betraying Priya's trust in her…..she remembered Priya's tense face when she had jokingly told her that she was planning to seduce Armaan and then her words to assure Priya 'Riddhima Carter never eyes what belongs to her friends'…..

Then how could she have behaved like that….she had wanted Armaan to kiss her….Armaan who Priya was in love with….she felt like a traitor and a scum. She closed her eyes and ran her hands through her hair trying her best to overcome the feeling of loss and guilt inside her. She gathered her stuff and left the room.


Armaan entered his room and closed the door behind himself and leaned against it and slid down to the floor. He could still feel Riddhima's soft skin under his fingers and the feel of her lips against his…..only he knew how he had controlled himself from not succumbing to his desires……then he remembered what she had told him about him blabbering at the party and she dragging him out the party…..he knew what he would have spoken about if she wouldn't have stopped him but she was the one responsible for it….if she wouldn't have made him feel all these things all over again then he wouldn't have remembered Sameera….he was never in love with Sameera he knew that but just the fact that he allowed somebody to hurt him like that just made him shrivel up even more and that is why he had been wearing this mask of a Casanova to hide his vulnerable side but with Riddhima he always felt secure and content but he couldn't stop the memories from overpowering him. He still remembered everything vividly…..



Armaan's school bag fell on the floor…..his senses went numb and everything grew blurry and the only thing he could feel was his head spinning and his mom's body lying on the floor covered with a white cloth…..he felt somebody hug him and he heard his dad's voice "Armaan son your mom left us….she left both of us alone…she broke all her promises….she is not going to be there with you now when you won't be able to sleep at night… won't find her cradling your head in her lap helping you go to sleep or making coffee for you so that you can stay awake and prepare for your

exams…..she wouldn't wipe your tears everytime you'll cry for a lost competition…..she would just never be there no matter how much you much need her…..we are all alone son…."

Armaan walked closer to his mother and sat down next to her body and he then shook her lightly hoping she would get up and say that she was playing a prank but she didn't…..he cupped her face and spoke "Mom get up please……I flunked my exam again and my teacher wants to see you tomorrow." He stopped waiting for his mother to continue but when she didn't he spoke again "Mom aren't you angry? Please get up mom……you are scaring me now…..fine I accept that you are way better at pranks then I am now please get up or I swear I am going to flunk the next exam as well…" when his mother didn't get up Armaan got furious he pushed his mother's body with force hoping that she would get up but he was horrified and filled with dread when her body just rolled off the stretcher and fell on the other side and he saw the bruises on her neck and her hands burnt completely….Armaan's father rushed to his wife's body and placed it back on the stretcher and gathered his son in his arms who still hadn't registered that his mom was dead….

Armaan was 15 at that time…..his father dressed him up in a white kurta pajyama but Armaan stopped him and spoke "Dad one of the buttons is missing….we'll have to ask mom to stitch it back." Abhinmanyu couldn't stop his tears but he gripped Armaan's hand and took him along with his wife's body to the crematory ground….after 20 minutes Armaan was taken towards the dead body and he held a log in his hand…its one end was on fire. Armaan, on commands of the priest did every ritual mechanically and left the ground and went back home. He went straight to his mother's room but when he didn't find her there he took off his kurta and placed it on her dresser hoping she would see the button missing and would stitch it back. He left his home for his basket ball practice. Abhimanyu saw the Kurta on the dressing table and cried harder… was Armaan's habit to place his top on the dresser if the button was broken so that his mom would stitch it back when she would see it….

Armaan came back and saw his kurta button in place and smiling he placed it in his cupboard and taking his dinner he went to sleep unknown to the fact that it was his father who had stitched the button. This went on for days……somewhere inside Armaan knew that his mother was dead but at the same time he kept hoping that she would come back when she would see just how much Armaan needs her and so he decided he would keep landing in troubles so that his mom would give up and come to his rescue… the same time he started working really hard in his studies hoping that his mom would be really happy when he would get good marks and would forgive him for troubling her and would come and pat him and hug him and then would never leave him. On his birthday Armaan would get the same cake that he always got which was partially his favorite and partially his mom's favorite and he would wait for his mom but when she wouldn't come he would simply eat his share and place the rest of it in the fridge thinking his mom would eat it later and next morning he'll smile when the cake wouldn't be there thinking that his mom ate it and not knowing that his father distributed it amongst the maids….

This continued for a long time….Abhimanyu Malik knew that he should not do this. He should tell Armaan that his mom is never coming back but he did not have the courage to break his son's heart. So he continued with the drama for years…

It was time for Armaan's graduation…..he had completed his 12th and 10th board with flying colors but he was disappointed when his mom never came…..his friends too supported him and told him that his mom would come back though they all knew that she won't but Armaan was everyone's best buddy and they would not hurt him for the world…..they knew that Armaan was being like a kid….being so old he was still not able to accept that his mom was dead….

Finally Armaan was happy when he had topped the Harvard University and he knew that he had completed his mom's dream and now she will HAVE to come to him…..she'll be too happy to keep up the drama…

Armaan came back to India and went into his mom's room and shouted

"MOM…….look am home and see I have completed all your dreams…see mom I topped my university…..

"ARMAAN!!" Armaan turned around and saw Sameera, his girlfriend standing there…. He walked upto her and spoke "Sameera you are going to meet mom today. She'll be really happy to see you." Sameera was Armaan's girl friend for last 3 years…She had supported Armaan whenever he had broken down missing him mom and she would constantly tell him that his mom was coming back very soon….She was the only one who was so confident but others always said as if they were saying it to simply console Armaaan and that fact about Sameera made him fall in love with her.

Armaan kept waiting for his mom along with Sameera and then the door opened and he saw his father step in. Armaan ran to his father and spoke "Dad where is mom? Please tell her to…


Abhimanyu slapped his son for the first time and gripping his shoulder he dragged him to the puja room where his wife's photo was placed with a garland around it…He barked at Armaan

"Your mom you idiot is dead. She had been dead for 8 years. She never stitched the buttons on your shirts….I did. She never ate her part of cake…..the maids did. She never placed the coffee on your bed side in morning…..I did. I allowed you to live in that fake world you created so that you'll be happy but it tortured me every moment and now you have to stop it…….stop it Armaan for god sake…..she is dead. You were the one who had set fire to her body why the hell don't you accept it. You know it as well as I do. You are 23 years old Armaan…..I don't think you are little boy who doesn't understand what death means." Abhimanya Malik walked out of the room leaving a stunned Armaan…..he turned around towards Sameera and gripped her shoulder tightly "Sameera you know that mom is alive… know she is alive right? Tell me" She shook her head and Armaan pushed her away from himself and ran out of his house. He started his car and left for the beach….he was driving very rashly and then his eyes widened when he saw a truck approaching him on the one-way narrow road….


Flashback continues

Armaan's eyes widened seeing the approaching truck…his hands were paralysed on the steering wheel but within no time Armaan steered the car to the right hand side and stopped it there….he didn't know how that had happened but some force had made him do it……Armaan again felt his mom's presence around him but slowly the fact that his mom was dead was sinking in…..

Armaan leaned his head on the steering wheel of his car and broke down in incessant sobs but stopped when he felt a hand moving on his hand and he lifted his head and saw his mom sitting in the passenger seat of his car……..Armaan suddenly broke into a huge genuine smile….something that hadn't touched his face from the last 8 years….he felt happiness rush through his body….he moved forward to hug his mom but instead she spoke "Armaan son…….you will have to live your life without me from now on but you should not forget that you have to take care of your dad….he too is suffering Armaan….he let you believe that I existed for so long and it tormented his very soul so now you have to make sure that he is happy and is able to come out of his grief….like today you will never run away from your responsibilities son. And never think that I am not with you…….I am always going to be there for you in fact when earlier I was with you only when you called me to you but from now on I'll be watching you all the time and every passing second I'll be there with you….all that you have to do is remember me whenever you need me and you'll find me right next to you…..standing by you through thick and thin. That's my promise Armaan but you too have to promise that you will always take care of your dad…." Armaan nodded his head unable to speak anything…..

"And thanks a lot for fulfilling my dream of seeing you a graduate from the best university and that too as a topper. Take care Armaan and remember I am always there with you." With that Armaan saw his mom disappear into thin air and a tear trickled down his face but he wiped it immediately and smiled realizing the fact that from now on he'll be more close to his mom then ever and now he understood that it was his mom who had saved him from the accident. He also realized that he had always known that his mom was dead but was never ready to accept it… important was his mom to him that he was ready to live in a make-believe world where his mom was still very much a part of his life and he had tortured his father for it and had also made out of himself…..Armaan smiled and then with a new determination he decided that he will take care of his father and will prove him that he is the best son……

Armaan went back home and told his father about all that happened….Abhimanyu felt really worried when Armaan told him about the accident that was about to happen but the concern just grew even more when Armaan told him about seeing his mom in the car and Abhimanyu was scared about Armaan's mental condition and Armaan could see that so he simply hugged his father and assured him that he was fine and will take care of himself and would take of him as well. When Abhimanyu was finally relieved Armaan went to his room to where Sameera was waiting for him and he assured her as well that he was fine and there was nothing to worry about..

Since Armaan's studies were over he joined his father's business and started taking the major responsibilities upon himself…..he also made sure that his father should never be lonely or depressed due to his wife's death. So Armaan would take his dad to dinner, they would play golf together, go to temples and conduct the poojas just the way Armaan's mom used to……..the house was once again filled with laughter and life. Armaan whenever alone would stand in front of his mom's portrait and would talk to her and he would always find his mom responding to her…….his father heard him doing that but he would simply smile thinking that that was Armaan's way of keeping his mom alive in his life……..

A year later it was Armaan's mom's birthday and Armaan was feeling very down and depressed so he decided to go to Sameera's place…..

"Mayank what's wrong with you? Of course I don't love Armaan…….you are the only one I love Mayank but we can't live on love for our whole life and Armaan is the only one who can help make our lives better. That guy is head over heels in love with me and I am sure he will marry me soon…………I know because he is grateful to me for being there with him when he was totally broken by the news of his mom's demise and so I am sure he will never leave me……..ya Mayank he is such a fool…thinking that his mom is alive…..I find the whole thing so funny……and don't worry once we get married I'll get enough money transferred in my name and will leave him…..we can get married and I……

But before Sameera could say anything further she was turned around and slapped so hard on her face that she fell on the chair on the right side of her and turning around she was shocked to see Armaan standing there with eyes that were burning with fire….Sameera stood up and was about to say something when Armaan slapped her again and she fell on the floor

"HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO ME??? I thought you loved me….you were my support and everything I ever wanted in my life…….you… were playing around with my feelings…..calling me a fool when I thought that you were the only one who understood my feelings…… think I was a fool… you even know how it feels to loose somebody you love so dearly? Do you have any idea what I felt when my mom died….a part of me died with her……a part of me still cries every time I get up in the morning and don't hear my mom singing her bhajan's….I hate my birthdays because they were one such days when I and mom would be together the whole day….I cry every night just so that god might take pity on me and send my mom back but I know that's not possible so I consoled myself with the love I was getting from you and dad but no you had to do this to me……..why Sameera?"

Armaan was not angry anymore….he was just so shocked and shaken up that he felt he would collapse anytime…..he waited for Sameera to reply and heard her say..

"Look Armaan I am really sorry but I……." she trailed off not knowing what to say or do…..

Armaan felt his anger returning…….he gripped her shoulders and slammed her against the wall and bringing his face closer to hers he spoke "A fine game you played with me Sameera and how about I tell you just how much you have hurt me……" With that Armaan tore off her right sleeve….while Sameera looked at him shocked, scared of what he was going to do…….she struggled against Armaan's grip and just she felt it loosen she was shocked even more as he threw her on the bed and covered her body with his….he tore of her shirt in the front and was pressing his body against hers with great force……he brought his face closer to hers and bit the side of her neck making her wince in pain….Sameera was begging Armaan to leave her but he was so hurt and angry that it felt like some beast had taken him over and he wouldn't stop without taking revenge….Armaan pulled Sameera's hair and was about to hurt her further when his mom's face flashed in front of his eyes and he immediately got off Sameera and stood up…..he took out his wallet and threw all the money it contained on Sameera's face and spoke "this is all you are worth…..and now don't ever show me your face again…" With that he left her house.

Sameera slid down to the floor and leaning onto her bed she cried for a long time feeling the pain of the bruises on her body……now she felt just how badly she had broken Armaan and felt guilty.

Armaan went back to his house and standing in front of his mom's portrait he cried for a long time not just for Sameera betraying him but also about him loosing control like that and doing something as bad as that and he knew that it was his mom who had stopped him……he kept apologizing to his mom through his sobs and eventually fell asleep…….when his dad saw him the next morning he was instantly worried and armaan told him that Sameera was no longer in his life and how she had been fooling his for so long….Armaan soothed down his father's anger and assured him that he was fine..

From that day onwards Armaan hardened his feelings towards everyone except his father and Atul…..he knew he was never in love with Sameera but was so used to having her around him that he thought of it as love but after her betrayal Armaan would sleep around with women but never felt any connection with them he always thought that women could go to any extent for money and so he would keep buying them expensive gifts….slowly Armaan transformed into a complete Casanova but still there were times when he felt really lonely craving for some real love in his life but he prevented himself from falling for any girl and would live happily with whatever love he got from his dad and Atul….

But Riddhima's very charm and persona was driving him insane and he knew it wasn't plain physical attraction but a lot more then that……..He respected Riddhima for the kind of woman, friend, daughter and a human being she was……no matter how hard she tried to appear she was a total softie from inside……..a really sensitive, caring and a sweet person…..

Armaan walked up to the open window in his room and feeling the fresh air on his face he spoke "Mom your son's finally in love." Armaan smiled and felt at peace after a long time……

While Armaan was smiling standing in his room Riddhima was banging her head against the wall trying to get the feel of Armaan's lips out of her head but in vain….

"Riddhima Carter you have to forget that guy because he belongs to Priya and anyways he is so not worth you…..lets thinks about Samay……ya he is a nice guy….Samay is really hot…Samay has a really unique sense of style……Samay talks well……Samay is a total gentleman…….Armaan has got beautiful eyes….

Riddhima suddenly stopped and looked into thin air and then banged her head against the wall one more time feeling really stupid for not being able to forget Armaan.


"Armaannn!!" Riddhima took a few steps backwards as she saw Armaan advancing towards her…….Armaan placed his arm around Riddhima's waist and pulled her closer to himself and even before Riddhima could register anything he slammed his lips on hers……Riddhima looped her arms around Armaan's neck making the kiss deeper….she opened her eyes a little and closed them again but then she opened them with a jerk and was shocked to see a disheveled Priya standing behind them with her eye liner smeared, her hair a mess and her hands holding a……knife….A KNIFE….

Riddhima quickly pushed Armaan away from herself and heard Priya speak

"I am going to kill you Riddhima…….you stole Armaan from me… are a cheat, a liar and the world's worst friend…."

"Guys I am outta here." Saying that Armaan left the room leaving Riddhima alone with a furious Priya….

Riddhima began "No Priya you getting it all wrong…." But before Riddhima could complete her sentence Priya pushed the knife inside Riddhima's stomach……….Riddhima fell on the floor with blood all around her while Priya was laughing like an evil maniac……She kicked Riddhima's body on the floor




The glass fell from Riddhima's side table as she was banging her hand everywhere restlessly due to the nightmare she was having…..she quickly sat up and wiped the sweat from her forehead….and she started muttering to herself…

"Man what was that all about???? You are dreaming of kissing that idiot Armaan and be another notch in his endless list of conquests…..get a grip girl….there are loads of better looking and better kissing guys out there am sure…..and OH MY GOD Priya looked scary….and she killed me….and that slime ball just left me with her to get killed…..why didn't she kill Armaan….why me??" Riddhima sat with her head bent low totally confused and a little scared with the feelings she was getting…..her eyes fell on the clock and she quickly jumped out of the bed and rushed into the bathroom hoping that Priya would not actually kill her for coming late…..

She took her bath quickly and stood in front of the bathroom mirror…….smiling she told herself

"Riddhima……you are Riddhima Carter the super model….guys are totally crazy about you and please let it remain that way and don't go all bonkers over this Armaan guy…..coz he is mean, rude and a playboy…..yes and he is so not worth your time….so now its fixed that you are not going to think about him again and have fun with Priya…"

Riddhima smiled at her reflection and stood with a determination to not think about the devil Armaan for the rest of the day…..




"Oh I am really sorry…..damn you…… now what are YOU doing here?" Riddhima looked irritated at Armaan……..just when she was sure she had forgotten him….BANG he is there again to haunt her and what was she supposed to do now……there was no getting away from this guy…..he is such a pain…

Armaan looked at Riddhima totally confused and slightly hurt as to why she was so frustrated at seeing him here……wasn't he allowed at the mall….

"What happened? Miss. High and Mighty seems to be in a bad mood today and not that there is anything new about it……coz I don't know about others but with me you are always either sulking or yelling….and why are you so surprised? You don't think that the extremely dashing Armaan Malik is forbidden from coming at public place in fear that the girls might loose their senses gawking at my handsome face?" Armaan gave a cheesy smile to Riddhima getting back a dirty look and then she retorted "You are seriously delusional….and thats the worst cheesy line I ever heard of."

Armaan chuckled and picked up the handbag that Riddhima had dropped when he heard her cell ringing inside it…..Riddhima quickly took the call

"babe where are you? I have been waiting for you from an hour……………WHAT….you can't come and you couldn't inform me on time………fine go to hell." Riddhima threw the cell back in her hand back and taking a sigh decided to be polite and answer Armaan's questioning look directed at her….

"It was Priya. I had to do some shopping so I had asked her to be here since I hate shopping alone but guess what she has some important work to do and so she can't come and she informs me after making me wait for an hour."

Armaan smiled at her kiddish behavior and spoke "If you don't mind I would like to stay with you since my friends are not going to show up for quite some time."

Riddhima looked at Armaan and did not notice anything suspicious about the proposal he made so she agreed.


"How about this?" Riddhima turned towards Armaan only to see him not paying any attention to her at all……..she looked at the mother son pair he was so intently looking at…..

"What are you looking at Armaan?"

"I miss my mom." Armaan stated simply and Riddhima was touched by his simple admission and she thought that he looked cute when he said that….she cupped his face and spoke "Armaan what do you miss your mom for……don't you know that when people die they get more close to us and are always watching us so for your mom's sake smile and keep smiling….ya like that." Riddhima pulled Armaan's cheeks into a smile but after a couple of seconds she removed her hands realizing what she was doing. She turned around quickly and started looking through the dresses while Armaan's smile just got deeper and deeper.

After 20 minutes Riddhima was done with her shopping surprising Armaan as according to him girls took an eternity to complete their shopping but as usual Riddhima proved to be different.


They went and sat in a restaurant across each other.

"Can I ask you something?" Riddhima asked Armaan hesitating a little coz now that they were sitting across each other and not FIGHTING…..she was reminded of the last conversation they had and she felt a little awkward.

"Sure. Go ahead." She snapped out of her thoughts and continued

"Armaan. Why were you ignoring me on the party that day?" Armaan looked at her slightly taken aback. He decided to tell her the truth and looked straight into her eyes and spoke "I was hurt Riddhima because of the accusations that you made at me that day….I mean yes you were right that I behaved in the wrong way with Priya but I did not really believe that she loved me…..I thought that she was trying to trap me for my money like all other….how was I supposed to know that her feelings for me were genuine. You did not even hear my side of the story and declared me as a low life scum…."

Riddhima looked apologetically at him and placing her hand over his she spoke

"I am sorry Armaan…..I guess my better judgment was clouded by my love for Priya…Won't you forgive me Armaan?"

Armaan looked at Riddhima and smiling mischievously he spoke "Only on one condition."

Riddhima narrowed her eyes at him and raising her eyebrow she probed him to go on

"You will have to be the main model for our upcoming fashion show and also for the catalogue that we'll be making for our new set of garment that we are going to launch…and yes you'll have to do some photo shoots as well."

Riddhima looked at Armaan amused at his comdition and then she spoke "Do you even know what you are asking for? Directors, ad agencies, photographers, companies all crave to work with me…..sending me offers everyday…trying their best to convince me but I work with only the best….

"And I am offering you the best Riddhima. Enigma is one of the best fashion houses and trust me when I say that working with us will simply add to your reputation…..and don't make it sound as if you are doing me a favour by agreeing to it because this is just a prize that you have to pay to get Armaan Malik to forgive you." Armaan lifted his head proudly while Riddhima chuckled and spoke

"Fine Mr. Malik I am ready to work with you…..though I should be grateful because I get your forgiveness but still I just want to tell you that once the news is out about me working for your fashion house…..your fashion house will touch a new league and will be in news all the time." Armaan considered what she was saying and nodded his head at her realizing that she was right…..he had made the offer because he wanted to spend some more time with her and have her close to him all the time but now that he thought about it… seemed to be a really profitable venture and Armaan knew his dad would be delighted to hear the news.

They both walked out of the restaurant and went to the parking lot but suddenly Riddhima stopped and turning towards Armaan she asked him "Hey weren't you supposed your friends?"

Armaan smiled cheekily and spoke "I said that so you'll let me stay with you. I mean I didn't really want to go home and so……"

He trailed off while Riddhima gave him a comforting a smile and bidding a cheerful goodbye at him she moved towards her car while Armaan stared at her back delighted by the progress he has made with her.

And now he was desperately waiting to start this new assignment while Riddhima too was very excited about it but what she didn't know was that she was not the only one working on the modeling assignment……Claire Colin too was a part of it.

Armaan went home and gave his dad the news about Riddhima working with them on their new assignment and as expected Abhimanyu Malik was delighted not just for their financial profits but also about the fact that now Riddhima and Armaan would spend a lot more time together……


Riddhima knocked onto Armaan's cabin and walked in when he allowed……

She was impressed by his cabin. It was very neat and clean with all the files in their places and the furniture stylish and sophisticated…..

"Have a seat Riddhima." Armaan smiled at Riddhima and sat down next to her in front of his table……

"So are you excited about the new assignment."

"Excited…….am desperate to start Armaan…. Modeling is my passion which I have not done for quiet some time so am really eager to get started but ya I had to tell you that I have called up Andy and he'll be here within 4 hours….I had called him tomorrow itself."

Armaan frowned and asked Riddhima "Whose Andy?"

"Andy is my photographer Armaan, in fact he is a superb photographer…the most sought after and its not easy to get him so thank me for that….." Riddhima smiled at Armaan who was still frowning "But Riddhima we have good photographers here."

"Oh Armaan chillax….Andy is special. When you'll see the photographs you'll know what I mean……his photography is magical and you are going to love it."

Armaan sighed and did not argue any further. He was explaining the whole assignment to Riddhima when they heard a female voice yell "ARMAAN!!!"

They both turned towards the door only to see Claire standing there……Riddhima's jaw dropped to the ground while Armaan stood up with a smile on his face. Claire ran to Armaan excitedly and hugged him tightly…..Riddhima got up and pulled Armaan away from Claire and stepped between the two and spoke "What are you doing here?"

Armaan looked at Riddhima trying to figure out what was wrong with her while Claire gave a dirty look to her and spoke "Don't you have any manners Carter? And who are you to ask me what I am doing here?"

Riddhima regretted getting so impulsive but luckily for her Armaan intervened at that very moment and spoke to Riddhima "Riddhima, Claire is also working on the same assignment…. Claire why don't you go and check out the dresses and I and Riddhima will join you within five minutes…." Claire smiled and moved out of the cabin…..

Armaan looked at Riddhima and quickly took a few steps backwards as he saw her enraged expression…….and NOW he remembered what he had done…….gotten the biggest of enemies to work together……

Riddhima was breathing heavily while looking at Armaan with daggers in her eyes……

Gathering a lot of courage Armaan spoke "Riddhima I am….."


Armaan too was angry now…….first she gets her own photographer without his permission and now she is commanding him to throw another model out……she had no right to decide that……..fine she was THE best model but if she wants to work with him she'll have to work on his terms…..

"Riddhima I can't do that and you'll have to keep your personal problems aside for this….."

He was once again cut off by Riddhima "PERSONAL PROBLEMS…..there are no personal problems here……she hates me Armaan and if she works with me she will make sure she makes this my worst modeling experience ever….. She has tried doing that before and she'll try again…….."

Armaan stopped Riddhima by placing a finger on her lips and then gripping her shoulder he spoke "Relax!! I won' let her do any harm to your work I promise…..besides you are going to be the lead model and won't you enjoy being superior to Claire in this assignment."

Riddhima thought for a while and looking at Armaan's pleading eyes she agreed…..

They both exchanged a smile and Armaan took her to the costume place….


As soon as Claire saw Armaan and Riddhima entering she walked towards Armaan and linking her arm with his she spoke "I love your collection Armaan….its amazing. I am impressed."

Riddhima walked towards the collection leaving the two behind and checked out the designs and the fabric….. Armaan walked up to her with Claire still clinging to his arm "Do you like the collection Riddhima?"

"Hmmm…..Wow Armaan. Its really nice…."

Just then Armaan's assistant walked inside with some documents in her hand……Armaan gave one file to Riddhima and the other to Claire….. They both were reading the file when Armaan heard Claire almost yell

"WHAT THE F*** IS THIS???? RIDDHIMA IS THE MAIN MODEL???? WHAT IS THIS ARMAAN???" Riddhima smirked while Armaan rolled his eyes wondering what mess he had gotten himself into…..and now he had no idea what he was supposed to say…

"Look Claire….. I know you two don't get along very well but please I request you guys to behave maturely. And Claire you have to agree that Riddhima is leading the success charts currently and is in great demand….. The public world over is crazy about her and so her being the lead model will help a lot… have your own qualities Claire… you are a senior in the field and we definitely need your experience here and you are also an established name so having you is a bonus here….." He looked at Claire's not so pleased face but he'll be damned if he took any nonsense from the two models here….. He was the boss and he'll decide how things are going to work. They might be the best but they are not the only ones.

Claire finally agreed….she couldn't afford to displease Armaan and no matter what she pretended to the world…. The fact was that she was out of work and somewhere inside she knew that Armaan too has given the assignment for friendship sake. She had no choice but to put up with Riddhima.

He got the papers signed and sitting in his cabin he explained them the whole assignment. They were about to complete the discussion when Riddhima suddenly stood up and spoke "I am sorry guys but I have to go. I have to pick somebody from the airport." Armaan knew Riddhima was talking about Andy her photographer so he decided he'll accompany her and this way he'll get to know what kind of a guy they were hiring….

"Riddhima wait a moment…..Claire I have told you pretty much everything. We have read the documents as well and rest I'll tell you at the location tomorrow." Claire smiled at him and standing up, much to Riddhima's disgust, she placed a kiss against Armaan's cheek and left the cabin but not before giving Riddhima a cold stare….

Riddhima quickly turned towards Armaan and spoke "Did you see that?? Did you just see that???"

Armaan raised his eyebrow at Riddhima and spoke "Saw what Riddhima?"

"Claire's face when she left…. Didn't you see she gave me the coldest look ever??"

Armaan rolled his eyes and spoke "Stop it Riddhima. She didn't do any such thing. Stop being paranoid."

Riddhima banged her foot on the floor like a little kid and left the cabin….Armaan smiled at her kiddish behavior and then ran after her to catch up with her.

She was about to get into her car when he yelled "Wait I am also coming with you."

Riddhima did not say anything and simply got into the car and opened the passenger door for him….. Armaan grinned and got into the car but before Riddhima could start the car he held her hands and turning her to himself he held his ears and spoke "I am sorry."

Riddhima pouted at him but looking at his puppy dog face she caved in and gave him a sweet smile. She started the car and drove to the airport.


Armaan and Riddhima got out of the car and Riddhima looked her door and was about to turn around when a hand went around her waist and she was lifted in the air…… Riddhima was spinning around giggling when Armaan saw her and also saw the tall, broad guy holding her…….he gritted his teeth and wanted to punch the guy black and blue but some how he held himself back…..

"OH MY GOD!!! PLEASE STOP IT ANDY. my head hurts." Andy placed her down and turning around she hugged him tightly.

"Oh man I missed you.." Andy told her holding her shoulders.

"I missed you too Andy…. I saw you at the award function on T.V. So you won the award again huh?"

Andy flashed his dashing smiled at her and placing a kiss against her cheek he spoke "All thanks to you missy. They selected me for your photographs…. I think we make a deadly combination together."

"Of course we do. And now we are going to show that very magical combination to people in India. And here meet Mr. Armaan Malik, owner of the fashion house Enigma and our boss….. And Armaan this is the magician photographer Andy."

Riddhima introduced the two and they both shook hands….

"There is another person with me Riddhima." Andy told Riddhima in reply to which she simply raised an eye brow but before Andy could say anything Riddhima felt someone hug her from behind "Hey its me…"

Riddhima's eyes widened when she realized who the voice belonged to….it was none other than her boyfriend Kevin….

After giving Riddhima a bear hug and a light kiss on her lips he moved towards a very angry Armaan who felt like he could do a murder or two at the moment…..

He extended his hand in front of Armaan and spoke "Hi! I am Kevin…. Riddhima's boyfriend."

Sorry guys for the boring part but it was supposed to be longer but i am running out of time and couldn't manage anything more than this but i promise the next part will be mighty long....Do leave your comments.
Taira2008-08-28 09:21:00

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