His Sweeter Side

3 years ago

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In night Taani sleeping with Sharon,she was silently crying today events was so painful for her.

She cried over her fate,first Fate had snatched her parents from her,her brother cancer and her chacha family to whom she trusted most also ditched her.

She want to kill herself,but for her brother she have to live there is no one for him except her.

Same time she recieved a msg

Come outside I M waiting for you 

She remove her tears,tie her hair and go outside.

Taani: Rey,what are you doing here,

Rey: come to meet you I bought something for you.

He show multiple ballons to her.

Her face get light up seeing ballons.

She snatched them from Rey hand like a baby and fly all ballons one by one.

Rey face also light up see her happy with his hand he remove her tears.

Rey: you were crying.

Taani noded her head in no.

Rey: don't lie,I know you were crying.

Taani nooded her head in yes.

Rey: than cry, cry Taani aj apna Sara Dard Apne ansu me bha du,khte h rone se Dil ka Dard halka ho jata h,tum bhi apna Dard Apne Dil se Khali kar do, aaj meri sari shirt bhiga do.

She start crying hug Rey,his shirt become wet bcoz of Taani tears after half an hour she become calm.

Rey continuesly crassed her hair.

Rey: feeling better now.

Taani nooded her head in yes.

Rey: Taani always remember I m there for you, you are not alone in this world or you don't have trust on me.

Taani noded her head in yes.

Taani: I trust you

Rey hold her hand,made her seat in ground and seat next to her.

She kept her head on his shoulder.

Rey: let's count start trust me you will feel very good.

Taani: when I was kid I liked to count stars.

Rey: than let's become child.

Taani noded she and Rey start counting stars.

Rey: There are 7 stars.

Taani: yes they are sapthrishi most beautiful stars..

Rey nooded his head.

They sleep in same position in ground,with Taani head on Rey shoulder.

In Jodhpur 

A man slapped someone.

Man: don't you know how to treat kids,he is just a five year old and you slapped him how dare you.

He take kids in his arms sorry beta, see uncle is there for you,now no one going to hurt you.

See I bring a chocolate for you.

Kid: uncle I want to go back to my home,but this uncle bought me here.

Man: what this uncle bought you here forcefully.

Kid noded her head in yes.

Man: what's your name baby.

Kid: Priyansh..

Man: what a beautiful name, I promise I will send you back to your home.

Priyansh: Really uncle promise,this uncle is so bad pointing towards man who kidnapped him, I M missing my Mumma and papa.

Man: yes but first you have to eat this chocolate tomorrow you are going to meet with your parents so don't want to celebrate with sweet.

Priyansh take chocolate and eat.

He take two bites and become unconscious..

Man laid Priyansh down on floor.

Man laugh evilly: I don't understand why you beat kids,they are so innocent it's very easy to fool them with little fake Love.

Don't forget this kids are our lottery ticket,

Other man: eww I hate there unnecessary crying..

Man: keep your anger in bay,we are earning in crores daily bcoz of this kids only.

First we have to win there trust.

Other man: I will try.

Man: let's drink today again we become successful.

They both laugh evilly and start drinking.

In morning.

Taarey was sleeping,Sharon come there do fake cough.

They both open there eyes,

Sharon: Tea for you both .

Taani and Rey take tea from her.

Sharon: pls come inside.

Rey: Sharon actually I have to go home for waking up Ananya but promise I will come to meet you.

Sharon: to meet me or Taani

Rey ruffle his hair

He took his car keys and left.

Taani goes inside Sharon flat.

Sharon: he really loves you.

Taani: it's not like that..

Sharon: really I see whole seen in night,in night I found empty bed from other side and come outside in search of you and see how he bring ballon for you,how he calm you and you also love him your eyes telling.

Taani: Maybe but.

Sharon: what but,just say yes to him for marriage

Taani: but I M already married.

Sharon: what..

Taani told all truth to Sharon.

Sharon: what you even dont know his face right..

Taani: yes our village is very backward in marriage we are not allowed to see face of groom and bride.

Sharon: this type of backward village still exists in world.

Taani: yes

Sharon: that marriage has no value,see that person never wanted you,he leave you in wedding night, you people don't have any physical relationship too,he Never consider you as his wife and you also never loved him,you decided to accept him just for your parents happiness not with your heart.

Taani noded her head in yes.

Sharon: but you love Rey,your heart love Rey so accept him,he love you so much Marriage means where two person bound with soul did you ever accepted that man with soul.

Taani denied..

Sharon: and what your soul think about Rey..

An automatic smile appear on Taani face while thinking about Rey.

Sharon start singing : Ho Gaya h tujhko to pyar sajna..

Taani: you re right Sharon,she hid her face in her palms shyly..

Same time bell rings.

Sharon open the door and see Rey and Ananya there.

Sharon: Rey Subha to tum ghar wapis gye ho or ek hr bad phir,Sharon gave teasing look to Rey..

Ananya gave him questioning look..

Ananya: in night you were here.

Rey: actually,I 

Ananya: in his ear come to meet bhabi aww,my brother become mad in love she laugh teasingly.

Rey gave her just keep quiet look.

Sharon: pls come inside..

Rey: just come here to pick you both for college.

Sharon: oh ok.

They all seat in car where Taarey start stealing glances to each other..

Ananya and Sharon both noticing this and become happy for them..

Ananya: What do you guys think about Sunday outing remember our plan.

Sharon: yes

Rey thinks this time Taani need to come out from her pain and it's his responsibility to gave happiness to her..

Rey: I M ready.

Girls face lighten hearing him.

Rey look at them and smile appear on his face by looking at there happy face..

Rey: so where you, people want to go.

Taani: beach,

Ananya: shopping..

Sharon: club.

All tell different places and look at each other.

Rey: we will go every place first we will go to beach,than shopping and in night club what say.

All girls become happy...

They reached college..

All come out from Rey's car but some unpleasant surprise waiting for him.

Sumit is waiting for Taani.

Taani avoid him but Sumit hold her hand.

Sumit: Taani come back home, who will going to pay your fees,your friend why you becoming burden on your friend,food, shelter, dress everything comes from money.

Sharon: Mr.Sumit Shekawat so Money minded you are but I M not for me money don't matter in front of relation.Taani is my friend and I M ready to pay for her so better you leave from here and one more thing Taani is not burden on me,she is important part of my life.

She hold Taani hand and goes inside her class.

Ananya also left for her class.

Rey come towards Sumit.

Rey: just stay away from her otherwise you will regret,and this is my last warning to you.

Rey leave from there.

Sameer watching all this and think what's the matter,he is burning in fire of revenge,

He goes towards Sumit.

Sameer: Hi,I M Sameer.

Sumit: Rey rival brother, right.

Sameer laugh and noded in yes.

Sumit: so why you coming in front of me just leave kiddo.

Sumit start leaving.

Sameer: I M not kiddo,I will destroy Rey,I M burning in fire of revenge,and I want to burn Rey's all happiness from him.

By listening Sameer, Sumit turn back goes to Sameer.

Sumit: wow pure evil you are like me.

Sameer nodded yes.

Sameer: so partners in the our mission to destroy Rey.

Sumit agreed.

They both shake there hands with each other.

After college..

Rey comes to pick Taani,Ananya and Sharon.

Taani: I want to eat barf ka gola.

All of them agreed .

They eat barf ka gola..

Taani open her purse and see her bag is empty she don't have any money.

Rey sees this and paid the bill.

Rey hold her hand take her side and gave money to her.

Taani denied to take money from him Sumit word start ringing in her ear.

She decided to do something.

Taani:I don't need money,if you have any part time job in your company than gave me..

Rey noded her head in yes.

Rey: I will tell you in evening.

But now pls keep this..

Taani: but.

Rey understand she is feeling uncomfortable in taking money from him,but he don't want her to ask money from anyone.

Rey:take this,I will deduct them from your salary.

She agreed,he put money on her bag..

After eating barf ka gola they all seat in Rey car 

Rey drop Taani and Sharon to Sharon home and than he leave with Ananya for his home..

Sumit and Sameer seating in One hotel.

Sameer: wow Sumit bro you are more disgusting than me,you tried to harm your own sister,just for some property.

Sumit: looks like you don't need my help..

Sameer: I need your help, dangerous person you are,the person who don't have any mercy for his sister you are pure evil and for destroying Rey pure evillness is needed.

Sumit; you want to destroy Rey and I want Taani property, Rey become hurdle in between Taani property and me.

Sameer: we need to find his weakness and money is not weakness,we need to find something important thing about him which will shake his life

Sumit: leave everything on me,Money Rey ki kamjori ho na ho meri jarur h or uske liye me kuch bhi kar sakta hu.

Guys do tell me how it is do like and comment,I M updating it daily atleast gave some encouragement,

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Comments (14)

Taarey scenes were so awesome. Hope Taarey be safe from whateve Sumit and Sameer is plotting

3 years ago

Awesome update... TaaRey scenes are just amazing. The way Rey made Taani release her pain & be with her in that time shows his love for her... Sharon teasing Taani is cute wants to know Swayam's reaction. Love Sharon's answer to Sumit... So Sumit & Sameer are going to plot something against TaaRey and is there any connection of them towards Jodhpur scene... Waiting for next update

3 years ago

Love Taarey Sean and ye jodhpur Ka kya chakkar h ? I am confused. Sameer and sumit is up to some thing. Update soon

3 years ago

Superb update. The evils have teamed up together. But I'm sure till Taarey are together they'll face everything. What role does the people from Jodhpur have? Eagerly waiting for the next. Do update soon.

3 years ago

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3 years ago
