Will Thapki fall down from the terrace and die on 'Thapki...Pyaar Ki'?

Read on to know...

Colors' popular show 'Thapki...Pyaar Ki' is about to witness a major drama!

As the title goes, Thapki will land into trouble as she is about to fall down from the terrace! However, she will fortunately get a hold of the railing of the terrace.

Our source informs, "Thapki (Jigyasa Singh) will go on the terrace to save Ram Pyaari(cow) but she herself will get stuck. She will fall in a trouble but somehow, will get saved as she will hold a grip of the railing. After a while, the family will be worried to find her missing and will start looking out for her. Whereas Thapki will be unable to shout for help, as her voice is temporarily gone. But luckily the family will reach at the terrace and see Thapki hanging and rush towards her."

Well how can our HEROINE die when her hero Bihaan (Manish Goplani) is there to her rescue. Yes! Bihaan will rush towards her and save Thapki from falling down.

But the drama doesn't ends here....

While everyone will be seen consoling Thapki, Vasundara (Jaya Bhattacharya) will tell Thapki that she could have died today, had they not seen her, so its important for her to call for help. She will then tie the cow's bell to Thapki and ask her to ring it whenever she wants to call for help. After being humiliated by her, Thapki cries and gets disheartened...

What will happen next...to know, kindly keep reading this space! 

Your reaction

Jaya Bhattacharya Thumbnail

Jaya Bhattacharya

Ankit Bathla Thumbnail

Ankit Bathla

Jigyasa Singh Thumbnail

Jigyasa Singh

Manish Goplani Thumbnail

Manish Goplani

Thapki...Pyaar Ki poster

Thapki...Pyaar Ki

Colors thumbnail


Comments (11)

I-SunShine_Soul Thumbnail



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1 years ago

I-SunShine_Soul Thumbnail



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1 years ago

Love bihaan and thapki, only dor bihaan i watch this show he is best

8 years ago

Bihaan -hero oh my god???? It is so stupid..still I m supporting this serial only bcoz of dhruv's true love towards thapki... What they are trying to say from this serial??..they had made a big mistake by making thapki to marry bihaan and dhruv with shraddha ..vasu will get be punished for her evil intentions by shraddha but y dhruv needs to be punished.. Again a non sense serial without any logics at all..Finally They are wasting the talented actor Ankit's career

8 years ago

waiting fr dis scene ^_^ Manish Goplani and Jigyasa Singh

8 years ago


u guys are so cute...Manish Goplani and Jigyasa

8 years ago

Waiting for some good Bihaan-Thapki interaction from all this drama!!

8 years ago

b oh for God's sake ram pyaari is goat not cow -_- how in the world would cow go up to terrace and then risk to fall too? IF... lol /b

8 years ago

pyaar ka dawa karnewala Dhruv kahan hai?

8 years ago

Feel so disappointed in this show, it used to be so good at the beginning but now it's just like any other saas bahu serial...
Why is vasundara so dumb even after seeing that video she believed shraddha how dumb. Stopped watching it now..

8 years ago

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