Shweta Tiwari to feature in a dance face-off in Naaginn..

Naaginn adds another feather in the cap in the form of Shweta Tiwari who will be seen in the serial very soon.

Kasauti Zindagi Kay may have come to an end, but it does not indicate the end of Shweta Tiwari’s television career. The effervescent actress will now be seen performing in a dance face-off with Shayantani Ghosh in Zee TV's Naginn.

Shweta Tiwari plays the role of queen Surmaya of Trikund Lok. Her character is very haughty and arrogant who puts up a dance competition with Shayantani Ghosh, who plays Amrita in the show.

Speaking to the Telly Buzz team about the upcoming episode, Shayantani says, “This dance competition episode is a one week-end episode. Shweta plays the role of an evil queen and I need to get a fruit to gain my powers, which is in her garden, but she refuses to give it to me. When I tell her that I am an Ichadaari naginn she challenges me to a dance competition.” She further adds, “Ultimately I win the competition and Shweta gives me both the fruit and her kingdom, but I refuse to accept her kingdom. All I tell her to mend her ways and be more kind-hearted to her people.”

“It was an awesome experience working with Shweta Tiwari”, says an exuberant Shayantani.

Well it sure will be a great experience and treat for the viewers to watch the two ladies give each other a good competition.

Reporter: Hiral Anju Bhatt
Author: Melanie

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Shweta Tiwari

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Comments (8)

Shweta is a great dancer!!!!
Shweta Tiwari is da BEST!!!
Shweta U ROCK!!!

12 years ago

Shweta is a too gud dancer..
Love u shweta..

14 years ago

Very odd that Akshay Kumar is missing from the list..when he acted very well in all the four movies this yr...Nammaste London, Hey Baby....Bhool Bhuliya...and most recent Welcome....

16 years ago

Shweta is really beautiful and a wonderful actress as well. Good to see her in Naagin. I hope she signs a new show soon.

16 years ago

she luks so beautiful , sweet n cute i lvoe her alot...all the best

16 years ago

omg omg i was soo sad when kzk ended coz im a big fan of shweta but this is indeed a great news cant wait for it

16 years ago

Naaginn rocks....can't wait for the epi to air:)

thanks for the info

16 years ago

wowwww shewtazzz dancee ooooooo koollllll ha

16 years ago

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