Romance and supernaturalism blended on the upcoming show Aanamika

After rolling out a successful Aahat on Sony TV, from Monday you will have yet another supernatural serial Anamika on the same channel

"There are more things in heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy," Hamlet told Horatio, when Horatio (in William Shakespeare's Hamlet) was being skeptical about ghosts. 

Maybe rationalists like Horatio may raise an objection to a supernatural serial even going to the extent of accusing the show makers of encouraging the spread of superstitious beliefs; but the fact is that eerie shows like that of Mano Ya Na Mano, Fear Files, Aahat, Haunted Nights etc have attracted mass popularity. In Sony TV's upcoming show Anamika  they have blended a love story with a supernatural plot.

Childhood sweethearts Jeet (played by Mudit Nayar) and Rano's (played by Annie Gill) blissful relationship is threatened by Anamika. When both are on the threshold of marriage Anaamika enters Jeet's life and charms him threatening the very foundation of their love. Anaamika, this mysterious 'other woman' is no ordinary woman but a chudail. She is scaring the hell out of their family by making mysteriously ominous appearances and creating havoc.

There are many Indians who are constantly subject to the fear of buri nazar where they believe that too much of happiness in one's life is bound to attract wrath and jealousy. The creatives said that Anamika is based on a true story of a family based in Punjab which suffered inordinately because of a buri nazar cast on them. The cast and crew added that they did believe in it and didn't rule out the possibility of misfortunes happening in their lives induced by a buri nazar.

The creatives intend to build up eeriness with subtlety instead of abiding by conventional methods like loud performances etc. They are working on building up fear and dread through devices like artistic photography instead.

We asked Mudit Nayar and Annie Gill what they would do if a chudail really entered their lives. Annie replied, "I will start laughing." Mudit joked, "I will ask her to leave me and take Annie instead." 

Vikas Seth, Producer, Trishulla Productions said, "Both Mahesh and me would like to thank Sony TV for giving us the opportunity in presenting a unique storyline Anamika as our maiden production venture. We hope that the hard work of the entire team at SET and at our end is appreciated by trade and audiences at large."

Anamika besides Annie Gill and Mudit Nayar also has Madhu Malti, Sonika Gill, Namrata Dhanija, Deepak Dutta and other actors as a part of its star cast. The show debuts on Sony TV on November 26th, Monday and will be telecast from Monday to Thursday at 8pm.

Reporter and Author: Pallavi Bhattacharya

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Mano Ya Na Mano - 2 poster

Mano Ya Na Mano - 2

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Aahat - The All New Series

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Fear Files

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Sony TV

Comments (17)

intrstng show...luvd it will definitely seee evrydy..

11 years ago

This show is very interesting!! Cant wait till the next episode!!

11 years ago

@Cutie4197 -- yes, krishna cottage...tnks...

saw d first epi of animika...kinda interesting...might watch

11 years ago

dear mods, please open the show's forum soon.

11 years ago

@gwynn24 d name of dt movie was krishna cottage... :)

11 years ago

story sounds like dat sohail khan isha koppikar anita hasnandani film...cant remembr d name..K..something...had some nice songs.

11 years ago

waiting for the show...

11 years ago

I m excited for the show.. Bring it on Monday :)

11 years ago

waiting for it/...egrly...supernturl tdka...onohhhooo

11 years ago

sounds nice! will surely watch this one!

11 years ago

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