Preity excited to be in US

Actress Preity Zinta is happy to be in US and will be attending the Spring Charity Ball.

Film Ishkq in Paris

Actress Preity Zinta is happy to be in US and will be attending the Spring Charity Ball.

The Spring Charity Ball 2014 began in California, US, March 1 and will conclude Sunday.

"Always excited to be in the US even though the flight feels longer everytime. Hope I make it to the Spring Charity Ball without passing out," Preity posted on Twitter.

The 39-year-old had earlier said that she feels "totally zonked" because of the jet lag and wished she was attending a Sleeping Beauty Ball.

"Landed in California and it's pouring down rain. Now in SFO and (I) am totally zonked with the jet lag. Wish was attending a Sleeping Beauty Ball," she posted.

The actress was last seen on the silver screen in her maiden production "Ishkq In Paris", which didn't garner much success at the box office.

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