NDTV Imagine's Ramayan sees the entry of Ravan...

From June 2nd, Catch the series of events that leads Ravan into the story of the Ramayan as the well known actor Akhilendra Mishra is all set to play the pivotal character...

Commencing June 2nd, NDTV Imagine’s Ramayan presents the start of a hugely significant chapter, as Ravan the demon king of Lanka makes his first appearance on the epic show. While Lord Ram and Sita are getting accustomed to their life in the jungles during the 14 year Vanvaas, a situation arises wherein Ravan makes his entry in the guise of a hermit asking for alms, and Sita crosses the 'Lakshman Rekha' resulting in Ravan abducting her.

The well-known actor Akhilendra Mishra will essay the role of Ravan. The actor has played a variety of characters in both television as well as bollywood, but the role that gave him name and fame was Kroor Singh crooning his favorite dialogue ‘Yakku’. He was also seen in various movies like Lagaan and Ganga Jal.

So, as the actor returns to television in one of the most famous roles and in one of the biggest epics, we sure hope the audience appreciates this new persona of his.

Don't miss the beginning of this momentous stage of the Ramayan starting June 2nd, 2008 at 9:30 p.m. only on NDTV IMAGINE.

Author: Melanie

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Akhilendra Mishra

Comments (3)

he fits the look of Ravan, let's see if he can do justice to the role!!

16 years ago

I LOVE the show RAMAYAN sooooooooooooooooooooo much but i really don't want the entry of ravan so soon,

wanna see more n more of RAM-SITA SCENES !!

I don't like akhilendra mishra ,but lets see tht portrays the role of ravan at his best ,he is a fab actor .

16 years ago

oh this is that guy from lagan who used to predict things..lolz...he was also in swades...and dat famous paanch ad for coco-cola with aamir khan

good casting...though i don't watch ramayan anymore after seeing the first few episodes.i was disappointed...d old ramayan was much better and realistic..but i was wanting to see who will don ravan's role cos its an integral and amazing character in the epic...plus the one who played ravan in the old ramayan was a terrific actor

16 years ago

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