'My family means the world to me' - Sharad Malhotra

The heart throb of millions, Sharad Malhotra, shares his passions and stress busters, the way he relaxes after a day of hard work and much more...

What are you passionate about?
I am passionate about my work.

What fires up your passion?
When I probably read my fan mails, or when I see a smile on my mom's face after she's seen me do a good job.

What do you normally do as a way of relaxation after a long day of shoot?
I go out for a long drive with my friends or I catch up with a  nice movie or dinner. If I am really tired, then I relax by sitting by the seaside.

What's your stress buster?
There is no particular stress buster as such, but sometimes when I am tired after a long shoot and my mom calls me up or I hear my niece laugh on the phone, it relieves my stress a lot. Something that soothes me is a big stress buster for me.

You think shopping eases your stress?
Yes I enjoy shopping. I usually go alone and randomly pick up clothes for myself. I do believe that retail therapy is stress busting, but when you get the bill after shopping, it adds to your stress (laughs).

How do you chill out?
For me chilling out time is always when I am not shooting. I get up at around 2 or 3 in the afternoon, have lunch and then plan out something with friends, maybe hang out at some nice place with something nice to eat. I usually avoid calls when chilling out.

What are your Hobbies?
Marshal arts and traveling. I have recently started to learn horse riding too.

If given a choice to make a career out of your hobby or passion, what would you choose?
Well, I am passionate about whatever I do. And like I said, I am very passionate about my work. Meeting my fans, seeing a smile on my mom's face drives me to work harder on my passion.

What are your priorities in life?
My family is my biggest priority. Initially when I came to Mumbai it was work, but slowly I realize that there is nothing without family. You might be the most successful man on earth but if you don't have your family to share your success with, you are no one. Such success is worthless.

Do you consider exercising as a good stress buster?
I love exercising. I have been regularly working out in the last couple of months and have even appointed my own personal instructor.

Who is your biggest energy booster?
My mom.

Reporter and Author: Ranjini Nair

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Comments (27)

aww.. he is so sweet n adorable..


15 years ago

awhhh ..how sweet.. he''s such a cutieee = ) .. & ii loved when he was like '' i like shopping & it''s stress busting .. but when you get the bill after shopping, it adds to your stress. LOLL : )

15 years ago

these people dont even know how to spell 'Martial Arts!!'

15 years ago

awww soo cute...he loves his mom alot^_^

15 years ago

Good Answer
i like the way u work and u enjoy doing ur work....

15 years ago

that's so sweet! great interview!


15 years ago

thanks it was great to read!! he looks really cutre inthe pic!!!

15 years ago

aww he is choo chweet and i luv his acting

15 years ago

Cool article!!

LOL he is passionate about his work? Isn't Divyanka a big part of his work ;) haha

15 years ago

aww he such a mommies boy that so cute !!

15 years ago

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