Kunwar Amar: Age is just a number and it’s kind of a blessing to understand that

Kunwar Amar shares that each birthday means more opportunities to learn.

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Kunwar Amar

Age is just a number, as it’s not how old you are but how good you are that matters the most. Kunwar Amar shares that each birthday means more opportunities to learn.

“So until I was 30’ I thought turning 30’is a very big thing, and it kind of makes your life a bit complicated but now as I have crossed that age, I can absolutely say that age is just a number and it’s kind of blessing to understand that, you are always going to be as young as you feel from within, nothing changes that fact. As you grow, you see the real side of life you become more Real and understand that life is not only about parties and money and other materialistic things,

It’s much more than that, you become more spiritual and learn to have gratitude, so I personally can tell you with all my experience that age is just a number, and no one should worry about getting old,” he says. On being asked about being part of the hit show Anupamaa, he says, "It has added to my career graph. The feedback has been superb".

The generation gap among the generations has increased. “About the generation gap, yes it has changed but a big reason behind it is that people are less interested in marriages. Also, they don’t want kids for a long time after marriage, I didn’t see if it’s right and wrong but they’re definitely a change, I am 34 and love my life and career” he ends.

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