Interview with Eijaz Khan

Interview with Eijaz Khan

Tell your about your role is Bhavra?

I am supposed to be a regular guy with big dreams and high aspirations who wants to make it big in life.  And I know that it's not going to be easy the regular way so I adopt an unconventional way.

How did you get the role?

I guess Mr. Darmesh Darshan had seen me somewhere and after that he called me up. He had got a keen eye; he knows which characters he wanted to cast and so there was no screen test!
On working with Darmesh Darshan you feel?

Very lucky! I know I am coming from television and it is difficult to get a foot hold or even get an entry into the film industry. Darmesh Darshan was convinced enough with his subjects and his convictions that he can carry this off with basic actors, who know the “ABC” of acting. If we did not excel in our craft, he would show us the way to do a scene. It requires a lot of guts to take all four not really newcomers but somehow people who have been in the television industry but not a part of the film industry. So hats off to him.It was lovely working with him, we learned a lot. I learned a lot in regards to my acting, my work and even my personal development. He was a friend, director and a guide. He is one of the few film makers who is so passionate about his work that everything else is over shadowed by his this passion, so it was a little difficult to match up with his passion and we tired our best to do that.
How was it working with Manav, Shveta and Sangeeta Ghosh?

It was brilliant; I haven’t worked with anyone of them earlier. With Manav, we hitted off immediately, we have same liking, the thought process are the similar and even during the scenes we kept on helping each other. We had a lot of fun in Goa together, we had an out door schedule there and we still keep in touch.

With Shveta on the first day itself, there was an intimate scene. I didn’t get a chance to know her better but we were compelled to know each other fast and better. We had a lot of scenes together and some intimate scenes also. It is very difficult, maybe I am a little old school guy I feel a little odd and awkward doing intimate scenes, I tried to make her as comfortable as possible and she tried to make me as comfortable as possible as if you get awkward and odd on something, it would really ruin everything, but she didn’t, she really took care of everything. It is very easy for a girl to take offense, when  doing a kissing scene or something, like you are over stepping the line or you not going right but we were very okay and comfortable with each other. She is a dancer and even I am a dancer and we had a dance sequence together and we had a lot of fun.

Sangeeta is a very fine actor and I was pleasantly surprisedby her acting progress, all these people are my seniors, they have been in the industry for only 3 and half years and I think, I am for 6 months or a year I didn’t even get any line, with Sangeeta acting comes very easily, she gets into the character so easily and so naturally that all you have to do is react with her. I had a lot of emotional scene with her, volatile scenes which would, might have got over the top but everything was restrain and everything was nice.
Over and above, a very fine experience with them, which I’ll never forget.
Any special or memorable moment during the shot?

Plenty some worth mentioning and some not worth mentioning…
During the first day of my shoot I was very much wound up because I was waiting, and anxious for the film to start as it was only in talks for a long time. I almost didn’t do the film due to some reasons, so during the first day of my shoot I was very wound up and Darmesh Ji had to really tone me down and hold me back. He had a talk with me at night to set things right, so the first day of my shoot I will never forget because it was the de-structuring of Ejaz Khan.
What can the audience expect from the film?

Well it's a typical commercial entertaining Dharmesh Darshan film.

What does the crystal ball show in the near future for Erjaz Khan?
What kinds of roles are lined up in the future?

Every kind I haven’t restricted myself to anything to any role in TV also negative, positive and weird stuff , so here also, I think whatever excites me. I am a very easy going person I don’t run behind a lot of things.

Sign off note and any message for your fans?

Thank you very much for still being there because I have almost been out for a year and half by now but I am thankful that I am still in your good wishes and let’s hope that this new venture of mine will be right and it will be taken in the right spirit. Most of my fans will be surprised by my character as it’s quite bold, so take it with a pinch of salt. It’s very real today’s character and all of you will relate to it and I just hope you love the film, we have put in our best.

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Eijaz Khan Thumbnail

Eijaz Khan

Dharmesh Darshan Thumbnail

Dharmesh Darshan

Sangeeta Ghosh Thumbnail

Sangeeta Ghosh

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