'I am done with reality shows' - Sweta Keswani

The Daring person that she is, Sweta Keswani is fighting against all odds and dancing her way thro' in Nach, with her partner Alex...Here is Sweta speaking her heart out...

From spending hours day-to-day learning different steps and spending time to perfect them, Sweta Keswani and her partner Alex in Nach Baliye are having a tough time getting accomodated to the harsh schedules. As it is for every reality show, lots of time and effort has to be put into the process, and it seems like all this work is piling up too heavily for Sweta. Let's see what she has to say about her journey on Nach Baliye so far...

How has your experience been in NB till now?

It’s been very stressful. We spend most of our time on rehearsals, and if we aren’t rehearsing, we are promoting the show, or giving interviews, and stuff like that. I’ve hardly had anytime for anything. I am done with reality shows. I cannot cope up with hectic schedules and the politics and the melodrama in it. We are just doing our best in each round and consider ourselves lucky if we will even make it to the next round.

Who according to you is your toughest competitor in NB?

Alex and I are our own competitors. We just try to improve ourselves with each performance. Everyone here is an awesome dancer, and we honestly aren’t. So we just give it our best shot and make sure we improvise from our last performance. Come on yaar, who can compete against Rakhi Sawant? It’s like Prabhu deva competing with high school kids. Seriously, its feels like Alex and I are high school students among all these awesome dancers, we are just trying our best, and I guess that’s what matters.

How much time do you both give for rehearsals?

It gets very tiring; we rehearse for like 6 hours a day. Its easy for the chorographers, and the other participants, because they are used to all this, for us it just gets too difficult. My whole body starts paining end of the day, and then still you need to be on your toes to promote the show and stuff. It just gets too much.

How do you manage with Alex, who doesn’t understand hindi?

It gets very difficult. That poor guy rehearses the lines before and after practice, and tries his best to remember everything and have the correct pronunciations. I felt really bad today, that he wrote out the lyrics and stuck them on the walls of the rehearsal hall last night, and today morning, the cleaner came and removed the papers. Alex spent his time again trying to write out the words.

What do you think is the strongest point of ur jodi..

It’s Alex! Alex is the reason why we are here today. He puts in much more effort than I do. And honestly, him being a foreigner is the biggest USP of our jodi. Otherwise, no body would have paid any heed to our jodi. But I guess, as people get used to him doing well, and mouthing the words, the craze will die out.

When do we see you in a new show? Any new assignments, in the near future?

Before Nach Baliye, I was doing Mohalla Mohobbat wala, where I was a salsa teacher. Trust me; I don’t know anything about salsa though. It was just plain old acting there, nothing else. I didn’t have any salsa trainers in the show, I wish I did, things would have been easier then. And about the future, well, I really don’t know how things are going to go after Nach Baliye, lets see, what’s in store for the future.

How do you cope up with the stress and tension of the show's eliminations?

I don’t pay any attention to what’s going on in the show. We are here to do our part of the work, and that’s it. The back biting and the negativity and media stunts and stuff – I can’t cope up with all of that. Alex and I are here to have fun and that’s it.

Any message for your fans?

Thank-you, everyone for being there for us, keep enjoying us on the show. And if we’re doing well, please definitely vote for us.

Well Sweta, we commend you for still committing to the show even after doing so much work, and we wish you and Alex all the best for the upcoming rounds in Nach Baliye. Keep up the good work, and don't give up!

Reporter: Hiral Anju Bhatt
Author: Ammu

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Prabhu Deva Thumbnail

Prabhu Deva

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Rakhi Sawant

Comments (11)

tfs...shes so damn sweet n normal...hope she gets through...

16 years ago

I hope they'll make it to the next round.

16 years ago

after reading this interview i'll vote for her cos i love her down to eath quality

16 years ago

Vove her committment yaar... She really is working it out... And such a wonderful jodi too... Way to go Alex

16 years ago

nice artcle even though alexx is not an indian but from america. he does a very good joband I'm surprised to see him dance very well they are putting their heart and sould to their performences they should be proud of themselves.

16 years ago

they sure are working hard...best of luck to em

16 years ago

gr8interview...thanks.....very good answers by shweta.

i really like alex and shweta on NB3,they are my favourite jodi....wish them all the best.

16 years ago

great artical
love her honestyyy

16 years ago

one of the most straight forward interview i have ever read

16 years ago

Sweta seems real and thats nice and refreshing, where most of the other jodi are about the media hype and dramatics. Wish her and Alex all the best on NB3!!!

16 years ago

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