Comedy Clones in Salaam-E-Comedy Awards...

NDTV Imagine's 'Salaam-E-Comedy Awards' to be aired on September 7th at 8.30 PM will see clones of popular mega stars performing on stage...

NDTV Imagine’s ‘Salaam-E-Comedy Awards’ to be aired on September 7th at 8.30 PM will be one fun-filled affair!!

And making their presence felt on stage will be the clones of all the popular mega stars such as Amitabh Bachchan, Dharmendra, Mithun, Dev Anand, Salman, Shahrukh and Aamir who will perform on stage to an overwhelming response from the crowds who go berserk! Post their performance, they sat among the audience and became a part of the enthusiastic crowd cheering the rest of the performers of the evening.

The Awards has an eminent panel of judges from the industry like Ketan Mehta, Kundan Shah, Honey Irani, Sudhir Mishra, Satish Kaushik and Ashok Pandit who have shortlisted the nominations for the various award categories and will decide the winners.

Tune into NDTV Imagine’s ‘Salaam-E-Comedy Awards’ on September 7th from 8.30 PM.

Author: Srividya Rajesh

Your reaction

Amitabh Bachchan Thumbnail

Amitabh Bachchan

Dev Anand Thumbnail

Dev Anand

Kundan Shah Thumbnail

Kundan Shah

Satish Kaushik Thumbnail

Satish Kaushik

Sudhir Mishra Thumbnail

Sudhir Mishra

Ketan Mehta Thumbnail

Ketan Mehta

Honey Irani Thumbnail

Honey Irani

Satish Thumbnail


Ashok Pandit Thumbnail

Ashok Pandit

K Pandit Thumbnail

K Pandit

Comments (1)

will definetl7y watch it thanx 4 informing

16 years ago

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