Ashiesh Roy gets back to his first love

Ashiesh Roy takes a four-month sabbatical from television to return to his first love – theatre…

Television actor Ashiesh Roy who earlier been seen in Burey Bhi Hum Bhale Bhi Hum and Aek Chabhi Hai Padoss Mein, is now on a hiatus from television to focus more on theatre.

The actor loves to perform on stage so much that he didn't think twice before setting aside four long months, from his shooting schedule for an interesting play. "It's always tough to make time for play rehearsals as every television actor has very hectic shooting schedules nowadays. Tough, but not impossible", explains Roy.

Ashiesh Roy took a 4-month break from television to prepare for his new play Wife Time Trouble! The concept of drama is very unusual and totally stands out from the story ideas presented in television. "It's a matter of choice, really. To be in the rat race, I still have to be a rat, don't I? Well, I'd rather not!" smiles Roy. "I was missing theatre, and when my friend and theatre producer D.S. Pahwa asked me to help him put together a play, I got hold of another friend Janak Toprani, and the three of us developed this bubbly romantic comedy, which is now ready to open."   

According to Ashiesh, Wife Time Trouble! – which premiers on November 28th, is not an out-and-out comedy, but a probing look at the modern marriage, warts and all. "This is a universal theme," observes Roy. "Marriages get into trouble mostly because of lack of communication, and the underlying message in our play is that both husbands and wives have to continuously scrape the dust of time away to rekindle the romance and beauty of marriage."

When asked about the interesting title of the play, Ashiesh laughed, "Well, 'Wife Time Trouble' is a story about that wonderful, maddening institution called marriage – a look at the funny side of the trials, tribulations and joys of marriage. Janak came up with the title, and we all loved it!"

Doesn't the funny title have a ring of truth to it?

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Comments (3)

I still remember his evil act in banegi apni baat as abhishek long back when he was young...gosh nostalgia

14 years ago

Hope you have a fabulous birthday, Ms. Bhonsle

And many thanks for some very wonderful songs!!!

15 years ago

Happy Birthday to her.

Hope she has many more to come.

15 years ago

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