A full-length biopic on Sambhaji to be completed in 18 hours!

Mumbai, Aug 9 (IANS) Is it possible to complete the shooting of a feature film in 18 hours? Three Marathi directors are set to make it possible.

Mumbai, Aug 9 (IANS) Is it possible to complete the shooting of a feature film in 18 hours? Three Marathi directors are set to make it possible.

Ramesh Salgaonkar, Satish Randive and Bhaskar Jadhav have decided to make a biopic on Chhatrapati Sivaji's son Sambhaji. They have vowed to complete the shooting of the three-hour movie, titled 'Raigad Gato Sambhu Gatha', in just 18 hours.

What is the hurry to complete the movie's shooting in 18 hours?

'Nobody anywhere in the world has done it before. So we have taken it as a challenge to accomplish the feat. And, of course, to create a record,' Jadhav told IANS.

But in trying to do that, will they not be compromising on the movie's quality?

'No, we will not do so. Although there will only be 18 hours of shooting, we have been preparing for the movie for the last six months - putting in place the last details, including the logistics,' said Jadhav.

According to him, 10 units will work simultaneously on different locations. The location sites have been chosen close to each other, so that the travel time is cut short.

'Ten units, which will shoot simultaneously, have been briefed about the shoots thoroughly; so there is no question of shooting on any location getting disarrayed,' he explained.

The historical movie is being produced by the father-son duo, D.D Yende and Sujit Yende, on a budget of Rs.10 million.

A historical on such a small budget?

'Yes, it is possible because we will be shooting non-stop only for 18 hours and on the actual remains of the Maratha forts in and around Satara in western Maharashtra,' said Randive.

Noted cinematographer Ishwar Bidri is the director of photography. Nine other cinematographers will work under his supervision.

'To manage the artistes on locations is a tough job. But we three have ensured that everything goes according to plans when the camera rolls for the movie next month,' Randive piped in.

The movie shows Sambhaji's crowning in 1681 after his father's death and how he resisted the invasion of Mughal emperor Aurangzeb into the Maratha kingdom and how he fell prey to the marauding Mughal army and was executed in 1689.

While Sashank Kolhapurkar will play Sambhaji, Pradip Pawar will play Sivaji. Sudhir Dalvi has been roped in to play Aurangzeb.

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