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Minionite thumbnail
Posted: 3 months ago

Originally posted by: carisma2

Dearest and Pyaariest Shreya.

I didn't want to disturb you, but unfortunately I may just need a few minutes of your time. 

I really thought about this, and bhai mere tho pahle hi nahin par rahi yeh baat. 

I showed it to some people and they laughed at ne.. 'Cari you know this has no meaning... then why are you showing it to us'. 

So to save me from more zilathi from my friends and ruswayi and all, would you kindly elaborate on this. Tum hi samja dho yeh riddle. 


So when does one explain, before rule breaking and tag you... that I want to write this can I? 

But what if your intent isn't rule breaking, then how can you explain a crime when you don't even know you are commiting one. 

See please do clarify.. because there are plenty of people actually bashing and rule breaking, un bicharon ka bi balaa hojayega.  

By all means any other mods following this rule, or understands this rule.. feel free to explain.. when does one explain a rule break, before breaking the rule when they don't know they are rule breaking.. 🤔?

You got me on this Shreya,  what a riddle. Shreya 1, Cari 0. Even Einstein Cari can't resolve this paheli without your input. 


I didn't say you can't talk about it nor try to explain it, but that explaining it away by pretending it is something else is very easy. I simply made an observation. I did not stop you from PMing me and trying to explain your side. We welcome this. You've done it many times before and we've had conversations about it.

carisma2 thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 3 months ago

Originally posted by: Minionite

I didn't say you can't talk about it nor try to explain it, but that explaining it away by pretending it is something else is very easy. I simply made an observation. I did not stop you from PMing me and trying to explain your side. We welcome this. You've done it many times before and we've had conversations about it.

I tried to PM, it wasn't going thru. Maybe u will need to send me a PM first. 

Technical difficulties you know. 

'Pretending', these are strong allegations. Have they been proven? No they still sit in the assumption status. 

Show, how can that be related to looks. Show is a word for display of performance. 

Lazy, everyone knows and there are memes of him being a lazy actor,  the actor admits it himself he doesn't like working. 

fungus on a plop means entirely insignificant. 

For the love of God, how am I pretending?

When the text blankly reads, due to his laziness he puts on a crap show and has become extremely insignificant.  

Compared to others how many movies does he do? Hardly... he's practically retired. 

So it's not my fault you can't or got moderator can't understand the text. You just want to presume the worst.  But saying I'm pretending is an allegation. A defamation as such.  When have you known me in the past year to really insult or bash anyone? I'm the coolest on bwf forum,  I always speak up for actors when they are bashed.  Ialways find good things to say wherever I can. So where is this coming from?


Vijay, I would appreciate if you can look at this text. Tell me does that in anyway look like I'm insulting his looks or acting and more so his bad attitude to acting.  I'm explaining my written literature and I do not think it's fair that Shreya keeps using degeretory words against me such as pretending,  making excuses... 

I'm sure you all are seeing this.

And yes Shreya you want this in a PM, so that no one has to see the type of things you write back with.  I'm kind of cool to address them here, if it's all the same. I'm not sure I want to be privately abused.

Edited by carisma2 - 3 months ago
carisma2 thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 3 months ago

Originally posted by: vijay

I've reviewed the post in question and want to address the language used. Referring to someone's appearance as 'fungus on a plop' is disrespectful and unkind. It's important to remember that such comments are not only about public figures but also about individuals with feelings and dignity. 

While we encourage open discussions and personal opinions, it's crucial that we maintain a standard of respect and decency in our conversations. Our community thrives on positive interactions and respect for all individuals, regardless of their public status. Let's ensure our forum remains a place for healthy and respectful discourse.

I agree... totally. 

Had that comment been about his looks. My comment in the above comment box again explains it.  Fungus growing on a plop means becoming insignificant. It's a metaphor not a description of looks. 

No disrespect... fungus on a plop.. doesn't automatically mean about looks. I'm sorry but your disection of it is incorrect too.

Yes but if you think I'm harsh on my comment on his acting,  or lazy attitude, then change the WL spec to bashing an actor for his performance.  I'll accept that happily. 

Edited by carisma2 - 3 months ago
Viswasruti thumbnail

Helping Hands

Posted: 3 months ago

We have shifted the relevant posts from the GA to this thread for any further discussion.

Edited by Viswasruti - 3 months ago
Minionite thumbnail
Posted: 3 months ago

Originally posted by: carisma2

I tried to PM, it wasn't going thru. Maybe u will need to send me a PM first. 

Technical difficulties you know. 

'Pretending', these are strong allegations. Have they been proven? No they still sit in the assumption status. 

Show, how can that be related to looks. Show is a word for display of performance. 

Lazy, everyone knows and there are memes of him being a lazy actor,  the actor admits it himself he doesn't like working. 

fungus on a plop means entirely insignificant. 

For the love of God, how am I pretending?

When the text blankly reads, due to his laziness he puts on a crap show and has become extremely insignificant.  

Compared to others how many movies does he do? Hardly... he's practically retired. 

So it's not my fault you can't or got moderator can't understand the text. You just want to presume the worst.  But saying I'm pretending is an allegation. A defamation as such.  When have you known me in the past year to really insult or bash anyone? I'm the coolest on bwf forum,  I always speak up for actors when they are bashed.  Ialways find good things to say wherever I can. So where is this coming from?


Vijay, I would appreciate if you can look at this text. Tell me does that in anyway look like I'm insulting his looks or acting and more so his bad attitude to acting.  I'm explaining my written literature and I do not think it's fair that Shreya keeps using degeretory words against me such as pretending,  making excuses... 

I'm sure you all are seeing this.

And yes Shreya you want this in a PM, so that no one has to see the type of things you write back with.  I'm kind of cool to address them here, if it's all the same. I'm not sure I want to be privately abused.

The PM thing will be resolved soon as Vijay said in previous post. I think it was some tech issue.

I have not said anything directly to you. I made a generic comment both times that "making excuses" and "pretending" is rather common. You've done the same thing. Tried to explain away the WL.

I've addressed your post a few times but let me address it again. Your post is nowhere mentioning or even indicating that your comment "fungus on plop" is about ARK's work and not his looks. Your first 2 paragraphs are completely about an actor's looks so to any reasonable person it would appear that your paragraph on ARK is also about his looks. As such, your comment was considered demeaning.

Vijay has already answered you based on seeing the entire text. I don't think asking him to review it again and again is going to get you anything new.

carisma2 thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 3 months ago

Originally posted by: Minionite

The PM thing will be resolved soon as Vijay said in previous post. I think it was some tech issue.

I have not said anything directly to you. I made a generic comment both times that "making excuses" and "pretending" is rather common. You've done the same thing. Tried to explain away the WL.

I've addressed your post a few times but let me address it again. Your post is nowhere mentioning or even indicating that your comment "fungus on plop" is about ARK's work and not his looks. Your first 2 paragraphs are completely about an actor's looks so to any reasonable person it would appear that your paragraph on ARK is also about his looks. As such, your comment was considered demeaning.

Vijay has already answered you based on seeing the entire text. I don't think asking him to review it again and again is going to get you anything new.

The sentence alone 'fungus growing on a plop', means fungus is really small right, insignificant and growing on a plop makes it even more insignificant. So hence that sentence means extremely insignificant.  

The relation to acting, you have to join the whole sentence, lazy crap 'show'. The indication on performance is done via the word 'show'. It's that simple. 

I'm not even asking you to wipe out the WL. If it's rule breaking on looks, then the WL is given out of context. But if I'm rule breaking in bashing performance,  then all I have said is change the spec to bashing on acting not on looks. I'll accept that. I think it's a fair request. If you gonna reprimand me, then the correct reason should be used and if bashing acting is not rule breaking then no WL shud have been issued. I have explained the literature and everyone is hung up on one part of the sentence without joining it to the whole of it.. that is misconstruction of text. Then saying I'm pretending is just bizarre. I think I'm being very fair.. I'm not asking for the unreasonable or else I wud not be asking you to happily give me a WL on performance bashing or attitude bashing. 

But looks that's wrong, you know me.. I never bash anyone's looks badly. So kind of doesn't sit right with me to be alleged a crime I didn't do or is against my principle itself. 

See others were bashing looks and acting. So in one comment box I talked about actor's looks... then moved onto talk about ARKs acting. Leaving enough space to indicate I'm starting a different topic In the post. I mean.. if I didn't insult kaushal for his looks like that why wud I do that for ARK, considering he's somewhat better looking than Kaushal.  Common sense right?.

Edited by carisma2 - 3 months ago
Posted: 3 months ago

Originally posted by: carisma2

I agree... totally. 

Had that comment been about his looks. My comment in the above comment box again explains it.  Fungus growing on a plop means becoming insignificant. It's a metaphor not a description of looks. 

No disrespect... fungus on a plop.. doesn't automatically mean about looks. I'm sorry but your disection of it is incorrect too.

Yes but if you think I'm harsh on my comment on his acting,  or lazy attitude, then change the WL spec to bashing an actor for his performance.  I'll accept that happily. 

I understand your explanation about the metaphor you intended. However, it's important to note that the overall context of your post was focused on the appearances of celebrities. This context gives a different impression of your metaphor, leaning more towards comments on physical appearance rather than professional significance.

It's crucial in our discussions to be mindful of how our words might be interpreted, especially in a public forum where various perspectives come into play. While your clarification is noted, the initial message's tone and content were still not in line with the respectful and constructive environment we aim to foster here.


Edited by vijay - 3 months ago
carisma2 thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 3 months ago

Originally posted by: vijay

I understand your explanation about the metaphor you intended. However, it's important to note that the overall context of your post was focused on the appearances of celebrities. This context gives a different impression of your metaphor, leaning more towards comments on physical appearance rather than professional significance.

It's crucial in our discussions to be mindful of how our words might be interpreted, especially in a public forum where various perspectives come into play. While your clarification is noted, the initial message's tone and content were still not in line with the respectful and constructive environment we aim to foster here.


Thank you.  

Yes I agree post could be looked upon differently due to the nature of the topic which was about aging and first 2 paragraphs. 

@bold that I accept and agree with. The language was far too slang and does sound harsh and disrespectful.  Not my usual practice of communication. So on that basis I agree to the WL. For that reason. If someone can just amend the reason on the WL, from bashing actors looks to inappropriate tone and content. Then the crime will fit the time.  That's all I'm asking for. smiley1

But you see my point what I was asking for.  When your mods write like this to us..

If they wud have talked about tone and content sounding disrespectful then it's more understandable. But when u get this for a reason, with accusations and judgement, it sets the wheels of incorrectly. And this was just after I only asked what the WL was for.  Hence Shreya should also  tone it down a little. I'm not a school kid forgotten to do my homework. 

P.s I am not a fan Shreya, I said I liked him in 2 films. 


Also in PM.can you do something about uploading images in the same way we can on forum? 


Edited by carisma2 - 3 months ago
carisma2 thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 3 months ago

Sorry, Vijay.. just added a little more to that previous comment,  pls check.. its important.  

Minionite thumbnail
Posted: 3 months ago

Originally posted by: carisma2

But you see my point what I was asking for.  When your mods write like this to us..

If they wud have talked about tone and content sounding disrespectful then it's more understandable. But when u get this for a reason, with accusations and judgement, it sets the wheels of incorrectly. And this was just after I only asked what the WL was for.  Hence Shreya should also  tone it down a little. I'm not a school kid forgotten to do my homework. 

P.s I am not a fan Shreya, I said I liked him in 2 films. 

Tone what down? I responded to your PMs with the set rule. Yes I said "fan", but how is that wrong? I like a few of ARK's films, so if someone calls me his "fan" I won't take offense. Similarly, I like the work that SRK, Salman, John, Vicky, etc. have been doing so I don't mind being called their fan. I have openly expressed my love for certain actors as well.

I don't understand how my response could have been "toned down".

However, now that Vijay has also explained the same thing I've said, I will consider this matter closed.