Celebrities / Shows / Movies

How can I search for a certain celebrity?

surabhi01 4 years ago

On top menu bar   in extreme right side there is search icon   . To search certain celebrity

 1 click on search icon 

2   there are two bar 

3 on first bar write celebrity name ( to search certain celebrity one has to write full name of celebrity) 

4 click on second bar 

5  options will appear 

6  select  people option 

7 click go 

8  celebrity profile pic will appear 

Leenaaa 4 years ago

You can easily search for a certain celebrity by clicking on the search button below your profile



Now, Click on 'Articles' and scroll until you see 'People' from drop down menu and Type whatever celebrity you want in the search and hit 'GO'


You will find the celebrity you wrote then click on it




Now, you will find different categories for the celebrity you chose


You can Follow the celebrity, Read his/her biography, Filmography, TV shows he/she were part of,  Articles,Photos, Videos, No.of Fans and finally, A discussion forum dedicated only for that celebrity

FromTheAshes 4 years ago

To search a particular celebrity, you have to click on the search icon (Magnifying glass) on the top right (for desktop) and for the mobile version, you will find it beside your avatar on the top.

Then you will see a drop-down menu from that, select people and type the name of the celebrity you want to search and voila you get to see the celebrity you searched for.


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