Member Of The Weeek -4- - Page 3


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Frequent Posters

dishu thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
congrats shabo..
i will be back wid questions.. 😉
Posted: 16 years ago
Congratz Sahbo rani 😃

Here r some questions:

FAV Villian on TV:
Fav jodi in bollywood:
Fav Forum:
DMG forum or CNS:

😆 or 🤣
😡 or 🤢
😕 or
😊 or 😃
😭 or 😳
😛 or 😉

Bestfriend in Kyunki forum 😈(Tough I know) :
Funnyest person in this forum:

Karan or Sahil:
Mihir or Karan:
Nandini or Ganga:
Mohini or Meera:
Vijay or Tripti:

Fav bollywood actress:
Fav Bollywood Actor:
Fav Hollywood movie:
Fav Bollywood movie:

That is all for know will be back later 😃

Posted: 16 years ago



Originally posted by: Zinu29


Hey, CONGO on being the MOTW Hey…thx!

Have fun answering them. U bet!

First of all, Congo on being the MOTW.

1. What was your reaction when you found out, you were the next MOTW??

"curse Ritu di"

2. How do you feel right now??


3. Age??


4. Name & Nickname[if have any] ..

Shabo…call me shabz

5. What are your faviorite colors??

White…sometimes green

6. Reason why you watch Kofee with Karan ?! ..

Only sometimes…..if nothing else is coming on!

9. If you were stuck on a deserted island, alone, whice 1 accecorie would you bring along??

My iPod!

10. If you were stuck on a deserted island, alone, which actor/any family member/or anyone, would you like to bring along??

Shahid Kapoor*drools*

11. Your physical description ..

Not worth mentioning…lol

12. Are you grilled yet .. [NOT]

Bring it on!!!

13. How would you feel, if yuo won a Million Dollar lottery.... ?? ..

Medical school here I come!

14. Do you smoke??

I don't belive in sucide!

15. Do you drink??

Refer to above q…

16. Would you ever plan to smoke/drink?? Why or why not??

No cuz im smart!

17. PICK ONE .. (answers are bolded)

a) Burger King | McDonalds | KFC ??

b) Earings | Bracelets | Necklace ??

c) Kt | Bhoomi | Archita ??

d) Chocolate | Vanilla | Strawberry ??

e) Computer | Television | Books ??

18. ARE YOU ..

a) Shy | Outgoing ??

b) Organized | Disorganized ??

c) Serious | Fun-Loving ??

d) Optimistic | Pessimistic ??

e) Studious | Carefree ??


a) Movies .. ….any SK film

b) Songs .. as long as its sappy…im hooked

c) Actors | Actresses .. refer to jhanvi di's q's!

d) Telly Actors | Actresses .. karan singh grover, shilpa anand, PULMONZ!

e) Television Shows .. DMG, one tree hill

f) Books .. any…

g) Sports | Games .. no preference

h) Food | Drink .. Indian!

i) Vication Spots .. India….agra and goa

19. Ambition ?? .. to be a gynologist

20. Languages you speak .. ?? .. urdu, hindi, Punjabi, english, spansish(a lil) and french!

21. Occupation .. student!

22. Ever met a Celebrity ( Bollywood | Hollywood ) .. ?? .. I wish

23. Faviorite Genre of Music??pop

24. Faviorite Genre of Books??sad

25. Current Location .. canada

26. Do you think Koffee with Karan should end | Shouldn't end?? Why or Why Not??

Don't really care

27. Do you watch any other Television shows, besides Koffee with Karan?? If so, What are they??

Wat is with u and KWK? DMG, KSBKBT, and like 10 more!

28. Describe yourself in 8 words ..

Talkative, nice,beautiful(if I do say so myself)

29. One person, you love(d) to hang out with ..

Ekta Kapoor

30. First person you made friend's with on IF ..

YOU!!! lol

31. How many friends do you have on IF?? Name them ( if you can ) ..

omg….countless…im too poular!

32. Three main goals for your future ..

I live in the moment!

33. Three main goals right now ..

 To pass high school, to be a good friend, to make my parents pround!

35. Ever been in any car accidents?? If so, how many?? What age??


36. Most memorable moment ..

Don't live in the past…..u miss out in life

37. Most embarassing moment ..

Why would I tell u?

38. Worst injury ..

A broken foot!

39. A deep secret, you'd like to share .. ?? ..

If its deep, y would I share?

40. Describe IF, with your point of view ( How should it change | Not change | Need anything new added? | Suggestions | Comments ) .


41. Would you like to be MOTW again??

LOL no

42. Did you like being the MOTW??

So far yea

43. How was the experience of being the MOTW??


44. Whom would you say to be (on IF) your bestest friend , pick one ! ..


Hope you enjoy answering them. Sure y no

Once Again, CONGO!!!  Is this for motivation?

Personal questions

4) Ur middle name?

Don't have one

5) If you could bring someone back from the dead who would it be?

No one cuz then I would never have learned important life lessons

6) Do u have any regrets in life?

Everyone does!

7) What would be change if u could rewind time back?

Too personal


8) Favourite location?


9) Your favourite movie?
how do I pick???
10) Do you watch Disney movies?

Duh…that's like asking if im humen?

11) Who is your all time favourite childhood cartoon?

Tom and jerry

12) Who is your favourite Disney character?


13) What was your most memorable/percious moment?

Repaet q

14) Favourite Bollywood actress?

Sonam kapoor

15) Favourite bollywood acter?


16) Do you watch Indian Idol?

Used too

17) Who do u want to win Indian Idol 3?

Wanted amit paul too wiN!

18) Ulimately, if you had three wishes what would they be?

Im happy with my life!

*********************************************About You...
Birthplace india
Current Location canada
Hair Color black
Eye Color black
Height 5'3
Heritage huh?
Your fears the DARK!
Your weakness chocolate
Goal for today to finish these questions
Goal for this year pass gr.9
Lifetime goal to make a difference
When do you want to get married? When I fall in luv
and to whom? Hehehe sneaky!
Ever been in love? yes
Currently in love? yes
Do you think you are attractive? Duh….
Your best physical feature lips…

Have you ever...
eaten Sushi... yes
gone skinny
been beaten up... no
wanted to kill someone... yes
gone a week without MySpace... yes
gone a week without TV... yes

What's the last...
Time you cried? Last week
Book you read? Harrypotter 7
Store you've been in? discount store

Can you...
Dance? yes
Speak a different language? yes
Cook? yes
Write w/ both hands? yes
Whistle? yes

This or that:
Pepsi or Coke:
McDonald's or Burger King:
Pizza or Spaghetti:
Chocolate or Vanilla:
Love or Money:
Dog or Cat:
Rap or Punk:
Summer or Winter:

Do you have any pets? yes
What color shirt are you wearing? blue
Name three things that are physically close to you: don't no
What is the last book you read? Harrypotter7
Are you or were you a good student? YUP!
What's your favorite sport? soccer
Do you enjoy sleeping late? naahh
What's the weather like right now? chilly
Who tells the best jokes? On IF? Lata di!
What was the last thing you dreamed about? Hahaha don't want to no!
Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed? nope
Do you believe in karma? yes
Do you believe in luck? yes
Do you like your eggs scrambled or sunny side up?dont care
Do you collect anything? If so, what? Sea shells
Are you proud of yourself? Yup I like me
Are you reliable? yes
Have you ever given money to a bum?no
What's your favorite food? indian
Have you ever had a secret admirer? Yup…still do
Do you like the smell of gasoline? Eww no
Do like to draw? nope
What's your favorite invention?internet
Is your room messy? Nope squeqy  clean
What do you like better: oranges or apples? apples
Do you give in easily? no
Are you a good guesser? I guess
Can you read other people's expressions? yes
Are you a bully? no
Do you have a job? no
What time did you wake up this morning? 7  am
What did you eat for breakfast this morning? nutin
When was the last time you showered? 2 hrs ago
What do you plan on doing tomorrow? Going ot school
What's your favorite day of the week and why?  I like all days!
Do you have any nicknames? shabz
Have you ever been scuba diving? no
What's your least favorite color? black
Is there someone you have been constantly thinking about? If yes, who? Im not telling
Would you ever go skydiving? nope
What toothpaste do you use? colgate
Do you enjoy challenges? Sure…motw is one!
What's the worst injury you have had? Broken foot
What's the last movie you saw? K3G
What do you want to know about the future?nuthin
What does your last text message say? Cya 2morrow
Who was the last person you spoke over the phone to? My bff
What's your favorite school subject? gym
What's your least favorite school subject? math
Would you rather have money or love? love
What is your dream vacation? europe
What is your favorite animal? fish
Do you miss anyone right now? yes
What's the last sporting event you watched?skating
Do you need to do laundry? Yup!
Do you listen to the radio? nooo
Where were you when 9/11 happened?school
What do you do when vending machines steal your money? Kick them
Have you ever caught a butterfly? yes
What color are your bed sheets? white
What's your ringtone? dingaling
Who was the last person to make you laugh?my sis
Do you have any obsessions right now? Does SK count?
Do you like things that glow in the dark? Sure y not?
What's your favorite fruity scent? apple
Do you watch cartoons? yes
Have you ever sat on a roof?yes
Have you ever been to a different country?yes
Name three things in the world you dislike: nuhtin
Name three people in the world you dislike: hehe only 3?
Has a rumor even been spread about you? Tons of times
Do you believe in magic?  Who knows?
Do you hold grudges? Depends on person

-Compare any 10 people on IF with a fruit. (and no dodging the question missy )

Ritu di- lime



Jhanvi di-orange

Zainu di-tomato

Lata di-grape

Amreen di-mango



ME-don't know any other fruits

-If you were to be an object, which object would you be? A book

-From all the members on IF, which one is...
-Most angelic su
-Most Evil sonia
-Most Hyper zainu di
-Most active su
-Most chatterbox MEE
-Sweetest amreen di
-Cutest nimmi
-Funniest lata di
-Most mature no one!
-Most lovable jhanvi di
-Most addicted zinu
-Most charming sathy
-Friendlist EVERYONE!

- If you had to describe the situation u are in, in this MOTW, what would u say? baked

- Choose a different username for any 6 people on IF. Too lazy

-What are you thinking right now? Stupid zinu

-When will you find my jeeju? 10-15 yrs

-What is my soon to be jeeju's name? u tell me

-Are you annoyed? Not really

-Will you block me soon? never

-If you had to change your IF ID- what would you change it to? shabz

-Describe the following with at least 5 words: (too bad…one word)

Vijay: hardworking

Sree: who?

IF: the best

Moderators: patient

Viewbies: huh?

Coolbies: huh?

Videobies: huh?

Newbies: huh?

Global Mods: huh?

Wildblossom: huh?



Color-  white / green

Indian Food- can't pick :D

European Food-  don't know none

American Food- pizzzzzzza

Food on the go- ice cap!!

Food to prepare yourself-water….hehe

Food your mom makes- EVERYTHING!

Bolly Movie- as long

Hollywood Movie- hmmmmmmm

Hindi Serial- DMG

TV Show- amreica's top next model

Song in English- jonas bro-when u look into my eyes

Song in Hindi- too many cant pick!

Song in Hinglish – huh?


Bolly Actress- sonam kapoor=D

Indian Telly Actor- pulkit and karan (grover)

Indian Telly Actress- shilpa anand

American Show Actor- Raymond….lmao

American Show Actress- cant pick…theyre not that great

Smiley on IF- ROFL

Smiley on MSN- ROFL

Vacation Spot in Winter- india

Vacation Spot in Summer- india

Section on IF- all

Fruit- orange

Veggie- none thanks

Nut (no not me, edible one please!)- almonds

Movie you own- …hahah don't get me started

Type of car- convertable

Weather- fall

Season- fall

Month- july…..obvious reasons

Day of the Week- tuesday

Subject in school- enflish

Book- Does my head look big in this?

Store- American eagle

Restaurant- chinchan Chinese very local!

Outfit (as in clothing)- pjs

Type of shoe- flipflpos

Piece of Jewelry- braclets

Feature of yourself- a brain!

Nailpolish color- clear

Stone (like sapphire, emerald, etc)- ruby…birthstone

Type of Flower- rose

Type of Bird- bugee

Type of Dog- eww no dogs for me

Type of Cat- there are types?

Type of Big Cat (lion, tiger, etc)- tigeress

Whats a perfect day like for you? To sleep in

If you could take one person with you on a deserted island, who would you take? Shahid…..duh wat type of question is that?

If you could meet any one person in the world who you have never seen before, who would you meet?
shahid again….
If you found a genie's lamp, what would your three wishes be? Shahid, shahid and di I mention shahid?

If you could invent a smiley for IF, what would it be and look like? Me and shahid hugging!

What kind of ice cream flavor would you create if you could put anything you want in it? Shahid ice cream!

Whats an odd food combination that you love to eat? Im normal thanks

Do you like to drink tea? Yea y no…but not good for teeth

Do you like biscuits with your tea? Woah….fob land

Do you like milk with cookies? I like cookies with milk!

Do you like cookies with tea? nooo

Do you like tea with milk? Yes….only way to have it

If you could meet one person from Bollywood (produce, actor, choreographer, etc)- who would you want to meet? Are u seriously asking me this?

Do you like being MOTW? I haven't met ritu di yet…

Do you like these questions? No…they repeat too much

Describe yourself in 1 word. fantastic

Describe yourself in 5 words. Fantastic ( I no that I am) 6 words

Have you ever had a dream that makes you blush when you remember it? Tehehe.nooooooooo

How many times do you have dreams like this? Don't no

Describe the scariest dream you have had. I dremt that vijay bhai shut down IF

What are your hobbies? IFIFIFIFIFIF

Do you like filling out forms? noooo

Do you consider this a form? Yes….

Why are you filling this out?  Cuz im not cheap like ritu di

Do you still like being MOTW? I dunno

If you could eat only one food for the rest of your life, what would you eat? apples

If you could take one object with you to a deserted island, what would you take? iPod

Do you like to excersice? Luv it…….i got a six pack…..under all the flab!

Do you feel that all this typing is finger excersice? Noooo have had it worse

What is your favorite excersice? Push ups…and weights

What do you plan on doing to me now? What can I do?

What does your dream home look like? Im living in it

If you could live anywhere in the U.S. where would you want to live? Eww no us 4 me I like Canada….

If you could live anywhere in the Universe, where would you want to live? Wherever my family is

What is the funniest thing you have done this year? Joined IF

What was your most embarrassing moment? Y would I tell ya
Describe 3 funny things you have done because you liked a guy. Hehehe not telling but it involves a microphone

Are you annoyed now? Nope….

How many of these questions are dumb? All

Do you think you are wasting time? yes

Do you want to answer more questions? Y not better then hwk

How many of these questions do you like? Only the ones I can answer shahid kappor too

If you could star in any movie, which would you want to star in and in what role? As long as im opposite shahid!

How many questions do you think you have answered so far? millions

Are your fingers tired now? no

What is your dream vacation? Answered already

Describe your dream guy. ….list is too long…will tke up all space ong IF

Do you like eating pizza? yea

Do you like take out more or eating in the restaurant? resturant

Do you like take out pizza? nooo

Whats your favorite pizza place? pizzapizza

What topping do you love on your pizza? cheese

What do you like to drink with your pizza? Mango juice

Do you need a break from this? nope

Sorry no break.  I didn't ask for one

Do you want to kill me now?  maybe

1. Imagine you are a mosquito..In 150 words (the sentences cannot repeat ) tell me your day to day or night to night activity as a mosquito. Would watch shahid all day*150 words

2. Imagine You turn invisible for a day..what would u do ? Would watch shahid all day*150 words

3. Imagine there is a IF beauty contest and tadaaaa…u win

the title of IF Miss Beauty..What would be ur victory

speech? Thank you.

6. Imagine one morning U find U rself as an IF admin .What

will u do first? scream

7. Imagine if your TV remote got talking to your computer

keyboard, and they got talking about you. Tell us what they

would be telling each other about you in not less than 300

words. Shes perfect…noting to say



Tattoos ? eww

Been in a Police case? no

Ever got arrested? no

Ever Stayed away from home for 2 days? yes

Do you Smoke? no

Do you drink? no

Worst thing u've ever done? Im perfect

Stupidest thing u've ever done?  I told u that im perfect

Believe in magic? maybe

Believe in Fate? definalty

What Celebrity Do you want to invite to Ur house?  omg ive said this a thousand times…

Do you have any birth marks?plenty

Have u Ever met a Celebrity? no

Have you ever got beaten up? no

Shy or Outgoing? outgoing

Have you ever been slapped?yes

Have you ever hurt someone's feelings?yes

Have you ever made someone cry? yes

Do you hate school? nooo

Have you ever skipped school without telling ur parents ? no

Do you like to dance or Sing ? dance in room sing in shower

Who do u most talk on the phone? My bff

Have you ever climbed a mountain? nooo

Would you ever date someone 1 year older than you? sure

Wud u ever date someone Younger than u ? no

If you had to dye ur hair wat color wud it be ? black

Blonde or Brunette? brunestte

Hindi music or Punjabi music? hindi

Short hair or long hair? depends

Straight or curly hair? straight

Are u emo ? noo

Rap or Hardcore ? rap

When did u have ur first crush ? gr.3

Eyes or Hair ? eyes

Spiked hair or normal hair ? normal n e day

Did u eever puke on someone ? yes

Are u mean or nice ? nice fo course

Naughty or Nice ? hehehe

High school or kindergarden ?highsckool

How many languages can u speak ? 6

Brother or SISTER i got a youngr sis……gr.7 but she supposed to be in gr6…super smart

Valentine's day or Halloween valentines

Wud u marry 4 money ? never

Wud u die for ur family ? in a heartbeat

Mommy's girl or Daddy's girl ? daddys

Friends or Career ? friends

Do u lie a lot ? sorta

Have u ever been suspended from school ? never

have u ever been expelled from school ? nope

If you could switch names with a friend who would it be? My bff

Age you wish you were in my dream world, ive already graduated from med school

Have a favorite quote? no

Do you have any bad habits? probably

Do you have a journal? yes

Eaten something that made other people sick? noo

Been on stage? Plenty of times

Been betrayed? noo

Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell?no

Been on radio/tv? no

Belive in life on other planets?duh

Do you believe in santa ? nope

Do you consider love a mistake?no…a confusion


v cried

v written something done

v started hwk

v eaten

v showered

v went to a meething



Flowers or candy?
Gray or black?
Color or Black and white photos?
Lust or love?
Sunrise or sunset?
M&Ms or Skittles?
Staying up late or waking up early?

Sun or moon?
Winter or Fall?
Left or right?
Sunny or rainy?

Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream?

What time is it? 5:00
What do you want? For this list to stop
Where do you want to live?here
How many kids do you want? 2
You want to get married? Im brown…..i gotto

Can you cross your eyes? yes
Do you make your bed daily?yes


Ever thrown a shoe at someone? Tehehe yes

*Movie –cant pick
*Favorite tv show-DMG

*Color(s) – white/green
*Music –slow

*Food- india
*Season - fall
*Drink –water
*Body part not on the face –huh
*Sport To Play –tennis
*Favorite peice of clothing –shirt
*Brand Of Clothing? –americanm eagle
*What do you sleep with? –my stuffed animals!
*Animal(s) –fish
*Books –ever heard og Lauren mcdanial?
*Magazines –filmfare and people

* Eating –nutin
* i'm drinking –milk
*i'm about to –answer other q's
*Listening to – with u
*Waiting For –nuthin
*Watching –yesterdays KIT
*Wearing –jeans….and pj top

lastt question YES

do u want more questions ?? noo

too bad , i have more ! :) I hate u

Rate the following couples in a scale of 0-10:

The following Filmy Couples: because im lazy all of them get a 5.
Abhishek - Rani
Abhishek - Ashwarya
Abhishek - Preity
Abhishek - Kajol
Abhishek - Lara Dutta
Abhishek - Kareena Kapoor
Abhishek - Bipasha Basu
Abhishek - Urmila Matondkar
Abhishek - Mallika Sherawat
SRK - Kajol
SRK - Rani
SRK - Kareena
SRK - Mallika Sherawat
SRK - Juhi Chawla
SRK - Madhuri Dixit
Hritik - Kareena
Hritik - Priyanka Chopra
Hritik - Rani
Hritik - Bipasha Basu
Hritik - Mallika Sherawat

Enjoy !

Some are mine , some aren't mine ! =Dstupid

Being Honest !

Personal Questions
1. What does your name mean? Don't no
2. Do you have a nickname? What is it, and where did you get it?shabz…
3. What do you look like? (Include height, weight, hair, eyes, skin, apparent age, and distinguishing features) hello……….remmeber me? Im scared of stalkers
4. How do you dress most of the time? casual
5. How do you "dress up?" Indian!
6. How do you "dress down?" pjs..
7. What do you wear when you go to sleep?pjs or sweats
8. Do you wear any jewelry? yes
9. In your opinion, what is your best feature? Im stunning
10. What's your real birth date? July 13
11. Where do you live? Describe it: Is it messy, neat, avant-garde, sparse, etc.?NEAT O RAMA
12. Do you own a car? Describe it. nooo
13. What is your most prized possession? Why do you value it so much? Me….
14. What one word best describes you? original
Childhood Questions
1. What is your first memory? Don't remember
2. What was your favorite toy? dolls
3. What was your favorite game? Peek a boo
4. Any non-family member adults stick out in your mind? Who were they, and how did you know them? Why do they stick out? I don't no
5. Who was your best friend when you were growing up? Same one as now
6. What is your fondest, childhood memory? xoxoxox
7. What is your worst childhood memory? Breaking a leg

Likes & Dislikes Questions
1. What hobbies do you have? A lot
2. Who is your closest friend? Describe them and how you relate to them. My bff
3. Who is your worst enemy? Describe them and why you don't get along. Ms.fatty
4. What bands do you like? Do you even pay attention? Huh…of course I do
5. What tape or CD hasn't left your player since your purchased it? Why? Vivah…..
6. What song is "your song?" Why? Mads songs
7. What's been your favorite movie of all time? Cant pick…ddlj, k3g kkhh
8. Read any good books? What were they? Yes….dunno
9. What do you watch on the Television? stuff
10. When it comes to politics, do you care? If so, which way do you tend to vote? not, why don't you care? Coulndnt give a crapIf
11. What type of places do you hang out in with your friends? My house
12. What type of places do you hang out in with your family? My house
13. What annoys you more than anything else? People copying me
14. What would be the perfect gift for you? LOVE!!
15. What's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen? ME
16. What time of day is your favorite? evening
17. What kind of weather is your favorite? rainy
18. What is your favorite food? What is your least favorite food? I eat all foods
19. What is your favorite drink? (Coffee, Coke, Juice, Beer, Wine, etc.) water
20. What's your favorite animal? Why? cats
21. Do you have any pets? Do you want any pets? What kind? fish
22. What do you find most relaxing? (Not as in stress relief, but as something that actually calms you down.) music
23. What habit that others have annoys you most? dunno
24. What kind of things embarrass you? Why? dunno
25. What don't you like about yourself? dunno
26. How would you like to look? dunno


- Zinu ! :)


OMG YAAR! That took me 2 days!!


Posted: 16 years ago

Originally posted by: rani712

lolll thnks... some of em were suppose to be jkz.. like hahaa... hope u didnt take anyone offensivesly...
n if u did.. m sooo sorry 😭
love ya...n thnkz

No problem!

Posted: 16 years ago

Originally posted by: Shilpa-fan

Grilling time:

Describe urself? Wat can I say….im perfect
Wat's ur height? 5'3
Wat weather do u prefer? Summer, Spring, Fall, Winter. Why? Fall cuz of the leaves
Have u ever played Chess?If so, did u win? I always winn….psht im the best
Do like 2 watch baseball games? nooo
Do u like to put make up on? sometimes
Do u love Snow?If so, y? nope
Do u like doing Home/work?If not, Y?  are u serioualy aking me….
Wat's is shahid's first movie? He was a dancer in tall…acted in ishq vishq
How many times u watch shahid's each movie? countless

favorite actress? sonam
favorite game? chess
Favorite producer? Don't know none
Favorite singer? Shreya goshal
Favorite musician? Javed akthar
Favorite animal?  fish
Favorite flower? roses
Favorite Perfume? Don't really care
Favorite Nail Paint color? clear
Favorite food? indian
Favorite song? Cant pick
Favorite sport? tennis
Favorite subject? english
Favorite car? convertable
Favorite teacher?  how would u no who im talking about?
favorite dress? My grad dress
Favorite book? all

Choose one:
Macdonalds or taco Bell
Coffee or Soda
Mall or Pizza place
Canada or India
Green or White Color
Cinese food or Indian food
Car or airplane
Chips or Cookies
Pen or Pencil
Cash or Credit card
SRK or Amitaab
Hollywood or tellywood
Ice cream or day off
eggs or pork
Juice or water
Almonds or cashew
Chistmas or Summer vacation
IF or shahid

5 reasons why u like Kyunki? I dont

10 reasons y u love Shahid? Hunny have u seen the damn guy?
Appreciate Ekta kapoor in 5 sentences? Thanks u for hiring pulkit samrat*5 sentences
5 reasons u like IF? My friends friends and friends
2 reasons y u like to go school? friends and friends
when would u use following emtions?
 when in bored…..
Good luck Shabho, Ll be back with more.

Great Questions di!! Waiting for more!

Posted: 16 years ago

Originally posted by: tvfan1401

Well done Zinu, Neha and Rani... 👏 👏 😉

Shabo.....are you waiting for me? You are my special friend 😉 so am gonna come back soon...and your shivering won't help you 😆 ....wait for me.....

Curse you!😆

Posted: 16 years ago

Originally posted by: k-ekta fan

congo shabo

hve a gr8 tym been on hawt seat 😉

thx hun!😳

Posted: 16 years ago

Originally posted by: tvfan1401

My first question: Its pretty easy:

1) Who do you fear the most when you are MOTW 😉 Nothing...I'm Shabo the Fearles

2) Who is Priety*zinta ? Is she new to Kyunki forum😉Shut up....she is Swati di...

3) Why am I asking you question number 2?😆Because you stretch jokes until they are not funny!

4) Can outgoing MOTW nominate next MOTW😆No...otherwise it would be ritu shabo ritu shabo ritu shabo ritu shabo ritu shabo etc...

5) Who told you the answer to 4th question....No one...I'm smart😳

I will be back😈😆Goodie!


I have no words for you!

Posted: 16 years ago

Originally posted by: Ratree

It was really sad that Ritu di didn't do justice on this set......But, I know you will... So here is my pehla Towfa for you.....😆😆 hey ratree...u changes ur id😆

What is the time right now?  DUNNO

when is Your Birthday? DUNNO

how many members are there in your family? DUNNO

what are you studying at the moment? DUNNO

what you want to be when you grow up? DUNNO


food DUNNO

drink DUNNO

book DUNNO

film ( I know loads) DUNNO

songs (silly Q again loads) 😆DUNNO


Actress DUNNO

Holiday destinationDUNNO

TV progrrame DUNNO

city in the world where would you like to live DUNNO


Rani or Kajol  DUNNO

Rani or Kareena DUNNO

Rani or Me (LOL) DUNNO

Rani in TRP (if you have seen) or Rani in hum tum
Aamir or srk DUNNO

Salman or Aamir DUNNO

What is that one thing which excites u the most about DUNNO
What is that one thing which u would like to change about IF? DUNNO
What is your advice to Ekta Kapoor about taking 20year leaps every month?  DUNNO
Which is your favourite food?DUNNO(indian,chinese,continental,any other)why? DUNNO
Which is your fav holiday spot?why? DUNNO
Who is your all-time fav on-screen hindi film couple?why? DUNNO
Which is your all-time fav hindi song?why? DUNNO
Which is your all-time fav english song?why? DUNNO
Who is your fav singer?(hindi and english) DUNNO
What is your fav beverage?tea or coffe?why? DUNNO
What is your fav soft drink?why? DUNNO
Whats your opinion/take on the current poor or i must say horrible performance of the Indian Cricket team in the world cup?who is responsible for this debacle according to u?waise do u love watching criket? DUNNO
Do u belive in astrology?if yes then why and if no then why not? DUNNO
Which is your most fav festival?why? DUNNO
Describe a typical day of your life?(your daily routine) DUNNO

What is the time right now? DUNNO
Which is your fav section on IF? why? DUNNO
What was your first post on IF?(what was the subject of the post and in which section) DUNNO
Who is your role-model?why? DUNNO
What is your recommendation regarding marriage?love marriage or arranged marriage?why? DUNNO
What is your take on SRK in KBC?was he better than Amitabh? DUNNO
What is your biggest achievement so far? DUNNO
Which is the happiest moment of your life? DUNNO
Which is the most embarrasing moment of your life? DUNNO
Do u think a married woman can make a successful comeback in films?if yes then how and if no then why not? DUNNO
What is your take on that racial abuse with Shilpa shetty on Big Brother? Do u think it was just a publicity stunt? DUNNO
who is your dreamdate? DUNNO
What is your eye color? DUNNO
What is our skin color? DUNNO
What is your hair color? DUNNO
What r the five things that u never forget while going out from your house? DUNNO
Other than IF which other sites do u visit?why? DUNNO
What is your fav passtime other than IF? DUNNO
What is your advice to the younger generation? DUNNO
Which is your fav T.V CHANNEL?why? DUNNO
Which is the recent movie that u watched?did u like it?if yes then why and if no then why not? DUNNO
What was your latest dream? DUNNO
Describe me? DUNNO
What is the time right now? DUNNO

Ur nicknames: DUNNO

I wish: DUNNO

I hope: DUNNO

I like: DUNNO

I dislike: DUNNO

I hate it when: DUNNO

I love it when: DUNNO

My favourite type of flowers are: DUNNO

I have ___ brothers and ___ sisters DUNNO

I love eating... DUNNO

I hate eating DUNNO

I have or do not have a boyfriend? DUNNO

My favourite hobby? DUNNO

What time is it? DUNNO

where do u live? DUNNO

how much do u weight? DUNNO

ur fave colour? DUNNO

ur fave alphabet? DUNNO

ur favourite name: DUNNO

ur wish name: DUNNO

ur faveourite chocolate? DUNNO

ur favourite type of phone: DUNNO

when i grow up i am going to have ___ daughter(s) and ___ son(s) - thats if u want any kids DUNNO

Right now, i am... DUNNO

Tommorow i am... DUNNO

Yesterday, i... DUNNO

I go to sleep at... DUNNO

I wake up at: DUNNO

My favourite gift was: DUNNO

My favourite month... DUNNO

My worst habbit... DUNNO

How wud u describe urself in 5 words? DUNNO

How did u land on IF? DUNNO

What do u lyk best about IF? DUNNO

what do u dislike about IF? DUNNO

name 5 friends u really like on IF: DUNNO

ur loyal friend is: DUNNO

ur silliest friend is: DUNNO

ur weirdest friend is: DUNNO

ur sensitive friend is: DUNNO

ur kind and caring friend is: DUNNO

Hugs or kisses? DUNNO

iqbal or eijaz? DUNNO

night or day? DUNNO

friend or family? DUNNO

love or friendship? DUNNO

do u believe in... DUNNO

love at first sight? DUNNO

god? DUNNO

aliens? DUNNO

monsters? DUNNO

god? DUNNO

religion? DUNNO

hope? DUNNO

luck DUNNO

heaven.. DUNNO

soul mates.. DUNNO

next summer... DUNNO

next week... DUNNO

next year... DUNNO

I have/will get a job at/with: DUNNO

I have these pets: DUNNO

I hope DUNNO

The worst sound in the world: DUNNO

the best sound in the world DUNNO

the last time i fell down and cried was: DUNNO

The person that makes me cry the most is: DUNNO

Chicken/ pork: DUNNO

My favorite piece of clothing is: DUNNO

My favorite sport(s) to play is: DUNNO

Last time I cried: DUNNO

The school I go to is: DUNNO

Last person I got pissed at: DUNNO

curly or straight hair? DUNNO

which colour hair u got? DUNNO

my celebrity fan is... DUNNO

i am i love with DUNNO

i am addicted to... DUNNO

i cant believe that... DUNNO

favourite music... DUNNO

favourite movie? DUNNO

kank or veer zaara? DUNNO

Viewbie or moderator? why? DUNNO

Moderator or CM? why? DUNNO

CM or GM? why? DUNNO

GM or Admin? why? DUNNO

last time ive... DUNNO

rung someone... DUNNO

hit someone.. DUNNO

kiss someone... DUNNO

lie to someone.. DUNNO

seen a friend.. DUNNO

forgave someone.. DUNNO

came online... DUNNO

rung someone.. DUNNO

watched tv... DUNNO

have something to eat... DUNNO

the last thing i ate was... DUNNO

the happiest memory? DUNNO

the saddest memory? DUNNO

what i think about most of the time is... DUNNO

what wud u do if.... DUNNO

- a boy kissed u... DUNNO

- someone tryed to kill u.. DUNNO

- someone made fun of u or ur family.. DUNNO

- someone bullied ur friend.. DUNNO

- someone tried to steal ur mobile DUNNO

- a unknown boy hugged u DUNNO

what would u say if... DUNNO

a stranger came to you and said "ur mom told me to drop u home"... DUNNO

a enemy cursed ur family??? DUNNO

your mom says to you to be back home by 8..u dont come back till half 9...u come back home...what do u think ur mom would say to u...,and what wud u reply back? DUNNO

maths... DUNNO








and the hardest 1....

1+0= DUNNO

i am allergic to... DUNNO

the last time i smiled was... DUNNO

ive been on holiday ___ times DUNNO

i love ________ because DUNNO

when i grow up, i want to be ___________ DUNNO

complete alpahbet to z DUNNO

a b c d e f g h i DUNNO

complete numbers up to 50... DUNNO

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 DUNNO

i know my numbers up to.... DUNNO

i know my alphabet up to... DUNNO

every day, i... DUNNO

every week, i... DUNNO

every second, i... DUNNO

ever hour, i... DUNNO

every month,i.. DUNNO

every year, i... DUNNO

opposite of... DUNNO

men... DUNNO

smile.. DUNNO

black.. DUNNO

night.. DUNNO

outside.. DUNNO

active.. DUNNO

poor.. DUNNO

survive.. DUNNO

love.. DUNNO

friends.. DUNNO

releatives.. DUNNO

dark.. DUNNO

dirty.. DUNNO

mature DUNNO

i never... DUNNO

after i get out of bed, i... DUNNO

i brush my teeth ___ times a day.. DUNNO

i say "im hungry" ____ times a day (i say it 100 times a day) DUNNO

I usually have ___________ for breakfast DUNNO

If someone called me something rude...i will rpely back this...



What time is it now? DUNNO

What cant u wait for in life? DUNNO

Favourite serial? DUNNO

Favourite restuarant? DUNNO

Favourite emoticion... DUNNO

last time i got scared was.. DUNNO

im scared of... DUNNO

i swear only at... DUNNO

my ______ is hurting DUNNO

most annoying this... DUNNO

most smelliest thing... DUNNO

most lovliest thing.. DUNNO

most funniest thing.. DUNNO

most kindest person.. DUNNO

if i needed help or anything i would go to my _______DUNNO(friend,mom,enemy,sibling)

i am going..... DUNNO

the sky is... DUNNO

the grass is.. DUNNO

i do/do not like dogs because DUNNO

i do/do not like cats because DUNNO

do u regret anything in life? DUNNO

will i be back with more questions? DUNNO

1. What about you is heroic? DUNNO
2. What about you is social? What do you like about people? DUNNO

your fav quote? DUNNO
your fav song? DUNNO
the things or activities u never did but want to do? DUNNO
any funniest moment? DUNNO
most emotional moment[if not personal]? DUNNO
flower inspires u for what? DUNNO
what u think about water? DUNNO
mening of life? DUNNODUNNO
adventures u like n wish to do,both..?
what people say about you[i mean how they judge u<your qualities>] ?
what u are good at?[quality,specific work anything] DUNNO
what you are bad at?[   "   ] DUNNO
what embaresses you most? DUNNO
what inpires u most? DUNNO
when u cry? DUNNO
u are silent , talkitive , reserved4strangers but open4closed ones or very frank to ALL? DUNNO
mostly u think about? DUNNO
drink[liquid] u like most? DUNNO
which kind of people u like? DUNNO
what you notice FIRST ina person when u see him/her[qualities u judge]?
when u see someone which part of a person u notice firstly[phical,ex-eyes,nose,hands etc] DUNNO
if u get a chance to go in past and future then where[particular like in10th century to see the king so n so or anything like this]u would like to go in both past n future?
u are a _________________ lover. [anything like children lover,nature lover can be more then one ofcourse. DUNNO
when u,ll grow old what will be your biggest learning from the experience from past life?[whatever your prediction now] DUNNO
what u admire in nature?and what quality of nature u try to adapt in your own life?
if one day u shift to a new place n find an IF frd nxt door neighbour u find her very different than on if...comment DUNNO

life is short n precious do u think sorrows n struggle is important y/n....and why??
when kids r small they need moms more but as they grow they make moms less available ur comments
trust compassion n love three pillars of a successful marriage if one pillar is down d marriage is down comment
if a husband has an xtra marital affair wife has 50% of d blame on herself .....ur views n why
last but not d far can u trust an IF frd whom u have never seen or met n why ? DUNNO
ur fav movie DUNNO
ur height DUNNO
ur fav song DUNNO
fav dish DUNNO
fav drink DUNNO
wht is it that u like to cook the most...soemthing u enjjoy cooking?/ DUNNO
wht form of exercise suits u the best..? DUNNO
have u met any celbrity,if u havent then who wud u like to meet..and why?
if u cud meet one person whos already dead who will u choose and why?
i wud love to know more about wud u like me as ur friend?? DUNNO
if u were given a chance to become any other lady in the world ,in ur next life,who wud u choose to become...u can choose anyone like madhuri dixit,indira gandhi,amrita shergil.,arundhati roy..anyone..? DUNNO
imagine u arent married and dont even know ur hubby then,if u cud go on a date with someone who wud u choose and why?? DUNNO
tell me a joke...?/ DUNNO

wht do u think can be a very useful way of bringing women at par with men..not superior but equal?? DUNNO
name a few members in gklb forum with whom u wud like to have a heart to heart talk DUNNO
is there someone who knows if not all but most of ur secrets..soemone u love to talk to... DUNNO
whts ur opinion about: DUNNO
beauty DUNNO
friendship DUNNO
reincarnation DUNNO
wars DUNNO
beauty contests DUNNO
dotters DUNNO
sons DUNNO

do u think that if u chhoose not to suffer fm a certain problem the suffering decreaases to an it being strong or is it fooling urself..?? DUNNO
wht do u do to show ur belief in god..? DUNNO
do u think work is a form of worship...? DUNNO

How Often Do u Visit I-F? DUNNO
.Why Do U Like I-F? DUNNO
.Which Section Do Spend Most Of Ur Time? DUNNO
Who Is Ur Friends in I-F? DUNNO
Who Is Ur Best Friend In I-F Whom U Trust The Most? DUNNO
Who Is Ur Favo Hero In Bollywood? DUNNO
Who Is Ur Favo Herion In Bollywood? DUNNO
Who Is Ur Favo Director In Bollywood? DUNNO
Who Is Ur Favo Singer Male? DUNNO
Who Is Ur Favo Singer Female? DUNNO
.Who Is Ur Favo Music Director? DUNNO
.Who Is Ur Favo Villian? DUNNO
.What Is Ur All Time Favo Movies?WHy? DUNNO
.What Does Love Mean To U? DUNNO
Wat Sort Of Hubby Do U Want? DUNNO
Wat Do U Wanna Be In The Future? DUNNO
.Express How U Feel How Ekta N Her Shows? DUNNO
If U Had A Chance To Go Out To A Candle Nite Dinner With An Actor Which Actor U Would Choose?WHy? DUNNO
Who Is Ur Idol? DUNNO
How Did U Find SRK In Dard E Disco Song?(if u ask me i was about faint )

Whom Do U Think Desrves To Win Best Debut Award? Deepka or Soman? Why DUNNO
Whom Do U Think Desrves To Win Best Actor Award? DUNNO
How Do U Feel About Sanju Baba(sanjay dutt)Going To Jail? DUNNO
Do U Think He(sanjay) Desrved To Go To Jail? DUNNO
How Do U Find Salman Khan? DUNNO
. How Did U Find Saawariya? DUNNO
What Do U Think About MAdhuri's Come Back? DUNNO
. How Did U Feel When Ajaa Nachle Didnt Work Out In Box Office?DUNNO
. R U Looking Forward To See SRK n Kajol Together Again? DUNNO
How Do U Feel About Shahid N Bebo Broke Up? DUNNO
. Do U Think Saif Will Marry Bebo? DUNNO
. If U Were On A Island On Ur Own Had a Choice To Have One Person With U, Whom U Wanna Have With U? DUNNO
What Have U Got Plan For This Xmas Holiday? DUNNO
. One Dream That U Have N U Wanna It To Come True? DUNNO
Which Actor Would U Like To Meet In Real Life? DUNNO
. How Do U Feel About Ekta N Her Shows, Going The Same Story As Her Previous Shows? DUNNO
Dont U Think She(Ekta)Should Do Something Different Instead Of Doing Same Story In Every Shows Of her? DUNNO
One Bollywood Actor That U Wanna See In A Hollywood Movie? DUNNO
What Is Ur Favourite Place For A Holiday? DUNNO
What Is Ur Favourite Color? DUNNO
Whats Is Ur Favourite Car? DUNNO
What Is Ur Favourite Music? 😉 😆 DUNNO

Here is a number of Emoticons.....

Use them for Dil mil Gaye characters...

Write which country are the people from: DUNNO

Napoleon DUNNO
Hitler DUNNO
Lincoln DUNNO
Osama Bin Laden DUNNO
Alexander the great DUNNO

Your Commentry on the following actors

Amitabh Bacchan DUNNO
Salman DUNNO
Hrithik DUNNO
Emraan Hasmi DUNNO

List atleast 10 big bloopers of KSKBT... DUNNO

Write the lyrics of the following songs
"Tere Liye" (Veer Zaara) DUNNO
"Do Pal" DUNNO

What's the time now.....😉 DUNNO

Now this are new..... 😆 😆 DUNNO

Are u currently crushing? DUNNO
Do you like Pulkit? DUNNO
Are u currently BestFriended? DUNNO
Are u fond of me? DUNNO
Have you ever not liked a storie a person has written? DUNNO

Questions..!!(full phrased answers) DUNNO
Describe yourself in only 1 word. DUNNO
What song best describes your life,and why? DUNNO
What are your plans for your future? DUNNO
What is currently more importand to you, studies or DUNNOfamily,and why?
How many hours daily do u spend on IF? :PP DUNNO

What is your best memory from your childhood? DUNNO

Do u think it is imp. to fall in love before getting married, or you get married and fall in luv? DUNNO

what is the best place on earth? DUNNO

If USA government gives u an apportunity to go on space would u take it? DUNNO

If you were given a chance to play Nandini's role how would u react DUNNO

Do u resemble with any1 from the Kyuki team? DUNNO

That's it for now......But don't worry.....I love grilling in friday..... 😉 😆

Best of luck

Thanks for questions! They were fun to answer!

Posted: 16 years ago

Originally posted by: armaan*luv*ridz

congooo shabooo babyy 👏 👏
me vll be bac vth ques 😉

Awww...thx hun!