Celebrations....Golden jubliee....

animateash thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 16 years ago

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angeltiara thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago

oh aashni this is so beautiful that i just feel like crying i dont have any words to speak i am stunned and missing remix so much after your lovely mix and your words
your mix is just too ausumn the four some scens you used are ausumn especially the last song i just cried when i remebered those ausumn moments of foursome and their journey

and song dosti one was is also nice i heard it first time and i liked the part chaska 2 4 where they all do that remix rocks thing you have blended it very well too cool

and puhleasee continue making such great mixes😳

 thank you so much for this  this would always be a lovely  and memorable moment for me

thank you

and congrats on your 50 mixes hope you make such gems more 😳

Edited by angel3142 - 16 years ago
usharafuddin thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
WWOWWW WOOWWW WWOOOWWWWWWWW!!!!!!! awwwwwwsom grrrrrr8 post!!!!! 😛 allova 2gather!!! well done hun!! dis is gr8!!!! will 4 sure watch all d mixes atleast ay mixes afta exam gets end!! n AAAAAAHHH! finally u posted!!!! n 51th mix!!!!!!!!! congo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 👏 watched d celebration mix!!!!!!!!!! it's awwwwwwwwsommmmm!!!!!!! really touched me frm d core! n reflcts d wholeeeeeeeee remix journey!!!!!! awwsom work hun!!!!!! 😛 n well aww u wore d siggy!! 😳 thought 2 post here yo gifty 4 being dazzy n 50th mix!!!!!! 😛 😛

n wa u planned 2 do afta dis post naa, i bet u'll curse yoself 4 dat.. atleast care 4 em who cares 4 u here n go on.. nyways lub ya hug..... 🤗🤗Edited by usharafuddin - 16 years ago
ashi_mania thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 16 years ago
Hey Aashni......congrats on completing 50 vmixes 😃......sorry couldnt read the entire post right now due to lack of time......but will deffo read ur one shot on AY soon n comment on it😃

FollowYourHeart thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
hey ash am in a real big hurry i dnt hav any net at my hostel now and am in my college cc so am really sorry for the delay in commenting here and congratulating you on completing your fifthieth mix grt grt grt going and an outsandingly commendable acheivment 👏 👏 since am in huerr am just passteing what i wrote for you in ayls 😳 😳

@ash...hey ash congoooooo on completing your fiftieth mix 👏 i rember once tlaking to you and you were so so excited that soon u wld be completing your fifty mixes i even read that post of yours and well i got this feeling that u were again planning to bunk comeing to rf after this post well ash all i wana say is if u really love this place then be here no matter what people say or what happen there might be hundreds and millions of people everywhere who would disagree with you or whose minds wnt gel with yours but the winner is one who can maintain his or her gorund irrespective of all this and if u have it in u u wld stay put

and as for this mix well i havnt seen it as you havnt mailed me nor hav u given me its reduced version but probably it wld be grt as its a signifcant mix to you 😳

and ya one more thing havn't read your ay one shot but must say the title roooocks 😳 😳 full stop but never an end how so very very trueeeee 😳 😳 they r like infinity going on and on and on and on and on forever 😃 😳 plz let me get back my net again and i wld read and comment on it soon bear with the delay 😭 and yeah best of luck for your boards i guess it started today i hope u dowell and come out in flying colors 😳 once again congoo 😳 😳
GetbusyLiving thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago

oh my godddddd👏...first of all just look at the number of mixes u have made...i seriously had no idea u were so talented😳..i mean yes u told me the number..but still just looking at d sheer number of d mixes u made is truly astounding👏

and dat too u such amazing songs..well luckily i have seen most of the tr mixes😳..but not the 4sum ones..will have to see it too for sure😛

and den ur celebration mix ash...loved d idea u used for making it😳..trying to see it rite now😳..hope my net doesn't get dc in between😕...will post my comment here asap😃

but i really hope this is not ur last one ash...really hope not😕...

am so sorry for the late reply...dis was just bad timing believe me..wasn't online for few days..sorry again😕

awesome post though👏...really enjoyed going through all of it😳


p_rox thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
omg omg aashiiiiiiiii really dunno wat 2 say i mean afta readin all dis i dunno im cryin im smilin omg ash im so soo sooo deeply touched tho i havnt seen any of da vidz but i promise 2 spend 1 full day on all dees vids afta ma exams get ova n plz dont say bye i luv u shooooooooo much shoooooooooooo muchhhhhhh 🤗
-Humaira- thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
hey!!! congo.. for making ur 50th vidmix.... 😳
and ur rite we r all one.. and i dunt think that anyone hates u ..... nice poem...... 😉
uvcraziestfan thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 16 years ago
wow ash ur fantabulous congo gall!!! 👏
tanya-karan4eva thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
Aashni...........sweetie congrats ur mixes r fab!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!afetr reading ur ur post i was speechless!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 👏 👏 👏
u rely made my day!!!!!!!!luv da choice of songs!!!
miss u lotz luv tanu 😳