Reality of the Reality Shows

pratyusha_gupta thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
Reality of the Reality Shows

    From the last few years we have lot of diffrent talent hunt competitions like Indial Idol,zee cine stars ki khoj etc etc and now Fame Gurukul.

    In these competetions normally the people who watch the shows can vote for there favourite participants and have some say for the guys coming to the top apart from the jugdes  and faculty view.

    We have been watching some episodes of Fame Gurukul and there is guy called Qazi from Kashmir who never learnt the singing but sings because of his passion and a great performer. Got into the danger zone many times and came back because of the public votes throgh SMS and calls.

    But now the point is what's the actual reality. This guy has been always discouraged by the Judges,getting comments from his co-participants and most of the time by the Faculty also. So where is the respect for the people who are voting for the particular participant. Anyway the people are no fool who will close there eyes and just vote like that without evaluating the performance, Afterall everyone spends while sending the SMSand calls.

    We do strongly beleive that if you have given the rights to the people to chose there favourites then that should be respected above all. These judges and faculty is there because of the people only i.e because they have been encourged by the people.

    Most of people who are watching the shows have heard these many time from the judges that the public is getting emotional and they should vote for the right talent and probably not a great performer i.e Qazi. Though in starting may be QAZI was not a good singer that time but now he improved lot and his voice quality is increasing day by day.If  he voted for the fame jodi then i must say HE DESERVE IT.Because he is not only talented but a very hard-working person also and moreover he is very nice human-being by heart.He proved that if somebody has passion to do something he can do it.And we r seeing the difference.
    Are these judges not biased infact THEY ARE. Every judge and Faculty has his favourite and they dont left any stone unturned for there favourites while giving the feedback.

    For example when Qazi says he is missing home and his mother Javed Akhtar says you can go home and when Arpita cries he has lot of Sympathy. It shows the clear biasness.

    This mail is circulated not to generate the sympathy for the Qazi but to spread awareness that eventually the people who are watching the shows feel that there votes should be respected and no participant should be discouraged by these judges and Faculty by there sarcastic comments and specially by PARTICIPANTS also. This discouragement may bring down participant's confidence.


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pratyusha_gupta thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago

Originally posted by: pratyusha_gupta

Reality of the Reality Shows

    From the last few years we have lot of diffrent talent hunt competitions like Indial Idol,zee cine stars ki khoj etc etc and now Fame Gurukul.

    In these competetions normally the people who watch the shows can vote for there favourite participants and have some say for the guys coming to the top apart from the jugdes  and faculty view.

    We have been watching some episodes of Fame Gurukul and there is guy called Qazi from Kashmir who never learnt the singing but sings because of his passion and a great performer. Got into the danger zone many times and came back because of the public votes throgh SMS and calls.

    But now the point is what's the actual reality. This guy has been always discouraged by the Judges,getting comments from his co-participants and most of the time by the Faculty also. So where is the respect for the people who are voting for the particular participant. Anyway the people are no fool who will close there eyes and just vote like that without evaluating the performance, Afterall everyone spends while sending the SMSand calls.

    We do strongly beleive that if you have given the rights to the people to chose there favourites then that should be respected above all. These judges and faculty is there because of the people only i.e because they have been encourged by the people.

    Most of people who are watching the shows have heard these many time from the judges that the public is getting emotional and they should vote for the right talent and probably not a great performer i.e Qazi. Though in starting may be QAZI was not a good singer that time but now he improved lot and his voice quality is increasing day by day.If  he voted for the fame jodi then i must say HE DESERVE IT.Because he is not only talented but a very hard-working person also and moreover he is very nice human-being by heart.He proved that if somebody has passion to do something he can do it.And we r seeing the difference.
    Are these judges not biased infact THEY ARE. Every judge and Faculty has his favourite and they dont left any stone unturned for there favourites while giving the feedback.

    For example when Qazi says he is missing home and his mother Javed Akhtar says you can go home and when Arpita cries he has lot of Sympathy. It shows the clear biasness.

    This mail is circulated not to generate the sympathy for the Qazi but to spread awareness that eventually the people who are watching the shows feel that there votes should be respected and no participant should be discouraged by these judges and Faculty by there sarcastic comments and specially by PARTICIPANTS also. This discouragement may bring down participant's confidence.