FF: Ek Paal... (MP) Prt15 pg28 8/15

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Posted: 16 years ago

* Hi guys, im Jaz. A huge MP fan 😃. I wrote a short story for Jai and Bani on the KS forum. Now i am a serious MP fan, and thought maybe you guys would like to read the story with MP in mind. I made the necessary changes, please forgive any mistakes i didnt catch. I hope you do enjoy reading the story. I would love your feed back. 😃  ps: the songs that i used are really beautiful songs, if you get a chance, do listen, im sure you will love them.*

Ek Paal'

Ek paal ke liyeh hi sahi,

Ghadiyaan humko milli makmali, pyaar ki

Iss ek paal ko, jee le zaara'

Yeh lamhe phir mille naa mille,

Kho jaane deh sabhi duriyaan, faasale'

Aa dil milla le aur paas aa'

Phir kya ho, kya khabar

Dekha hai kisne kaal,

Aa raath rok leh, phir ho naa jaaye seher'.

Amazing how a place that is usually full of life, noise and laughter was now a desolate, quiet, almost dead place. Funny how a place that is usually buzzing with hundreds of people was now the salvation of only one soul; Santa Monica Pier: the one and only. Located along the beautiful coast of Southern California, it was a gem. Come anytime and this place was full and crowded. During the day, many fellow Californians and some tourists even, flocked to the cool waters of the beach to seek refuge from the blazing heat of Los Angeles County. At night, the pier came to life full of people; each there for various reasons; some to pass time and fish, even though they hardly catch anything, while others came for the arcade; some came to eat the sea-food restaurant while others came to enjoy the various musicians and artists doing their thing; some came just to spend time with family and friends while others came specifically for the warm, sugary, sweet, crunchy, baked treats known as churros.

Santa Monica Beach/Pier was a place that Prachi was all too familiar with. She was brought up and raised her entire life in the sunny, care-free climate of California. Brought up by traditional Indian parents, in a world where the westerners ruled. She had lived in the same house since she had arrived in California with her parents and younger sister Suresha. Her parents were not rich but were well off. Prachi and her sister had everything they needed and wanted...within their means. Being brought up in the center of San Fernando Valley, in Van Nuys, with traditional Indian parents whose traditional Indian values had turned Prachi into the quintessential 'Desi Valley Girl', if that was even possible.

 Her parents had instilled in her the goodness of being a human being, the necessity of a good education, the morals and values of being from a colorful and beautiful culture; but most of all, the duty and expectations of a daughter from a middle class Indian family. That is why, at 1:30 in the morning, Prachi was walking along the shore hiding her fear, apprehension and tears in the nights black sheet of darkness. Only the light from the twinkling stars and the bright full moon shown down on her, and showed her the path she was walking.

Her parents thought that she was at her best friend Vanita's house resting. There was no way that they would have let her come out at this time of night by herself. She had told the lie because she had to get away from everything just to think and to be alone. Finding a spot next to where the huge wooden pillars of the pier met with the soft, golden sand of the beach, Prachi sat down. She gathered her knees to her chest, and pressed her small body into the hardness of the pillar, as if wanting to melt into it. She stared out to the great and powerful sea. The resemblance they had to one another was uncanny. On the outside they both appeared calm and collected with the occasional wave breaking to the surface. Inside, there was a furry of emotions and whirl pools that could sink and destroy anything that came in its path. Just like the similarities, the differences were strong as well. The ocean was free and seemed to be never ending. It yielded and obeyed to no one and nothing. Where as, Prachi...her story had met with the ending. There was no freedom, or room to grow. The oceans path and systems changed daily, where as Prachi's was now set in stone; the thought of which brought the escape of a solitary tear from her eye. The lonely didn't stay lonesome for long; holding on to her knees with her arms, she put down her head, and at that moment the dam broke. The tears, frustration and fear that she had carried inside her for the past 4 months had finally reached the breaking point. Prachi could feel her body shaking with her hiccups, she could hear her sobs as she saw her future flash before her eyes.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Prachi felt a warm touch on her bare shoulder that set her skin ablaze and her senses on alert. It stirred something deep within her soul, she knew, in her heart, that one moment would change her life.  'Are you ok madam?' came from an inquisitive voice right behind her. It was a voice that shook Prachi down to her bones, her core. It was deep, husky and demanding and all the while it was sweet, seductive and gentle. She looked up to find a pair of piercing, dark chocolaty eyes staring back at her. A shiver ran down Prachi's spine because the one look gave her the feeling that he could see directly into her heart and into her soul. Prachi was so busy losing herself in those eyes that she hadn't seen that he held out a handkerchief to her. She managed a soft 'Yes I am fine. Thank You.' while reaching for the handkerchief, as the man sat down next to her.


'What gave it away? The exquisitely designed clothing, the heavy antique jewelry, the red mehendi on my hands, or the so called 'dot' on my forehead?'

'None of the above, it was your face and your eyes.'


'Me too.'

 'Are you sure that you are alright?'


'If those long lines of running mascara are any indication, I would say you are far from 'fine'.'

Embarrassed that a strange man had to tell her that her mascara was running, Prachi blushed bringing a hint of color to her now pale face. Quickly taking the hanky she wiped as best she could the black marks that were proof of her moment of weakness, and proof of the tears that she had shed only seconds ago. Prachi turned her eyes from his face back out to the massive body of water that lay in front of her.

'No really, I'm fine. Just a little upset.'

'If you were only a 'little upset' you wouldn't be out here at this time of night by yourself; neither would I for that matter.'

Looking back into those dreamy eyes Prachi asked, 'What is it that brings you here?' At being questioned, Prachi senses the stranger stiffen as a wall of anger and frustration flashes in his eyes. He turns away from her gaze and looks at the ocean. Thinking that it is obviously not something he wants to talk about with her, she too turns her gaze back to the Pacific. After a few sort seconds Prachi sees the strangers shoulders sag, as his eyes close and head drops. He lets out a sigh and says 'Life' with a hint of sadness, desperation and surrender.

'I am 28 years old, a successful business man, I have a great family. I could care less about what people think or say about me. There is only one person in this world that I would do anything for, anything to make him happy, anything to make his tears and worries go away. My father, he raised me like my own mother would have after she passed away when I was younger. Everything was fine until he began insisting that I get married and 'settle down'.'

'Ah...yes. 'Settle down'. If I may ask, is there something wrong with that?'

'Not necessarily, no. I have done the 'Love' thing in the past and have been burned. I don't know if I can do it again. I thought Ayesha as the love of my life...but apparently the love of Ayesha's life was my bank account. Regardless I have said yes to Father's insistence.'

Not realizing what she was doing, Prachi placed a hand on the strangers shoulder and gave it a squeeze. 'I'm sure everything will work out just fine. You seem like a stand up guy, and you will get the goodness that you deserve when the time is right.' The stranger put his hand on top of Prachi's and looked into her eyes. He didn't need to say anything because even though Prachi had only known him for the past 15 minutes, she could read his eyes. The gratitude and appreciation shown in his eyes like the stars in the sky.

'What about you? Why are you here?' As if being electrically shocked, Prachi yanked her hand out from under his and became cold towards him. 'I'm sorry, if you don't want to talk about it, that's fine. If you want to be alone I understand, I never meant to intrude.' Prachi could feel the honesty in his voice, and the remorse in his voice for making her shut down on him. The stranger stood up and brushed the sand off of his bottom and made one step to move away, when Prachi reached up and grabbed a hold of his hand. Without looking up, and still staring out at the sea she said, 'Please don't go. I don't want to be alone.' She could see that the stranger still felt strange and confused by her behavior. This time she looked up into his eyes and said 'Please' in a barely audible whisper. The stranger shifted Prachi's small, cold hand into his other hand as he turned to sit back down. Without letting her go he inter-laced his fingers with hers giving her support. At that moment, as if finally giving up and surrendering, Prachi allowed a small sigh escape her lips as she set her head down on the strangers broad shoulder. As some of her hair came over her face, the stranger used his other hand to brush it back behind her ear. They sat in silence for a while, when Prachi felt the stranger circle her ring finger. She knew he was confused. Without taking her head off of his shoulder, she pulled her hand out and felt her hand with the other.

'I myself am 'settling down'. I am actually dressed like this because I just came from my engagement ceremony. My parents have been after me to get married since I had graduated a year ago. They had been looking for a guy and about 4 and half months they had found one. His name is Neev Shergill. He is an old family friend who moved to Bakersfield with his parents a few years back. His dad and my dad are old friends. Me and Neev were friends too, but had lost touch after their move.  He is the Senior President of Skilled Health Care Co. He is a very nice and decent guy; very respectful towards me and my family. He treats them like they are his own. I know he will keep me 'happy'."

'I take it there is a problem.'

'I don't love him. I always pictured me marrying the man of my dreams and in my dream I marry the man I love. I tried to stall my parents and throw them off my trail by telling them to wait until I get my masters, but they didn't listen. My dad is getting older and isn't in the best of health and his one wish is to see his daughters settled before anything happens to him. Being the oldest it is my responsibility to carry out my fathers wishes, to make him happy, to uphold the family name. I had no choice but to choose duty as a daughter over my duty to myself. I had to choose the happiness of my family over that of mine.'

Once again the stranger took Prachi's hand into his and gave it a tight squeeze. He places a soft, gentle kiss on her forehead and whispered 'I'm sorry you aren't getting what you want.' before pulling away and resting his head on top of hers. Again, they sat in silence not uttering a word to one another. Even in this silence there was a bond between them; a bond that made one feel what the other was feeling. They understood each others pain and anguish and confusion even they had know each other all but an hour.

'We both seem to be coming from the same place; fulfilling our responsibilities to out families and in the process watching our dreams go down the drain.' said the stranger after a while. 'How about we forget everything and have some fun?' At this Prachi looked up at the stranger in confusion. 'Let me explain; how about for tonight lets forget everything. Let's forget that we have responsibilities to our families; let's forget our sorrows and frustration; let's forget that there is anyone else out there is this world. Tonight it is just you and me. Pretend that there is nothing holding us back, or ties to hold us down. Just for tonight let's be ourselves. Let's live in the present, in the right-now, in the moment. Let us enjoy every moment of this night like it is the last night of our lives. Tomorrow's sun will bring with it a new life, a new future. Tomorrow we will go our separate ways; but for right now...it is only US.'

Prachi looked into the strangers eyes and gave him a smile. That's exactly what she wanted to do tonight; forget. That is why she had ventured out to the secluded beach at this time of night. The stranger stood up and held out his hand for Prachi to take; without a moments hesitation Prachi gave him her hand and he drew her up.

'I am Milind by the way.'

'Hi Milind. I am Prachi.'


Prachi smiled at Milind's interpretation of her name. 'Not 'pari', it's PRACHI.' Milind gave her a smile that could melt the biggest glacier in Antarctica and said, 'I know, I just wanted to see if your smile was a beautiful as you are; and I must say that it is just as beautiful if not more.' At this Prachi blushed a deep rose red and grinned from ear to ear.

Milind took Prachi to his car, which just happened to be the latest model BMW, and opened the door for her like a gentle man. Once she slid in he made sure that her ghagra was inside the car fully before closing the door. Milind informed her that his Father and sister Sukriti were in Phoenix at the moment for the engagement of one of their close family friends' daughter. Prachi couldn't go around town decked out fully in her fancy ghagra-choli, heavy jewelry, and 5 inch stiletto heels. Milind told her that she was about the same size as his sister so he took her back to his home to change. On the drive to his house, which was up by posh Mulholland Drive, Prachi began removing her jewelry, and what seemed to be hundreds of pins in her outfit. She was about the remove her bangles when Milind placed his hand over her hand, indicating for her to stop. 'Don't take those off. I like the way the look on you, and I love the sound they make when you move your arms.'  Prachi slowly withdrew her right hand from under his left hand. Milind slowly took her left hand into his hand and held it for a while, and then slowly he placed a kiss at the base of her knuckles sending a surge of heat through Prachi's body.

After about 20 minutes Milind pulled his BMW in front of a beautiful white mansion. He quickly got out of the car and went to the other side to get the door for Prachi; then he proceeded to help her get out of the car. He walked with her hand in hand and opened the door for her. He told her how to get to Sukriti's room so she could change. 'Why don't you go up and change, I have a few calls to make. Chose anything you like, don't worry about anything. Sukriti is a bit of a neat-freak so you should find everything easily. In the mean time I'll grab a change of clothes too.'

Prachi hurried up the steps paying minimal attention to her surroundings as she knew she had a limited amount of time before this night, and this life of just her and Milind would be over. Just as Milind had suggested Prachi easily found what she needed. Even though it was nearly 2:30 in the morning, in the dead middle of summer, the nights were warm. Prachi settled for a pair of light cotton dark brown cargo pants, and a turquoise BEBE top with matching flip flops. She pulled her hair out of its fancy hair-do and ran some water through it giving her hair its natural waves back, and quickly tied it into a pony tail. She washed her face, seeing that half of her make up already gone.

When she came back down stairs she found Milind standing with his back to her, on the phone talking to some one about how he will remember this favor and promised to pay them back. He hadn't really changed. Milind had just pulled off his suit coat, taken off the tie, undid the top few buttons and rolled up his sleeves to his elbows.  Prachi walked soundlessly to Milind, when a light breeze blew some of her hair out of place. She lifted her hand to push a few stray strands back behind her ear, when her bangles sounded causing Milind to turn around. A smile broke across his face as he said 'Much better Pari, even the moons radiance falls short in front of your natural beauty.'  Once again, as a true gentle man, he opened the door for her as she got in the car. Milind took the bag she had stuffed all her things into and put it in the trunk. He got in and lowered the top of his car, as the made their way to their destination.

Neither one of them said a word, they were just enjoying each others company, relishing in the silent understanding, and compassion that ran between them. Prachi jerked a little out of surprise when she felt his hand caress the side of her face. He moved his hand up to her hair and pulled out the clip that held her hair together, letting her black tresses cascade down to her shoulders. 'I knew you would look spectacular with your hair open. I like it better this way Pari.' Noting the tiny hint of lust in his voice Prachi ran her fingers through her hair setting it a little. 'Where are we going?' Prachi asked, not sure where Milind was taking her, but not the least bit worried at that fact. 'Shhh...you will see.'  About another 20minutes later Milind pulled back into the spot where he was the last time...

'We are back at the pier?'

'I know.'

'I thought we were living in the moment. What can we do here? It is closed.'

'No it's not...look.'

Prachi followed his gaze to the pier and couldn't believe her eyes. The pier that was dark and gloomy not one hour ago was now bright with music and colorful lights. There was no one there except for one shady figure at the base to the steps that led up to the pier. Milind tugged on Prachi's hand pulling her along with him towards the pier.

'Ever been to the pier at night.'

'Sure, tons of times.'

Leaning in to whisper in her ear. 'Like this?'


'This is living in the moment.'

'But how...I mean...when...who?'

'Don't worry, you can't get arrested or anything.'

Prachi chuckled, 'It's not that, I trust you.'

'Good. Ever ridden the roller coaster with no one else around?'

'Ummm...I've never ridden the coaster. I'm sort of ... scared.'

'Well no need to be now, I am here with you. Nothing will happen to you...I promise.'

Milind and Prachi walked hand in hand up to the small roller coaster that attracted many people during regular hours. Prachi saw that the shady figure that she had seen was now waiting for them and welcomed them to the pier. If they needed anything at all, he would be right around them to help. Once they were at the roller coaster, Milind helped Prachi into the front compartment before getting in himself. Milind could see the fear in Prachi's eyes.

'So I take it you have never been to Six Flags Magic Mountain, right?'

'H*ll No!!! I mean...no. I get really scared and nervous; my stomach feels like a bottomless pit.'

'Like it does now?'


Milind pulled down the safety bar and smiled as he saw Prachi pull the bar as far down as she possibly could. Milind put and arm around her to shield her and protect her, as to give her a sense of support. As soon as the solitary operator clicked the start button and Prachi heard the clanking of the chains bellow them, she shrank into the crock of Milind's arm, and buried her face in his chest as if the 'boogie man' was standing in front of her. He puller her in and felt her hold her breath as the ride began to move. Prachi stiffened, and began taking rapid, shallow breaths as she could feel their altitude rising. When the ride sped up and began taking its twists and turns she grabbed on to him, almost clawing into his chest. At the first drop as small scream escaped her lips as she braced herself for the worst. After that the ride came to a stop. Prachi looked up now and noticed Milind looking down at her.

'That wasn't so bad, now was it?'

'Ummm...No actually.'

'How about we do it again?'


The ride took of once more, but this time Prachi was merely holding on to Milind's hand with some force. By the time the repeated that ride for the 4th time, Prachi actually enjoyed it. It was her first time on a roller coaster. Riding coasters was the one 'California thing' she never did.  Now it felt good, having Milind there with her to share that experience made it better. He had held her when she was trembling with fear and held on to her when she felt her heart just may fly out of her chest. Her first roller coaster experience was going to be one that she never forgot; not because it was her first time on a roller coaster. Prachi would never forget that experience because Milind was with her, he is what made it memorable.

After finally getting off of the roller coaster, Prachi was absolutely giddy. She had a grin on her face that reached to the corners of her eyes. 'Wow, I didn't know what I was missing.' she said walking just a few feet ahead of Milind. He caught up to her and once again enclosed his warm hands over hers. 'Are you hungry?' Milind inquired. 'No, not really. We had a huge traditional Indian feast at the engagement.' As soon as those words left her mouth , regretted them. There was supposed to be no engagement, not for tonight. It was just her and Milind, no one else, no problems, no responsibilities, no nothing...just THEM. Milind knew that she was kicking herself for bring them back to reality in a split second, but he assured her that her one comment hadn't changed anything by gently rubbing her hand with his thumb.

'How about we get some frozen yogurt and walk to the end of the pier?'

'Sounds like a plan. How did you know I like frozen yogurt? Most people would have asked to go for ice cream?'

'I am not most people and neither are you, that is why I suggested frozen yogurt. Besides, if you are a true California-Valley person, then there is now way you don't love frozen yogurt.' said Milind with a wink.

'Got me there.'

Milind handed Prachi her vanilla and chocolate swirl frozen treat and took her hand and walked away from the stall. 'Wait, don't you want one?' asked Prachi seeing that Milind had nothing in either hand except for her hand. 'Nope I don't want a whole one. I do, however, want to share with you. May I?' Without the slightest hesitation Prachi lifted her cone to his mouth and he took a lick of the sweet treat. They walked hand in hand to the end of the pier, having small conversations.

At the end of the pier, with the wind blowing and Milind's arm around her shoulder Prachi felt oddly at peace. It was like the smell of the salty sea water, mixed with his Curve for men cologne gave her a weird sense of comfort and cleansing. Prachi didn't know what it was about him, but he made her feel safe and confident and worthy. With only a small bit of the frozen yogurt left, Prachi once again lifted it up to his lips. As he was about to take a last lick, Prachi raised her hand more and smashed some of the frozen concoction onto his nose. While Milind was still in a state of shock, Prachi quickly stepped out of his embrace and ran away laughing. It took Milind only a few second to begin running after her, and when he did he caught her without much effort. He swung her up into the air causing her to yelp in joy. Unintentionally Milind had found her weak spot along her waist and tickled her until she was in tears. They both fell onto a side bench holding their stomachs in laughter. As the laughter died down, the only thing that could be heard was the soft music being played somewhere behind them and the crashing of the waves against the pillars of the pier.

'Will you dance with me Pari?'

'I would love to.' 

Prachi got up and looked into Milind's seductive eyes, and as if on cue the musicians began playing 'Only Time' by Enya. The song was almost too perfect for their situation.

Who can say
Where the road goes
Where the day flows

Only time

And who can say
If your love grows
As your heart shows
Only time

Milind took Prachi's hand and led her to the center of the pier. He pulled her in close so that their bodies were almost touching. On of his hands caught hold of one of her hands, while the other snaked around her waist. Milind slowly pulled her hand out of his and places both hands around his neck. Milind then put both his hands around her waist. Prachi pulled in closer so that their bodies were not touching and hugged him as they danced. She settled her head in the crock of his neck and moved to the beat of his body as well as the music.

Who can say
Why your heart sighs
As your love flies
Only time

And who can say
Why your heart cries
When your love lies
Only time

Both Milind and Prachi lost themselves in each other as the song continued. Everything just melted away around them; the lights, the noise, the music. Soon it seemed like they danced to their own humming and to the drum like beats of their own hearts. They moved in sync with one another, like it was their 100th dance together and not their first.  They swayed to the late night breeze and the pounding of the waves against the pier.

Who can say
When the roads meet
That love might be
In your heart

And who can say
When the day sleeps
If the night keeps
All your heart

Night keeps, all your heart

Who can say
If your love grows
As your heart shows
Only time

And who can say
Where the road goes
Where the day flows,
Only time

And who can say
Where the road goes
Where the day flows
Only time

Who knows - only time
Who knows - only time...

The song ended and yet Prachi and Milind were still in each others embraces; neither wanting to move even the slightest bit. Milind ran his fingers through her hair, soothing her and yet at the same time driving her wild. Not trusting herself completely Prachi pushed lightly against his chest and broke the embrace.

'Everything Ok?'

'Yeah, ummm...how about a churro?'

'A what?'

'A churro' replied Prachi thinking how could he not know what a churro is. 'Oh wait, you have never had a churro have you?' asked Prachi who was already giggling at the look of confusion and guilt that danced in his eyes. Not wanting to lie, Milind just looks down at the floor and began playing with his feet. Next thing he knew, he was being dragged by his arm towards the stairs, which they had came up. 'You are not a Californian if you have never had a churro from the pier.'

Taking their churro's, Milind and Prachi made their way to the small life guard hut right next to the pier. They both sit so that their feet are dangling off of the ledge and they enjoy their churro's. Milind had never had one of these before but he had to admit that it was good. It was warm in the inside and sweet and sugary on the outside, kind of like Milind he thought and grinned. Prachi looked at the watch on Milind's wrist, and noticed how fast the time had flown; it was almost time for the sun to rise and end their perfect night. It was almost 5:00am, their time together would soon be over, and on that thought Prachi breathed out a sigh.  'Our time is almost up.' said Milind as if reading Prachi's mind. Prachi shook her head in agreement and said, 'I want to take you somewhere, will you go with me?' Placing a soft kiss on Prachi's head Milind's response was 'Of course'

Prachi gave Milind directions to her favorite place in California. Driving to their destination along Pacific Coast Highway was relaxing and freeing. Milind and Prachi sped down PCH at 75 mph in a 45 mph zone. The wind in their hair and faces was breathing new life into their souls and bodies. They both felt revived and refreshed even though they had been up almost all night. Forgetting about all their problems and sorrows did a world of good for them. They no longer fled older than their age, they felt alive again. 

 The place they were headed was one of Prachi and Vanita's little secrets. The two of them had come there many times to just talks, especially if one was going through some sort of crisis. It was a small secluded park right next to a Malibu Public Library and directly across form the Pepperdine University campus. The park had only one table and bench set for people to sit on. However, if you followed a path at the side of the library it let you to another small clearing further down the hill. If you sat at the edge of that clearing Malibu Beach was directly beneath you, and you could see miles and miles of gorgeous blue ocean.  Prachi felt a surge of excitement as they reached the destination. Like a school girl going on her first field trip, Prachi jumped out of the car and grabbed his hand pulling him along with her.

'You know, only me and my best friend Vanita have been here. We have never brought anyone else here. I don't know why but I feel a connection with you, I want to share this place with you.'

'I am honored that you are letting me into a part of your life you have not shared with anyone else. I am touched.'

Prachi and Milind sat and looked out at the ocean. It was almost time for sunrise and with the dawn of a new day their night would be over. They would have to return to their chosen paths and forget what transpired between them that night. Sensing Prachi shiver slightly Milind placed his coat around her shoulders and pulled her into his warm body, and she relaxed.


'I'm sorry?'

'It was my mothers name and my biggest dream is to give my daughter her name. I have never shared this with anyone, not even my Father. I was always afraid people would laugh at me.'

'It is an old fashioned name...' Prachi saw the hurt and embarrassment in Milind's eyes '...but it is a very beautiful name.' Almost instantly the change in Milind was visible; his eyes lit up with joy, his chest grew with pride and his face broke into a grin.

'Everything' by Lifehouse...

Find me here
And speak to me
I want to feel you
I need to hear you
You are the light
That is leading me
To the place where
I find peace again
You are the strength
That keeps me walking
You are the hope
That keeps me trusting
You are the life to my soul
You are my purpose
You're everything

And how can I
Stand here with you
And not be moved by you
Would you tell me
How could it be
Any better than this

They looked into each others eyes and only felt their connection increase and deepen. The hunger and lust was visible in Milind's eyes, but staying true to his chivalrous side, he made no move on Prachi. It was Prachi who took the first step; she tilted her face up to his giving Milind clear access to her lips. Milind lowered his head slowly to hers, and their lips finally met, after what felt like eons of waiting. As their lips touched, everything else around them vanished; a fire was sent raging through every vein in their body; a primal hunger and desire was released and ran rampant.

You calm the storms
You give me rest
You hold me in your hands
You won't let me fall
You steal my heart
And you take my breath away
Would you take me in
Would you take me deeper now

And how can I
Stand here with you
And not be moved by you
Would you tell me
How could it be
Any better than this 

Drawing her body closer, Milind parted her lips with his tongue was began to slowly tease and torment her like there was no tomorrow. Prachi's arms had managed to find their way up around his neck pulling him closer, if at all possible. Their bodies almost felt like one, two pieces of a whole, melting into place with heat, passion and urgency. Finally puling back, both were out of breath. Milind placed a kiss on her forehead and once again put his arm around her. They sat in silence, not saying anything or moving a muscle. Neither wanted to think or talk about their impending departure.

And how can I
Stand here with you
And not be moved by you
Would you tell me
How could it be
Any better than this

Cause you're all I want
You're all I need
You're everything

You're all I want
You're all I need
You're everything

You're all I want
You're all I need
You're everything

You're all I want
You're all I need
You're everything

They sat in silence as they saw the top of the sun break through the surface of the ocean some where out over the horizon. Their time together was officially over, reality was waiting for them. Their night of living in the moment was over. Without saying anything to the other they both got up and headed towards Prachi's car, hand in hand.

'I had a great time with you Milind; I will never forget our night or you.'

'I know, neither will I. I hope that you do find the happiness you deserve with your family and Neev.'

'I hope that you are happy too.'

'I will miss you Pari.'

'It is Prachi not Pari!'

'I know, I just wanted to see you smiling one last time before you left'

'I hope we meet again, maybe our paths will cross in the future.'

'Maybe...you know...I think I love you Pari.'

'I think I love you too Milind.'

They looked into each others eyes as if reading the others soul and heart one last time. Their eyes said all those things their mouths could not.

And how can I
Stand here with you
And not be moved by you
Would you tell me
How could it be
Any better than this

And how can I
Stand here with you
And not be moved by you
Would you tell me
How could it be
Any better than this

And how can I
Stand here with you
And not be moved by you
Would you tell me
How could it be
Any better than this

Would you tell me
How could it be
Any better than this

Prachi stepped close and gave Milind one last hug and a small peck on his cheek and said  'Good bye Milind' with that Prachi turned around and left with out a single glance back at Milind, but she did hear him whisper a soft 'Goodbye Pari' that brought a smile to her face.


Then Prachi and Milind were off on their seperate paths of life. However, each was taking with them memories that would last well over a life time.



Ek paal ke liyeh hi sahi,

Ghadiyaan humko milli makmali, pyaar ki

Iss ek paal ko, jee le zaara'

Yeh lamhe phir mille naa mille,

Kho jaane deh sabhi duriyaan, faasale'

Aa dil milla le aur paas aa'

Phir kya ho, kya khabar

Dekha hai kisne kaal,

Aa raath rok leh, phir ho naa jaaye seher'.

PS: i know the ending isnt all happy go lucky...if you guys are interested...id be happy to write a few more parts and bring MP together...if you are interested...😃



Prt 1 - pg 1
Prt 2 - pg 3
Prt 3 - pg 6
Prt 4 - pg 10
Prt 5 - pg 13
Prt 6 - pg 15
Prt 7 - pg 18
Prt 8 - pg 19
Prt 9 - pg 21
Prt 10 - pg 23
Prt 11 - pg 26
Prt 12 - pg 28
Prt 13 - pg 31
Prt 14 - pg 33

Edited by jnawaz - 15 years ago


Last reply









Frequent Posters

shali thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
thanks hun for writting a FF...
will read and reply....
and offcourse we are intresed in more parts....
madhu_vasireddy thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
Jaz that was absolutely brilliant hun 👏 👏.I had a glint of moisture in my eyes after I read this.You have portrayed the emotions very beautifully.Can you please continue and bring MP together?Looking forward for it honey.Good work 👏 👏

soul76 thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
Ok now this was the most beautiful one night fling I've ever read.Honestly I never knew if you ran out on desolate piers in the dead of the night you'd be able to find Milind .... 😊 Sigh...good going hun though a few parts is not gonna do justice you gotta write a full fledged story with an excellent end with Milind and Prachi actually getting married and no Ayesha or Neev around, currently am very much annoyed by them.
arsh1910 thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
OMG... its beautiful.... 👏 (BTW i hve been catching on wid all the FFs since m new here) .... but its simply wonderful..and i hve a request..plz do continue wid the story... 😃 😃
alveera thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 16 years ago
it's so beautiful, and michi they need only a moment to know eachother. 😛 and while reading the end part i was praying, both of them should decide to get married in the morning. 😆 so do write more parts, i want them together.
.noone. thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
jnawaz i have already read ur ff in ks forum but i enjoyed reading it again

awesome work
sneha_17 thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
just bring them together 😊 do it 😛
desi chic thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 16 years ago

JAZUUUUUUUUUUU!! Meri jaan... *sighs* ... *smiling like a langoor*... I can't read this yet... I have to write an essay... padah toh... essay gaya ghaas charney aur saath mein mera mark bhi... uff!! I'm stoked... this is my treat... *blow kisses*😃



rumi.love thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
omg this is like the best story ever..
It was so awesome.. I dnt even knw wat 2 say
u just have to write more..