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pj04 thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
music 89: you are not the only one...i completely lose myself in these shows to the extent of insanity. i promise myself that i will quit for a while but a few days later i scouring all the sites to decide what to watch now.i too have no sense of controlwhen i am seeing a good show.
   i agree with you that dby was way shallow , however a number of hot scenes(including a make out sequence) pushed it to the top. while i can understand how they had hard time keeping those hands to themselves, thier lack of control was deplorable. what surprised me is no one raised a question about the ethical aspect of the show
   anyways coming back to iswak...yep the progression is great though slow. the director is wise enuf to show zhi shu's reactions even when he is not in forefront ..examples are when wu ren comes to give gift to XQ , you see zhi first surprised and then rolling his eyes upwards in the back and later saying young ensemble sarcastically. when xq meets wu ren in the restaurant and he puts his arms around her ,if you see the mirror behind the couple , you can see reflection of zhi shu getting madder and ready to strangle them though he knows xq's ploy, he calms down only when he sees xq's discomfort. similarily when she pretends to give a romantic call to senior hao(the tennis guy) you see angry zhi walking towards her and then walking away in frustation in the background. i really admire the director for thinking so deeply about the scenes and joe to deliver the impact. until now i have seen this kind of subtlety only in jdoramas (hyd series specifically)
music89 thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
yeaa... the making out in DBY was pretty hot!!! hehe..
neways... yea wat u said is exactly true puja! the scenes u just mentioned... i noticed all of it!! :D hehe.. loveee the director's emphasis and joe's acting of the details... this showz that joe actually gets into the character's head...(no wonder the spontaneous kiss in the company office begging for mercy..ariel was sooo surprised!) hehe...

i have never seen any jdorama... taiwanese.. i watch coz they are mostly light hearted... and korean.. the actors are hot and i like seeing love triangles quadrangles.. altho i am sick of it now.... but japanese... wat is their speciality? i have seen nearly gazillions of taiwanese, chinese and korean...but japanese...they are soo many in number i dont noe where to start...i like ISWAK kinda of stuff...wat do u recommend for a MUST see jdorama?
pj04 thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago

music89 :i must admit you have missed the best of them...the way i see it koreans are good at polished, family oriented love stories, taiwanese are good or light hearted romances(really concentrated on young 18-24 year old couple) and having an over the top way about it. japanese are masters at fast pace (thier shows average out at 10 episodes) , extreme attention to detail, very good acting (these guys are master at casting)even if the cast is not a looker as taiwanese ones and lastly subtlety of romance (let us just say romance is not necesarrily focus of all thier shows). thier shows have a varied range of stories...action, thriller, romance, brain teaser, scifi, fantasy...etc
   where to start ...i would suggest with hana yori dango which is based on same manga as meteor garden .i can assure you you will find a huge difference in the treatment of the story. the show is there on allthe asian sites (veoh,cr, youtube but if you like to download then the links are there in our archive thread).warning....if you were a fan of mg you are gonna start hating that one after watching this.

 another shows worth watching are gokusen1(a yakuza heir tries to realise the dream of becoming a teacher, no romance), kurosagi (a swindler swindles other swindlers), nobuta wo produce(all about friendship, two bored guys try to reinvent a classmate), liar game(really a brain teaser)

   another show awaited jap show is hanakimi(jap version) which starts airing on 3rd july. this 10 episode series is already showing a lot of promise based on actors. if you have read the original manga the hero(athlete) in hanakimi does not fall for the female easily (as shown in taiwanese version). in fact it is his curosity (why is she here like that) and sense of gentlemanly responsibility (she is here for me, she is in my room so she is under my protection) that initially brings them closer.also in actuality the girl is very girlie and not a tomboy which is why she constantly makes mistakes and the hero is left to help her out.the whole idea was completely bungled up in taiwanese version and did i mention my pet peeve...ella's odd face expressions(what was with them) and wu zun..he is cute , he can even sing but hell he needs to work on his acting.he reminds me of salman khan who has almost same base expression no matter what he is conveying.
    anyways i think i love the jdoramas the most (as long as i pick the right one)

Edited by pj04 - 17 years ago
music89 thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
thanks soo much puja for all ur efforts into giving me suggestions!! i reallyy appreciate it. i dont noe.. whenever i go to the japanese section in dramawiki( a good site for all asian dramas) there are soo many of them.. also..since its soo short i always felt that characters wont be given enuf depth... and the story will just fly by only for the sake of entertainment. i like doing the analysis and going under a character's psyche, but if enuf of these characters is not portrayed then im pretty put off.. i need to force myself to continue.. like if u noe/have been watching hello! miss (new korean series which i started to watch coz of lee da hae) characters arent developed properly. that throws me off. i havent been able to finish the series.
Also ...rite now since its summer break..i want something lite hearted and happy and funny and preferably romance.. and jdorama i feel does not have enuf such series but since u have soo enthusiastically recommended these.. i will surely watch them!!

btw.. meteor garden.. oh lord! i have forced myself soo many times to watch it( my friend recommended it to me 2 years back and is still bonkers over it!) but i still havent watched it except maybe 2-3 scenes.. i noe the story.. but somehow i cant stand the barbie and the lead guy... altho i lovee vic..still... that show put me off.. and thats y i wasnt able to bring myself to watch the jdorama version. Also, i watched the anime for hana yori dango on youtube.. i skipped around a lot of scenes as i read the manga was ehh-okay types.. so that was another reason to put off the jdorama...
BUT when u say to me that hana yori dango is muchhh better than MG and that it will even be like more than the die-hard fans of MG...comes as a VERY PLEASANT SURPRISE to me.. and now im excited to watch hana yori dango..!!!! THANKS SOO MUCH!!!!
music89 thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
puja: o also.. the jap version of hana kimi brings my hope up soo much! i too cud not stand ella.. and altho wu-chun is great eye candy his acting want all that great either.. BUT I LOVEEEEDDD THE GAY DOCTOR!! HE THE BEST FREAKIN PART IN THE WHOLEE SHOW!!!!! :D aww he is soo cuttee he makes me smile!!!!
pj04 thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
i think i liked both the doctor (he was freaky, cute and odd all rolled in one) and jirro (he had perfect comic timing in this show). anyways i can keep cribbing about these shows until i die and will yet end up watching them .
pj04 thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
here some new photos...i think joe with short hairs is growing on me

here is another

credit :asianfanatics
music89 thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
howwwww cuteee... i was always hoping joe wud cut his hair...frankly as much as i like him in loong hair.. i knew the short hair wud reallyy get out his hotness :D
marvelous.malks thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
oh my, he looks just as good in short hair.. lol! 😳

i will not particapate in this discussion right now cuz i wont want to ruin all the cute scenes coming up for me 😆😆😆 Edited by marvelous.malks - 16 years ago
MNMS thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
I was reading the Manga's site where in "Chracters" it is written : Zhi Shu[Naoki] says "The 90% that I can do, she can't do, but the 10% that I can't do, she actually can do."

What is the 10% Xiang Qin can do??? I was a bit lost at this 😛