DOTW 2: Discussion Of The Week # 2

~Sirius*Ysh~ thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
Well the first discussion of the week took of very well and now i am back with another DOTW...So presenting


This time its about Dreams. We all have dreams about our future and career... but we often overlook the fact that our parents have dreams about our future too... after all they will have some ideas about their children... but i have a feeling that not all parents are like this these days... not all parents push their children to do something they are TOTALLY against... after all parents can sense whethere u want to do what they want you to do or not...

so the topic for discussion here is : Do you think that parents are pushing their children towards doing what THEY want them to do or do they let them take thier own decisions?

post your thoughts and have a happy discussion 😃




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Eloquent thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 17 years ago
Hey great DOTW yshuu...will deffo reply tomm! 😳
kudi420 thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
No , i dun think parents push their children to do sumthing whcih they dunt want to do.......They may sugest them or help them in choosing their career..but will not force them......
But thts all situational ....if a kid dun want to do anything and waste his time doing matargashti n all then the parents force them to do sumthing as they dun want their children to waste their main yrs of struggle and wants them to give a meaning to their life ...
Parents wants their kids to be sucessful and make them proud doesent matter how the kids do it .....

But ya ...if parents r in sum proffession or business they do want their children to do teh same ...but in todayz world even parents know very well wat their children wants and wat their children r capable of i dun think they force them to choose a specific career but ya they do force them to atleast choose sum career so tht they can achieve sumthing in life which sum kids dunt understand!
~Sirius*Ysh~ thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
well i think u are right. In those days people were more prone towards engineering and doctors and so they would want thier children to just do that but today with so many many options open, they just suggest the best for their children but allow them to decide for themselves...

all though i can argue differently in a way that if parents want their children to do something the children dont want to do, they do get very very upset and instead of outwardly forcing them, they just show lack of enthusiasm in the childs choice for a career....
kudi420 thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago

Originally posted by: ~Sirius*Ysh~

all though i can argue differently in a way that if parents want their children to do something the children dont want to do, they do get very very upset and instead of outwardly forcing them, they just show lack of enthusiasm in the childs choice for a career....

u r rite .............they do sulk if they dun like the child's choice but i guess tht is only in the inital stages ....cuz they want to show their dissapproval but later on they do support them .........directly or indirectly ......cuz all they want is thir childrens happiness.......and according to me in todayz world even parents hav bcum quite broad minded and they too undestand dreams and career ..........

and even the child keeps many options with them todayz world is quite competitive .......and to survive u have to look at all the options ....and chose the best one...

~Sirius*Ysh~ thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
[quote]u r rite .............they do sulk if they dun like the child's choice but i guess tht is only in the inital stages ....cuz they want to show their dissapproval but later on they do support them .........directly or indirectly ......cuz all they want is thir childrens happiness.......and according to me in todayz world even parents hav bcum quite broad minded and they too undestand dreams and career ..........[/quote]

Well thats true too... but that also depends on the childs determinaton... if the child is not that determined or the parents are really obstinate thEn what more can the child do???
kudi420 thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
i guess only we both r discussing this topic ...... 😆 😆
c'mon guys it is such a gud topic .......plz post ur comments too .....
~Sirius*Ysh~ thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
thats right 😆...

oh and another point i wanted to make... i think that there are parents these days who push their children because they think it is best for them... and i think hat the children, instead of rebelling immidiately, should hear them out and try to balance out their dreams as well as give their parents' a good consideration...

like me for instance... i want to become a writer but not a journalist, my parents say that pharmaceuticals is a good career option for me and i do agree with them.. so my way is to do both... do my basics in pharma and after beginning to work i can sit down to become a writer... can balance both...

like rocky can become a doctor as well as pursue his musical career....
srishti bhutani thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
well i agree that at time ppl. were confined to the few popular jobs engineers ,doctors ,teachers ,clarical job and all
but now many things have come up in creative fieald fashion designing,news reading ,acting!many things r there u can prove urself equally in that too becoz there is a lot of competition in these fields too!
infact i want to become a fashion designer and my parent support me for that !but they say one thing that there has to be some scope in whatever u wish to do and agree there !u have to give ur parents some space also afterall they have given us birth !they ll not think anything bad about u !if they r giving me freedom of choosing a career then i shud also cooperate with them .
touchwood ! 😊 that i have got so wonderful parents 😳 😊

Edited by srishti bhutani - 17 years ago
kudi420 thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago

Originally posted by: ~Sirius*Ysh~

thats right 😆...

oh and another point i wanted to make... i think that there are parents these days who push their children because they think it is best for them... and i think hat the children, instead of rebelling immidiately, should hear them out and try to balance out their dreams as well as give their parents' a good consideration...

like me for instance... i want to become a writer but not a journalist, my parents say that pharmaceuticals is a good career option for me and i do agree with them.. so my way is to do both... do my basics in pharma and after beginning to work i can sit down to become a writer... can balance both...

like rocky can become a doctor as well as pursue his musical career....

exactly ...thts wat i meant by saying tht today there r many options .....u can balance it out and do watever is convinient .....

u knoe it happened the same thing my dad's bsniss is of jewellery he wanted me to do jwellery dsigning ....actually he suggested cuz i cud make use of tht in my dad's bsness only but i wanted to do sum thing independent and did fashion designing instead .....he supported me ......cuz he wanted to give me a chance too so tht later on i dun tell him th tcuz of him i didnt do wat i wanted .....i completed teh course ....did the job ..also for few mths so exahausted cuz of irregular timings and hectic schedule tht i left my job! and now my dad told me again to consider jeweelery designing and i thot to give it a try too ...and now since last 3 mths i m helping my dad in his bsiness here i hav a fshion designing degre too sumtimes ...i do freelance fashion desging too here basically ...i atleast did wat i had in mmy mind and later on ...i did wat my dad wanted tooo ......