FF:A-M:Inevitable Destiny:FINALE! Pg41! - Page 2


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puremagic thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
Chapter 3

To an outsider the setting would have seemed picture perfect: moonbeam
lit dance floor, emotive music and a lively mix of drunk old fogies and
inspirational young love.

But for many of the youngsters at this party it was anything but that.

Batuk grabbed Pragati's hand and forced her to accompany him to the
dance floor where good friends Mallishka and Adi were also dancing.

Meanwhile maithli and praney both look at each other at the same time,
"Would you like to dance?", they stutter simultaneously. The two smile and politely oblige each other and move to the dance floor. Strangely the reason for both wanting to dance is not to be with the other. Praney wants to be closer to Mallishka and is getting immensely jealous of her friendship with Adi, meanwhile maithli wants to keep an eye on Pragati and Batuk.

A man from behind the pillar winks at Bharat the dj and suddenly bharat
announces that they are going to have to exhange partners every time he changes the music and then he dims the lights. Tanu then accompanies this man to the dance floor.

The tension on the dance floor is imminent as the dance partners seem to be all comically completely wrong.. Praney is staring at Mallishka who is focused on Adi who is half paying attention to her and the other half of the time is staring at Praney and Maithli from the corner of his and feeling strangely irritated. Maithli on the other hand is closely watching Batuk who is forcing himself on a struggling pragati who cant take her eyes away from the mystery man dancing with tannu! Bharat decides that he is going to control the fortunes in this party and its time for some entertainment. He switches the song to chori chori and the partners change. Batuk ends up with Maithli, Adi ends up with Tannu and to his joy Praney ends up with Mallishka!

Half these couples are cursing Bharat and half are silently praising him! Pragati feels two hands softly
take her own and she looks up to see that they mystery man is none other
than Ankit! She is overjoyed and he assures her that kamal dadu has got
trishna dadi and the rest tooo drunk to notice and this is why bharat
purposely dimmed the lights also.
Maithli meanwhile is really struggling with a now completely drunk Batuk
who has no idea who he's dancing with anymore or frankly what he's
doing. He keeps falling on maithli and acts inappropriatley as he rubs his
hands up and down her back. Adi who's focus has been on Maithli all
along notices this and his blood begins to boil. He drops his hands from
tannu and clenches his fists. He swiftly moves and interjects between
Maithli and Batuk pushing him out of the way. he is about to teach Batuk
a lesson when he realizes that it is not nessecary as Batuk is too drunk
and has stumbled of the dance floor anyways and is now vomiting in the
corner! LOL

Adi replaces himself as Met's dance partner so as to make things appear
normal and they begin to slow dance along with the other couples to sau
dard( from jaane-mann).

Adi: You okay?, he  raises his eyebrows questioningly.
Maithli distractedly: No..yeah, I am fine

"Are u sure?", he repeats with an unmasked concern.

Maithli doubtfully: Yeah, why all this sudden concern Adi?

He stiffened  at her dubious reply and responded: I am not all black maithli and your not all white..we all have grey shades to us. I would have done that for anyone, he grumbled, visibly disturbed.

"I know....", she softly responded puzzled by his behavior.

As they continued to slow dance he felt an overwhelming sense of
frustration. He knew most people just thought of him as the 'bad guy' and
usually he didn't care enough to correct his misunderstood image but Maithli's misunderstood perception of him bothered him to no end.

"Adi I cant dance with you" her giggles broke into his thoughts.

Taking her seriously, he frowned, "And why not?"
Maithli couldnt restrain her laughter anymore, "Because.....your hands are sweating like profusely!"

Angered by Met's blow to his ego he growled, "Oh yeah?!"

He untamgled his hands from hers and lightly placed her hands around his
neck instead and his on her waist.'Well let me inform you that you just cant pull of Indian clothes but still you wear them all the time and me…this is the first time I am wearing them and I look better than you!' he lied crossing his fingers as he says that.

At that moment Maithli tripped on her lehenga and falls towards Adi
bringing their faces only inches apart. Adi tightens his grip on Maithlis
waist ever so slightly but the soft brush of his fingers against her skin
lightly tickles her. She tightens her grip around his neck to stabilize her
self and their foreheads unknowingly rest against each other.The
chemistry between them is electric and they feel strangely intimidated
and excited when challenging each other.

Maithli huffs glaring into his penetratingly chocolate gaze: Hmphhh well Mr. Adi you only look good because of what I told you to wear and because your with me!
Adi lightly pulled her towards him, raising one eyebrow up as he flashed his trademark cocky smile: So you think I look good eh?

Mets begins to blush realizing what she just said and tries to think of a way
to redeem herself. With the lack of witty one-liners coming to her brain at
this excruciatingly embarrassing moment she does the only thing she can
think of: she pushes Adi backwards in an attempt to escape from his
clutches. Adi falls backwards and adding to the splendor of this move is
Batuk's vomit on the ground that Adi slips on and he lands in a pile on
top of Batuk!

Boy oh boy this is definetly NOT a good night for him.

"MAITHLI.....you are so dead!" he menacingly yelled.
Maithli is laughing too hard and cant believe how well the whole thing turned out.

Adi maintains his scowling face to preserve his ego but the sweet
sound of her laughter is making something inside of him smile warmly.

He shakes his head hoping that the butterfly effect within him will vanish
as well. Mets gives him her hand but then thinks better of it and pulls it
away, smirks and walks off.

Adi grabs onto the bottom of a lady's sari
helping himself up and doesn't realize that it happens to be trishna dadi's
sari and he's unraveled the whole thing!

He's too lost in the mixed emotions he is feeling. The masculinity in him
feels challenged and excited but he also feels strangely mellowed and
under a spell at the same time.

Maithli in the meanwhile has scampered off to Pragati and is relating the whole story to her.

Pragati: You and Adi used to hate each other soo much, things seem to have changed recently, whats going on?, she wisely asked.

Maithli laughed airily: We still get on each others nerves but its different, we ve gotten to know each a little better since then, and I ve seen some different sides of him with his mother and some one wisely said( she adds coyly) that things are not all black and white but there are gray areas in everything and everybody. Besides, I think.. we are friends.

Pragati: wow metz, that's great I din think someone like Adi could change

Maithli: I don think he has really changed I think people just misunderstood

Maithili and Pragati continue chatting the night away about life, love and
everything else until it was time for everyone to leave.

Mayuri: Maithli beta how are you getting home?
Maithli: Uh aunty don't worry I will get home fine.
Mayuri: you shouldn't go home alone this late at night beta.
Janki: yes methli maybe praney or some one can drop you home.
Maithli: "oh don worry maam I can go on my own, you don't stress, anyways praney has gone to drop mallishka home" Maithli insists, trying to avoid all this as she has to work on her secret plan for pragati and ankit and cant have anyone with her.

Mayuri: No beta, I absolutely insist that you cant go home alone!

Grrr I am not going home only!, Maithli thinks to herself

Mayuri: If praney isn't there so what, Adi is always there. He will drop you
home. Adi please drop Maithli home.

Adi suddenly startled to have been dragged into this says, "But I am going to another party mama"

Mayuri: Not buts Adi, you first drop Maithli please, you cant do
anything until you get Maithli home, is that a promise?

He sighed. He knew when his mother made a decision it was impossible to change her mind. "Yes mamma...", he unhappily said.

Oh no! not saru! My whole plan is going to get spoilt…!, maithli anxiously thought.

Adi grumbles: hurry up n lets go!

Mets: Bye pragati, remember 2 mango moon!

Adi sighed. 2 mango moon? God these girls are crazy where have I got
stuck in?!

Pragati: Bye Metz, she winks and purposely says looking at Adi: I cant wait to eat 2 mangoes on the moon! And bye to you too saru!

Pragati and Maithli giggle as Adi glares at them, grabs Maithli's hand and
stomps off towards the parking lot..

Edited by puremagic - 16 years ago
-aditi- thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
"adi gonna drop mathili" 😳 nd batuk vomiting 😆 🤢 😆 gr8 part 👏 do cont soon...
puremagic thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
Part 4:
In the dark parking lot:
M to herself: ' oh god, know what do I do? This adi is going to spoil my
whole plan!'
M: Adi, Adi slow down okay, just wait one second please
A: what is it Maithli?
M: listen you go ahead to your party I ll get home just fine, so we are both
happy okay?
Adi turns to look at Maithli still holding her hand:
A: I cant.
M: huh..
A: I cant let you go alone what if something happens..
M raises her eyebrow looks at him questioningly
A: I mean I promised mamma, and I cant break my promise, she ll kill me
and I don't lie.
M lets out a deep sigh: hmmph fineee. Come with me.
A: excuse me what do you mean come with you, I am not going
anywhere! the car is here and I am getting late so lets go.
M: Well I have to do something first and I am not leaving until I do what I
came here to do, so I m going you can come with me or you can stay
here, your choice. And she starts walking off.
A loudly exclaims: oh goddd, shit shit shit, what have I got stuck into!
And then scampers of behind Maithli, silently convincing himself that he
is only doing this to keep his promise to his mother but is instead
surpressing the truth of the matter, which is that for the first time he is
hopelessly and helplessly intrigued by a woman.

M leads them to the vast expanse of the back garden that is covered
mostly with beautiful palm trees flowing in the wind. M goes and sits next
to a big mango tree on a short 3 foot tall brick wall which is the boundary
for the whole garden.. Adi races after her
A: Maithli! maithli tell me what your up2?
His expression is that of an excited young child who is about to find out a
big secret.
M: Sit.
A hesitates at first but his curiosity gets the better of him and he
obediently sits.
A: well..
M: well.. we are going to have to wait here till 2:oo o'clock
A lurches up and yells: 2 ?! what ? are u serious?! That's 45 minutes away!
Why one earth would I do something like that?
M: Because Adi, at 2 oclock I am going to help pragati escape and take
her to ankit and your going to help me. And you are GOING to do it since
you have nicely disrupted my plan and since you claim that you cant leave
me… i mean cuz u promised your mom.
Adi stares at Maithli absolutely horrified and scandalized. He then silently
sits down next to her. After a few moments when he finally gets his head
around what she has just told him he asks:
A: Can I just ask how… exactly… your planning to do this….?
M: Simple! 2mangomoon!
Adi stares at her absolutely bewildered and he feels a headache slowly
M: At 2 o clock I will climb up this mango tree to that balcony there which
is the only one where you can see the full moon clearly from and then
help pragati down from there and take her to the temple where she and
ankit will get married!
A looks at Maithli, shakes his head and then looks at her again to see if
he's hearing things correctly. He sees her serious expression and jus cant
stand it anymore and bursts out laughing! He is laughing soooo hard that
he falls off the short brick boundary that they are sitting on and rolls on
the grass laughing uncontrollably!
Between breaths:
A: Meth..methli ..ure gonna ..hahah climb that..treee…
And then..hahhaaaa…
Adi cant even complete his sentence he is laughing so hard.
M glares at him, yanks him by the collar and seats him next to her. She
puts her hand tightly over his mouth to try and quiten him down incase
someone hears them.
The touch of maithli's hands silences Adi immediatley and he turns to
look at her. The expression on her face is earnest and sincere, like she
thinks her plan is actually going to work. Adi cant believe how simple-
minded she is and how sincere and honest she is about it. Her innocence
touches him deeply and he decides to stay silent..
M: she is my best friend..my sister
Maithlis eyes well up with tears. Adi curses himself for acting like an
inconsiderate jerk.
M: I love her and I cant see her in pain. I am desperate and this the only
thing left that I can do and there is no one here to help me do it..
Maithli tries to control her self but a stray tear slowly slides down her
cheek. Adi's heart constricts and he feels for maithli. He feels her pain
overwhelmingly passing onto him. He lifts his hand and gently wipes
away the tear. Adi rests his hand against her cheek as maithli stares down
at the ground with damp eyes. He just wants to leave his hand there
forever against the incredible softness of her left cheek.
A: hey…hey ..its okay..
Please don't cry…I din mean that..
I promise, I promise I will stay here with you..
And watch out for you..so..please don't cry..
Maithli, touched by his words looks into the soulful eyes that stare down
at her so caringly and that seem to penetrate through her soul. She is
moved. No one has ever said such kind words to her, especially not Adi.
All she can do in return is softly utter a thank you. She was suddenly
acutely aware of his warm hand strongly supporting her left cheek and he
was suddenly aware of this too. They both moved abruptly and struggled
to change the subject.
A: uh-huh-hum(clearing his throat), so how much time left?
M: half an hour
A: oh okay
Adi sat there thinking to himself. He knew Maithli's plan wasn't going to
work but he decided to sit through it anyways without saying anything
more, to give her the benefit of the doubt and to give her the illusion that
her hard work wouldn't go to waste. Adi suddenly noticed something
heavy on his shoulder. Maithli had fallen asleep and her head was
uknowingly resting on his shoulder. She looked soo serene and peaceful
that Adi didn't dare move for fear of breaking the spell. He couldn't stop
looking at her. He noticed the faintest of shivers. She wrapped her arms
around his left arm in cold. Her touch sent goosebumps up his spine and
he felt momentarily paralyzed. But the spell was broken with a rude
Maithly still sleeping said: Pran..praney..
Adi was jolted back to reality and he vowed to never let himself be in such
a state of mind again. He silently took his shawl, which was lying next to
him, and carefully placed it on Maithli with his right arm, which she
wasn't clutching onto. To avoid the sick, empty feeling growing in the pit
of his stomach he started devising a back up plan to help pragati.

Twenty minutes later M's alarm went off and she jolted awake. She
thought: Thank god! That was a scary dream I was having.
In her dream Methlli finally had the courage to tell praney how that she
HAD likeED him but now she was finally getting over him!
M in her thoughts: wow, if I could actually really do that but im such a
A: you know maithli you have a lot of guts doing something like this..
M: uh thanks Adi..
M blushes, she notices the shawl around her, she takes it off, smiles
sweetly and hands it back to Adi. Her smile said many things to him, the
biggest one was thank you.
M: okay when I reach up I ll signal to you, you make sure no one comes
A: Maithli this really isn't ..
M: Adi please..
A: okay..just..uh be careful n stuff yeah?
M smiles a little, her knuckles white with fear: yeah
She begins to climb the tree. Adi watches her tensely and is surprised to
find himself so nervous.
She slowly and painstakingly reaches the top. From her view she can see
into Pragati's room, but what she see's shocks her. Dadi bua is there and
she is dragging pragati out and saying that she is going to lock her in a
different room tonight just for seciruty reasons. Pragati looks back
wistfully out the window as she is dragged out and mouths "sorry" to
M is crushed, she cant believe her plan has failed! She starts climbing
down the tree but is too shocked and mortified to concentrate and looses
her balance three quarters of the way down. She lets out a yelp as she
starts slipping! Adi drops all his things and rushes there just in time
(ofcourse) to catch a distraught mathali cascading down the tree. He
holds onto her tightly and she puts her arms around his neck and buries
her face in his chest. She is like a crumpled small ball in his arms and Adi
can feel her body shaking against him. He carries her back to his car and
sits in the backseat with Maithli still in his arms. He may not be able to
physically see her in this pitch darkness but he can feel her every muscle
move and hear her pounding heart. They just sit in silence for a long time
with their hearts beating in sync each lost in thought. Maithli finally tears
her face away from his chest and looks up at him with pleading eyes..
M: take me home Adi
Adi nods. He lays her down on the back seat and covers her with his
shawl and proceeds to drive her home.
When they reach Maithli's house he gets out of the car and opens the
back door for her. Maithli steps out of the back seat. They stand there
facing each other. So much is wanting to be said but at the same time
neither know what exactly.
M: Iam really sorry..
I am really sorry I dragged you into this mess
And I am really sorry that I became weak and let my plan fail and then let
myself fail..I shouldn't have crumbled like that..
A: hey, its okay, it took a lot of guts to do what you did, and you can
atleast say you tried. Sometimes you are too hard on yourself, you are
only human after all.
M: thanks Adi.
Uhm…and sorry I got your sherwani a little damp when I was uh..cr..
A: haha don worry bout it maithli, after this night you owe me a lot of
clothes! anyways whats a few extra tears added to these already
destroyed clothes eh?
Both laugh and Maithli is about to leave when
A says: I ll help you fix this, I promise.
He sits in his car and drives off with his last thoughts on the night: I ll
help you fix this Maithli because we are friends..and for some reason I
care..uhuhum..just a little, but I do. So Adi cheerfully declares: I am going
to help you fix this and then I am going to help you get your beloved
praney back who you speak off even in your dreams…!
As he declares this Adi cant figure out just why he is so damn miserable
thinking of that..
Edited by puremagic - 17 years ago
puremagic thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
[QUOTE=aditisilawat] me again da 1st one 2 reply 😃 [/

lol i think your the only one who really reads it and likes it 😆 lol but
thats cool i ll still write, i quite enjoy it!
And iam open to any suggestions!
-aditi- thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
awesome part 😳 adi saved mathili falling from da tree 😳
Robin_M thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
wow 2 updates! great! both were reallllly good! m and a are sooo cute together! hope you can continue soon!
Bazinga thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 17 years ago
iam just dying to watch this on the show 😳 👏
kritima thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
really lovely 😳 update 👏 👏 👏
---------waiting for u to continue & and i hope you do it soon 😃 😊
Zoe89 thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
amazin updates hun plz cntinu sn
puremagic thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
Hey sorry for the delay, I actually have exams going on, but to make up
for it I have updated 2 parts, hope you guys like it.

Part 5- Adi and Maithli FF
Adi's bedroom:
The leaves rustled as the wind blew against the trees. He watched the
waning moonlight shimmer through the window, giving him just barely
enough light to make out the opaque objects in his room. Shifting
uncomfortably from side to side in his bed, he wrestled with the thoughts
that were plaguing his mind till the wee hours of the morning. Finally, in
frustration, he threw the covers off himself and sat up in bed..
Oh god…why am I still awake, he sighed ..deep inside he knew why.....he
was hot and bothered…frustrated..even angry at him self..
The first drops of sunlight refracted through the glass, creating an
ethereal glow around the photographs on his desk. He made his way over
and sat down on his desk chair and gazed at the aging memories…the
smiling faces of his friends stared back at him…but one in particular
pained him and he hasteningly overturned the frame...there she was...his
"friend"..the first girl he dated..not loved but perhaps seriously liked…my
first cut, he thought..but that is over now..and never will I open those old
wounds again..
He got up and rested against the window, watching the early morning
tide…he didn't want to review his past…not now..not ever..his thoughts
drifted to mettli and the night…wiping away tears..making false
promises..what was he thinking..ever since "her" all the women he'd
dated were a joke..he wouldn't even call them dates..they were a
game..merely fun..a protective faade of sorts but that was it..the pain
'she' had brought him deceased a long time ago but the fear of being
hurt..the fear of being vulnerable and 'needing' were too vivid to ever
allow himself to truly open up to anyone..and this he had proudly and
successfully achieved for the last soo many years up until now…
now ..metali..why was she so different..his cool exterior just seemed to
crumble around her and he hated that..there was a point in time when he
felt he really hated her but now…he couldn't stand to hate her..
He clenched his fist bringing it down hard on the window sill and
continued to berate himself..No..I am not even going to go
there..wherever "there" is..I don't even want to know..No..
And that was that he decided. Enough. He changed into a fresh jogging
suit and left for an early morning run on the beach to let some steam off.

Part 6:
Later that evening:

Adi arrives at the Aggarwal Mansion with a stylishy dressed girl for the
last function before the wedding. He enters with the girl(Savu) on his arm
and heads for the bar.

She felt her heart pinch the moment she saw him.. there was something
different about him today… and it wasn't just the voluptuous girl holding
on to his arm..
He had an air of confidence about him that bordered on the line of
arrogance..it reminded her of the Adi she once used to know…once use
to loathe..but things were different now. .there was something about last
night...something happened last night that changed the equation they
shared, but she couldn't quite place her finger on what. She felt a flutter
in her stomach as she saw him walk towards her..he looked handsome,
extremely handsome. His black suit and gelled hair accentuated a refined
and sophisticated aura around him. Startled by her own thoughts she
tried her best to look away, but couldn't. She prayed her voice wouldn't
betray her and managed to mumble a 'Hi Adi' as he approached:

Adi: Hi Metili
There was a short pause, when she didn't muster up the courage to say
anything else he continued..
Adi: This is Savu, Savu this is the brides best friend, Mettilli.

She suddenly felt terribly stupid and self-conscious. How had she
forgotten the gorgeous girl on his arm…she was nothing compared to
her…why did she care anyways, it had nothing to do with her. She quickly
realized that by continuing this meaningless battle in her head she was
looking like more of a fool infront of them. Acutely aware of the
increasing redness of her complexion, she muffled out a polite
introduction…he hadn't seemed to notice her discomfort and that made
her feel more ill-at ease. His suit grazed her bare arm as she watched him
leave…watched him playfully fool around with this 'savu' while she
carelessly giggled and whispered secrets in his ear …and watched him
move towards the inviting shadows of the guest house. There was
anger… bitterness, and it was consuming her as she clenched her fists in
frustration. A sense of possessiveness and jealousy burned within her…
this emotion seemed strange and foreign to her…she had never felt this
way before, not for anyone…blinded by the ferocity of her emotions and
unable to comprehend them, she found herself stealthily following him
out the door to the guest house.
She felt herself slowly regaining her composure and rationality as she
shadowed them but the snippets of conversation teasingly carried by the
wind to her, kept her going…"nothing serious…fool around…forward"…
oh god…how can Adi be so sleazy…but she felt compelled to keep going.

A few moments later, she was about to reach for the guest bedroom door
when a hand suddenly grabbed her and pulled her forward with great
force. She couldn't see too well in the darkness and was about to let out a
loud scream when someone clapped their hand tightly around her mouth.
She couldn't breath and droplets of sweat began forming on her
forehead. She tried to struggle but she was enveloped in someones tights
embrace. She felt the intensity increase as the heavy breathing blowing
against her face, grew closer and closer. Her heart hammered with fear as
she felt the slightest graze of some ones lips against her
ear….."Shhhh……Don't scream….Its Adi! Im gonna uncup your mouth…
jus do not make a sound okay." She felt her heart plummet…it was
Adi?!...the rollercoaster ride taking place in her stomach ended and was
slowly being replaced with outrage. She felt the need to physically attack
him but restrained herself…or more likely, it was probably the fact that
he was the one restraining her, she realized..

He could see the panic in her eyes and it made him feel dreadful. He
slowly loosened his grip on her mouth and held her by her
shoulders..shhh its only me adi ya…
Mettali: what do you mean its only you AdII YA! What the..
He quickly placed his hands on her mouth again, this time loosely and
said in a hushed whisper…"Shhhh…keep your voice down! And before
you ask me for explanations what are 'you' doing here in the first place?"
He let his hands linger on her mouth for a few extra seconds …the touch
of her lips against his fingers sent tiny electric shocks racing through his
Her lips tingled at his touch but she composed herself when she
remembered that he was here with another woman..She felt rattled again
and spat out in a forced whisper.."I came to see..to see what you were
up2 ..you know your not supposed to be in here so why don't you take
your "business" someplace else?"

He stared at her, and felt her eyes piercing through his soul. There was a
ferocity in her eyes and her tone hinted jealousy. He felt satisfied by this.
And even joyous…'she cares, this means she cares'…he didn't
understand why he cared that she cared but he temporarily forgot about
all that..he pulled her towards him and slyly whispered.."just wait and
watch"..and then he swung her around pressing her back against his
chest with his arms in a loose circle around her in a dark corner of the

At that moment hoards of photographers barged into the room. The
flashing light bulbs and aghast gasps made her turn her heard towards
the ongoing spectacle. Batuk and Savu had been caught in a very
compromising position and they were being intensively photographed!
She felt a mixture of shock, surprise, confusion and relief. All she could
utter was "oh my god…" He revealed his whole plan to her as the
spectacle continued.

The Next DAY:

The next morning pictures of Batuk and Savu, splashed across the front
page of all newspapers, greeted the astonished Aggarwal household,
while Metali stood and smirked remembering the things Adi told her last
night: (FLASHBACK):
Savu was a well known gold digger/hooker and he had been introduced
to her through a friend who owed him some favours. Savu agreed to flirt
with Batuk and 'appear' to be in a compromising position with him after
she was promised that this would result in great prospects for her. Adi
had told her that she "didn't have to do anything serious, and should jus
fool around." He had then arranged for the media to show up and expose
Adi's plan not only worked, but worked spectacularly. Due to the media
coverage Trishna and Dadi bua faced a lot of humiliation and had to
publicly admit that Batuk will not be marrying Pragati but instead they are
looking to fix his marriage with Savu. Everyone had gotten what they
wanted, Savu was in the process of achieving her gold-digger dreams as
she would be well taken care of if she married Batuk, Pragati was free
from marrying Batuk and Batuk even though ashamed to admit it, was
thrilled at the prospect of potentially marrying the forward-looking Savu
as compared to meek Pragati.

Mettli smiled as she remembered this…
Adi also left the Aggarwal household smiling. He was happy his plan
seemed to have worked, but something was still tugging at his heart,
saddening him…as he walked out he had seen Metalli and praney
hugging each other…
Edited by puremagic - 17 years ago