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rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 2 months ago

Very true, she needs to focus on getting the proof and get her job back. 

But, the things have changed completely now, after the bomb attack. She knows Adi's life in danger and he may be killed. So, she definitely cannot afford to take that lightly. Because, even if she proves herself innocent, what will be she do if Adi is killed.

May be the makers want to communicate this and thats why they are taking it to the peak where everything is pointed to Amma and Anurag & they finally end their roles (or at least Anurag first).

Adi may then trust her and withdraw the case against her and gets her job back.

rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 2 months ago

There is still a tiny hope that, Adi may be faking it all. Noticed a pattern after the leap, Adi never lets Kavya explain herself every time and concludes that she is wrong. Probably he knows that she is correct and trusts her, but he doesn't want to get exposed at that point. So, he deliberately hurts her, and gets emotional after that.

At least, one thing he could never hide that he still loves/trusts her. He knows very well that she can do everything/win every challenge he is throwing at her (from not to enter the kitchen to finding proof for her innocence). From day 1 since he met her, he knows that she can achieve everything and he has praised her for that many times.

If he hates her so much and so confident that she killed Omi and also Kavya telling him repeatedly that she will prove herself innocent, why he doesn't attempt to stop her from whatever steps she is taking.

He never stopped her from winning any challenge/create any problem on her way. He would have put people behind her and watched her every step and sabotaged all her plans to get to the proof. At least, try to know what she is upto (even if he was confident that there was no proof). But, he never did that.

Also, I think he is the one who brought Sanjeev to her seat. He knew she would require help from system to prove herself innocent and after she is suspended, she cannot get any help. Otherwise, why he never attempted to stop Sanjeev from helping her/tried to transfer Sanjeev out. I think, he is still making sure that she gets help through Sanjeev and also may be protecting her life by making sure Sanjeev being around her.

Lastly, he deliberately hating/hurting her, so that she never goes weak in his love/because of him and looses hope/stops fighting. He keeps challenging her/fires her up. May be Adi thought, after coma Kavya will regret and blame herself for Omi's death and she will never again be the same old Kavya, when all Pradhans keep blaming her for Omi's death forever.

May be he is silently helping her to win everything and prove herself innocent. May be he is ready to loose her forever, but he doesn't want Kavya to regret her whole life for Omi's death.

(sending her to jail may not be his motive)

Edited by rakeshopg - 2 months ago
CherryKavya thumbnail
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Posted: 1 months ago

Thanks a lot for your update

CherryKavya thumbnail
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Posted: 1 months ago

It certainly looks like gonna extend for 2 more weeks 

CherryKavya thumbnail
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Posted: 1 months ago

Yes as much as they are dragging the DDP ppl are forgetting the togetherness, beautiful vows, both standing for each other all those beautiful moments are fading. Infact even Adhiraj Pradhan's ckt is being tarnished further showing him manhandling Kavya 

CherryKavya thumbnail
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Posted: 1 months ago

When they are not able to get AdYa back on track, even I don't understand Alka/Anurag track. When the plan of Amma/ Anurag was to make Anurage get into politics. Now why the sudden twist in having Anurag become Son-in-law of Pradhan clan. Its getting complicated a bit 

CherryKavya thumbnail
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Posted: 1 months ago

Even somewhere I too felt initially that he is acting to protect Kavya. From the girl with whom he fell in love she was a caring girl always ready to help others not thinking of herself. Adi knows his whole family will go against her. However rude n heartless he may behave with Sumbul bit the indepth love of theirs is still strong. That's the reason neither Kavya is willing to give up on him.

Hope this DDP ends n we return back to normal 

rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 1 months ago

Yes, it looks like another 2/3 weeks to get AdYa reunion. The viewers already loosing the interest in the show with too many tracks being put together and with no link to each other.

Also, the main issues like Kavya getting back her job/justice for Navya..etc. are almost forgotten now.

rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 1 months ago

The makers have already destroyed Adi's character. I hope, they have some explanation to all his actions later, instead of just ignoring like always (least expected from the makers/writers though).

rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 1 months ago

Alka-Anurag track is only to get into good books of Adi. And since Adi is an emotional fool, he will convince Giriraj for that, otherwise Giriraj knows Anurag very well and will never agree to it.

Once Giriraj agrees and they stain Adi's image in public by using the money from the new the new character and/or using Naina, then to save party/Pradhan's image, the only and obvious choice would be the new son of Pradhan (Anurag). Thats what Amma's plan.