Part 39 FF: Anirudh to reverse the effects of hypnosis

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Posted: 2 years ago

Continuation from previous part.....

Kishorilal in his bungalow pacing front and back thinking about Bondita and Anirudh arrival to RC haveli and furrowing his eyebrows. He felt that it's not right. He is venting out his frustration on Upendra revealing their dark past. He used to slap, harrass and torture paralyzed Upendra Ghoshal when no one are there. 

Flashback starts....


Kishorilal cousin is Shyamala they are orphans when they reached certain age and no one to teach manners and values especially to Kishorilal. They just got married in temple simply by filling vermillion in her hairline with no witness and no pandit and no mantras for their marriage. Still she believed him and loved him  blindly (as per society rules husband is God). He used to roam aimlessly sometimes used to sit with unemployed and alcohol gambling addicted jobless men in villages, sometimes with saadhu Babas who perform these kind of magics and he too learnt some of them. He sometimes used to learn mythological stories from preachers who used to preach in temples and he used to correlate for manipulating innocent people. 

He grasped that a weak minded person will easily believe fake saints and if we do magic with words their mindsets will be easily played by him and can make them do any kind of work without his direct involvement and no police can catch him. 

Shyamala is working as a maid and earning bread for both of them, she also worked in Upendra house in their  chandanpur bungalow where they initially used to stay,  specially her main job is looking after Upendra mother needs. 

During that days Kishorilal had made friendship or chamchagiri with Upendra and helped, assisted latter in wrong doings. He learnt that Upendra mother Damni doesn't have good relations with her sautan and her late husband had written a will that property should be divided equally to all.

 She kept on cursing her sautan and Kishorilal listened to it.Upendra didn't pay much attention as he don't want any rift with them or with anyone he wants peaceful life or atleast any disputes should not come in his life. Kishorilal understood that Upendra can be manipulated and can be made as his slave easily. Damni had hidden the will and Kishorilal know it very well also the place she had hidden it. 

Once Upendra and Kishorilal went to dancer Indumukhi house at night time. On that night, 

Upendra  learnt that he doesn't have masculinity so he cannot get married and become father in future.  Indumukhi  made fun of him, Kishorilal listened to it and made magic with his Words, hypnotized her and made herself drown in river. He assured Upendra that his weakness will not be revealed to outside world. Through this incident Kishorilal became more important for Upendra. 

 Damni believed Kishorilal or better to say that he won her trust by showing that he too can perform black magic tricks and change people's mind (hypnotism). She bribed him and asked to Change her sautan family's mind and send them away. But he used the same technique and made them take their lives. 

When Damni came to know that her sautan Bimla family is no more she is literally shattered. She is very much scared when police came for enquiry.  The same with Upendra also. 

However wicked Kishorilal took advantage of both mother and son kept them in his control and manipulated the case. 

Kishorilal made  a contemptible deal with Upendra and his mother to save their secrets. The deal is that Upendra should be husband to his wife Shyamala to outside world and pretend as father to his children. In return he assured that his wife will give sons and outside world will not know his weakness and make fun of him in society, make his life a living hell.  Because he may be forcefully made to for a saree and humiliate in public. In this way, Both mother and son have became his slaves which is unknown to outside world. 

Soon he unofficially  became owner to chandanpur bungalow and pretended to outside world that Shyamala is the wife of Upendra, who is already pregnant with his child.  But somehow he felt it will not be safe in chandanpur a d they shifted to Tulsipur. 

Shyamala also don't want her husband to do these cheap acts but latter made her shut mouth. In their bungalow in dark they are husband and wife but to the world Kishorilal named their relationship as brother and sister. 

Damni silently used to curse Shyamala and tried to torment her also tried to do abortion for Shyamala pregnancy. So Kishorilal took Damni to upstairs and thrown her from top of building made her to lose life.


In this way his atrocities are increasing day by day, sometimes in case of some people he used to threaten them and forcedly make them take their lives. It is still going on upto planning for his grandchildren child marriages. 

He only killed Mukund love interest Babita because she belong to poor family and put the entire blame on Somnath friendship repercussions and left Tulsipur


He planned to kill sudhanshu wife Neelam because her parents lost their wealth after her marriage and unable to pay the dowry. He planned to kill only his Neelam but unfortunately sudhanshu also became part of accident. He purposefully tried to stop his second son through his grandson Prabodh prediction but sudhanshu didn't pay attention.Due to this now both are struggling for their lives in coma.

Now he also  planned child marriages as a part of a trap made by a Britishers along with him.  second world war is about to happen and India is offering their army on the condition that they should be given independence after the war . Britishers have agreed for it. One side,  Society is advancing towards progress in all fields. Bangal is one major state which is progressing in education and self employment. They are putting their efforts in proving their worth that they can rule their own country.  Many social reformers are working actively and major credit goes to Anirudh Roy Chowdhary awareness camps and  his movie . This had become a lump in Britishers throat. 

So to dilute their passion towards independence,  they secretly planned to prove in Bangal that due to superstitious beliefs and blind customs they cannot rule their own country . They planned to blemish or blacken the character of one of the strong personality sri Anirudh Roy Chowdhary that he is a double standard person. One side he preaches to outside world that women should study create their own identity and no blind customs should be followed. Other side, if  child marriages had taken in his house only, he becomes automatically weak and lose authority  to fight against any injustice. For that British viceroy general  have offered a huge amount to Kishorilal and gave exciting offers as bribe that entire Darjiling tea estates will come under his control. 

Flashback from Kishorilal ends.


Koyli version of flashback: 

In Tulsipur RC haveli, Koyli revealed that she was friend to Shyamala once . Her husband also used to work as a servant in Upendra house, he too have bad habit of visiting courtesans bungalow in those days. Her late husband and she both had seen on a dark night that Kishorilal chanting mantras and made Indumukhi to drown in river and leave the world. 

They both had run away from there by seeing how he made Indumukhi to dive into river they are literally scared of Kishorilal. He too had seen that a man and woman had seen this but couldn't see their faces in dark night  and chased after them. But due to their luck they escaped in Nick of time and without wasting a single minute, On that night itself they migrated from chandanpur to Tulsipur took shelter in RC bungalow and Anirudh grandfather gave them work. 

After few months Upendra too shifted with shyamala and Kishorilal stating that Shyamala is his wife. Although we know the truth we kept our mouths shut scared of kishorilal's  black magic. 

Gowri Malkin asked me to work in Upendra bungalow also and I used to go by covering my face iy when Kishorilal is not at home. Shyamala had seen me. She used to feel very guilty, shedded tears by embracing me when no one are there. She blamed herself for this heinous acts that pretending as wife to a stranger and her husband is pretending as brother to outside world for the sake of name, money and power. In dark night when no one are there he used to come to her for physical relationship. He used to not give much chance to speak and protest against him.  She didn't like this double standard lifestyle but can't go against her real husband because if she goes against him then she is pretty sure that he will use that Black magic on her and make her leave the world. 

Infact shyamala endured so much pain in her married life. She also gave birth to girls but they are mercilessly killed by her demon real husband and only made his sons alive. Soon after her delivery within 2 months, he started consummating with her and gave name of Ghoshal family heirs to outside world. 

Koyli also suspected strongly that Kishorilal might be the reason for Shyamala death. 

Koyli version of flashback ends.


Not only Anirudh Bondita but Binoy Catherine and Somnath also listened to this. They felt very sad for Shyamala and discussing among themselves how to deal with this dangerous criminal Kishorilal.He seemed to be more dangerous than a wild animal.  So far no proofs are there. 

Somnath gave some information about hypnotism that people can get hypnotized easily when they are weak in mind and have fear. One who have strong mind and willpower Cannot come into others words so easily. He explained some more interesting facts and concluded that still lot of research had to be done.

Anirudh asked if any hypnotist is there in India at present who can reverse the affects in children.

Somnath said as per my knowledge there are no one in Bangal.

Till Next day Anirudh is making calls to Mukesh ji , Gagan and using his entire influence from other resources  to find if there is any hypnotist to reverse the procedure. Binoy and Somnath are also trying for a hypnotist or any psychiatrists.

At the end of the day With much difficult through Binoy friends in Germany he is able to contact a hypnotist  through phone. Anirudh spoke with him and explained the case. He patiently listened the entire case of children being hypnotized and suggested them how to reverse the process of hypnotism and told that the one who have power in voice can only do this. 

Anirudh is thinking of who can do this, who can explain this to children with a passionate voice. Bondita immediately told that it is you who can do this. 

Anirudh sarcastically said that you used to tell me that I have voice of loud speaker, I only shout when things are out of control, then how can you think that I can counsel the children without losing patience. 

Bondita came to him, hold his hands and said 'That is your speciality in you Patibabu.  You will shout but at the same time you only know how to show magic in words and make others listen to you.Live example is none other than me.'and she laughed.

Anirudh: Be serious and be practical Bondita, you know my anger levels.

Bondita: Patibabu, I am damn serious and also very practical. I am not joking. You better know how to counsel others through your words, you changed Dhananjay, you empowered Jogi in Krishnanagar and many other youngsters have got influenced in awareness camps conducted by you. Last but not least is none other than me.  Come on Patibabu, you can do this.

Anirudh: you are neither last nor least but you are the first and ever best to do you really feel that I can counsel the children.

Bondita: yes Patibabu you can do this by showing them practically without hurting them emotionally and make them understand as per their age.

He nodded at her admiringly

At that time journalist Palash made a call to Anirudh. Anirudh and Mukesh (Bangal khabar owner) assigned special assignment to senior journalists to gather information about Britishers intentions that if they really give independence to country or planning any conspiracy against us. 

Palash told that he got information from peon  of  Viceroy General office where a drink party is done privately in their bungalow. He went as a waiter to record their conversation and done it.

 Viceroy General and a person named Kishorilal are having drinks and discussed to ruin reformations for progress in society. They are rebuking on the message oriented movie which Anirudh Roy Chowdhary acted with his wife and hatched a plan to blacken his character in society. 

They gathered Anirudh's details kishorilal also told about their old relationship with RC family and hatched a plan of this child marriages with the help of hypnotism.

He told that he had recorded their voices. Anirudh asked Palash to come to his home and submit it. 

But Anirudh also knew that this evidence may be used against British Viceroy General but it is not enough to punish Kishorilal through law . 

Palash came after few hours and submitted to Anirudh. He had played it and listened carefully. 

After listening all the version and continuous trials , Bondita suggested that we should divide our mission of exposing Kishorilal and counselling the children into two parts.

She hatched a plan with Anirudh, as per their plan she  told that she will mislead kishorilal  in investigation, confuse him with her words and it is Anirudh's duty to counsel the children by showing them the adverse effects of child marriages and make them have strong willpower. 

They both joined hands as :Let us do it. Hum honge kamyab..!


As a part of their plan Bondita and sampoorna went to Kishorilal house  with sweets and some dresses to offer it to payal.

Sampoorna introduced Bondita to Sharmila and yd that some shagun to cherish happiness. Kishorilal is looking at her suspiciously. 

She asked where is payal and wandering in house ( purposefully). 6 years Little girl who still got habit of keeping fingers in mouth has come there with her mother Sharmila catching her pallu. 

Bondita felt her heart pinched by looking at payal child face and thought that how can anyone be cruel towards little children. She felt that it is her duty to save these 4 children. 

She offered sweets and dresses to payal and asked sharmila.if she can make phone call Sharmila agreed. 

Bondita lifted phone and faked that she is making a call to her college Dean  because she knew Kishorilal is listening. She purposefully faked that 'Sir I am not going to deal with Upendra Ghoshal case. No sir there is nothing to deal. Bimlaji entire family is insane. Yes sir, but I would like to deal with those cases till no one have done investigation and those are dancer Indumukhi of chandanpur case who is drowned in river around 35 years.  Because she is alive and I met her recently..Other case is Babita of poor farmer of our Tulsipur, because I recently got some evidences to deal with the case.'

Kishorilal is drinking tea given by sharmila but he dropped the tea cup as soon as he listened to this. 

Note: This is part 39 of my FF. May be some parts are illogical, but I took it as creative liberty.  Please read in your free time and let me know your views. Thankyou 🙏



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yes working on it. Thankyou Nicita