Part 37 FF: Anirudh's flashback, Their investigation and masterplan

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Posted: 2 years ago

 Continuation from previous part...

That night, Bondita and Anirudh sat in office room couch  discussing about his childhood memories with Upendra Ghoshal family. 

He brought some old albums of Ghoshal family clicked with their Roy Chowdhury family and shown Upendra Ghoshal, his wife Shyamala Ghoshal and 2 sons - Mukund and Sudhanshu. Upendra sons are besties to him and his Somnath dada in childhood. They used to roam in Tulsipur like they are 4 brothers. Bhatuk was not born at that time. 

He recollected some flashbacks of their childhood and started explaining to Bondita.  At that time Upendra Ghoshal family also used to stay in Tulsipur, where everyone in village used to respect Ghoshal family after their Roy Chowdhary family. 

He remembered Upendra Ghoshal as a strict person but he never raise voice  on anyone or punish anyone whoever go against him. But the strange thing is next day itself people who had opposed him used to apologise him for their mistake.  

Shyamala kaki had become a good friend to his Gowri kaki (Trilochan wife) and  to my mother Shubhra ( Binoy wife), always used to exchange their dishes made in each other's houses.


As you know Somnath dada is 5 years elder to me Kaka both sons are born in between us, but Mukund and Somnath dada are of equal age whereas Sudhanshu is younger than them but elder than me. 

Bondita had seen another person who had worn saffron shirt and pant having spiritual symbols, chains on his body. She asked Anirudh who is he

Anirudh said that he is Kishorilal mama,  most important member of their family. He is younger brother of Shymala kaki. He used to be very friendly with our children, act like childish behaviour, play with us all kinds of games and behave maturedly with elders. He always used to play small magic tricks and entertain us. Many times he used to take mischievous activities done by us on his head and convince elders. 

Strange thing is Upendra kaka is very much fond of his brother in law. Many times outsiders used to confuse if Kishorilal mama is own brother or brother in law to Upendra kaka as he is More attached to his brother in law than his own sister. 

Bondita is thinking of something and asked 'was  Shymala kaki maternal family financially sound? Did she bring huge dowry ?'

(Anirudh thought for a while and said )'As far as I know Shymala kaki doesn't have anyone except her brother. None from her family used to come and visit them..(thought for a while....) haaa! I remembered that Once I listened mama telling that they have faced lot of poverty before Upendra kaka came into their lives, they don't have proper food and clothes also. That implements kaki and mama are poor.'

Bondita observed the photo in which Upendra and his wife are standing near by. She is average looking but seemed to be very kind and pleasant like Gowri kaki and shubhra maa. Then what made Upendra to marry her? Is he not a money oriented?

Anirudh continued...

Mama actively participates in all the works of Upendra kaka whether it is professional like agricultural works paying wages to daily labour or his personal Works.  More like a shadow and  soul to kaka. But I remembered at that time he told that he will not get married in his life. Reason is not known. Bondita nodded. Anirudh continued....

Everyday early morning  mama used to make our 4 children do yoga, Surya namaskar, meditation. When we are in deep meditation, he used to preach us about different things in holy scriptures and asked us to obey elders, follow rules, traditions and customs don't question about them?. But doing meditation in early morning used to give us new positive  energy everyday. Although I don't come into his words about superstitious beliefs. 

Mukund and Sudhanshu always used to scare of their father. I used to ask them what's the need to scare of Upendra kaka, will he beat you guys. 

'No, Baba won't beat us but he will become very upset if we break any rule and will give up taking food and water unless our mistake is redeemed. '- told by Mukesh & Sudhanshu.

Bondita is thinking that may be by emotional blackmail he might have tried to control his children. 

Then mama used to take them in room asked them to come for meditation to get peace of mind, make them close eyes and used to tell that obeying parents orders are equal to obeying God. 

I learnt from Mukund and Sudhanshu talks that their Rajendra chacha and two buas are dead before their birth. Their dadi (Damni Bajinath Ghoshal) always used to blame them even after their death but their baba defend them. He used to tell his sons to stay united, listen to elders, accept the traditions and destiny. Don't try to break traditions and customs. 

As I am (Anirudh) a rebellious from childhood, can't bear any injustice infront of my eyes . 

Once I saw a servant working in frontyard of garden in Upendra house in fever. Servant is about to faint, I (Anirudh) quickly grabbed servant's shoulder made him sit in shadow, brought water from house of Upendra and sprinkled on his face. I asked the servant despite of having temperature why did he come to work. Latter told that today they will receive salary from their Malik how can he miss that. I offered water which I directly brought from kitchen that is used by kaka family to servant. 

At that time Upendra kaka saw me and softly warned me that I should not cross my limits break the rules. Those are the days I recently started reading about my Guruji Surender Chatterjee in newspapers and listened to his motivational speeches about humanity, equality  in my school. So I was not ready to agree with kaka, so  I sternly replied him that Humanity is the divine thing. God will be in Everyone's body. If I won't help him God will definitely punish me for being inhuman to him. 

Upendra kaka sternly looked into my eyes but still his voice is soft - Anirudh beta, don't argue with elders like that. He is a servant,...

Before he complete Kishorilal mama came and grabbed my shoulders and convinced his brother in law that he will deal the matter. Kaka went away gesturing him to make me understand. 

He paid salary and offered extra money to servant to get treatment and asked him to leave as he had to take rest. 

Like his nephews he took me also in his yoga room tried to preach me about listening to elders. But I also rejected mama's preaching that I want to become a barrister in future will not spare any injustice infront of my eyes.

But to my surprise next day the servant had left working there. My curious mind wants to know the reason at that time and went to his Hut to find the reason. 

Servant told that 'I have done a great sin to my master. I should not have come to work if I have fever. My master would have sent money to home only. It is my mistake. I am not a loyal servant to him.'

I found strange why he is blaming himself, tried to find out if he is scaring of anyone. But all the time he is praising Upendra kaka as God and blaming himself as if he had done a crime he declared himself as a disloyal servant to him.

Till today I don't understand for what reason he had left the job. 

I also tried to enquire from mama for what reason he had left the job. He told that he had underestimated your kaka, he had come here on that day to snatch some money from house as he had necessity. I made him understand and he realised it. That's all Anirudh beta.

I (Anirudh) asked Kishorilal mama - 'yesterday, I met him. He didn't say anything about his attempt of stealing?'

Mama is stunned but hardly laughed and said 'How can he say that Anirudh beta? He can't agree his mistake infront of you and that's why he is blaming himself as disloyal servant'

Next time also when they are planning to buy mango farms ,  seller initially told his rate but the next day itself he came into kaka's terms and sold him the land at cheap rate. As I was too young, I couldn't go alone and find the reason. Kaka and baba don't allow me to do those kind of adventures. 

Upendra kaka was best friend to Trilochan kaka but he always accuse my kaka that not to be lenient on children, make them mould to our traditions. Especially he had major complaint on me. The way I argue with everyone had been getting on his nerves.

Trilochan Kaka always used to say 'Upendra! My grandfather also used to be extreme strict on his son Jagannath who was born much earlier to my father Kailashnath . Do you know what happened? .One day due to extreme fear of punishment my Jagannath kaka jumped into river and punished himself for drinking water from low caste people. That incident made my Grandfather shattered to the core and after long time my father Kailashnath was born. From that time onwards my grandfather used to say not to be too much harsh on children. Try to teach them values without being too strict and too liberal. My father me and my brother also following his words. Try to understand Upendra, we don't know what kind of impression we will have on our children.'

The major reason why they left Tulsipur was Somnath dada (15 at that time) having infatuation with British girl (Author's Note: I  already mentioned in starting parts 1 & 2 that Somnath is a love failure in teenage). It is Upendra kaka only exposed his infatuation infront of Trilochan kaka. Also found that his son Mukund is also being friendly with a low paid farmer's daughter Babita. 

I don't know how he reacted on his son but within few days they left Tulsipur over night, without informing anyone and went away. Upendra kaka left a  letter to Trilochan kaka not to search for their family if he really cares for their friendship as he don't want Roy Chowdhary family friendship because they don't have values they set their children free and it was easy for their sons to fall for any random girl, don't want to see their face. 

Trilochan kaka felt very offended and took promise from me and Somnath dada to forget about them as they don't want us to find about them. Infact Mukund and Sudhanshu also wrote a farewell letter blaming us that because of being friendly with us they forgot their values and now they learnt a lesson. They don't want to meet us anymore. I felt disgusted  that why they are overreacting for every minute issues. Infact Somnath dada started hating them for berating us. 

Another tragic thing is the girl who had loved Mukund committed suicide. Babita had hanged herself to a tree. He informed me the same thing in letters when I was in London. 

During those days only British girl with whom Somnath dada had infatuation left him and went back to Britain. Somnath dada was unable to bear these 2 betrayals at a time from his friends and his love interest. With dejected mind he was walking on railway track in Deenpur once. My mother ( Shubhra) came to know about this through Bihari (Tulsipur servant) went hurriedly there. He was so dejected that he couldn't see a train coming from back side. My mother dragged him from the track in last second but unable to save herself. So she was dead in train accident.

Somnath dada was shattered to the core but my mother took promise in her last breathe that not to give up his life, study well and bring good name to family. Because of that promise only he was still survived and came to Calcutta to study medicine. medicine. In those days he had thrown this album out, but I kept it safe and promised myself that I should know in my life time the reason for their hatred, betrayal towards us


After telling all the incidents related to Upendra Ghoshal family, Anirudh felt emotional , shedded tears . Bondita consoled him. 

She asked him 'Patibabu, did you not feel once that Upendra kaka may forcefully made his sons to write accusing farewell letter to you and your brother?'

Anirudh: yes Bondita, I felt at that moment only. But even then they could have left any personal message through Bihari or any other servant. What's there to say such harsh words in letter? Although I could understand and relate with their helplessness, Somnath dada was reluctant to forgive them. He was already drowned himself in ocean of guilty for losing my mother. So I didn't bring this topic anymore. Infact after my mother's demise, I was also sent to London. Gowri kaki took care of Bhatuk and raised him. 

He continued....

When Gagan got promoted after purana basti case, while refering another cases I came across the file of suicide case of Rajendra Ghoshal family in Commissionerate office.  He suggested me not to touch the case as already 3 times it was tried everyone accepted defeat.  Even I was also busy with another cases and handling baba business . I initially thought to allot time to investigate it but I couldn't proceed remembering their accusations and Somnath dada condition, my mother's demise. 

 Now this case came to you. I won't stop you, Bondita. I believe in you. You can solve this case. But don't let our family know about it because everyone may feel bad,  at the same time be alert all the time. Because my intuition is warning that it may not be so easy. You have to keep your sixth sense alert all the time and get prepared for the worst happenings.'

She nodded and they went to sleep, but Bondita couldn't sleep thinking of case. 


Bondita woke up Catherine maa late in the night gathered information and adresses about previous 5 years students of Bondita's college who all tried to solve the case as she want to know being toppers why couldn't they solve the case. As Catherine is a college board member she will be having important office files of students addresses in her office room.  Initially she rejected to give it to Bondita, but latter told that it is about a case, and also promised that she won't reveal anything to them.  So finally she agreed to help her.

They both secretly went to college late night in car took watch man help and gathered addresses and left. She warned watchman to keep this as a secret. He nodded.   When they reached near car in college they saw Anirudh reached there. He raised his eyebrows and pretended to be angry, but Bondita quickly folded her ears  Catherine too tried to do it. He smiled and they three left to home. Although Anirudh want Bondita only to solve the case completely, but he is also concerned about her safety. So he can't leave her. 

They both  changed their identities,  disguised as journalists of Bangal khabar , they met all the 5  students as a part of investigation to publish the mysterious case as entertaining story in news paper and then  they asked about the suicide case of Rajendra Ghoshal and his family. 

One of them told that he didn't find any clue in case nothing is there to be solved, as Rajendra Ghoshal is an aggressive person, used to scream on his grandparents of both sides for selling and buying his mother. He doesn't want to join his elder brother, his ego had not accepted it and took his life. 

Bondita tried to ask if anything is suspicious about Upendra Ghoshal. He praised that Upendra Ghoshal is a sanskari, who take care of his servants also very well. He is still doing charities on the name of his late step brother family.

Other two members also gave similar kind of answers to him. No clues are left. 

When he went to fourth person house, he literally shivered by listening about Rajendra Ghoshal name.Anirudh asked why are you getting worried like this. He covered it and told that no one can solve this as there are no clues against Upendra Ghoshal or anyone. 

Bondita asked 'I heard that law college head is alloting the case as project to final year law students. Why?'

He told: Dean Stephen once was a barrister who never faced any failure except this case. It is his stubbornness and giving a challenge for every topper of final year law students. Infact he was very much curious to know what mystery was there in the case. It was only him believing that there is something amiss in this case. From many years many of them have failed so he used to  taunt every topper that Our country young barristers don't have the capability to solve it. 

After that they went to fifth person house but much to their  shock, he left the city without informing parents and went away as soon as he received barristry degree. They both  learnt from his parents that he got less marks in final semester as he failed to solve the case. As soon as he received barristry degree, he left the city as he cannot face anyone. 

They are about to leave but something striked in Bondita's mind and came back and asked his parents if he was threatened during final semester or any strange behaviour you found of him. 

His mother bursted into tears and told 'He always used to fear of something in his dreams, he used to beat himself with his belt that he had suspected a most genuine person, he cannot be forgivable. Infact my son is most courageous person who didn't fear of small things. He never got less marks. Only because of final semester he lost Gold medal and with that insult he left away.'

Anirudh and Bondita came to conclusion that whoever have any rift or difference of opinions with Upendra Ghoshal used to blame themselves that as if they have done a biggest blunder which couldn't be redeemed.  Instead of asking simple apology why everyone are overreacting like this?..what is the problem?  

Anirudh dropped her in college and he went to his office and involved in his work. He called Gagan and asked if he can meet him today. Gagan told him that he had meeting in the morning and asked him to come in afternoon. 


After finishing classes Bondita also coincidentally came to Commissionerate office to meet Gagan. She reached office and one constable asked her on what purpose she came here, because an Indian woman coming to Commissionerate office is like a world wonder to him. 

She had shown him her college ID, and asked to let her allow to meet Gagan. Constable told that he was in important meeting with a barrister wait for sometime. She thought may be some other person. But she don't know that Anirudh is already there discussing about same case with Gagan. 

Constable is asking the reason, Anirudh saw her from window, before she could say he and Gagan called her inside. Constable also permitted her. 

She came and the three sat in his office. Gagan told that it is not an easy case most tougher than Krishnanagar Bhano case. Here we don't know if there is culprit or not, if there who could be the culprit. If possible try to avoid the case. Talk with your catherine maa and take help from management board to avoid this case as project. 

But Bondita didn't want to give up. She is adamant to solve the case by hook or crook,  said ' Mann ka haar hi haar, Mann ka Jeet hi jeet'

 Gagan looked at Anirudh who said 'Gagan, I too don't want to stop Bondita. Let her do her job.'

Gagan sighed and told that she can find many cases to prove her capability. Infact she can also submit Bhano case as a final year project in which she had contributed alot. 

Anirudh is not satisfied with that. Gagan argued that don't keep her life in risk. No clue can be found in this case. Everything is clear. 

Bondita said 'Everything is not clear Gagan dada, in this case whoever have committed suicide have over reacted. I want to know the reason behind this? Why everyone are praising him as God? If he is really a genuine person won't he forgive others mistakes and misdeeds? why they took their lives for simple reasons? '

Gagan: If you go straight forward you won't get anything.

Anirudh smirked and asked ' Gagan she is not going to deal in straight forward method. I assure you'

Gagan furrowed his eyebrows and Anirudh clarified that she will change her identity and do investigation. If necessary she will make the entire world believe that she left her studies, because someone might have informed  the culprit whomever it may be that this year Bondita is going to take up the case. So she will pretend infront of outside world that she accepted defeat and we both will secretly leave to Darjiling.  For this we will take Catherine maa help to manage the college authorities to maintain confidentiality. 

Bondita smiled as acceptance and Gagan too joined them in smile.   

Note: This is part 37 of my FF. Please read in your free time and let me know your views. Thankyou πŸ™



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To all the other friends, extremely sorry if I miss anyoneπŸ€—

SilverBell thumbnail
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Posted: 2 years ago

Nice Update.

I Like How The Story Is Going.

mprvn36 thumbnail
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Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: SilverBell

Nice Update.

I Like How The Story Is Going.

Thankyou Nicita πŸ˜³

Tinnie96 thumbnail
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Posted: 2 years ago

This story has taken a very interesting turn! πŸ‘

I think Upendra Ghoshal actually instilled fear in his known ones' mind therefore they started to overreact and show him as a God πŸ€” This man seems to have a lot of power! Just like an undemocratic Government instills fear in their people which makes them call him God! 

Kehete haina, fake admi jitna bhi apne aap ko genuine dikhaye kisina kisi tarah uski fakeness ki jhalak parhi jati hai! πŸ˜Ž (Pata nahi kiski kahawat thi, abhi keliye meri hai!)

Let's see what happens next πŸ˜†

mprvn36 thumbnail
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Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: Tinnie96

This story has taken a very interesting turn! πŸ‘

I think Upendra Ghoshal actually instilled fear in his known ones' mind therefore they started to overreact and show him as a God πŸ€” This man seems to have a lot of power! Just like an undemocratic Government instills fear in their people which makes them call him God! 

Kehete haina, fake admi jitna bhi apne aap ko genuine dikhaye kisina kisi tarah uski fakeness ki jhalak parhi jati hai! πŸ˜Ž (Pata nahi kiski kahawat thi, abhi keliye meri hai!)

Let's see what happens next πŸ˜†

Thankyou Tinnie😳