THE KUNDALI KA GREHEN (the game of reverse psychology)- one shot

Aniash thumbnail
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Posted: 2 years ago

After sometime am writing a fiction. A token for members who liked Angad in UD and who wanted tejo to move on. 

U can leave ur comments after reading. This won't happen onscreen. So just enjoy it in the form of a fiction.

The kundali ka grehen( the game of reverse psychology)

10pm virks residence.

She moved to and fro feeling restless. It's been three days he didn't show up. No phone calls either. What was happening?? Where was he??  She needed his help. Things were getting out of hand. Jasmin's never ending tantrums. She needed solutions. She knew he would be her saviour. After all , he loved her.

Angad Mann. 

The wealthy gentleman who walked into her life three months ago lending a supporting hand. She was grateful but not in love with him.  Now when she needed him the most he disappeared since three freaking days . She was annoyed.

Just then.

Ringggggg. The bell of her phone. She picked up at the second ring and was excited that it was him. But the call was made from a private number. She was puzzled.

Before he could speak, she interrupted excitedly.

"Angadji , where've u been . I was nervous. U know u have supported me throughout. I needed ur help.  jasmin is getting out of hands..."

"Tejoji , i am back to London". He interrupted abruptly with a smile in his voice, as though he was relieved 

"What! U are in London. But u promised to help me   u broke ur promise angadji. ".

" Arey tejoji relax. I promised to help u but at the same time i needed to help myself . Let me put it this way. I had to rescue myself". He stated calmly.

Tejo was confused and annoyed.

" Anjadji stop beating around the bush . Pls be straight forward. I know u are hurt that i rejected u..." 

" No tejoji, i am glad u rejected me. I am spared from loving u. I am relieved u chose ur ex over me". He replied with joy.

Tejo was so confused.

" Idk I don't understand. U are happy i rejected u??"

Angad spoke sweetly. " U see , my grandma recently checked my kundali in London and found out that there was a grehen in my horoscope It was stated that it started three months back. The pandit said a woman would enter my life in moga and turn me into a psycho being in love with her. I will lose my mental balance. My grandma was upset but didn't tell me. When i spoke to her about u that i liked a woman named tejo, she refused. She stated tejo is the grehen in ur kundali and stay away from her. I find truth in her words. I lost my mental balance since u entered my life. Ur mahaanta killed me to the core that so much so i became crazy. From sane to insane. My grandma performed some religious rituals to remove the grehen. Now i am feeling saved and spared. I thank her for rescuing me from ur wrath. Ur being selfless is too much to handle. And i guess someday u will go crazy yourself " 

Hearing his bitter words, she sank into her study chair at the bedside. Angad mann who used to do her mala jaap now pronounced her as a grehen in his kundali. What a turnaround?? Unbelievable. No, it was horrible. For the first time, someone named her a grehen. She was affected and disappointed. Felt the pinch. Part of it was her selfless nature to be blamed. Unnecessarily poking her nose into other's business. Just can't stay away. He was right somehow. She has only brought sorrow to him. 

She tried to control her tears and with a shaky voice, spoke calmly,

" I am sorry Angadji , i put u in so much trouble..".

He interrupted before she could finish.

" No tejoji , don't be sorry. U should be happy u chose ur ex and are busy clearing his mess. U take a good care of him. He will surely bring more trouble . "

Tejo was puzzled. " More trouble?"  To which angad replied smilingly 

"Tejoji i don't want to say this to u but fateh is the grehen in ur kundali. All ur troubles started after u married him. Ur beloved sister turned against u. U have made so many sacrifices. U did so much for ur family and inlaws but only received humiliation. U have left ur dreams. U were a strong independent woman. Look at what u have done to urself now. An emotional wreck. That's what i define u. Fateh's love made u so weak tejoji that u forgot to live ur dreams. U forgot to live ur life ur way. Where is that practical strong full of self respect tejo??".

She couldn't answer. He was right. She was too grounded with emotions that she has left everything that was most important to her for the man she loved and his family.

He continued politely,

" I won't stop u from uniting with ur ex if that's what u want. That's ur decision. I respect that . But think logically. U will live with the man u love but will u be in peace. Will ur evil sister ever spare the both of u. Tejoji sometimes love is not everything. U can marry the man u love but u may not be happy especially if interference from a third party continuous. So now tejoji , u have to be more practical and think wisely. The same woman that u were before. What are ur priorities. Live a peaceful blissed life by achieving ur dreams and goals like what u were before u sacrificed everything for ur family or carry on being selfless and going through more struggles and perhaps mental torture in the hands of ur sibling who just can't seem to stop with her never ending vengeance against ur ex and his family. Tejoji , make ur decision. Remove the grehen in ur life. Or pave way for more sorrow . No one will appreciate ur efforts at the end of the day".

Line disconnected. He hung up. 

Tears rolled down her cheeks as she weeped throughout the nite. The bitter truth in his words were penetrating her bleeding heart with arrows. The truth hurt. She surrendered to her slumber with new motives as the morning sun rose. A new determination. A new journey 

Tejo packed her bags and left virks for good. Took a taxi to the airport.

Apparently, Angad had booked a ticket to Mumbai for her the previous nite itself after their conversation. As she was still sobbing hugging her fluffy white pillow , his text message came in. A flight ticket to Mumbai. Her PhD enrollment was ready. The docs were already emailed to her. She received a scholarship from a local university in the Metropolitan. Angad had quietly made the arrangements before he took of to London. She had two choices. Fulfill her dreams which she left midway and move into a new journey of life or clean up the mess created by her ex and sibling. Keep sacrificing for the families.

She texted her father as she sat in the taxi and he gave her all her blessings stating that he showed her kundali to a baba few days back and it was revealed that she would be stronger and make her own decisions. She would be a new Tejo. 

He advised her never to look back and he will definitely attend her graduation. He will wait for the glorious day of his life that his beloved daughter would fulfill her dreams.

If one daughter deviated from her dreams at least the other was trying to pursue hers. He immediately took off to the gurdwara to thank babaji for bringing Angad into her life. He always knew that the guy was God sent 

10am in his study room, London 

He smiled as he saw her text message . 

"Thank u angadji for opening my eye. I have made my decision. I will remove the grehen in my kundali. U were right. Love is not everything. We have our full life to love someone but we don't get the chance to fulfill our dreams all the time. It's an opportunity that knocks at ur door. Take it or leave it. Lucky are those who fulfilled their goals. I want to be that fortunate person. It's never too late. Thank u as always for supporting me. U will always remain as a dear friend. I am glad to have u in my life despite being a grehen to u in ur kundali. I never expected that. So sorry".

He didn't reply to her but chuckled

"Arey tejoji u are so innocent. What can i say. If i didn't play the game of reverse psychology , u won't listen. No, u are not a grehen in my kundali. That was just a story that i cooked up   u are the most wonderful woman i have ever met but too selfless. Tejoji this much of mahanta is not good. I can't see u like this. U should not allow others to take advantage of ur kindness. The families are selfish. U are blinded with their love that u couldn't see. Ur ex created the mess. He was the one obsessed with ur selfish sister. So let him settle it by himself. Why u need to interfere. Ur sister will never spare u. Live for urself tejoji, don't live for others".

His thoughts were interrupted by his little niece, Riya. Her grandma was diagnosed with third stage stomach cancer and doctors stated she won't live long. She backed off from the custody case and angad was granted as Riya's guardian.

" Poppins, come down. Sasha aunty and her family has arrived. I am so excited. Come fast. Roka ceremony going to begin soon". 

He smiled and picked her into his arms. She kissed his right cheek. 

" Shall we take a leave my princess". They did a high five as he walked out of the room venturing into a new journey of life. He was gonna get hitched to his childhood friend , Sasha Khanna who had always been fond of him and adored by his grandparents. Another wonderful woman. Seemed like his good days has started. He was happy . 

A few days later in Mumbai

The university welcomed her warmly. Thanks to angad's recommendations . She received a scholarship to pursue her PhD. She was surprised when the varsity informed her that food, accomodations and even travel expenses were already settled beforehand by Angad. 

One crocre funds were transferred into her account so she could send some money home to help her family. She secretly deposited into her dad's accounts. 

She smiled as he texted. 

" Need more , let me know. Ur new sim card will arrive today. Change ur number. Feel free like a bird Tejoji, fly high in the sky".

She was grateful. Her father was right. He was God sent 

She attended classes. Received numerous calls from her ex and his family. She kept her phone switched off. They were looking out for her. No one knew her whereabouts except her father. 

Tejo was determined to fullfil her dreams. The dreams that she left behind. Enough of sacrifices. From now on,  My life , my way. 

On the other hand , fateh was determined to look for her. Still puzzled why she left him and his family out of the blue. Where was she? Why did she take off?.

 Little did he realize that she was a victim of a game of reverse psychology played by Angad Mann , her well wisher in the name of the kundali ka grehen.

The end 

Edited by Aniash - 2 years ago


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thunderbird thumbnail
Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 2 years ago

This is reallyyy good πŸ’–

Best os on UD i could ask for πŸ˜­πŸ™Œ

heartfilia thumbnail
Anniversary 3 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

That's what white lotus female leads deserve, really πŸ‘ 

Aniash thumbnail
Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: thunderbird

This is reallyyy good πŸ’–

Best os on UD i could ask for πŸ˜­πŸ™Œ

Thank u shagun

A valentine gift from myside😍😍

That's how kvg exist should be 

Put a sense in tejo before leaving.

Bring a turnaround in her

Aniash thumbnail
Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: heartfilia

That's what white lotus female leads deserve, really πŸ‘ 

Itvs still followed  sixteen century.😁😁

They lost the universal time long ago.

Women empowerment twenty first century.

dusk2dawn thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

What should I say?? I am out of words..

Another gem from your treasure..πŸ‘

The best one out of all finally tejo moving on from the kundali ka grahans the virks , fattu and jasso.. 

This should be the story instead of the crap going on..🀒

SilverBell thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 2 years ago

That's How Tejo Should Be Free Make Her Own Choices. 

Not Run After Her Ex And His Family.

Good Story

Lipstickqueen thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: dusk2dawn

What should I say?? I am out of words..

Another gem from your treasure..πŸ‘

The best one out of all finally tejo moving on from the kundali ka grahans the virks , fattu and jasso.. 

This should be the story instead of the crap going on..🀒

Well said Darshi! I agree wholeheartedly.  Well done! How do we get you a job to write the show? πŸ‘πŸ‘

Chir-Cute thumbnail
Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail Jimmy Jab Games Season 3 0 Thumbnail + 9
Posted: 2 years ago

Tejo is the biggest grehen in her own life tbh.....  πŸ€£

Glad Angad left her πŸ˜†

Aniash thumbnail
Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: dusk2dawn

What should I say?? I am out of words..

Another gem from your treasure..πŸ‘

The best one out of all finally tejo moving on from the kundali ka grahans the virks , fattu and jasso.. 

This should be the story instead of the crap going on..🀒

Tq dear 

What's ur name by the way.

Drashi or drashti 😁😁

I am confused