Why God Krishna said in Gita that one shall not worry about death?

sridatta thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Message on Samkranti

Saṃkrānti is transition of Sun from south to north. South is considered to be worldly life (Pravṛutti) and north is considered to be spiritual life (Nivṛtti). The transition of Sun means transition of intellectual knowledge in the form of decision. The Veda says that Moon is born from mind and Sun is born from the eye (Candramā manaso jātaḥ, Cakṣoḥ Sūryo ajāyata). The eye is told as single eye and not as two eyes.

 This single eye is the third eye present on the forehead and represents knowledge. Seeing means knowing. The Veda also says that Pravṛtti and Nivṛtti are opposite to each other like south and north poles (Dūramete viparīte viṣūcī). Hence, today represents the transition from worldly life filled with blind fascination-oriented actions (karma mārga) in to spiritual life filled with spiritual knowledge-oriented actions (Jñāna mārga). 

This transition takes place when Sun enters the zodiac of crocodile representing firm grip, which means that you shall have very strong decision in spiritual life after leaving worldly life. After six months, Sun transits from north (spiritual life) to south (worldly life) through the zodiac of crab representing no grip or very weak grip, which means that you should attach to worldly life with full internal detachment.

 Every six months Sun transits from south to north and from north to south continuously. This means that you shall live in spiritual life with full grip for some time and then you shall live in worldly life for some time without any grip or with external grip and internal detachment. You must remember that when Śaṅkara was leaving the worldly life and entering the spiritual life (Saṃnyāsa), He created the crocodile representing firm grip or decision while taking bath in the river.

God Kṛṣṇa said that sacrifice involving knowledge is far better than sacrifice involving materials and also told that He is always pleased with sacrifice involving knowledge and not sacrifice involving materials (Śreyān dravyamayāt…, Jñāna Yajñena…). He also told that Yoga or union with God can be achieved by limited food and limited attachment to world (yuktāhāra vihārasya…). 

But, what we are doing especially on the festival of Kṛṣṇa Himself (Dīpāvalī), who told this concept? We are preparing the maximum number of sweets on that day of festival! At least, on the days of festivals, which are related to God and spiritual life, we shall avoid extra food items and even reduce the normal number of food items taken every day. 

The Veda also says that if you eat food in limited quantity, it will be eaten by you and if you eat food in excess quantity, the food will eat you by bringing diseases leading to death (Adyate'tti ca bhūtāni…). Sweets bring diabetes and oily items bring over fat resulting in BP and heart attack. Excess of food brings immediate drowsiness weakening mind and intelligence thereby opposing knowledge based spiritual life that is expected to be led by you on at least the festival day. 

Hence, celebrating festival in this way is one extreme end. The other extreme end is to fast on the festival day without taking food at all and this brings terrible weakness that also is resulting in drowsiness only again! For crops both flood and drought are dangerous and limited rains are only required. Hence, neither food shall be totally avoided nor food shall be over eaten and food containing health-promoting items in little quantities must be taken every day or at least on the festival days.

All the above explanation pertains to vegetarians and what about non-vegetarians because these people kill the animals on the next day after the Saṃkrānti day and eat the flesh. This non-vegetarian food is not only not good for health compared to vegetable food but also sin is achieved by killing the animals, birds etc. 

It is a double-edged knife! When animals eat vegetables, proteins of plants eaten are already broken and re-synthesized in the bodies of animals. When human beings eat such re-synthesized proteins from animals, those proteins are again broken and re-synthesized again as proteins and such re-re-synthesized proteins are not good for health. Apart from this damage to health, additional damage through punishments of sin incurred in killing the animals is attacking the souls.

 Another additional sin is to throw blame on Goddess or Divine Mother for this sin saying that the Divine Mother is fond of eating Her own children! The Gītā says that God is the Father and the primordial energy (Mūlaprakṛti) is the mother delivering this creation (Mayādhyakṣeṇa Prakṛtiḥ…). In the Pravṛtti the highest injustice or sin is told as killing the living beings (Ahiṃsā paramo Dharmaḥ).

 In a place called ‘Telaprolu’ in Andhra Pradesh, there is a famous temple of Divine Mother or Śakti. You will find boards around the temple on which written statements can be seen, which are “killing animals here is prohibited”, “killers of animals here will be punished” etc. The story behind these boards is that Divine Mother appeared in the dreams of all the devotees of temple and shouted “Why do you kill animals before Me? Did I tell anybody that you should kill animals etc.?”. From that day onwards, the killing of animals was completely prohibited.

Go to the following website and read the divine knowledge from there,

-By Shri Datta Swami

Universal Spirituality for World Peace


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sridatta thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Why God Krishna said in Gita that one shall not worry about death?

[A question by Shri Phani]

Swami Replied:- Death is said by Him as inevitable to anybody after taking birth on this Earth (aparihārye'rthe, na tvaṃ śocitu marhasi). The soul is born to die and the soul dies to take birth again. The life of the soul after birth is only the process of walking towards the goal that is death. The life of the soul after death is only the process of spending time to the goal that is birth. When the goal is fixed and its corresponding effort called walking is also being done, shall one weep about the goal? 

Hence, one shall not waste time even for one minute to think about death, which is inevitable to any born soul. Based on the same concept, one shall not weep for anybody, who is dead because death is inevitable to everybody including the weeping person. 

Infact, the soul is neither having birth nor death. This external body alone is having birth and death. This external body is just the external shirt of the soul. When the shirt becomes old reaching torning state, it is rejected by you, which will be used as waste cloth to clean the floor on which people also walk. In such case, do you feel that you are that waste cloth insulted in such a way?

One shall not bother about the materialistic life in this world because the materialistic life is only a railway journey taken by a person, who is attending an interview in the next station. The reason is that the interview to be attended is the most important for which one shall prepare even during the time of journey. The soul after death is going to be judged by God for merits and sins. 

The soul shall meet the enquiry of God about itself in the upper sub-world called Preta Loka after death, which must be kept by it as its utmost important goal. The comforts in the compartment of train are immaterial for a candidate going to attend the interview in the next station. If the candidate is selected in the interview, he will get a job giving comforts throughout the rest of life. 

The comforts in the train are only just for one hour, which is the time of journey. The comforts in the life are just like the comforts of journey in the train by which one is reaching the goal-station in one hour like human life. After reaching the goal of human life, which is the death that is like the next station where the interview like enquiry by God is conducted in the upper sub-world. Preparation for the enquiry by God is like preparation for the interview, which is going to deal the final matter.

Go to the following website and read the divine knowledge from there,

-By Shri Datta Swami

Universal Spirituality for World Peace

sridatta thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

What are the commandments of the constitution written by God? How can I believe that You are an incarnation of God?

[Rayy Light Asked: Dear Swami Ji, Peace and Blessings of God be upon You. I very much appreciate You for Your reply. While reading Your reply, I was wondering what are the commandments of the constitution written by God in which You referred to. My next question is, how can I believe that You are an incarnation of God or someone who has been sent by God?]

Swami Replied: The constitution of God is not printed as a book to be available in the shop. All ethical scriptures written by Sages are taken as the constitution of God because they have written while God dictated to them in their consciousness. 

You should not think that God appeared and dictated to them orally because God wanted to avoid the stress in writing with His hand! Even if somebody tells that God appeared to them and dictated orally, where is the audio video cassette? Therefore, the sharp logical analysis of this point reveals that the unimaginable God revealed the concepts of the constitution in the consciousness of sages. 

God speaks to any soul through its consciousness. When you are in a dilemma between justice and injustice, the voice of God is heard by you through your consciousness. Even though you are not God, God is always in contact with you through this direct phone of consciousness.

It is told that the consciousness is the authority (pramāṇamantaḥkaraṇa pravṛttayaḥ- Kālidāsa). But, one should not exploit this concept by saying that the consciousness of Ravana told him to stole Sita. It is true that God spoke in his consciousness not to steal Sita. 

Consciousness means the pure awareness or individual soul called Jiva or Shudhatma. But, the consciousness of every soul is polluted with so many bad thoughts of awareness, which are generated by the influence of Rajas and Tamas. 

These bad thoughts will pollute your self to such a maximum extent that you are unable to hear the voice of God just like you are unable to hear the mic announcement in railway station when it is fully crowded and highly noisy.

 Even if you hear it in very weak amplitude, the influence of these prominent bad thoughts will make you to reverse your conclusion so that you will think the voice of God as the influence of rajas and tamas and you will think the voice of rajas and tamas as voice of God. 

Coming to the main point, the ethical scriptures or the Vedas revealed in the consciousness of the sages based on very sharp logical analysis are said to be the dictations of the God to them.

 Even if you say that God directly dictated the Vedas to them, we will not object even this. But we say that these dictations of God must and will certainly stand to the fire test of analysis because God is certainly omniscient and none can find any fault in the dictation of God.

 If you force a statement to be the direct dictation of God and simultaneously support that the statement must be correct beyond the analysis, it is totally absurd, and we will analyse the statement with double attention and agree your statement if the statement stands in the fire test of analysis.

Based on this background, if My statement in My spiritual knowledge stands the fire test of analysis, you shall be impartial to say that such statement from My mouth is from the mouth of God. I only say that if X=Y, then Y=X. This means if God’s statement is always highly logical and true (X=Y), what is the wrong in saying that any true and logical statement is told by God (Y=X). 

Therefore, i) Either you shall not believe in God, X and Y or ii) if you believe in God, X and Y, you must believe that Y=X if you have already stated that X=Y. If you say that omniscient God will always speak truth that stands in any fire test of logic, the reverse of it must be also true, which means that any true statement standing any fire test of logic spoken by any soul must be also from the mouth of God only. 

Since the audio video cassette for your statement is not produced by you, We also need not produce the same cassette for our statement also. The minute you submit your cassette, We will submit our cassette in the next minute. If you submit your cassette and say that even though your illogical statement is authority based on your cassette, you shall agree to the statement that any illogical statement from anybody shall be the authority provided its corresponding cassette is produced. Now there is no quarrel between you and Me.

Go to the following website and read the divine knowledge from there,

-By Shri Datta Swami

Universal Spirituality for World Peace

sridatta thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago


The absolute God is unimaginable as per several statements of the Vedas and the Gita, which are the Holy Scriptures of Hinduism. The scientists should not reject the existence of any unimaginable item claiming that everything is explicable or imaginable by refusing the unimaginable miracles treating these as explicable magic. 

The same scientists say that the space is infinite and its boundary is unimaginable. If you are reaching the boundary of imaginable Universe, you must touch the beginning boundary of some different unimaginable item just like you are touching the beginning boundary of land, which is different from water when you reach the boundary of the ocean. 

If you are travelling the path of smoke, you will touch the boundary of the different fire at the boundary of the smoke. Just like fire is the generator of the smoke, the unimaginable God is the generator of this imaginable Universe or space. Before the generation of the product, the generator alone exists.

 Similarly, before the generation of space, God alone exists. This means that space or spatial dimensions cannot exist in God since space cannot exist before it is generated. This means that God has no spatial dimensions. 

Your intelligence cannot imagine anything having no spatial dimensions even after imagination of millions of years. The conclusion of this analysis is that the unimaginable and invisible God exists as the boundary of this imaginable universe. Buddha kept silent about God, which should not be misunderstood as negation of God. It should be understood that God being unimaginable is indicated by silence i.e., beyond words.

Unity of Religions in the Universe

Every religion says that their God created this earth and humanity. But, unfortunately, there is only one earth! This means that there must be one God only, who is the internal unimaginable – invisible God in different human forms. The conservatism of every religion is rigid about the worship of their God only saying that their scripture alone is right.

 Let Me take the example of conservative people in Christianity, who say that if Jesus is not believed, the hell is inevitable. India was discovered after 1700 years after the delivery of Bible by Jesus in Jerusalem. 17 generations in India have gone to hell for no fault of them. Had the Bible been delivered in all the countries simultaneously, at least, some of these 17 generations might have been saved.

 This leads to the unnecessary partiality of God being the Father of all the humanity of this single earth. This criticism attacks the side of conservatism of every religion. There is no answer from conservatism to this but there is excellent answer from the universal spirituality. 

God came in different human forms to all countries simultaneously and delivered the same contents in different languages as different scriptures. Therefore, there is no partiality of God since those who followed those contents went to God irrespective of any religion in any country.

Every human being is a single phase system formed by homogenous mixing of the two components, matter and energy. Matter is visible and imaginable forming the human body. Energy is invisible and imaginable. This energy has two sub divisions:

 1) The inert energy binding the matter and existing in different forms of work like respiration, digestion, etc., seen in functioning systems like lungs, intestines etc., 

2) The living energy or awareness, which is the specific work form of the above inert energy functioning in specific nervous system called as soul. The above unimaginable-invisible God expresses Himself by entering a selected human being called as contemporary human incarnation, which is the homogenous mixture of the three components: God, matter and energy (energy in the two sub divisions).

 This is called as Aatreya, which means that the three are treated as one. This incarnation is called as Datta, which means ‘given’ i.e., the unimaginable – invisible God is given to the world as imaginable – visible relative God called as Datta-Aatreya. Just like the invisible current is experienced through visible metallic wire, God is experienced through the selected human being. 

Apart from the physical appearance of the materialized body, the main purpose of this human incarnation is preaching the spiritual knowledge and clarification of all doubts, which are possible only with the existence of awareness or soul. God does not exist in inert matter for this reason only. However, the inert statues and photos can be worshipped as representative models of God to increase the personal devotion even though direct service to God is not possible. 

In Hinduism, Hanuman and Gopikas stand as top most liberated souls, but, they worshipped and served their contemporary human incarnations only. God comes in human form in every generation and in every culture simultaneously to avoid the partiality by not blessing only one specific generation and one specific religion only without reason. Thus, the human incarnations like Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, Mohammad, Mahavir, etc., can be recognized. The internal unimaginable God in all these different human forms is one and the same since there can be many imaginables but unimaginable can be only one.

The departed soul from this world enters the inert energetic body and can be treated as the single component, energy only or this can be treated as a two component system also treating both the sub-divisions of energy as two components. The unimaginable God enters a selected energetic human being and is called as Father of Heaven or Narayana etc. Thus, the energetic incarnation is also a homogenous mixture of three components.

The whole tragedy is that the human being in this world rejects the human incarnation and the same human being in energetic body in the upper world rejects the energetic incarnation due to the principle of ‘repulsion between common media’. 

The human being is unable to recognize the unimaginable-invisible God, the third component, and treats the incarnation equal to it as a system of two components (matter and energy) only. By this, the soul is losing God for ever here and there. The main reason is the ego and jealousy towards co-human form and these two can be eradicated by a special training, which is the development of love and respect to the co-human beings through service. The hatred to the co-living being is the source of the sin, which should be controlled by the fear for hell.

 Mohammad, Himself being the human incarnation of God, deleted this concept of human incarnation since His preceding human incarnation, Jesus, was crucified by co-human beings due to excess of ego and jealousy. The scientist may say that the hell does not exist since I could not show the hell to him in the space. 

But in this infinite space, a scientist also could not show the absence of hell to Me. This results in a situation of 50:50 probability. One person says to a blind man that fire exists before him and another person says that fire does not exist. In this context of 50:50 probability, the wise blind man goes back avoiding the risk. You don’t lose anything if you do not commit sin and the hell is absent. On the other hand, it becomes horrible. This shall open the eyes of scientist and atheists regarding the value of spirituality.

Go to the following website and read the divine knowledge from there,

-By Shri Datta Swami

Universal Spirituality for World Peace