Epi 239: Cats in the Circle

Abhyudaya thumbnail
Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Anniversary 3 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

The episode starts with Vansh driving back following the address he got in the room and Ridhima reaches to house while Ishani puts her leg and she was yet to fall. Ishani asks day and night you and Vansh are out and what is that you guys are doing? Why do you want? Will you and work? No Nah? Then why you want the details. Ridhima says I have work so I need to leave. Ishani says wait and says if Dadi gets to know about the fake death what she would do? Ishani says now tell me? Ridhima smiles and says whatever is happening you will know in the next 24 hours and so yes let me go. Guys for a nanosecond Ishani was like afraid mode of this Ridhima. Now this version of Ridhima is best for the whole house. Looking forward to later too. Now 24 hours truth will be out but yeah did any truth in VR Mansion is out without a storm? Nada. So be prepared guys. 

Vansh reaches the destination and sees nothing. He understood Ridhima played with him. Vansh leaves from the place and Ridhima reaches Vansh office and take the remote and opens the safe. She sees BB and takes it. BB became Nagamani of the VR house. Ridhima puts the remote back and leaves her room. She calls Vyom and shows the BB. Vyom appreciates her. She says I'm done with my deal so now it's your time. Vyom says everything is ready, just give me the BB and I will complete my side of the deal. Now, what is that ready? The major thing is Ridhima went to meet Chang but then met with Vyom. That says she doesn't know him in those 6 hours. So what deal she did with him? I seriously hope PH close this loophole. 

Ridhima says Vansh is watching me so I will drop it in the dustbin near my house pick it from it. Vyom says I can imagine Vansh face when he would be knowing the BB is not in his hands. Ridhima is not feeling good to hear it. But then dear that's what you paid for? Right? To betray him to safeguard yours or might be his truth. Vansh opens the safe and he doesn't see the BB. He opens the laptop and watches Ridhima taking the BB and leaving VR house. Vansh says so this is your plan, make me roam and you steal the BB. He follows Ridhima while she drops the BB in the dustbin. He is shocked. She messages Vyom and turns back then Vansh hides. Ridhima leaves while someone comes and picks the BB. Who it can be? Vyom or any 3rd person? Vansh runs to the check-in dustbin but he doesn't see the BB. Vansh says interesting and Very interesting with a smirk; this says that BB might be a fake box. So he laid the trap. 

Sia is speaking with Vyom. She says what happened that I cannot come and meet you? She says I know you get calls but trust me I won't disturb you. Sia, trust me, you are going to be a Riansh shipper or destroyer in near future. Vyom smirks. Sia says I want to meet you. Ridhima calls Vyom but busy. Did he got the BB or not? Vyom says you are a perfect damsel in distress and he says you are going to turn the girl the way I want. Of course, we know that and you are turning her like that. Vyom says always keep your emotions intact and that keeps the mystery alive. Oh, why so big lines - just say use defence mechanism - we know these days what it is. I never understood this mechanism when the Physics professor explained but due to VR understood it in 3 seconds. 

Ridhima thinks why I'm hearing Vyom voice from Sia's room. Ridhima asks are you speaking with Vyom? Sia stops and says what do you mean? Ridhima remembers the earring which Vyom has and says I knew it and I should have understood when I saw your earring in his hands. Oh, girl, you blurted out the truth. Dear, what kind of a game you are playing where you trap yourself? Sia is shocked. Ridhima says he is not right and you are a child. Sia says first don't call me a child and don't teach me. Vyom smiles. Ah, his plan is working but don't know what he planned for Ridhima because he said his wife looks the same as her. 

Sia asks first tell me how do you know my ear stud is with him? Now, say? Sia says then you are meeting with Vyom? Oh, possessive Sia. Ridhima says now I cannot say anything but believe me he is not the right man for you and he is not a nice guy. She tries to go near the laptop but Sia pulls her back. This Sia is going to turn into the next villain girls - be ready. Sia says don't touch and until you say what connection you have with Vyom don't ask me to also reveal. The point is right. When you cannot reveal, why would she? Sia says don't give me the free lecture and Ridhima replies saying I'm elder than you and your Bhabi. If I'm saying something then please listen to me. Sia says I'm an adult. Vyom says I'm loving the catfight and we are hating it. Ridhima says believe me. Sia says I love Vyom so I will meet him. Vyom says I Love it. Ridhima says he is using you and Sia says no one cannot break us. Arey, what happens here? 24 hours truth Gaya, 6 hours are still missing and we are having this Catfight? Ahhhh - why I'm writing this. 

But then again Ridhima, you bought this. No matter what deal you did with him, the thing is he used you. You guys are not any partners. You became a puppet again, darling. Sad to say but the truth. Ridhima says bas**** Vyom and Sia says don't talk like that to Vyom and don't interfere in my personal life and if you interfere then I will start interfering in your personal life. Sia is threatening her. Sia says I'm sure that no one in the house knows that you meet Vyom, why? Ridhima leaves. Even we also want to know why? 

Vansh with a knife says I know what Ridhima did with BB. Angre says what we feared happened at last. Vansh smiles. Angre says why you are not sad? Because that's fake. Vansh shows the red box (RB) and says to open that BB one needs the key and the box is safe until no one gets it. Are you saying RB is the BB? Kiara is listening. So yes RB is the new BB. Kabir is shouting for Ridhima and the guard comes. People listen to the voices and says I will call cops. Now, what this drama. 

Ridhima says I will tell you what you should do but for now, make him shut up. Ridhima enters her room and Vansh smiles. She is shocked to see the room is decorated. Now what? Anniversary special? Ridhima says why we are celebrating this? She says not my birthday, neither yours and not our anniversary. Vansh says couples like us don't need any day to celebrate. We know it. You guys just need some topic to celebrate. Vansh says I'm alive, you are living so life gave us another day to celebrate. Vansh, you forgot to mention the baby? Ridhima thinks he doesn't know about BB. Vansh says did you said something? Ridhma says No. She says I felt you might be angry with me. Not only he, but we all also are angry at you, dear. 

Vansh picks her in his hands and says of course I'm angry at you. Ridhima smirks. This is why the theme of the celebration is blood red. She is shocked. He makes her sit. He picks the red rose and goes on his knees and gives her a rose. It pricks and she gets up saying I will put on a bandaid. Vansh says why don't you give it a try for old fashion and she says what? Arey dumb girl we know from here what he is intending and being beside don't you understand? Vansh takes her finger and keeps it in his mouth. Remember she did once same to him. Recreation of the scenes. But those are memorable and monumental scenes of IMMJ2. Ridhima says this is good, first you hurt me then you heal me. Why do I feel some double meaning in these lines, like 6 hours truth is something that hurts her more than him. 

Vansh pulls her close and says you're right. I'm the one who hurts you and so does will heal you because you belong to me. Well, after ages I heard some obsessed line from him. Wait did we ever saw his obsession? Nada. So for the first time heard the line, but need to see those emotions. Ridhima smirks. She puts hands on him and says I only belong to you. Vansh says I only belong to you no matter whether anyone betrays me or hurt me from behind and he holds more closely as if he doesn't want her to get out from his clutches. Ridhima is shocked. He kisses her on the forehead while she feels uncomfortable and she says I need to speak to you. He says tell me. She says wait some more time. Vansh says some surprise? Ridhima says more than a surprise. Well, Ridhima when you have time, blurt it out! Because I'm sure something is going to happen which you might not think and then you won't be having anything to say from your side. Makers, we don't want any revenge or hatred track from Vansh. 

Vansh and Ridhima dances while Ridhima is worried. Kabir speaks with Ridhima while the guard gives the phone. Ridhima asks what do you want? He says I want you. What? Yaar, maybe these injections made me go back to TV lustful Kabir. Bro, yesterday you want to hurt her and today I love you. Wah! Kabir says I'm missing you, baby. Baby? Ridhima says no matter how much you shout, it doesn't affect me. Guard says if you say yes, I will cut his tongue. She says No. Guard Dada, we all give permission, why tongue, dissect his whole body. Permission granted. Kabir says I love you, please come to me. The police siren is ringing. Guard says he was shouting for a long time, maybe neighbours had complained about him. Ridhima shocked and Kabir laughs. Oh yaar, his plan! See, on deathbed also he knows how to stress the pulse of the enemy. Kabir - we love you man so we hate you too. 

Kabir says police will come and takes me. Then I will come to get you. Ridhima says put clothes in his mouth. Give the phone to the cop and I will speak with him. Guard does. Ridhima says I'm Jia Bajaj? Ye Bajaj Kaha se aya? Ridhima says this house belongs to me and the one who is shouting is my brother and he is mentally unstable. Due to medicines, he shouts and he tries to himself. The doctor said it will take some time. And I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Cop say Okay and leaves. Bhai---- Okay, he wants Aryan and the rest of the RS clan to cal him Kabir Bhai and it worked. Ridhima called him Bhai - rakshabandhan kab hein? 

Guard removes clothes and Kabir says how can you say this? Ridhima say don't do anything. My deal is done and I'm going to tell Vansh everything. Once I tell him, you can go. Kabir is shocked. He asks how could you? The moment you say him the truth, he will kill you? Now what truth can kill her? Is he thinking Vansh doesn't know about the diamonds, rifle and BB? Or something else? Kabir says you are a fool. Ridhima says Okay, bye. Kabir smiles and says she is going, to tell the truth and that says she is finished. Now, what truth is that? 

Vansh comes from the washroom topless and Kiara standing. She breaks a glass. He removes the towel and stands before her. Looks like a boss is developing a six-pack. We can see some tiny and underdeveloped packs. Vansh asks what happened? Kiara picks the wine and comes near him. She tries to flirt with him. Ridhima pushes Kiara and the glass falls and breaks. Don't tell me we are going to see jealousy and possessive Ridhima, ah! Arey but makers if you have given this, then one day give Vansh also being in jealousy and possessive high mode. 

Ridhima says oops. Kiara says I will make another two. Ridhima says make three and Vansh won't mind. Vansh says I won't mind anything because regular people drinks with glass who afraid to lose out themselves but I'm the one who drinks from the bottle. The BGM takes away again. VR! But we see VR with Ridhima more than the Dramebaaz. How come you can disrespect your wife, Vansh? Ridhima shocked and Kiara smirks. Vansh asks would you like to drink wine from the bottle with me? Ridhima shocked again and Kiara smiles and says yes. Vansh, at once you did the same with Ahana but now don't repeat it! 

Kiara says I would love to and checks Ridhima. Vansh notices the same. He asks do you like to drink from the bottle. Ridhima says No thanks. I don't like more than 2 lips on the bottle. Vansh says even I don't like. Ridhima says but I can see that you like anyone's lips. Vansh says that's the issue, when something happens the other person understands something else. Ridhima says one can only understand what the other person is showing us. Doesn't it apply to you also, Ridhima. You are stealing things from him and that says you are betraying him. Vansh says maybe the person before is trying to show something else but the person is not understanding at all. Vansh this goes to you also. But I'm glad you are giving her enough chances. We might blame you 10% ut not more until you don't cross the line with some revenge or hatred game. Kiara became a scapegoat between wife and husband. She thought to drink but here something else is happening. What is that Vansh trying to prove here? 

Precap: Ridhima and Vansh in white and area in poolside are decorated. Ridhima says that day is the most beautiful day when Ridhima and Vansh became one. Vansh says you promised to say something else, why don't you say it? Ridhima says I will. Vyom calls and she picks. Ridhima says what is your problem? Why you are calling me? Vyom says the BB you sent is fake. Ridhima confronts Vansh and says you betrayed me. Vansh says not me, it is you who betrayed me. Ridhima says No, I didn't betray you and I called you here because I want to tell you every truth. Vansh says then tell me. Ridhima says No, now I cannot tell you. Vansh says truth has a very bad habit, it cannot be hidden for a long time. If not today, it will be out tomorrow. Ridhima shocked and scared too

P:S - Do we get to see the basic truth of the 6 hours tomorrow or not? The way Vansh reacting in precap is like now I don't care because I know what to do. As an individual episode, it is Okay. But then as wholesome of series, this track should end soon. 


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eishe10 thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 3 years ago

Thanks for the update 💕 Vansh doubled crossed Riddhima with the Black Box😁😁 Sia needs to get a reality check with whom she believes to love like the idiot Vyom. I feel that Sia is becoming  another Ishani 2.0. I hope the truth is out soon like Riddhima said 24 hours everything will happen. 

Edited by eishe10 - 3 years ago
Navdeep_08 thumbnail
Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 3 years ago

Thanks for update

This sia and ishani 😡. Sia tuje ek ldke ke 2 min ke pyaar main apni bhabhi ko dhakka de diya wah beta 

Flipper raisinghania 

i knew boss jaise black box riddhima ke samne rkh rye te kuch to gdbad hai.

Ott vale vansh main dimag hai 

Now how kabbu is saying that vansh will kill her after listening to deal. And how riddhu is scared its  not giving me good vibes 

And riddhu ko vansh ka last vale dialogue pr zor dena chayiye . She wants to play this game but she is new she dont know how the tricks and twist will change whole game 

riddhu smj ja yr isse pehle late o jaaye

gaya84 thumbnail
Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: Abhyudaya

The episode starts with Vansh driving back following the address he got in the room and Ridhima reaches to house while Ishani puts her leg and she was yet to fall. Ishani asks day and night you and Vansh are out and what is that you guys are doing? Why do you want? Will you and work? No Nah? Then why you want the details. Ridhima says I have work so I need to leave. Ishani says wait and says if Dadi gets to know about the fake death what she would do? Ishani says now tell me? Ridhima smiles and says whatever is happening you will know in the next 24 hours and so yes let me go. Guys for a nanosecond Ishani was like afraid mode of this Ridhima. Now this version of Ridhima is best for the whole house. Looking forward to later too. Now 24 hours truth will be out but yeah did any truth in VR Mansion is out without a storm? Nada. So be prepared guys. 

Vansh reaches the destination and sees nothing. He understood Ridhima played with him. Vansh leaves from the place and Ridhima reaches Vansh office and take the remote and opens the safe. She sees BB and takes it. BB became Nagamani of the VR house. Ridhima puts the remote back and leaves her room. She calls Vyom and shows the BB. Vyom appreciates her. She says I'm done with my deal so now it's your time. Vyom says everything is ready, just give me the BB and I will complete my side of the deal. Now, what is that ready? The major thing is Ridhima went to meet Chang but then met with Vyom. That says she doesn't know him in those 6 hours. So what deal she did with him? I seriously hope PH close this loophole. 

Ridhima says Vansh is watching me so I will drop it in the dustbin near my house pick it from it. Vyom says I can imagine Vansh face when he would be knowing the BB is not in his hands. Ridhima is not feeling good to hear it. But then dear that's what you paid for? Right? To betray him to safeguard yours or might be his truth. Vansh opens the safe and he doesn't see the BB. He opens the laptop and watches Ridhima taking the BB and leaving VR house. Vansh says so this is your plan, make me roam and you steal the BB. He follows Ridhima while she drops the BB in the dustbin. He is shocked. She messages Vyom and turns back then Vansh hides. Ridhima leaves while someone comes and picks the BB. Who it can be? Vyom or any 3rd person? Vansh runs to the check-in dustbin but he doesn't see the BB. Vansh says interesting and Very interesting with a smirk; this says that BB might be a fake box. So he laid the trap. 

Sia is speaking with Vyom. She says what happened that I cannot come and meet you? She says I know you get calls but trust me I won't disturb you. Sia, trust me, you are going to be a Riansh shipper or destroyer in near future. Vyom smirks. Sia says I want to meet you. Ridhima calls Vyom but busy. Did he got the BB or not? Vyom says you are a perfect damsel in distress and he says you are going to turn the girl the way I want. Of course, we know that and you are turning her like that. Vyom says always keep your emotions intact and that keeps the mystery alive. Oh, why so big lines - just say use defence mechanism - we know these days what it is. I never understood this mechanism when the Physics professor explained but due to VR understood it in 3 seconds. 

Ridhima thinks why I'm hearing Vyom voice from Sia's room. Ridhima asks are you speaking with Vyom? Sia stops and says what do you mean? Ridhima remembers the earring which Vyom has and says I knew it and I should have understood when I saw your earring in his hands. Oh, girl, you blurted out the truth. Dear, what kind of a game you are playing where you trap yourself? Sia is shocked. Ridhima says he is not right and you are a child. Sia says first don't call me a child and don't teach me. Vyom smiles. Ah, his plan is working but don't know what he planned for Ridhima because he said his wife looks the same as her. 

Sia asks first tell me how do you know my ear stud is with him? Now, say? Sia says then you are meeting with Vyom? Oh, possessive Sia. Ridhima says now I cannot say anything but believe me he is not the right man for you and he is not a nice guy. She tries to go near the laptop but Sia pulls her back. This Sia is going to turn into the next villain girls - be ready. Sia says don't touch and until you say what connection you have with Vyom don't ask me to also reveal. The point is right. When you cannot reveal, why would she? Sia says don't give me the free lecture and Ridhima replies saying I'm elder than you and your Bhabi. If I'm saying something then please listen to me. Sia says I'm an adult. Vyom says I'm loving the catfight and we are hating it. Ridhima says believe me. Sia says I love Vyom so I will meet him. Vyom says I Love it. Ridhima says he is using you and Sia says no one cannot break us. Arey, what happens here? 24 hours truth Gaya, 6 hours are still missing and we are having this Catfight? Ahhhh - why I'm writing this. 

But then again Ridhima, you bought this. No matter what deal you did with him, the thing is he used you. You guys are not any partners. You became a puppet again, darling. Sad to say but the truth. Ridhima says bas**** Vyom and Sia says don't talk like that to Vyom and don't interfere in my personal life and if you interfere then I will start interfering in your personal life. Sia is threatening her. Sia says I'm sure that no one in the house knows that you meet Vyom, why? Ridhima leaves. Even we also want to know why? 

Vansh with a knife says I know what Ridhima did with BB. Angre says what we feared happened at last. Vansh smiles. Angre says why you are not sad? Because that's fake. Vansh shows the red box (RB) and says to open that BB one needs the key and the box is safe until no one gets it. Are you saying RB is the BB? Kiara is listening. So yes RB is the new BB. Kabir is shouting for Ridhima and the guard comes. People listen to the voices and says I will call cops. Now, what this drama. 

Ridhima says I will tell you what you should do but for now, make him shut up. Ridhima enters her room and Vansh smiles. She is shocked to see the room is decorated. Now what? Anniversary special? Ridhima says why we are celebrating this? She says not my birthday, neither yours and not our anniversary. Vansh says couples like us don't need any day to celebrate. We know it. You guys just need some topic to celebrate. Vansh says I'm alive, you are living so life gave us another day to celebrate. Vansh, you forgot to mention the baby? Ridhima thinks he doesn't know about BB. Vansh says did you said something? Ridhma says No. She says I felt you might be angry with me. Not only he, but we all also are angry at you, dear. 

Vansh picks her in his hands and says of course I'm angry at you. Ridhima smirks. This is why the theme of the celebration is blood red. She is shocked. He makes her sit. He picks the red rose and goes on his knees and gives her a rose. It pricks and she gets up saying I will put on a bandaid. Vansh says why don't you give it a try for old fashion and she says what? Arey dumb girl we know from here what he is intending and being beside don't you understand? Vansh takes her finger and keeps it in his mouth. Remember she did once same to him. Recreation of the scenes. But those are memorable and monumental scenes of IMMJ2. Ridhima says this is good, first you hurt me then you heal me. Why do I feel some double meaning in these lines, like 6 hours truth is something that hurts her more than him. 

Vansh pulls her close and says you're right. I'm the one who hurts you and so does will heal you because you belong to me. Well, after ages I heard some obsessed line from him. Wait did we ever saw his obsession? Nada. So for the first time heard the line, but need to see those emotions. Ridhima smirks. She puts hands on him and says I only belong to you. Vansh says I only belong to you no matter whether anyone betrays me or hurt me from behind and he holds more closely as if he doesn't want her to get out from his clutches. Ridhima is shocked. He kisses her on the forehead while she feels uncomfortable and she says I need to speak to you. He says tell me. She says wait some more time. Vansh says some surprise? Ridhima says more than a surprise. Well, Ridhima when you have time, blurt it out! Because I'm sure something is going to happen which you might not think and then you won't be having anything to say from your side. Makers, we don't want any revenge or hatred track from Vansh. 

Vansh and Ridhima dances while Ridhima is worried. Kabir speaks with Ridhima while the guard gives the phone. Ridhima asks what do you want? He says I want you. What? Yaar, maybe these injections made me go back to TV lustful Kabir. Bro, yesterday you want to hurt her and today I love you. Wah! Kabir says I'm missing you, baby. Baby? Ridhima says no matter how much you shout, it doesn't affect me. Guard says if you say yes, I will cut his tongue. She says No. Guard Dada, we all give permission, why tongue, dissect his whole body. Permission granted. Kabir says I love you, please come to me. The police siren is ringing. Guard says he was shouting for a long time, maybe neighbours had complained about him. Ridhima shocked and Kabir laughs. Oh yaar, his plan! See, on deathbed also he knows how to stress the pulse of the enemy. Kabir - we love you man so we hate you too. 

Kabir says police will come and takes me. Then I will come to get you. Ridhima says put clothes in his mouth. Give the phone to the cop and I will speak with him. Guard does. Ridhima says I'm Jia Bajaj? Ye Bajaj Kaha se aya? Ridhima says this house belongs to me and the one who is shouting is my brother and he is mentally unstable. Due to medicines, he shouts and he tries to himself. The doctor said it will take some time. And I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Cop say Okay and leaves. Bhai---- Okay, he wants Aryan and the rest of the RS clan to cal him Kabir Bhai and it worked. Ridhima called him Bhai - rakshabandhan kab hein? 

Guard removes clothes and Kabir says how can you say this? Ridhima say don't do anything. My deal is done and I'm going to tell Vansh everything. Once I tell him, you can go. Kabir is shocked. He asks how could you? The moment you say him the truth, he will kill you? Now what truth can kill her? Is he thinking Vansh doesn't know about the diamonds, rifle and BB? Or something else? Kabir says you are a fool. Ridhima says Okay, bye. Kabir smiles and says she is going, to tell the truth and that says she is finished. Now, what truth is that? 

Vansh comes from the washroom topless and Kiara standing. She breaks a glass. He removes the towel and stands before her. Looks like a boss is developing a six-pack. We can see some tiny and underdeveloped packs. Vansh asks what happened? Kiara picks the wine and comes near him. She tries to flirt with him. Ridhima pushes Kiara and the glass falls and breaks. Don't tell me we are going to see jealousy and possessive Ridhima, ah! Arey but makers if you have given this, then one day give Vansh also being in jealousy and possessive high mode. 

Ridhima says oops. Kiara says I will make another two. Ridhima says make three and Vansh won't mind. Vansh says I won't mind anything because regular people drinks with glass who afraid to lose out themselves but I'm the one who drinks from the bottle. The BGM takes away again. VR! But we see VR with Ridhima more than the Dramebaaz. How come you can disrespect your wife, Vansh? Ridhima shocked and Kiara smirks. Vansh asks would you like to drink wine from the bottle with me? Ridhima shocked again and Kiara smiles and says yes. Vansh, at once you did the same with Ahana but now don't repeat it! 

Kiara says I would love to and checks Ridhima. Vansh notices the same. He asks do you like to drink from the bottle. Ridhima says No thanks. I don't like more than 2 lips on the bottle. Vansh says even I don't like. Ridhima says but I can see that you like anyone's lips. Vansh says that's the issue, when something happens the other person understands something else. Ridhima says one can only understand what the other person is showing us. Doesn't it apply to you also, Ridhima. You are stealing things from him and that says you are betraying him. Vansh says maybe the person before is trying to show something else but the person is not understanding at all. Vansh this goes to you also. But I'm glad you are giving her enough chances. We might blame you 10% ut not more until you don't cross the line with some revenge or hatred game. Kiara became a scapegoat between wife and husband. She thought to drink but here something else is happening. What is that Vansh trying to prove here? 

Precap: Ridhima and Vansh in white and area in poolside are decorated. Ridhima says that day is the most beautiful day when Ridhima and Vansh became one. Vansh says you promised to say something else, why don't you say it? Ridhima says I will. Vyom calls and she picks. Ridhima says what is your problem? Why you are calling me? Vyom says the BB you sent is fake. Ridhima confronts Vansh and says you betrayed me. Vansh says not me, it is you who betrayed me. Ridhima says No, I didn't betray you and I called you here because I want to tell you every truth. Vansh says then tell me. Ridhima says No, now I cannot tell you. Vansh says truth has a very bad habit, it cannot be hidden for a long time. If not today, it will be out tomorrow. Ridhima shocked and scared too

P:S - Do we get to see the basic truth of the 6 hours tomorrow or not? The way Vansh reacting in precap is like now I don't care because I know what to do. As an individual episode, it is Okay. But then as wholesome of series, this track should end soon. 

Why riansh always underestimate each other when they both know they're are smart and both knows to play games🙄🙄🙄.. wow we tolerated one ishani witch till now but we need to tolerate two seems😠😠.. sia your downfall started at moment when you met vyom, hope you end up pregnant girl👿👿👿..

Riddima giving back everyone not bad though 👏👏👏..

Riddu when your keeps box and remote everything on front you don't you feel suspicious that he is trying to trap you🙄🙄.. vansh played again 🤭🤭🤭.. 

Kabir would never thought in wild dream riddu will call him as brother 🤣🤣🤣.. you deserve all demeon 👏👏

Lollipop you are going to hurt by fork inside your throat.. don't go near fire girl, just stick to aryan.. both riansh aren't what you think 🤭🤭🤭.. at the end you looked like scapegoat between them 😂🤣😂

So cvs please reveal it man what the damn six hours is..  at least we will be on peace 🙈🙈

geetikabhasin thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

I can’t believe Vansh was flirting with Kiara in front of Rhiddima starting to get worried how Vansh will react when he finds out secret 

urmita thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Awesome commentary and update as usual...😃

Today Vansh ne dil jit lia by God...BB ko orange box bana dia and fake BB Riddhima ko churane dia and pata ho nehi chalne dia k safe mein fake box hai... well done👏 these are the kinds of moves vansh should have always instead of only big talk... loved how he scored one on Riddhima ki Dhoom wala version🤣

Kabir...see this is why I say kabir is a real villein and vyom is useless and lazy...banda bandha pada hai injured drugged hai  itni budi haal hai phir bhi apne harkato se Riddhima ki BP badha dia...when he was saying baby I miss u I was laughing so hard like this guy never fails to entertain🤣then ofcourse saw his plan and was like see this is why he needs to be back in action...I love to hate him...😆

Riddhima....Uski superthief wali avatar kamzor hoti aur vohi old clever and stupid ki ajeeb combo wali hypocrite si bacchi vapas ate dikhi aj...She had absolutely no idea kya gaddha khod lia apne lie vyom se ye deal karke...abhi Sia and Dadi bhi enemy mante hai, Vansh pyaar to karta hai and protecting like the true loving hubby he should have been on tv but he won't trust her now knowing she is betraying him, doesn't seem to be in the mood to listen to her explanations and trust her...khud se pata karega and I m sure bomb phutne k style mein pata chalega...udhar black box fake hai to vyom won't keep his part of deal and Riddhima lost track of real bb..upar se Kabir looks like ye khud se someday soon bahar a hi jaega...so basically jis reason k lie villein banne ki drama ki vansh ko dhoka dia that won't be successful...Vansh still loves her but won't trust whatever she says anytime soon...gharwale jo piche se hurt karte the unse abhi open dushmani ho gayi...Vyom was using her till now but ab jab he gets she can't bring box anymore he will start with plan B Sia and throw Riddhima to the wolves...last but not the least...kabir Riddhima all think Vansh will kill her after knowing truth..while I m sure that's Riddhima ki silly fear, vansh truly loves her, koj buda react to karega when he knows from a source not Riddhima...like Riddhima reacted bad bad when she believed Vansh has shot Ragini and held her captive...So basically Riddhima chakravyu mein ghus chuki and I don't believe she knows how to get out...and clearly doesn't trust vansh to help her out...She is getting trapped bad and she called it on herself totally....good luck Riddhima, hope ur new found skills and confidence come in handy...

Kiara and Vansh...Kiara is trying to get close to show him tattoo somehow and Vansh finally got I think kiara wants something from him real bad and he is doing ek teer se do shikar..1. give kiara mauka to approach him with her motive by accepting her offer, 2. Riddhima pe chotu sa revenge for not telling him her secrets by giving her taste of her medicine where he looks to be doing something while he is doing something else entirely with kiara...he pretty much told her so...

Now Ishani...well Riddhima learned to handle her, well done girl...

Ishani 2.0 in the making...well I skipped her irritating scene... whatever🤪

All in all good Episode, not irritating but not awesome either...

I wanna know 6hrs ka raaz asap...

Sharanifou4 thumbnail
Anniversary 3 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Thank you for the update dear🤗

Iam literally skipping all Sia-Vyom and Ishani scenes on these recent episodes 

Kiara getting in to my nerves now 🤢

I think we can get 6hrs ka raaz after 6yrs only 👎🏼

Wat the heck ?Do writers really have a raaz🤓

Gosh nowadays RiAnsh conversation are having lots of double meaning ; mainly that dard one🤣🤣..

And I have a doubt Is that Rrahul’s ribs or growing six pack arbs what we saw so close now😉 😆

gaya84 thumbnail
Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: urmita

Awesome commentary and update as usual...😃

Today Vansh ne dil jit lia by God...BB ko orange box bana dia and fake BB Riddhima ko churane dia and pata ho nehi chalne dia k safe mein fake box hai... well done👏 these are the kinds of moves vansh should have always instead of only big talk... loved how he scored one on Riddhima ki Dhoom wala version🤣

Kabir...see this is why I say kabir is a real villein and vyom is useless and lazy...banda bandha pada hai injured drugged hai  itni budi haal hai phir bhi apne harkato se Riddhima ki BP badha dia...when he was saying baby I miss u I was laughing so hard like this guy never fails to entertain🤣then ofcourse saw his plan and was like see this is why he needs to be back in action...I love to hate him...😆

Riddhima....Uski superthief wali avatar kamzor hoti aur vohi old clever and stupid ki ajeeb combo wali hypocrite si bacchi vapas ate dikhi aj...She had absolutely no idea kya gaddha khod lia apne lie vyom se ye deal karke...abhi Sia and Dadi bhi enemy mante hai, Vansh pyaar to karta hai and protecting like the true loving hubby he should have been on tv but he won't trust her now knowing she is betraying him, doesn't seem to be in the mood to listen to her explanations and trust her...khud se pata karega and I m sure bomb phutne k style mein pata chalega...udhar black box fake hai to vyom won't keep his part of deal and Riddhima lost track of real bb..upar se Kabir looks like ye khud se someday soon bahar a hi jaega...so basically jis reason k lie villein banne ki drama ki vansh ko dhoka dia that won't be successful...Vansh still loves her but won't trust whatever she says anytime soon...gharwale jo piche se hurt karte the unse abhi open dushmani ho gayi...Vyom was using her till now but ab jab he gets she can't bring box anymore he will start with plan B Sia and throw Riddhima to the wolves...last but not the least...kabir Riddhima all think Vansh will kill her after knowing truth..while I m sure that's Riddhima ki silly fear, vansh truly loves her, koj buda react to karega when he knows from a source not Riddhima...like Riddhima reacted bad bad when she believed Vansh has shot Ragini and held her captive...So basically Riddhima chakravyu mein ghus chuki and I don't believe she knows how to get out...and clearly doesn't trust vansh to help her out...She is getting trapped bad and she called it on herself totally....good luck Riddhima, hope ur new found skills and confidence come in handy...

Kiara and Vansh...Kiara is trying to get close to show him tattoo somehow and Vansh finally got I think kiara wants something from him real bad and he is doing ek teer se do shikar..1. give kiara mauka to approach him with her motive by accepting her offer, 2. Riddhima pe chotu sa revenge for not telling him her secrets by giving her taste of her medicine where he looks to be doing something while he is doing something else entirely with kiara...he pretty much told her so...

Now Ishani...well Riddhima learned to handle her, well done girl...

Ishani 2.0 in the making...well I skipped her irritating scene... whatever🤪

All in all good Episode, not irritating but not awesome either...

I wanna know 6hrs ka raaz asap...

That's why I said both sometimes underestimate each other.. both know how their minds are but still forget.. he purposely keeping box and remote infront of her and she also knows he is keeping eye on her.. can't she think he is trapping her? Kabir is right yesterday she is indeed fool sometimes, she thought she took box and show to vyom proudly 🤭🤭🤭.. no wonder kabir know riddu well🙈🙈   Don't worry about kiara she is scapegoat in between wiffy and hubby.. he will be trashed by both of them, just remember ahana 🤣🤣

urmita thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: gayatherry88

That's why I said both sometimes underestimate each other.. both know how their minds are but still forget.. he purposely keeping box and remote infront of her and she also knows he is keeping eye on her.. can't she think he is trapping her? Kabir is right yesterday she is indeed fool sometimes, she thought she took box and show to vyom proudly 🤭🤭🤭.. no wonder kabir know riddu well🙈🙈   Don't worry about kiara she is scapegoat in between wiffy and hubby.. he will be trashed by both of them, just remember ahana 🤣🤣

Oh yeah kabir knows Riddhima well...😂

Riddhima vansh dono ka issue ye hai k jab dil se sochna hota hai dimag se sochke ek dusre ko hurt karte hai and jab dimag se sochne ki time hoti hai sometimes dil bich mein a jati hai... Riddhima I think thought Vansh loves her and thinks her vohi old wali innocent Riddhima and she these days seem to think herself some Supergirl or something so Vansh ne aise hi baato baaton mein apne Riddhima k samne box rakh dia ye sochi hogi...kitna proudly show kar rahi thi box and apparently now it is starting to seem she really is that same old Riddhima who doesnt get the full impact of what she does...I mean giving bb to vyom will never solve anything it will mess things bad for vansh uparse vyom won't keep his side of deal he is the enemy afterall...just like kidnapping Ragini from vansh messed things more...she IS the Riddhima we knew...😂 Well OOPS for her😆😆

Not worrying about kiara coming between Riansh...nope... infact she is quite a refreshing little thing...I love how she handles Aryan and I don't mind at all when she tries to hit on Vansh coz come on that little thing doesn't fall remotely in scope of Vansh's rader.🤪..she is no threat like Ahana seemed for a very little while...she is a key part of this whole raaz thing maybe..let her stay...

gaya84 thumbnail
Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: urmita

Oh yeah kabir knows Riddhima well...😂

Riddhima vansh dono ka issue ye hai k jab dil se sochna hota hai dimag se sochke ek dusre ko hurt karte hai and jab dimag se sochne ki time hoti hai sometimes dil bich mein a jati hai... Riddhima I think thought Vansh loves her and thinks her vohi old wali innocent Riddhima and she these days seem to think herself some Supergirl or something so Vansh ne aise hi baato baaton mein apne Riddhima k samne box rakh dia ye sochi hogi...kitna proudly show kar rahi thi box and apparently now it is starting to seem she really is that same old Riddhima who doesnt get the full impact of what she does...I mean giving bb to vyom will never solve anything it will mess things bad for vansh uparse vyom won't keep his side of deal he is the enemy afterall...just like kidnapping Ragini from vansh messed things more...she IS the Riddhima we knew...😂 Well OOPS for her😆😆

Not worrying about kiara coming between Riansh...nope... infact she is quite a refreshing little thing...I love how she handles Aryan and I don't mind at all when she tries to hit on Vansh coz come on that little thing doesn't fall remotely in scope of Vansh's rader.🤪..she is no threat like Ahana seemed for a very little while...she is a key part of this whole raaz thing maybe..let her stay...

Yes I don't know what problem with lollipop, she is just a key and how we can see jealousy riddu.. for vansh it doesn't matter whether they have any third angle because he always possessive of her hope everyone should remember he is jealous of himself 🤣🙈🤣.. he itself said on vihaan track...

Top of it riddu saying you betrayed me🤭🤭🤭🤭 when she is doing it.. I couldn't stop laughing man 🤣🤣🤣🤣..

She itself saying to vyom is bad to sia but she is having a deal with him and also trust him, wow riddu🤣🤣🤣.. better she opens soon to vansh , already sia for dressing riddu is blamed but she may get pregnant soon and everything will collapse and messy.. 

Hope riddu don't make aryan and kabir words true..

Aryan - brother you will be destroyed by her 

Kabir - you are, is and always will be fool