The Charm of Red Dupatta - KZK PreRish AnuLika FF - Page 3


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Sshesha thumbnail
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Posted: 3 years ago

Chapter 6 - Mohini's change in heart

The episode starts with, Mohini slaps Anurag for marrying Komolika for without her permission. She says, "I thought of celebrating your wedding in a grand manner. But you ruined everything. You don't do anything as per parents wish. You suddenly resigned your police job. After a year, you started a bakery without joining our family business. Now, you married someone else. What will the society think about our family? You are ruining our status, Anurag." Anurag says, "You are not considering your son's feelings. So I don't have to give any explanation to you." Komolika stops Anurag and apologizes to Mohini. Mohini doesn't wish to see her face. Nivedita takes the aarti and welcomes Komolika. Tapur and Rakhi helps the couple to complete the marriage rituals. After some hours, Komolika and Anurag meets Mohini. Mohini cries. Anurag apologises and hugs Mohini. Mohini accepts Komolika whole-heartedly. Komolika and Anurag take the blessings.

Bajaj mansion,
Rishabh cooks for Prerna. Rishabh says, "I am not good at cooking. So, I am going to test you whether my food is eatable or not." Prerna says, "I don't know how to save Kuki, mom and grandma from your food." Rishabh stares at Prerna. Prerna giggles louder. Prerna says, "Cook the food, Rishabh". Rishabh says, "I know what to cook where to cook and when to cook. So keep quite." Prerna says, "You're speaking too much." Rishabh says, "Not more than you. You're really weird." Prerna replies, "Not more than you". Rishabh thinks, "Again... I don't know from which factory this girl is made." Prerna looks at him angrily. Rishabh laughs and Prerna beats him with coriander leaves.

Basu mansion,
Komolika dresses up like a Bengali women to impress Mohini more. Komolika asks Anurag to comment about her. Anurag says, "You are too scary." and laughs. Komolika says, "You are jealous of my look." Komolika ties her hair. Anurag come behind her and hold her tightly infront of the mirror. Anurag says, "You are looking more gorgeous than the existing women in the world. I am already melted by your beauty. I love you." Komolika pushes him. Anurag carries her and kiss her. Tapur and Rakhi see their romance. Tapur and Rakhi giggles louder. Anurag leave her down. Rakhi and Tapur run and Komolika follows them. Anurag smiles. Tapur runs to Nivedita and says, "We have a scene for you, Nivi. You know Anu..." Komolika holds her mouth and says, "Nivi, you are looking beautiful. Thats what she is saying." Rakhi says whole event. Nivedita smiles. Komolika too smiles. Anurag saw his sisters and wife were talking. Anurag says, "Its really a good chance to escape." He leaves the house in a hurry.

Bajaj mansion,
Prerna is sleeping. Rishabh comes there. Rishabh says, "How could a human sleep so peacefully after eating my food? Is it indeed good?" Prerna wakes up but still in bed and pretends to be asleep. Rishabh understood she wasn't sleeping.. Rishabh saw the mirror and speaks, "Prerna is sleeping like a mongoose."

Prerna is irked and  throws a pillow on him. Rishabh runs. Prerna follows Rishabh and says, "I won't spare you". Prerna collides with Kuki and runs. Kuki asks her what happened. Rishabh goes to garden. Prerna says, "I caught you". Prerna slips and falls into Rishabh's arms and share a eyelock. Sun raha hai tu plays. Prerna says, "You are indeed strong. Otherwise I'll make you fall." Rishabh and Prerna laughs

Basu's mansion,
Police came there. Nivedita asks what happened. Police says, "We are here to arrest Mrs.Mohini Basu for attempting a murder on Mrs.Prerna Bajaj". Komolika gets shocked.

Sshesha thumbnail
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Posted: 3 years ago

Chapter 7 - Desirable Husband and Innovative Wife

Kuki and Maya saw the couple is dirty by sand and mud. Kuki laughs at them and asks,"You both are really enjoying in mud rather than in house." Rishabh pulls Kuki's ears. Maya says, "Leave her. She is a child." Rishabh says, "What? She is grown like a donkey." Prerna laughs. Kuki beats Rishabh. Kuki says, "Bye. I have to leave for college." Prerna, Maya and Rishabh bids her.

After freshening themselves, Prerna says, "Rishabh. I am going to complete my college days in 10 days. I have planned for starting a hotel in Bengali manner. What are you saying?" Rishabh says, "Yeah. Its good. I can help you for investment. Even let me introduce you to some known engineers of me." Prerna says, "Thanks, Rishabh. But no need for your help for investment. I have some scholarship accounts and even got some amount from trusts for improving the Coffee parlour. I think its enough." Rishabh says, "Its ok. But no need to hesitate when you need my help. By evening, I'll take you to some officials". Prerna thanks him.

Basu's mansion.

Nivedita and Komolika are shocked of Inspector's statement. Mohini feels guilty and she accepts that she tried to murder Prerna and asks Komolika for forgiveness. Komolika breaks down and cries. The Inspector arrests Mohini. Anurag rushed to the house. Tapur narrates the event. Anurag gets angry on his mom and he consoles Komolika and asks forgiveness on her behalf. Tapur asks Nivedita to call lawyer. Anurag says, "No one will bail Mrs.Mohini. She thinks that her ego is important than people's feelings and even his sons. If anyone bail her out. I leave the house with Komolika." The sisters feels that Anurag is right. Komolika is confused what to do. If Komolika rescue Mohini, its like decieving Prerna. If she doesn't rescue Mohini, its like hurting Anurag.
Anurag locks his room and cries. Komolika and Anurag's sisters knocks the door but he refuses to open. Komolika cries. The sisters console her.

In hotel,
Rishabh introduces Prerna as his wife. Rishabh says, "She invested some amount for starting a hotel. She wishes to be a independent hotel manager. She needs some help that you can suggest her a good land." One of the engineer says, "I am sorry sir, Its not possible for a middle class women to start a hotel. She doesn't seem to have knowledge about it. Even she didn't have any experience." Rishabh says, "Just shut up". Prerna says Rishabh, "Its ok. I can deal with them."
Prerna says, "Sir, are you a millionaire?". He says, "No. But I have wealth." Prerna asks him, "Your's or father's?" The man says, "Its my father's but I am earning only because of.." Prerna says, "I can understand. But your Fathers money is one of the reasons for your success, am I right?" The man says, "Of course". Prerna says, "So you are zero if your father doesn't give his money." The man saw down with guilt.

Prerna says, "Its not your fault for your dumbness. Its because of society. They taught us that rich can ne rich and poor is always poor. And middle class is always stumbling. Maybe I get married to a successful businessman. But I didn't use his money. I am using my earning in my part time job and donations from charitable trust fir my education and for my coffee parlour. You guys get jealous and insecure if a middle class become rich. You always want them to stumble. Why can't middle class succeed in their life? Because your evil ploys to demotivates them. They too can succeed and even better than you. Even this businessman is the son of the richest business man but he starts a new business and become more successful than his father and then he merges his and his father business together. Maybe I cannot know some tactics. But I have the ability to learn and acquire it. I am determined to build a good hotel. If you help, you can, otherwise get lost. Please don't demotivate us. Thankyou."

The man felt ashamed. He apologized to Prerna. Rishabh asks them to leave and may meet her tomorrow if you are interested.

Next morning,

Komolika doesn't sleep. Anurag came outside. He lays on Nivedita's shoulder and cries his heart out. Tapur and Rakhi consoles him. They saw, Mohini is coming to the Basu's house. Anurag gets angry and his eyes become red. He asks, "Who brought you here? You deserves to be in jail for more years actually." He asks Mohini to leave. Mohini feels guilty. He push Mohini down but Komolika save her from fall and Komolika slaps Anurag. Anurag says, "Are you mad? This lady is a cold blooded murderer."

"No, Anurag" – a voice came from outside and its Prerna. Rishabh accompanies her. Komolika hugs her. Anurag gets shocked.
(FB shows, Rishabh receives a call from police station. He came to know Mohini is behind the act. He thanks the officer for arresting her. He hung up. Prerna hears that and asks who is the murderer. Rishabh hesitates to answer. Prerna forces him. Rishabh confess everything. Prerna says, "I have to release Ms.Mohini. Otherwise, it leads to confusion in Basu's family." Rishabh opposes Prerna. Prerna is adamant in her decision.)

Prerna says, "I withdrew the complaint as it is in my name." Anurag asks her, "She tries to kill you. But you rescued her." Prerna says, "Nothing had happened to me. I am well, Anurag." Rishabh says, "She is right. We are ready to apologise her for her fault." Komolika hugs Prerna and thanked her. Prerna says, "Its for you and Anurag. Don't worry." Anurag hesitates to speak. Mohini cries her heart out and asks for forgiveness. Komolika and Rishabh ask her to forgive. Anurag forgives her and they hug each other.
Mohini thanks Prerna for uniting the family and at the same she apologizes her. The family reunited. Nivedita asks Prerna and Rishabh to stay at home today.Prerna and Rishabh agrees.

The family had a breakfast. Suddenly Komolika vomits. Rakhi checks her and confirms that she is pregnant. Tapur makes fun if Anurag, " Within a days of his marriage, he makes bhabhi pregnant." All of them laughs. Anurag reminsces, Komolika and he consummate themselves on the day of Prerna's discharge. Anurag smiles.

Sshesha thumbnail
Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 3 years ago

Chapter 8 Finale -Happy but Twisted End

All the family members are making fun if Anurag. Anurag and Komolika felt shy but they laughs. Someone knocks the door. Komolika opens a door and she see a girl with a baby. Komolika asks, "Who are you?"
The girl says, " I am Sonal."
Komolika gets shocked and call Anurag and others. Anurag is too shocked. Sonal asks Anurag, "Why did you leave me, Anurag?" Anurag is dumbstruck. Komolika asks Sonal, "Anurag said to me that you're a terrorist and he killed you, right." Mohini interupts and asks, "Who is she? How is she related to my Anurag?" Anurag says, "She was my ex-lover." Sonal asks Anurag, "Who is she?" Anurag says, "She is my wife, Komolika." Sonal is shocked.

Sonal says,"How could you marry a girl by leaving me with our one and half year old baby?" She further says, "You doubted that I decieved you and that I am a terrorist." Prerna and Rishabh asks Anurag to reveal the whole event. Anurag reveals his past about Sonal to the family

Sonal says, "You didn't trust me, Anurag. No mother will threaten to kill her child when she was pregnant. "Komolika says, "I can't understand what you are saying?" Sonal says, "Let me say what happened."

Sonal says, "The day before the festival I was kidnapped. I saw a doppelganger of me there. Her name is Khavyanjali. She said to me that her aim is to kill Anurag. She had changed her face like me to kill Anurag when she came to know I am his lover. She used a drug to enlarge her tummy like me. If you saw her after an hour, her tummy would get normal."

Anurag reminsces that he disposed Sonal(actually Khavyanjali)'s body and he lied to officers that because of the force of bullet she fell down the fire and become unrecognisable.

Sonal continues, "After the bomblast event, all the terrorist were destroyed. None could able to locate me or rescue me. I didn't eat anything for two days. After that I managed to rescue me by biting the ropes that they used to tie me. I ran from there. I could not find solace in Anurag's arms. He feel that I betrayed him. I don't have money that time. I heard that Anurag resigned his job. I worked at roadside shops during that time. I managed to get food and with the help of trust, I got money for my delivery. "

Anurag saw her baby. He cries. Komolika consoles him.

Sonal says, "I gave birth to Janvi. After three months of her birth, I was so depressed. Then, somehow I fought depression.I didn't come here these much days as I was not financially stable. I am still living for Janvi and you but you married a girl and she seems to be pregnant."

Sonal see the pregnancy strip in the hands of Komolika showing positive.

Komolika says, "Anurag is not at fault. He revealed about his past to me. Its just a misunderstanding plotted by someone for something." Komolika cries.

Anurag says, "I don't deserve your sorry, Sonal but I am sorry." Anurag cries. Rishabh and Prerna consoles him. Sonal asks, "I know about Anurag and I know more than others that he is not at fault. Even there is some fault at me too. After proposing Anurag, I was tested positive for cancer. I feared of revealing it to him. So, I remained shy infront of him. But I got cured after two months by god's grace. Then I carried Anurag's baby. Because of pregnancy disturbances, I could not spend time with Anurag. I didn't give the required love for him."

Komolika hugs Sonal and cries. Nivedita asks sadly, "What will we do now?"

Rakhi says, "Shall we keep Sonal and Janvi here?" Tapur suggests, "We introduce her as Komolika's long lost sister." Prerna asks, "Are you fine with this plans, Sonal?"

Sonal gives the baby to Anurag. Anurag hugs Janvi and cries. He then give back the baby with heavy heart.

Sonal says, "I didn't come here for seeking justice for me or to get money from you. I just want to convey to Anurag and his family that I am alive with my daughter. I wanted Anurag to feel his baby's charm and beauty. I wanted Janvi to see her father. I felt and realized in these days that I am not suitable for Anurag. I know how to raise my child. I gave her name Janvi Sonal. I know how to make her a good human being. I can see Anurag's guilt for his me and his immense love for Komolika in his eyes. I wish Komolika and Anurag to have a peaceful life. Anurag and his family can visit Janvi anytime. I won't abandon you."Sonal gives her address to Komolika. Komolika hugs her and thanked her. Sonal says, "Happiness of Anurag is my happiness."

The family members tries to stop her. But Sonal remains adamant. Anurag hugs Sonal. Sonal says, "All the best."

Prerna and Rishabh says, "We'll always there for you. You can ask any help from us."

Komolika and Anurag can't stop Sonal and their tears.Sonal takes Janvi and leaves the house.

Words of love : A women can raise her child on her own without the help of others. She just need is child's love. Coming to Anurag's situation, its really this or that situation. Its really a tough choice. Even girls are there who are mature and understanding and can do anything for love.Sonal's love is justified and its the purest.