Shaitan-Haiwan thumbnail
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Critique Crusaders

Posted: 3 years ago

Lots of celebs get flack for this but, the truth is that a lot of people want to be fair skinned

The ads shouldn’t show that being dark is a negative thing but I don’t understand if someone wants to be fair then let them use whatever products they want.... isn’t that also a personal choice ?

I don’t see any protesting for when Stars endorse things like Coke or Thumbs Up which is essentially poison for your body. Woh teek hai? Or that time when Hrithik endorsed McDonalds and we all know the man hasn’t eaten a burger since 1998. 


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BinKuchKahe. thumbnail
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Posted: 3 years ago

Comparing endorsing fairness creams and endorsing coke is like comparing apples and oranges. They are 2 such different things.

Endorsing fairness creams is fine. But its the message that all these fairness creams endorse that is problematic. Most of these ads show how a girl is able to attract a good looking boy after she's fair, or how she suddenly becomes more talented because she is fair. Show me one fairness cream ad that actually doesn't discriminate or downplay the fact that a duskier woman is equally desirable.

RE: endorsing coke etc. Dude majority of the world drinks this knowing that it is harmful for the body. No, it is not poison because poision is something that will kill you immediately. It is harmful, but so is junk food. And its not about the product itself. Its about the proportion and quantity you take in. If you have a sip a day, you won't die. But yes if you drink a litre a day, it is harmful.

RunParoRun thumbnail
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Posted: 3 years ago

yup! 100% wrong, the number of times women and men with dark skin have been rejected for marriage b/c of their skin, told don't go into the sun for too long or you'll get dark or even not gotten work in BW/modelling for skin color is just awful. Coke poisons your body sure, but it doesn't promote colorism or eat off of one's insecurity.

I'll never forget the Fair and Lovely ad with Saif-PC where he finally likes her when she has white skin & up until that point didn't even know she existed or the one where the husband doesn't find his wife attractive b/c her genitals are dark and the whole ad was implying that women need to brightened it up down there. Like that idea probs never even crossed anyone's mind until they put that out there. It's so gross. 

Coke ads are never like that, from what I've seen it's all about hanging out with friends and having a fun time. Never about exploiting people's self-esteem. 

Dianaseb thumbnail
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Posted: 3 years ago

Yes, the simple reason being it promotes prejudice and racism. 

mintyblue thumbnail
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Posted: 3 years ago

It's the messaging which is wrong. Fairness creams endorse the idea that fairness is more attractive than dark skin, which is a statement on how we haven't evolved as a society. It's not the product, but the way it depicts a certain mindset of discrimination and propagates stigma, that's extremely wrong. It's all about attacking the self-esteem of those who look a certain way.

And until the messaging changes, the product will continue to be problematic.

Maroonporsche thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

No cause yes ridiculing someone over skin color is wrong. People still have the right to choose their own. So If someones wants to be lighter or even darker its their business.. So if products help that its fine 

Edited by Maroonporsche - 3 years ago
Posted: 3 years ago

Nope it's not but they should not make ads like, that THEY can't get a job bcoz they are dark. 🤪

Whether people like it or not, being fair is beauty standard in india, east asia as well. There is market for it simple.  Writing wssays here isn't going to change it.

Edited by Ronaldo_fan - 3 years ago
roni_berna thumbnail
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Posted: 3 years ago

Yes, because these fairness creams don't work.Only plastic surgeries do 😆 

Also, racism goes two ways. People refer to a dark skinned girl as kaali and a fair girl as safed or gori. Then we have phrases like moti bhains, thin as a stick etc. 

But going by that principle, almost all ads shouldn't be endorsed especially those MCP ads like Men will be Men and women going crazy by a man's perfume 🤪

Shaitan-Haiwan thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail + 7

Critique Crusaders

Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: Ronaldo_fan

Nope it's not but they should not make ads like, that THEY can't get a job bcoz they are dark. 🤪

Whether people like it or not, being fair is beauty standard in india, east asia as well. There is market for it simple.  Writing wssays here isn't going to change it.

But like I said they shouldn’t promote it in that way, that being fair skinned gives you any preferred    treatment. 

But if someone wants to be fair skinned because they want to.... why is that wrong ? I can use fairness products and still be all for equality 

pink_kitten thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 3 years ago

Because racism. And because it's ridiculous as a cream can't change anything, you need surgeries for it so it's exploiting naive insecure people anyways for their money. Usually young girls end up buying them hoping for a change.